Not much you can do emotionally, I have hinted at it and discussed it which only served to cause a lot of upset and a very close brush with being committed to a pshyc ward.
Financially I have made sure they will not want. School fees being the most important. Large amounts needed setting aside for that. 2 children good schools in the uk are not cheap.
We own a few properties mortgage free so wife and kids will have a secure income.
Making sure your will is up to date is important.
Had a heart to heart with my eldest (only 4) just to reassure her whatever happens she will be ok.
Emotionally not much you can do in death. In life you can reassure them that you know how much they love you and how much you love them. Be clear about all the support they have given is more than above and beyond.
I think loved ones will automatically look at themselves to blame, so mitigating that as much as possible may help towards minimize damage.
So just make sure financially and emotionally you minimise as much as you can while you are alive.