

Aug 25, 2024
Rather than start a whole bunch of different threads, I thought I'd use this one to tap out a few of my thoughts in public. Only so that they don't run out of control. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) Sounds Sci-fi. So you can see the chaos.

So scientists have figured out that you can 'wash the brain' with the drugs used to induce labour. Something to do with removing old proteins, I'm not sure of the science. They want to use the technique to cure Alzheimer's. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) I wonder if they have a similar idea for tackling depression. I think If I could take a pill to make me 'normal' I would do it. Because I want to be better so badly. I hate the term normal. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) Used by those types of people. I want to call it, a more efficient brain, not a normal one.

I couldn't do anything I wanted today. I couldn't eat. I couldn't write. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) Too much noise going on in my head, but I'm running out of time. I put way to much pressure on it, because I said I would finish this chapter by the end of the month and that's in just under an hour. This self-imposed rule. They're all in my head. Kettle must face this way. Must watch this before that. Must eat this before that. Must do this thing before that. Door must be checked. Things must be certain way in fridge. Things must be certain way in room. Door must be locked. DON'T WEAR GREY. People can't be controlled. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) People can't be reasoned with. Avoid many people. People don't know me. I don't know people. Door must be locked. I want people.

I want my brain to be clean. I want to disinfect my mind from the stench of these horrible thoughts. I want to scrub it clean. Purity. I can't be clean in my mind. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) I want my mind to be more efficient at self-repair. Activate nano-technologies. Like, imagine the government offered you ÂŁ6m to give to your family, so they could experiment with nano-tech on your brain? Would you do it? I bloody well would. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) At least then, they could fix themselves with conventional medicines.

Maybe there is no cure. Maybe I'm on my own. Suffering as the new standard. (DELETED IRRELEVANT) Door must be LOCKED.
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Jul 25, 2024
I'm sorry you're fucking fucked today man.

Answering your question, i would do it too with the promise that if they fucked me up into a potato or something they would have to mercy kill me.

Nothing better than being "normal", i know saying normal is weird but we do have different things on our brains that makes living worse so yeah normal it is.

You aren't alone though. đź«‚
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Hypomania go brrr
Apr 5, 2023
Some insight from psych major studying to get his pysd. The research your discussing(I had to google since I was unfamiliar) seems to focus on removing proteins(namely amyloid beta and tau) as these are important components of Alzheimer's. To oversimplify to the fullest, amyloid beta are "fragments" of the protein amyloid precursor, and these fragments essentially accumulate in clusters on parts of brain which causes neuron death. Tau on the other hand gets to many phosphate groups attached, resulting in impairment of resources going around ur brain, and eventually neuron death. Again, extreme oversimplification, but the noted end result is neuron death. While slowing down, and preventing the process from becoming more aggressive, the brain flushing won't be able to fully cure Alzheimer's neurodegeneration, more so just slow it.

Now to bum everyone out(I'm good at this!)

As for depression, the actual cause of depression is so varied and complex, that it's unlikely we will ever have a one solve all solution for depression. Be it a lack of serotonin, a traumatic experience, or even your guts microbiome being inflamed there are simple two many different elements to address (for obvious reason there are more than the three listed, I picked things which were drastically different as an example). Even in the situation we somehow had a cure all that worked for every single case I can see 2 major problems which would restrict us from it, development time and price. For it to be safe and FDA approved it would take literal decades, and if it eventually came out it would likely cost such a high amount that only the ultra wealthy would be able to afford it. The odds of something so complex being condensed into a pill is extremely improbable, so it would likely be a drawn out process involving several different procedures.

And even in the case the government funded it for you as an experiment, and it worked perfectly and was free. The final step to cross is the question would it even matter. Identity wise you would wake up a completely different person, as such a sudden change in well, everything, from your bodily functions to your self perspective would be altered. People around you would take time getting use to the new you, and might even not even get along with you anymore. In more ways than one, the cost of happiness in this situation would literally be your identity.

Anyways, aside from the bit on Alzheimer's, and the explanation for depressions causes the rest is completely hypothetical so take it with a heavy grain of salt lol. We are constantly learning more about depression so it's possible it's one day solvable with a pill. I also wanted to point out that in the case there was some super pill, there likely would also be people who use it to get high xD. Food for thought.
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The sun rises to insult me.
Jul 15, 2024
What is this supposed to mean?
Perhaps the original text was longer but they decided to delete parts of it because it was irrelevant.
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Aug 25, 2024
What is this supposed to mean?
This is brain removing unwanted information in real time as I'm writing. I'm trying to show my workings.
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A gun is the greatest negotiater
Aug 21, 2024
i feel you man

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