Lowlife Pianist
Mar 10, 2024
I'm in my last year of school. I'm in a really shitty school. Going there almost every day of the week for 5 years has damaged me heavily. In the first 3 years, my grades were "okay". I never had to fear having to retake a class. I never got bad grades.

But now, for what ever reason, I'm failing everywhere. Fs after Fs or 6s after 6s (what ever school system you prefer).
I study for every exam or test like I always did. I maintain the same level of activity during classes (raising my hand, doing my homework and assignments, etc.), but it's not enough anymore.
When ever I'm done studying, I notice that NOTHING stuck. All gone. HOURS of training my brain for NOTHING. And when it's finally time for the exam, I just stare at the paper with an empty head.

I feel like, if studying doesn't do anything anymore, I should stop trying in general. Giving up would save me so much time and stress. Yeah, I might waste 5 years of effort, but it has no use anyway.

I wish I had the balls to actually do that.
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Jun 15, 2022
I had a simmilar experience at school. Teachers & students made me feel worthless. I was once even told be a teacher that I would be on welfare the rest of my life. Things got better after that, I traveled the world and returned home and got a good job. I didnt get very good grades but that didnt matter to this company, my life experience was more important they said.
Just remember that most teachers have no idea what the world is really like. They live in their bubble wrap padded bubble and believe that the only way to do well in life is education. Becuase thats all they've ever done.... Look how far thats got them, they're stuck lecturing kids all day. Education can open many doors but it is not everything in life.
My most valuable thing I got from school was proper socialisation with other people, I was quite a loner and poorly socialised for a long time.
School is just like any other business, they want to tie you into their product/service and make you believe that it's the only way/best way. There will be plenty of opportunities for learning in your life and this is just one of them.

I thought perhaps I had this view perhaps because I went to a bad public school. Before my current job a did a few months working in a highly rated private school and the culture of that place was the most toxic of anywhere I have ever experienced. They had staff turnover at a higher rate than most McDonalds.

I saw an interesting video the other day talking about the modern university culture and how damamging it has become. I dont know what country you live in but I imagine its a simmilar situation in many places. Essentially this doctrine that everyone must go to university has become quite damaging. Many highly skilled roles that require university are not in high demand and there are an abundance of workers leading to low pay and difficulty finding work. Elevator repairmen on the other hand in the USA average over $100K/yr. Because everyone has been told the only way to salvation is through uni, nobody is doing this kind of work anymore making it very lucrative and short staffed.

My point is there are so many opportunities, you can learn a trade, start a business, travel, volunteer... etc. The teachers will try and tell you that what you do now will determine the rest of your life, but it only will if you let it. Get what you can from school and enjoy it, its more of a right of passage than anything else anyway.

Best of luck mate.
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May 8, 2024
I believe your life experience and values and motivations also matter in these kinds of situations. Whether or not you will get a good job may be slightly dependent on how smart you may be, but a lot more of it depends on how you present yourself, how you view the world and the things you've been through already.

I work for myself, so I can't say much about how difficult getting a regular, good paying job would be.

My point is, they make school seem like it's the only way out of a bad life. When that's just blatantly untrue.
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Not a student
Oct 25, 2023
In the real world most people lie about their qualifications. I was awarded a first class honours degree before I was kicked out of the education system for having no money left, and I haven't had a job in over 20 years, and that was just moving boxes.
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