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Jun 5, 2022
200 years from now, all (almost) 8 billion homo sapiens (trapped in their biological machines) living on a blue rock will die - just like everyone born 200 years ago. There's more skull dust out there than organisms with conscience and narcissism.

We came from nonexistence, we are experiencing - temporarily - life and we will return again to nonexistence (death). From our birth we are being "pulled" to death. If we don't eat, drink, or breathe, we die naturally, despite being forced to live for ourselves. Schopenhauer was right to say that life is founded on pain and suffering, and that in the balance of life (this hell), they weigh more than pleasure. Life is about suffering and that is normal, not "happiness" (temporary moments of joy (distractions)). Some say: "Why don't we just throw ourselves into death, since death is 'normal' and life, apparently, is a mistake? If death wants to hug us (wants us back) every time we don't we breathe in oxygen, so why not go?" It may seem easy to see all this bullshit and say, "ok, then I'm going to kill myself", but it's not. Only stupid would say that "dying is easy".

While in life, we are stuck with a biological machine that wants to survive and reproduce at all costs, through the instincts, where it doesn't care if it will generate more suffering, either by killing to eat or raping to reproduce (put another being that was in the inexistence of life to suffer with the machine, and the cycle of unnecessary suffering continues, until the individual realizes and commits suicide). The truth is that life is boring, despicable and unnecessary. You, in your comfort, with your family, distractions (material possessions, sex) and illusions (religion or any other shit that involves baseless belief) may read this with a look of disdain, but I understand you. I am not envious and neither do we ask to be born. But just look at the food chain, where one eats another alive just to satisfy the selfish desires to stay alive; rapes; pedophilia; wars; concentration camps; slavery; atomic bombs; tortures; persecution; inequality; illnesses; poverty; serial killers; brutal accidents happening somewhere on the planet as you read this; government corruption; air pollution; etc. Because? Why does this have to exist? If nonexistence is our home, then why life? Why this prison, that if we don't fulfill its desires it punishes us with pain, and when we do, it punishes us with annoyance? How can anyone say life is good, when the same doesn't apply to the beggar (army veteran) who served in the war and was discarded as garbage by the government, even when he saw his friend dying by a bastard who was shooting without aiming with a fucking AK. "Oh, man. Stop looking at the "wrong" (normal) side of things and look at the bright side. Life is good, for example: we can enslave ourselves by working more than 7 hours a day to receive papers, where we can pay for food, water and a roof. If you have leftovers, you can spend it on distractions, such as material goods, drugs and sex. You only look at the negative side of things, see? You are depressed and need help. You need to go to the psychiatrist to he has to give you a "happy pill" to get you back to "normal" and go over and over again after paper." HE IS GOING TO SCREW IT UP! WHAT IS THE SENSE OF THIS SHIT?

I'm also against those who insist on having children, especially those who don't have the least psychological and financial structure, where they can't even maintain themselves. Having children, in my view, is a selfish act. A good part of the population doesn't even want to have children, just by recklessness ends up having one. The child does not ask to be born. In poor families, for the most part, she grows up experiencing abuse and several other unnecessary things. Finally, she realizes that she is an adult - a broken being - who needs to become a slave to maintain her existence, while she clings to false hope, seeing life with a deep look of uncertainty and anguish.

As in my other post, I insist on saying that everything is nothing but distractions under the veil of emptiness. Distraction from what? From the annoyance/boredom caused by this shit body. "Ah, but this is living. Living is being distracted, and even better with something you enjoy." Is living distracting from death? Because? Of course, I have no problem being distracted by what you like, whatever it is, like killing people or whatever. Each with their imposed life, so fuck it.

My SN arrives next week. I wait more for death than hunger (yes, I'm almost homeless).
My only fear is returning to life again after my future death, by some idiotic cycle of nature. If I came from nothing then why can't this happen again and again? This scares me even though I don't have any scientific proof of an afterlife. It also scares me that, perhaps, there may be a "creator", because I don't condone with life or with this "creation". I sometimes like to imagine that if a creator created the universe, he cares about the universe, not about this shitty phenomenon called life, as randomness reigns and evil seems to be right, looking beyond this zoo called society. The universe is one of his distractions. Maybe he - the reckless one - masturbates looking at that shit. Who knows? If he had the perversity to create this shit, why wouldn't he? Or maybe the universe is some project thrown in the trash, running nonstop - causing the randomness of the universe to continue, thus generating, destroying and recreating galaxies, planets and, unfortunately - life (for trillions of years). Perhaps MainlƤnder was right when he wrote that God committed suicide and we are his rotting remains, in his Philosophy of Redemption, where he "predicts" the entropy of the universe. Or maybe I'm just a sick person who needs to die and stop my paranoia. I told you not to read this. Sorry.
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Apr 15, 2022
I'm curious, what is going to be the cause of this mass extinction in 200 years, if you know? I know I won't be here then, but still would like to know.


A boring person.
Oct 27, 2021
I'm curious, what is going to be the cause of this mass extinction in 200 years, if you know? I know I won't be here then, but still would like to know.
They're probably referring to the people alive right now. Nobody is gonna live to age 200
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Jun 5, 2022
I'm curious, what is going to be the cause of this mass extinction in 200 years, if you know? I know I won't be here then, but still would like to know.
English is not my first language, sorry. When I translated the text here, it was a little strange. A lot has changed. But that's what looseye interpreted.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I believe the existence of life to be a horrifying, tragic mistake, one in which there was never any need for in the first place. To never exist at all is certainly the best thing possible as if one never exists they are spared a lifetime of unnecessary suffering.

Nobody can deny all of the endless cruelty that exists in this world yet people still continue to selfishly procreate and label those who see life for what it really is as being 'mentally ill', when in fact I view it as being irrational to want to stay here. The only relief is in ceasing to exist, I do very strongly believe that there is nothing awaiting us after this life, we simply return to nothingness.
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