CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Ya this plc same any come rply make fun prsn put like ya this plc same any no diff, make fun othr prsn put like, ya same all atk hars othr prsn put like, rly all awfl scum rly all awfl scum this rly same ape speces all do make fun atk hars 0 rspct 0 care, rly scum callous same injury damage rly ape rly scum, say fun atk hars ignr ya this rlty this scum ppl, me avd all plc still forim sameall, ya this rlty scum no know wat mean injury damage no undrstd wat mean injury damage, scum no know wat brain ,ya rly no know wat mean rly awfl ignrn ppl rly awfl ,ya me sffr all day nostop come rndm scum make fun rndm scum put like, ya this same all same all wat diff ape ape all plc, avod redt etc come this plc all samy, awfl ppl awfl species awfl unvrs awfl all
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Reactions: todiefor, Rosenfort, Nothing87 and 22 others


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I'm sorry that you are having to deal with people on here making fun of you. You've got to be a special type of scumbag to go on to a suicide forum and make fun of someone who types a certain way due to having an injury. Don't let those assholes get to you. They're just a bunch of bitches who make fun of others to cope with their own self-hatred.
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Reactions: Rosenfort, landslide2, CTB Dream and 6 others


Apr 9, 2024
Ya this plc same any come rply make fun prsn put like ya this plc same any no diff, make fun othr prsn put like, ya same all atk hars othr prsn put like, rly all awfl scum rly all awfl scum this rly same ape speces all do make fun atk hars 0 rspct 0 care, rly scum callous same injury damage rly ape rly scum, say fun atk hars ignr ya this rlty this scum ppl, me avd all plc still forim sameall, ya this rlty scum no know wat mean injury damage no undrstd wat mean injury damage, scum no know wat brain ,ya rly no know wat mean rly awfl ignrn ppl rly awfl ,ya me sffr all day nostop come rndm scum make fun rndm scum put like, ya this same all same all wat diff ape ape all plc, avod redt etc come this plc all samy, awfl ppl awfl species awfl unvrs awfl all
I know. No one knows what I'm talking about either. People don't know what severe brain damage is. They are lucky. No one should be making fun of anyone on here. I believe. I can't do this anymore. severe brain damage. Severe. No one knows what I'm talking about. No one understands Orange. But I can tell you when you have severe chemical brain damage all you have is orange. I just sound insane but it's true. I wanted a peaceful way to go no one would help me. They just watch. They kill murdering rapist pedophiles by lethal injection and sedate them before and I have to go cruel. Hopefully the SN kills me officially fast. I did everything I could to hang on this world just f****** destroyed me. And I destroyed myself worst of all.
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Reactions: landslide2, Franken_1517, CTB Dream and 4 others


Former nerd; current burden
Aug 1, 2024
I'm sorry that people made fun of you. I hope it's comforting that there are empathetic people out there, even if they are hard to find or see sometimes. This is a place where people should feel comfortable and safe being vulnerable and healing. It's not a place for mean spirited humor. As hard as I'm sure it is, please try to prevent that from exercising control over your emotions, don't let jerks like that have power over you. Although I'm sure that's easier said than done.
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Reactions: landslide2, CTB Dream, Praestat_Mori and 1 other person


Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
Ya this plc same any come rply make fun prsn put like ya this plc same any no diff, make fun othr prsn put like, ya same all atk hars othr prsn put like, rly all awfl scum rly all awfl scum this rly same ape speces all do make fun atk hars 0 rspct 0 care, rly scum callous same injury damage rly ape rly scum, say fun atk hars ignr ya this rlty this scum ppl, me avd all plc still forim sameall, ya this rlty scum no know wat mean injury damage no undrstd wat mean injury damage, scum no know wat brain ,ya rly no know wat mean rly awfl ignrn ppl rly awfl ,ya me sffr all day nostop come rndm scum make fun rndm scum put like, ya this same all same all wat diff ape ape all plc, avod redt etc come this plc all samy, awfl ppl awfl species awfl unvrs awfl all
Any person who comes on here and makes fun of someone with that level of injury or damage, is deeeply damaged themselves, as it's objectively cruel. I know it's not easy to always shake it off, but just remember that people that have to stoop that low will never understand, its not your job to make them understand, we should all try to be as understanding and compassionate to each other as possible. No matter who you are, if you're here, the world likely has done a number on you and (barring those few terrible people here) and shouldn't you want to show the same compassion to others? @CTB Dream Sending you many hugs and much love. <3
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Reactions: landslide2, CTB Dream, divinemistress36 and 2 others


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm sorry. It's not acceptable to make fun of others. Have you reported them? 🫂
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Reactions: landslide2, CTB Dream and LifeQuitter


My own worst enemy🌹💔
Aug 10, 2024
Ya this plc same any come rply make fun prsn put like ya this plc same any no diff, make fun othr prsn put like, ya same all atk hars othr prsn put like, rly all awfl scum rly all awfl scum this rly same ape speces all do make fun atk hars 0 rspct 0 care, rly scum callous same injury damage rly ape rly scum, say fun atk hars ignr ya this rlty this scum ppl, me avd all plc still forim sameall, ya this rlty scum no know wat mean injury damage no undrstd wat mean injury damage, scum no know wat brain ,ya rly no know wat mean rly awfl ignrn ppl rly awfl ,ya me sffr all day nostop come rndm scum make fun rndm scum put like, ya this same all same all wat diff ape ape all plc, avod redt etc come this plc all samy, awfl ppl awfl species awfl unvrs awfl all
Im so sorry to hear that you feel people are making fun of you! That fucking sucks & there is really no place for that on a website where we can bare our truest feelings. We are vulnerable when we say our truest feelings. But I think those people are (hopefully) few & far between. Best wishes & I hope you find what youre looking for.
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Reactions: landslide2, Praestat_Mori, CTB Dream and 2 others


Im going to be apart of the 27 club
May 30, 2024
oh this makes my blood boil. How fucking DARE someone come on here and have the nerve to make fun of you?? Humans really are just awful scum apes.
I promise you have folks in your corner on here and if I ever see anyone pull this kind of shit I won't hesitate to put them in their place. I'm so sorry you've had to experience this. Words can't express how impressive I think it is that you still come on here and continously be kind to others even while you're in such immense pain. If there's anything at all that I can do please know that my dms are always open to you. My heart cries for all you've had to endure
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Reactions: landslide2, Praestat_Mori, CTB Dream and 2 others
CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
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Reactions: LifeQuitter, divinemistress36, Praestat_Mori and 1 other person


I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Mar 20, 2023
im sorry you are going through this. to think this is happening here, a place where people should be holding up one another since we've all been banged up and hurt by this dingy world. i hope you feel better, and try not to let them get to you. you have support here.
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Reactions: landslide2 and Praestat_Mori


Jun 30, 2024
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I genuinely can't understand being so evil and cruel to mock anyone for something out of their control. I hope their accounts are banned and this can become a safe space for you <3
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