Lady Euthanasia

Lady Euthanasia

Jul 24, 2018
"Dreams seem to help us process emotions by encoding and constructing memories of them. What we see and experience in our dreams might not necessarily be real, but the emotions attached to these experiences certainly are. Our dream stories essentially try to strip the emotion out of a certain experience by creating a memory of it. This way, the emotion itself is no longer active. This mechanism fulfils an important role because when we don't process our emotions, especially negative ones, this increases personal worry and anxiety. In fact, severe REM (rapid eye movement) sleep-deprivation is increasingly correlated to the development of mental disorders. In short, dreams help regulate traffic on that fragile bridge which connects our experiences with our emotions and memories."

Have to agree with this well constructed conclusion at the end of the article thought on the other hand dreams have the equal ability to harm:

"Researchers have found that sleepers who suffer nightmares on a recurring, regular basis can suffer ill health effects, such as:
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Sleep avoidance, which can lead to sleep problems
  • Disturbed sleep episodes"
Personally I find the sleeping realm quite interesting and recently started to investigate deeper into this theme. Besides being intrigued by such vaguely understood occurrence throughout history it became a difficult matter to investigate for we do not have the verified technics to elaborate the perfect experiment recording all the possible stories which travel through our minds at a certain night since I find knowing these might elaborate on the neuro/psychological matters.

Enough of informative lessons I suppose (contrarily if anybody here is a scientist who has been working on this field or similar ones, would very much appreciate your elaboration for I know we have a vast variety of individuals on SS, wouldn´t come of a surprise if there were a few).
My own experiences especially on the recent times consisted of viewing myself stuck on enormous fields of greenery such as forests during cold seasons. I had the knowledge of being watched, followed by the traces, essentially captured (never happened). For I would sprint with expulsion of white clouds of breath whilst the surroundings became blurry to the eye, when could hid in mysterious places, magical even, in some there were beings I long knew but I couldn´t remain in the same place forever, after a few moments I would sense them near, approaching.
As you can tell all were vivid besides well recalled, I came to think this mysterious animal was myself, I was escaping my true nature whom I despise greatly.
Others, especially in my early years of life involved flying, a well known manifestation. My issue involved having difficulty maintaining myself in the air even a few inches from the ground, my arms would desperately go up and down as if I was a bird thought no wings were present, my simple body image and nothing else. (I once dreamt flying on a dragon a few months back, would never give away that memory under any circumstances, have to be honest and say I think it happened under the influence of having read the Abhorsen book series, Clariel specifically).

Anyhow where am I actually ending this letter? My intention consists on being able to read other´s experiences whilst visiting the sleeping realm, how did they affected your day afterwards, where they clear as the sky, were there relief of emotional distress through processing your sentiments in dreams...etc ?

Thank you in advance for listening such a long idea, I hope you are having a decent day.
Much appreciation towards this community ♥,

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Dysgenic Pup

Dysgenic Pup

A canine that’s not so heavenly.
Sep 18, 2021
I have had 3 bad nights of dreams in a row.

4/1/22 - I had a dream that I was harassed by two people (seemingly dressed as fast food employees) who, in the dream, I identified as demons. They would constantly call my phone and stalk me. I would see them and when spotted, they would just laugh hysterically at me.

4/2/22 - I witnessed a shootout. I wasn't involved in the shooting but was witnessing what seemed to be a free-for-all where people were slaughtering each other. I remember it being quite graphic. I never fantasize about murder, mass-murders, etc. and typically avoid that stuff besides the occasional research out of morbid curiosity.

4/3/22 - I don't remember the dream but I know it was about Satan. I woke and had a mild fear that Satan was watching me and perhaps a demon was going to possess me. This was a fear of mine as a child growing with a marginally Christian single Mother. After I left Christianity behind completely in 2018, I've largely gotten over fear of the Devil or demons but I suppose the taste still lingers.

Who knows what today will bring.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
Bumping this thread.

I had a "bad" dream during my nap just now. It consisted of two parts. In the first, it was a snowy night. Even though I had not the slightest idea where I was, "Stockholm" was the only reference that came to mind, in spite of the dreamscape bearing absolutely zero resemblance to Sweden's capital city. I was watching, in third person, my narcissistic father (I will call him Nfather for short here) playing with a little (grey striped tabby) kitten on the street. A few moments later, he came back with an enormous, morbidly obese cat. (By 'enormous', I mean the size of a human teenager or young adult.) It was the same kitten, all grown up, and being too heavy, Nfather was struggling to carry it back to the place where he found it. There and then, he ditched the thiccboi (or girl? Regardless, was a chonk), seemingly having decided that he could no longer take care of it.

Then came the second part. It was as though I was watching a movie where one scene cuts to another. It was late at night, and I was on the bus home, and it seemed like I was using some kind of shuttle service. As there were a few others who were also living in the same district as me, the driver asked if he could stop at the street entrance to where I live. I said yes, which ended up being a fatal mistake. Upon alighting, I made a wrong turn and landed in a not-too-familiar place. In trying to backtrack, I lost my way even more and ended up further from my destination. So, feeling desperate, I decided to ask for directions. Not only that, but I also prayed to God for help. At some point, I started to cry. A couple laughed at me for that, and the more I cried, the more they laughed. As I continued to inquire, another just shook his head and waved in frustration. Eventually, I gave up and just walked in whatever I thought was the right way back. However, my legs were sore and weak, and I only managed to make incremental progress. In an attempt to get myself to soldier on, I repeated to myself, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

It was there that I woke up. Feeling feverish, I wondered what I did wrong to deserve such a nightmare. I had so many questions. What was I "sorry" for? Myself? For pissing off—and incurring the wrath of—God? Why "sorry", of all the words and phrases that I could use to push myself? A voice in my head however got me to calm down, told me I did nothing wrong, and that such "bad" dreams can provide valuable insight to what needs working on. One such aspect I can think of is a deep-seated fear of rejection and abandonment. As of now, I have no doubt that my dream has been influenced by events that have been going on in my life. If I'm in the mood, I'll follow up with a post with my interpretation of the various dream elements and how they relate to real-life events.
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