
Sep 3, 2021
Not really a hate thread or thread to bash people, just something I wanted to talk about after a lot of reflecting. I want to say this part of myself here because I couldn't say this to any of my friends.

When I was 16 I started to notice that I had a habit of only talking about myself in conversation. There is always room to talk about yourself and some people do this more than others, but I mean I was absolutely unable to discuss anything without making it about myself. I felt no drive to give that attention to others. I realized this because I was sometimes talking to this guy I played team fortress 2 with, and I noticed he somehow switched all topics onto himself and was self centered. It made me irritated at first, and then I slowly realized I had been doing that in conversations with all people. It's like everyone was my audience and I existed to be noticed by them, but didn't have it in me to give this back to them.

This scared me back then I think. I remember artificially changing how I did conversations, asking questions all the time in order to be less self centered. I didn't care about anyone though. They were awkward socially oblivious questions, not the kind a sincerely interested person asks. I didn't actually want to ask the questions but I figured this was the way to be likeable and not be perceived as selfish. It was lost on me that showing interest in other people was more complicated than asking questions.

I entered adulthood and was still incredibly self centered. Men on dating apps would quickly nope out. I had inability to maintain friends as I quickly scared others off. Sometimes people would try to talk about themselves and I would shift it onto me, how I related and my own experience with whatever topic. I would notice what I was doing and quickly shift back to them. I entered my first relationship and in hindsight it just fueled this narcissism in me, I just talked about me me me me me me the entire time. An internet friend vented to me about how she was sexually abused in a psychiatric ward when she was 12, and I was just completely unable to care and just wanted to tell my own story. I began talking about myself and quickly stopped, then pretended to show interest in her venting. I would always see people receiving pity and care when sharing something negative they had experienced, and I could only think about how I wanted some of that spotlight. It's so awful in hindsight that someone could be immensely harmed and I felt jealous of the attention they were receiving, but that was me. Being self aware of these thought patterns concerned me, I wanted to be a likeable person who had selfless emotions because then I wouldn't be alone. I hated myself all the time and this partially fueled the hatred. I told a therapist everything I am writing now and she essentially said "no one gave you affection or attention, so you're emotionally unable to give this to people as an adult". Another therapist said I have a permanent emotional deficit that can't be repaired.

I hated myself, had low self esteem, loved to be pitied and taken care of, it was like a codependent abuser magnet and that is what I found the first time I fell in love. I couldn't ever get better because each time I found awareness of these negative aspects of myself it just made me hate myself further. I had no friends, I was estranged from my mom and sister, I only had my ex who enabled all this shitty behavior. My head was filled with all these fantasies of people being afraid of me, admiring me, worshipping me, loving me, pitying me, rescuing me. They became compulsive and ran in my head so often that my day dreams were in this constant self absorbed loop. To be honest even though I was getting beaten up, manipulated and controlled, I think had my ex been a normal man that I would have been the abusive one just because of how fucked up and crazy I had become. But then a normal person wouldn't date someone like the person I was to begin with.

These days I feel like a fraud sometimes, like I play a helping caring role to get what I want. I want to not die alone and so I must perform the necessary actions to maintain social bonds. I say this neutrally because I accept what I am at this point. I actually have friends and a support network of people who care about me for the first time in my life. Sometimes they will come upset about something and I will play pretend maternal helper. They call me a good friend and listener, I suppose I am being one in those moments. It's not real though, I'm not sure I care anymore than I did 13 years ago. It's all this artificial playbook I go through to support people I like having around. I see all friendships and romance as a give&take transaction. People do not want to hear your problems or support you if you don't give it in return. Helping them is like an emotional investment that will pay off further down the line when you feel sad about something. I honestly admit I might just be full of shit with what I'm about to say and forgive me if I am, but I suspect most people operate this way on some level.

I told this all to my most recent therapist and she told me that we all reach our emotional needs in different ways, and that my selfishness doesn't make me less than human. What I've learned since 2018 is the more I find security and assurance from within, the less of an attention whore I am. The less of an attention whore I am, the more attention and concern I feel able to give to others. The more able I am to give those things to others, the more bonds I form that generate esteem and acceptance. It is like a positive cycle. After some years the day dreams stopped, the power fantasies stopped, the jealousy stopped, the approval seeking stopped, the codependency stopped. People's stories are interesting to me and I have come to enjoy paying attention to other people. I still have a long way to go. I'm the same self centered person who is just better suited to navigate life. For example I would have ragequit SS within a few weeks if I was still the same as back then.

I worry because I have a girlfriend now and she is so emotionally normal. I told her to let me know if I'm ever not paying enough attention or listening to her, she seems confused by it. I worry I'll bring harm to her somehow. She's so gentle, warm and unassuming, I feel like an alligator covered in glued on mammal fur that's building a nest with a lamb. I want her to be happy, but my actions feel feigned as a strategy to maintain a relationship. I play pretend in order to have a life where I'm not alone. I owe it to her to make her feel good, she deserves it for treating me so well. The only alternative I have is isolation.
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Dec 10, 2021
not that I'm in any way qualified to give advice or anything, just some thoughts.

i think most people are very self-centered. on a basic level, the only reason we want friendships/relationships is because they'll make us feel good. and i'm sure that a lot of it also happens because of a lack of affection when you were younger. That's definitely the case for me. And especially when you're at such a low point where you hate yourself, it's obvious that you're going to be self-centered because you're just looking for someone to validate you, to give you affection etc. because feeling loved, or even just feeling like your thoughts & feelings matter is pretty much a basic human need. Usually I hate that sentiment of "you can't love someone until you love yourself" but i think in a way it has a grain of truth. when I'm at my lowest points, I don't really care about anyone, not even my family really. it's like being in survival mode, the only thing that matters is taking care of my own needs for affection and validation.

i think the fact you're so aware of this and how concerned you are about your girlfriend means you might be less self-centered than you think. I think really self-centered people wouldn't even notice this.
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Sep 3, 2021
not that I'm in any way qualified to give advice or anything, just some thoughts.

i think most people are very self-centered. on a basic level, the only reason we want friendships/relationships is because they'll make us feel good. and i'm sure that a lot of it also happens because of a lack of affection when you were younger. That's definitely the case for me. And especially when you're at such a low point where you hate yourself, it's obvious that you're going to be self-centered because you're just looking for someone to validate you, to give you affection etc. because feeling loved, or even just feeling like your thoughts & feelings matter is pretty much a basic human need. Usually I hate that sentiment of "you can't love someone until you love yourself" but i think in a way it has a grain of truth. when I'm at my lowest points, I don't really care about anyone, not even my family really. it's like being in survival mode, the only thing that matters is taking care of my own needs for affection and validation.

i think the fact you're so aware of this and how concerned you are about your girlfriend means you might be less self-centered than you think. I think really self-centered people wouldn't even notice this.
I appreciate it.

I have felt similarly about "you can't love someone until you love yourself". You're spot on that it's such a hateable statement but has a little truth to it.

I don't know how to quantify to what extent other people or myself are self centered. I can go off the feedback I get from others, but I do so much feigning I don't know how reliable the feedback is.
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May 20, 2018
I haven't gleaned any narcissism from your posts, but then that's probably according to your masterful plan.

I agree with this:
i think the fact you're so aware of this and how concerned you are about your girlfriend means you might be less self-centered than you think. I think really self-centered people wouldn't even notice this.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
We all use others to get what we want or to make ourselves feel better. All we can hope for is that there's some overlap or mutual benefit to our exchanges.

I don't see anything wrong with directing conversations back to yourself if it's the only way you can think to relate. It doesn't mean a person is necessarily selfish or narcissistic. Maybe they're depressed, or not great socially, or really want to get something off their chest about themselves. I see that as being fair enough, without needing a negative label.

A good example is my father. If I call him and tell him I'm not feeling well, he will immediately one-up me by telling me that he's has the week from hell with a cold, sore throat, flu, whatever. But he's also very generous and giving on a practical level.

However, props for being conscious of it. Many people do it unconsciously, myself included.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
We all use others to get what we want or to make ourselves feel better. All we can hope for is that there's some overlap or mutual benefit to our exchanges.

I don't see anything wrong with directing conversations back to yourself if it's the only way you can think to relate. It doesn't mean a person is necessarily selfish or narcissistic. Maybe they're depressed, or not great socially, or really want to get something off their chest about themselves. I see that as being fair enough, without needing a negative label.

A good example is my father. If I call him and tell him I'm not feeling well, he will immediately one-up me by telling me that he's has the week from hell with a cold, sore throat, flu, whatever. But he's also very generous and giving on a practical level.

However, props for being conscious of it. Many people do it unconsciously, myself included.
It´s true that we are all out for ourselves to some extent but when you are really self-centered or even narcissistic it goes beyond anything normal and ventures into things like faking interest strategically and thinking ahead of what you are going to get, like OP said. That isn´t normal human functioning. Having said that though, I think being narcissistic can be a doable life path if you can have enough mundane success. Many artists, creators and thinkers have no doubt have had this and other serious personality disorders. I believe those narcs that are forced to become reflective have been beaten down by circumstances.


Sep 3, 2021
I haven't gleaned any narcissism from your posts, but then that's probably according to your masterful plan.
I think it would have shown in my early 20s. At least subclinical vulnerable narcissism.

We all use others to get what we want or to make ourselves feel better. All we can hope for is that there's some overlap or mutual benefit to our exchanges.

I don't see anything wrong with directing conversations back to yourself if it's the only way you can think to relate. It doesn't mean a person is necessarily selfish or narcissistic. Maybe they're depressed, or not great socially, or really want to get something off their chest about themselves. I see that as being fair enough, without needing a negative label.

A good example is my father. If I call him and tell him I'm not feeling well, he will immediately one-up me by telling me that he's has the week from hell with a cold, sore throat, flu, whatever. But he's also very generous and giving on a practical level.

However, props for being conscious of it. Many people do it unconsciously, myself included.
Maybe I am too quick to label and put things into boxes.

There is a friend I have who talks about struggling to find a girlfriend. He is in his late 20s and has his own place, a decent job etc. He's not a bad looking guy at all. But he has this knack of doing what your dad does and he quickly becomes boring to talk to. He is seemingly incapable of showing much interest in others and can't read when the other person is disinterested in his ranting. On the other hand he is very sweet and caring, I think he just has a hard time showing it. He hasn't asked for dating advice but if he ever does I would to tell him to develop better listening skills.

You're right it just kind of is what it is and it's fair enough.
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