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Jan 13, 2021
I was born and raised in a religious, christian family, although i don't believe in that anymore. i'm scared of god because i can't cancel out the existence of christian God or islamic Allah or any other gods. i'm scared of hell and punishment and more suffering. how can i make these fears leave
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Apr 5, 2022
Zero fears about that for me--No reason to fear God anyway, God would totally understand why people commit suicide
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Jul 13, 2022
I was in the same situation as you, until I met my best friend who was (ended up leaving) in the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Their view is a little bit more of a literal interpretation of the Bible.

In a nutshell, they believe when you die there is nothingness until the end of time, at which point you will be judged and either sent to heaven or your soul will be destroyed and you'll be true nothingness.

That view changed my complete outlook on "life after death" and I've since embraced it. While I don't consider myself a believer of any particular religion, it's brought me a ton of peace compared to what growing up in the Catholic church as brought me.
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Dec 15, 2021
Well, i think the one who should be scared is him when i get out of here and we see each other.
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Jul 10, 2022
I was born and raised in a religious, christian family, although i don't believe in that anymore. i'm scared of god because i can't cancel out the existence of christian God or islamic Allah or any other gods. i'm scared of hell and punishment and more suffering. how can i make these fears leave
The subject of hell terrifies me very much. I have recently seen several videos on Youtube of near death experiences of people who say they have been to hell, and it is a million times worse than any suffering in earthly life. Many say that it has left them traumatized and that after seeing hell, they changed radically for fear of ending up there. What they explain is that hell is an eternal life of punishment, where there are monstrous demons that continually torture you, and kill you over and over again, only you can't die there, but you feel the pain. It feels unbearably hot and there is not a single drop of water, you cannot rest, you cannot sleep even when you are tired. The smell is the most horrible thing you can imagine, it is a detail that all the testimonies tell, the horrible smell in hell.

Also, they say hell is eternal. I don't even want to imagine being in a place like this for eternity, so I'm personally terrified of it. Those who have seen it, some of them after suicide attempts, others not, assure that hell is real, not an invention, and that it is the most horrible thing you can imagine, next to it the Earth is paradise. I believe that it is real, it does not seem to me that they are actors or they are making it up, in fact, hell has been seen by believers and non-believers, and there are too many testimonies.

A couple of videos of testimonials about hell that I saw recently, although there are many:

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Jan 13, 2021
The subject of hell terrifies me very much. I have recently seen several videos on Youtube of near death experiences of people who say they have been to hell, and it is a million times worse than any suffering in earthly life. Many say that it has left them traumatized and that after seeing hell, they changed radically for fear of ending up there. What they explain is that hell is an eternal life of punishment, where there are monstrous demons that continually torture you, and kill you over and over again, only you can't die there, but you feel the pain. It feels unbearably hot and there is not a single drop of water, you cannot rest, you cannot sleep even when you are tired. The smell is the most horrible thing you can imagine, it is a detail that all the testimonies tell, the horrible smell in hell.

Also, they say hell is eternal. I don't even want to imagine being in a place like this for eternity, so I'm personally terrified of it. Those who have seen it, some of them after suicide attempts, others not, assure that hell is real, not an invention, and that it is the most horrible thing you can imagine, next to it the Earth is paradise. I believe that it is real, it does not seem to me that they are actors or they are making it up, in fact, hell has been seen by believers and non-believers, and there are too many testimonies.

A couple of videos of testimonials about hell that I saw recently, although there are many:

how are you planning on overcoming this fear to ctb?


Jul 10, 2022
how are you planning on overcoming this fear to ctb?
It is one of the reasons why I finally decided not to CTB for now and prefer to fight in earthly life, despite the difficulties and suffering. It is not the only reason, but it is an important reason to finally decide NO CTB at this time, although I don't know if I will be able to change my mind in the future, but for now I am holding on to life. Perhaps it is better to try to make life a little more bearable than to end up in a place where the suffering will be extreme and forever, unless God have mercy on me and get me out of there, but it does not depend on oneself. In the end, life is short, the years go by fast. A life of eternal torture in hell sounds much worse than any life on Earth, for those of us who believe that hell can be real.


Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
It is one of the reasons why I finally decided not to CTB for now and prefer to fight in earthly life, despite the difficulties and suffering. It is not the only reason, but it is an important reason to finally decide NO CTB at this time, although I don't know if I will be able to change my mind in the future, but for now I am holding on to life. Perhaps it is better to try to make life a little more bearable than to end up in a place where the suffering will be extreme and forever, unless God have mercy on me and get me out of there, but it does not depend on oneself. In the end, life is short, the years go by fast. A life of eternal torture in hell sounds much worse than any life on Earth, for those of us who believe that hell can be real.
So what's your deal, are you here to terrify people with hell videos?
I was born and raised in a religious, christian family, although i don't believe in that anymore. i'm scared of god because i can't cancel out the existence of christian God or islamic Allah or any other gods. i'm scared of hell and punishment and more suffering. how can i make these fears leave
Different religions have different hell scenarios. Which one will you fear? Which god will you fear? What if you choose the wrong one?
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Waiting for the bus
Apr 2, 2022
There is no such thing as heaven or hell.
It's a man-made construct that is used to scare people into behaving in a way that society deems appropriate.

There is just nothingness. The same as it was before we existed. Beautiful silence. Black hole vacuum.

Being a good person in life will make parting easier. It will make it easier to die and be at peace. That's the meaning of heaven. just like open "bills" and outstanding apologies will make it hell to CTB. That's the only "hell" there is. The regrets we carry with us.
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Jul 10, 2022
So what's your deal, are you here to terrify people with hell videos?

Different religions have different hell scenarios. Which one will you fear? Which god will you fear? What if you choose the wrong one?
Just shared them for people interested in the matter. If not interested, not have to watch them, obviously.
Lily (Osako)

Lily (Osako)

Everything all at once
Jul 30, 2022
I'm so sorry you are suffering with such a great fear. I wish I could magically take it away for you.
I assume most of us have some type of fear surrounding our decision, whether it be religious, physical, whatever.
It saddens me that people in the world manipulate others with fear and threats of eternal damnation etc in order to keep them "in line".
But in my opinion (and that's all it is, an opinion), Hell was made up just for just that reason; to control others.
The devil, the boogie man, all of it, told to us our entire lives to instill a fear within us so that we will do whatever those people (clergy, parents, etc) want us to do and behave the way they want us to behave.
Wishing you comfort and peace. ❤️
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Aug 4, 2022
Even if there was a hell and you were tortured forever don't you think at some point you'd just get used to it? Just be bored or check out or accept the pain. So being tortured eternally to me doesn't even make sense.
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Mar 19, 2022
There is no such thing as heaven or hell.
It's a man-made construct that is used to scare people into behaving in a way that society deems appropriate.

There is just nothingness. The same as it was before we existed. Beautiful silence. Black hole vacuum.

Being a good person in life will make parting easier. It will make it easier to die and be at peace. That's the meaning of heaven. just like open "bills" and outstanding apologies will make it hell to CTB. That's the only "hell" there is. The regrets we carry with us.

I think so too but it is a miracle we are alive in the first place, why could it not happen again?


Snuffing the Light Out
Nov 6, 2021
I am not religious, but I am not scared of punishment. The way I see it, we are all trying our best in a harsh world that is built against kindness. If there is a deity out there that wants to punish me for sticking it out as long as I could, and finally doing what I can to escape the struggles of this existence, then that is not someone I want to look up to, as the being that created these struggles in the first place.
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Who knows, who cares
Apr 7, 2022
I think so too but it is a miracle we are alive in the first place, why could it not happen again?
How is it a miracle? It's a result of natural processes. At one point our ancestors were small mammals living underground while dinos ruled the earth.
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Self Righteous Suicide
Jun 9, 2022
I learn man created god, and you were created by your parents. God is what's in your mind, everyone has different mind but we can agree if there's god then s/he must be all forgiving. Don't let anyone dictate who's and what's your god, you can always cherrypick on.

"Why do you think there are no gods on Mount Olympus now? They killed themselves, that's why. They were terminally bored."
Michael Faust, Nietzsche: The God of Groundhog Day

"I remember my dad told me a story about a gifted composer. That story has haunted me ever since. At the age of 23, the young man wrote his first and last symphony. He knew it was a masterpiece. Nothing else he ever did would be as good. When he finished the final note, he got up from his seat. He looked in a mirror. He was a muscular, fit young man, very handsome. He took a razor and slit his throat. My dad said he couldn't listen to that music without crying. In the Lazar House, Danny and I found ConX. At last we understood . When the supreme moment of your life has come, why go on? ConX is perfection. It delivers your once-in-a-lifetime moment – your death. Lacrimae rerum."
Adam Jefferson, The Jesus Drug: The Miracle Pill

"Imagine being frozen in one state forever. Wouldn't you rather die than confront such a fate? In fact, you might as well be dead. God would choose to kill himself ... to avoid the horror and boredom of permanent stasis."
Thomas Stark, The Book of Thought: Mind Matters (The Truth Series 6)

"We are being inexorably drawn in by a Final cause – the Omega Point – divinity. Divinity = perfect symmetry = the total, flawless alignment of every monad in the Singularity, which equates to the resetting of every monad and the end of a cosmic cycle. This is the moment of Divine Suicide – when all the Gods die. This is Ragnarok. This is Götterdammerung. All the gods must perish. Each cyclical universe must die. Scientists talk of the Heat Death brought about by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. There's simply no way out."
Mike Hockney, Free Will and Will to Power (The God Series Book 17)


𝔅𝔢𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡𝔰
Apr 10, 2022
Here's what I think,
If there was/is a God then he's clearly a psychopath and also there are glaring flaws to life that he has created if so.
Examples; killing for food/being forced to kill, cancer, global corporate greed, poverty, etc the list is endless.
Take the Sun, the source of all our power and the bringer of such beauty in the world right? How come it is so harmful to our skin causing cancer and literal death and will ultimately be the thing that destroys us all.
Sorry but God if he exists (I don't fear it) is either not all good or not all powerful. I mean we are meant to get on our knees and beg for forgiveness and be grateful in a world of such hate and misery? What psychopath would do that.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'm in a similar position to you. Not raised in a very religious household but I was raised to believe in heaven and a close family member believes suicides go to hell/purgatory at least. Even if you can get to a point where you're questioning religion, it's still difficult to get rid of those fears entirely.

What I find at least helps is questioning things rationally. I'm so annoyed that I can't find it now but I once watched a YouTube video of a lady that explained that at one point, people labouring in the fields were told more or less- things are hard now but when you get to heaven, all will be paradise. Naturally, lots of them decided to fast track the process and take their own lives. The lady argued that 'suicide as sinful, punished in hell' came about partly in response to this. Obviously, it's an over simplification but it makes sense doesn't it? Keep the workforce intact.

Really have no knowledge about the bible but as far as I'm aware, there's not an awful lot said about suicide. Just a quick Google search comes up with 6 suicides in the bible but not much on whether it is condemned in there. (Looks like it is condemned in the Quran though- after a quick search.)

Therefore- if there isn't anything particularly concrete to say it is considered a sin in the bible, we have to assume that this part (along with many others I suspect) has been integrated later. Trouble is- even if you believe in a central figure of a God or God's messenger- the bible and all that has followed it has been written by man- and most likely- those in the ruling classes. I firmly believe that religion is an (effective) tool used alongside law to keep everyone in order and working for the state. I just try and focus on this when I start worrying about God/hell.
The subject of hell terrifies me very much. I have recently seen several videos on Youtube of near death experiences of people who say they have been to hell, and it is a million times worse than any suffering in earthly life. Many say that it has left them traumatized and that after seeing hell, they changed radically for fear of ending up there. What they explain is that hell is an eternal life of punishment, where there are monstrous demons that continually torture you, and kill you over and over again, only you can't die there, but you feel the pain. It feels unbearably hot and there is not a single drop of water, you cannot rest, you cannot sleep even when you are tired. The smell is the most horrible thing you can imagine, it is a detail that all the testimonies tell, the horrible smell in hell.

Also, they say hell is eternal. I don't even want to imagine being in a place like this for eternity, so I'm personally terrified of it. Those who have seen it, some of them after suicide attempts, others not, assure that hell is real, not an invention, and that it is the most horrible thing you can imagine, next to it the Earth is paradise. I believe that it is real, it does not seem to me that they are actors or they are making it up, in fact, hell has been seen by believers and non-believers, and there are too many testimonies.

A couple of videos of testimonials about hell that I saw recently, although there are many:

I too worry about it but I do my best to question it too. I'm not going to watch those videos- I'll explain why in a bit.

I would argue that you need a physical body and a brain to experience physical pain/smell/heat. If those people's consciousness/spirit/soul's really did go to hell and they really did experience actual pain/smell/heat- were they given new bodies' to do so? What happened to those bodies' when they regained consciousness back on earth? Like you mentioned- you can't die in hell- but apparently you can visit it for a bit- in a temporary body?

I definitely believe that the imagination/brain is perfectly capable of conjuring up the most awful things imaginable. (We've all had nightmares.) Plus, time can get super distorted in dreams- that's all I can liken near death to. Those people weren't brain dead- I don't think you can be resuscitated from brain death. How can they or you be sure that they went to hell rather than just imagined it?

That for me is the scary part- what if we 'get' what we think we deserve? That's why I don't want to fill my head with all the ways I might be punished. I really hope I can make myself be calm if I ever manage to ctb- or- even die naturally... Still, seeing as my dreams are usually full of angst, I kind of fear the worst.
Here's what I think,
If there was/is a God then he's clearly a psychopath and also there are glaring flaws to life that he has created if so.
Examples; killing for food/being forced to kill, cancer, global corporate greed, poverty, etc the list is endless.
Take the Sun, the source of all our power and the bringer of such beauty in the world right? How come it is so harmful to our skin causing cancer and literal death and will ultimately be the thing that destroys us all.
Sorry but God if he exists (I don't fear it) is either not all good or not all powerful. I mean we are meant to get on our knees and beg for forgiveness and be grateful in a world of such hate and misery? What psychopath would do that.
I do totally agree with you but sadly, I can't entirely shake the idea of a God- good or bad. I agree that there's more than enough evidence to suggest if there is such a thing, he/she/it is not some kind, forgiving teacher but a sick sadist.

Still, IF something is real, you don't need to believe or agree with it for it to torture and kill you. Think we try and reason with ourselves that we have power saying- I'm not going to believe in such a sadistic arsehole- which will work if there really is nothing- and I really hope so but it won't make any difference sadly if indeed there is something behind all this madness.

In fact, according to religion, we get condemned for not believing. (Although that part has always seemed the most weird to me- why does an all powerful entity need a fan club? Sounds kind of insecure to me...Of course- logic tells me that The Church/religion is a business/method of control and they need people to believe for it to work).

Just wish I could get rid of my doubt that there is in fact a God and he/she/it is in fact pretty mean.
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I want throat hugs & anime! Can't use chat pm me
Aug 7, 2022
What is god... I don't think it's a narc white male.

I am the sum of all my cells. The ones that were, are, and will be.

God is the sum of ALL the life forms that were, are, and will be.

We are one. The same creature, duplicated then adapted... To explore all the possibilities.

God is just the collective consciousness.

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Everything changes.

You were never born and you will never die.

We are the universe, god itself. Constantly change, constantly evolve.

A cell dies, the whole continues. All cell renew themselves, a whole new body... am I still the same person or a copy? The person I think I am is already dead. In my own life I changed many times.

If I cut my toe nails, should I cry for the cells. If I die, will the universe weep or keep going...

I am immortal.

I long for a vessel that isn't broken. But broken vessels can learn & teach how to be safe & go further. So we still have value. Maybe some will change the world.

I don't think I will. I'd like to cut myself out & let my more successful clones continue. But they often have the wrong goals. Money for others instead of health for the self first.

And this is why everyone is miserable. And why I don't fear god. We are the universe. We are god.

And if it's a narc male demanding worship. I'll gladly enjoy eternal hell to spit in his face once.
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Rational man

Rational man

Oct 19, 2021
There is no god, only the cosmic god, the creator of planets and stars and carbon. Look to nature. There you Will find no delusion, no fears, no lies. You will find there, unadulterated TRUTH.
What is god... I don't think it's a narc white male.

I am the sum of all my cells. The ones that were, are, and will be.

God is the sum of ALL the life forms that were, are, and will be.

We are one. The same creature, duplicated then adapted... To explore all the possibilities.

God is just the collective consciousness.

Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Everything changes.

You were never born and you will never die.

We are the universe, god itself. Constantly change, constantly evolve.

A cell dies, the whole continues. All cell renew themselves, a whole new body... am I still the same person or a copy? The person I think I am is already dead. In my own life I changed many times.

If I cut my toe nails, should I cry for the cells. If I die, will the universe weep or keep going...

I am immortal.

I long for a vessel that isn't broken. But broken vessels can learn & teach how to be safe & go further. So we still have value. Maybe some will change the world.

I don't think I will. I'd like to cut myself out & let my more successful clones continue. But they often have the wrong goals. Money for others instead of health for the self first.

And this is why everyone is miserable. And why I don't fear god. We are the universe. We are god.

And if it's a narc male demanding worship. I'll gladly enjoy eternal hell to spit in his face once.
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Nov 4, 2020
Regardless of what god you believe in, it makes sense to be scared of them. Shit, I'd be scared of Brian Ortega, and he's just a dude who could kick my ass. Even the Greek/Roman gods were nearly omnipotent compared to a human.

Look at it this way, god may or may not exist, but if they do, what makes you think they give two fucks about you. God compared to you is like a human compared to an amoeba. Do you give a shit what the amoeba does?
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Feb 27, 2021
I just try to be a good person in life and not cause problems for ppl. Despite me being anti social af I don't actually seek or mean to harm anyone. I've always fantasized about suicide and not existing in general ever since I was 6 so it's not something I can easily overcome.

If there is a heaven I don't think I'll get into it since I have no outstanding exceptional moments in my life.

However I don't see myself in hell chilling with all the hitlers and epsteins of the world.

I truly believe when I die ill cease to exist since that seems to be the medium. I guess that's why I'm so obsessed with dying a quick painless death since that will be the last moment I'll ever experiance.

But honestly who can say what happens after death except the dead.

I don't believe the hell testimonials because there have been suicide survivors and atheists who said they went to heaven or no where at all.

The mind is a very powerful and terrible thing. I think anyone with any mental illness knows that.

Last, pretty much most big religions exclude any other religion except their own. So if you're not praying to the right God you might go to hell anyway.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
There is simply no evidence of such a thing as God even existing. I believe religion and the afterlife to be all fictional. We only exist because people decided to selfishly procreate, there is no meaning or purpose to living, life is just a pointless experience that we go through for the sake of it. When we die, we return to the same nothingness where we were at before we were born, where time passed and yet we were not aware of anything. I only fear this existence and the very real suffering that there is in this world.
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Aug 8, 2022
I learn man created god, and you were created by your parents. God is what's in your mind, everyone has different mind but we can agree if there's god then s/he must be all forgiving. Don't let anyone dictate who's and what's your god, you can always cherrypick on.

"Why do you think there are no gods on Mount Olympus now? They killed themselves, that's why. They were terminally bored."
Michael Faust, Nietzsche: The God of Groundhog Day

"I remember my dad told me a story about a gifted composer. That story has haunted me ever since. At the age of 23, the young man wrote his first and last symphony. He knew it was a masterpiece. Nothing else he ever did would be as good. When he finished the final note, he got up from his seat. He looked in a mirror. He was a muscular, fit young man, very handsome. He took a razor and slit his throat. My dad said he couldn't listen to that music without crying. In the Lazar House, Danny and I found ConX. At last we understood . When the supreme moment of your life has come, why go on? ConX is perfection. It delivers your once-in-a-lifetime moment – your death. Lacrimae rerum."
Adam Jefferson, The Jesus Drug: The Miracle Pill

"Imagine being frozen in one state forever. Wouldn't you rather die than confront such a fate? In fact, you might as well be dead. God would choose to kill himself ... to avoid the horror and boredom of permanent stasis."
Thomas Stark, The Book of Thought: Mind Matters (The Truth Series 6)

"We are being inexorably drawn in by a Final cause – the Omega Point – divinity. Divinity = perfect symmetry = the total, flawless alignment of every monad in the Singularity, which equates to the resetting of every monad and the end of a cosmic cycle. This is the moment of Divine Suicide – when all the Gods die. This is Ragnarok. This is Götterdammerung. All the gods must perish. Each cyclical universe must die. Scientists talk of the Heat Death brought about by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. There's simply no way out."
Mike Hockney, Free Will and Will to Power (The God Series Book 17)
Powerful stuff. I think I have definitely had the best moment of my life and that is one of the reasons I want to end it.
I damaged the person who I shared that moment with. But he had damaged me and I needed to get him out of my life and it was the only way to do so.

I'd been away for a few days yesterday and coming home to my partner, I was gutted that it was not the person I damaged who damaged me that I was going home to.

Totally fucked up right?


Dec 15, 2021
The subject of hell terrifies me very much. I have recently seen several videos on Youtube of near death experiences of people who say they have been to hell, and it is a million times worse than any suffering in earthly life. Many say that it has left them traumatized and that after seeing hell, they changed radically for fear of ending up there. What they explain is that hell is an eternal life of punishment, where there are monstrous demons that continually torture you, and kill you over and over again, only you can't die there, but you feel the pain. It feels unbearably hot and there is not a single drop of water, you cannot rest, you cannot sleep even when you are tired. The smell is the most horrible thing you can imagine, it is a detail that all the testimonies tell, the horrible smell in hell.

Also, they say hell is eternal. I don't even want to imagine being in a place like this for eternity, so I'm personally terrified of it. Those who have seen it, some of them after suicide attempts, others not, assure that hell is real, not an invention, and that it is the most horrible thing you can imagine, next to it the Earth is paradise. I believe that it is real, it does not seem to me that they are actors or they are making it up, in fact, hell has been seen by believers and non-believers, and there are too many testimonies.

A couple of videos of testimonials about hell that I saw recently, although there are many:

They are not actors and they are not making it up yet this is completely false. They didn't die so they were never in hell. It's just their minds playing tricks.
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Sweet relief of death
Aug 5, 2022
I was raised as a muslim. The amount of religous trauma i have now , cause of being told that non muslims Will go to hell or If u question islam its The devil whispering in your ear.
I'm still terrified of The idea of Hell. Its not fair that since i was a kid My mind has Been poisoned with fear.

I was in psychosis and all i could think of was going to Hell. I really hope that i can get over this fear.
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Dec 23, 2020
I am pretty sure that if there is a Hell, it is going to be full of the people that used the notion of Hell to threaten and frighten vulnerable people ( kids, illiterate uneducated people ) etc.
So no it is not something that affects me.
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My English could be bad :)
Aug 15, 2022
Why does a god need to scare people to make them believe in himself?
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
When I was being taught by Christian's they said if u believe and confess that Jesus Christ died for our sins and u "speak in tongues"-easy to do this, u are saved. As a Christian, once u are born again, u cannot lose the gift that now u are one of God's children even if u suicide after being born again. Prior to being born again when u die all that happens is u will not be raised from the dead upon Jesus Christ's return. So when u die there is no hell or torture, u just are never concious again and your flesh body goes back to dirt. If u are saved u get resurrected and get a new body but it won't be like a flesh body like we have now. U will be able to still eat and do stuff but your body won't age and deteriorate, u get eternal life in paradise. God is merciful. He loves us. He has never been about punishing and torturing us for sin. He simply laid out some rules to follow so we don't hurt ourselves and others. But it was not meant to be a threat that if u don't follow these rules u will go to hell.
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