
Aug 18, 2020
Maybe I should not make such speculative claims. I could be wrong. But there are very many signs Dems gonna lose in the mid-terms and in the election 2024. I think this will become very very hard times for progressives. I am very glad I don't live in the US. (Compared to developing country it is of course still way way better.) The supreme court really wants to create a new America. The only thing that could stop them was to add more judges to the court. But Dems are too scared about that. I am not sure whether I would support it. This move could be also seen as somewhat undemocratic.

I think Trump might get damaged due to the January 6th hearings. I know we all were like "no he cannot survive that one" every time for example when the grab the pussy tape was a thing. It is true teflon Donny is very skilled at saving his own ass. But I think even many supporters and even more independents are annoyed because he cannot stop talking about the rigged election. I think this is his biggest disadvantage.

I absolutely dislike DeSantis and Trump. But most democrats suck ass too. I don't like Kamala, Pete or who else. For me it is rather a race between DeSantis or Trump. The dems gonna lose anyway. And the notion to take this senile Biden is horrifying. Personally I cannot fully understand why Biden is that unpopular. But most news I read are his policies on the war in Ukraine. And personally I think the strategy was not that bad so far. The US intelligence services predicted the war long ago and the Europeans did not want to listen. I don't really believe that Biden is the commander in chief. I think he is too old and weak for that. The people behind him have probably a huge influence and hope that when granddad speaks to the press that he does not lose control again. But yeah for me personally I would prefer such a government to Trump or DeSantis any time.

DeSantis is big on anti-covid mandates, has horrible policies on trans rights and probably will leave NATO.
The media coverage in my country is 98% in favor of Dems. They call DeSantis the smarter Trump. Someone who is more component and this is why he could cause more damage. I won't judge on that. I don't know him enough. But many are very scared that the US won't protect us when the Russians invade us.


Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
As a New Yorker living in Florida, DeSantis as president scares the hell out of me. I hated Trump to the core and agree that maybe finally, he'll be hurt by the Jan. 6th investigation. Both he and DeSantis are dangerous egomaniacs, but DeSantis is scarier because he's smart enough to stay off twitter and appear at least like a true family man.

I can honestly say that I didn't start out hating DeSantis. Early on he seemed alright. He has now proven however, that he thinks he can do whatever he wants to control Floridians and the really sad thing is that so many of them are fooled into thinking he's keeping FL free! If you're a white, straight, Christian male that wants to remain superior, hell yeah he is!

A big part of why I'm so miserable is because I hate living in Florida. My only glimmer of hope is in returning to NY but if DeSantis becomes president, no where in the US will be safe or tolerable.
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Jun 14, 2022
I don't think DeSantis will become president, it's either Trump or a democrat.
I feel like Trump will run no matter what. DeSantis cares for the Republican party and his political future. Trump is an egomaniac, he does not care for the republican party, he'll run for the republican party or as an independent. If DeSantis is going to run, Trump will be like "That's cool, I'll run too".
Republican party most likely won't want to split their votes and will let Trump run, or if not, they'll be fucked hard.
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Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
I hope you're right about DeSantis not becoming Dictator of the United States because if he wins a presidential election that's what he'll be. Proof is in Don't Say Gay, the Stop Woke Act, new "Civics" education requirement, new election law and guardsman, position on abortion, no need for separation of church and state etc. etc. etc.
And since Florida is a state that hasn't expanded Medicaid, imagine what he'd do with healthcare and other support systems. So scary!

It will be interesting to see who both the republicans and democrats choose for 2024. The Dems need to have a strong candidate for sure and I don't have any answers on who that could be. I am curious, noname123, what is it that you dislike about Buttigieg?


Feb 12, 2022
I desperately hope so. I want to wake up from the unbelievable nightmare of present-day America. Of course we saw with Trump that getting a decent guy in the office doesn't really change much when the rest of society is still rotten to the core and fully controlled by the woke elites.

I hope you're right about DeSantis not becoming Dictator of the United States because if he wins a presidential election that's what he'll be. Proof is in Don't Say Gay, the Stop Woke Act, new "Civics" education requirement, new election law and guardsman, position on abortion, no need for separation of church and state etc. etc. etc.
Funny how when the tiniest hole is punctured in the reigning system of woke left-totalitarianism that characterizes modern America, the left starts insisting dictatorship is just around the corner, as if it's not already here but just in a form that you're happily complicit in.
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Jun 28, 2022
As a non American I am mind blown by republican politics. Seems like it would make sense in 1805. But like what the fuck. Sad.
As a non American I am mind blown by republican politics. Seems like it would make sense in 1805. But like what the fuck. Sad.
I actually take that back. Socially fucked. But economically I generally am conservative, but only for selfish reasons not because I believe it's right.


I wanna be a baby and cry and be held forever
Jun 27, 2022
I dont vote for the politician with the highest iq.


Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
The pessimist in me thinks we're screwed either way now and even more in the future. I fear for future generations and am saddened that my generation is not leaving a better world for them. The extent of corruption and denial in our 2 party system and the money that goes into campaigning is disgusting. Voting comes down to the lesser of 2 evils.

The term "woke" is like nails on a chalkboard irritating to me. That said, I'd rather be "woke" than not and especially if that means affording equal rights regardless of color, gender, sexual orientation, and religion then yes, I'm in favor. If it means acknowledging the world we're currently living in and not wanting to return to 1805 or 1950 or 1980 or anytime that's not current day reality then yup, I guess I'm "woke" AF.
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Mar 21, 2019
As much as politicians here complained about what happened in Afghanistan, the Republicans appear to be supporting the same activities here. We should ALL be afraid.
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I want out
Nov 21, 2020
As a non American I am mind blown by republican politics. Seems like it would make sense in 1805. But like what the fuck. Sad.

I actually take that back. Socially fucked. But economically I generally am conservative, but only for selfish reasons not because I believe it's right.
Become an American citizen and vote for Tucker Carlson.


Jun 27, 2022
Yet another reason to ctb lol.
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Oct 8, 2022
I desperately hope so. I want to wake up from the unbelievable nightmare of present-day America. Of course we saw with Trump that getting a decent guy in the office doesn't really change much when the rest of society is still rotten to the core and fully controlled by the woke elites.

Funny how when the tiniest hole is punctured in the reigning system of woke left-totalitarianism that characterizes modern America, the left starts insisting dictatorship is just around the corner, as if it's not already here but just in a form that you're happily complicit in.

It's fully controlled by capitalists. Sometimes capitalists pander with wokeism and left-identity politics. Sometimes they pander with patriotism and Christianity. Under Reagan thriugh Bush, it was the latter. Under Obama through Biden, it was the former. They use these forms of identity politics to divide the working class.
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Oct 11, 2022
I simply don't believe the Dems will eke out a win during these midterms, let alone earn the two more Senate seats they say they need to actually get stuff done. Traditional Dem voters such as the young are easily demoralized, and it's common sense that the incumbent party usually loses the midterm. Dems are definitely losing the House and possibly also the Senate.

By this point I think most Rs + Independents tune out when Dems workshop character attacks on Trump. We overplayed our hand by criticizing Trump for shit like his diet Coke habit or Obama-era pictures of "kids in cages". Now, no one wants to listen when we correctly criticize Trump's self-serving attacks on democracy. A real "Boy Who Cried Wolf" sort of situation.

While I'm sure there are moderate Republicans out there that don't believe Trump's Big Lie, that's not what I've heard on the ground living in a Trumpy neighborhood. Plenty of working class people proudly believe or claim to believe Trump's tall tales. Meanwhile, plenty of Democratic voters sincerely believe the game is so rigged against them that it's barely even worth voting. These are bad signs of ongoing democratic backsliding.

I really do not like Trump or DeSantis or Biden or Harris or anyone else that could plausibly be on the ballot in '24. Hope for electoral politics died with Bernie's second run, as far as I'm concerned. But I definitely think DeSantis is a shoe-in for President if he's nominated, and Trump would have a fair chance at retaking the White House as well. Who knows which would do more damage - they're both just different flavors of crap to me.


Oct 8, 2022
The Dems are in bed with the GOP and always have been, lol. Biden gives corporations an excuse to raise prices, and the GOP gets elected just in time to prevent tax hikes.
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Oct 11, 2022
Amen to that, lord knows the CEOs donate to both parties so they're safe no matter what. I've been a loyal Dem voter for far too long, this year I'm voting third party where I can 'cause I'm sick of this shit.


Oct 8, 2022
Amen to that, lord knows the CEOs donate to both parties so they're safe no matter what. I've been a loyal Dem voter for far too long, this year I'm voting third party where I can 'cause I'm sick of this shit.

Won't do it either. Did you know the Green Party is full of neoliberals, that the Communist Party USA is run out of an FBI field office in Chicago, and that the Democratic Socialists of America are funded by the DNC?


Stuck in a roundabout with no exits!
Apr 5, 2023
Biden vs Trump 2.0 = If this doesn't make you want to ctb, nothing will.

70% don't want Biden to run!
And over 50% don't want either one of them to run again!

Seriously, where are the new/younger politicians?

This shit might seriously push me over the edge. I need to start finding some SN and get my kit together. I am not reliving this crap again!
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Mar 18, 2023
I hate the way even non-Americans have to endure a couple of years' worth of pointless election debate and back and forth from these narcissistic puppets who are clearly actors playing a role, certainly since Reagan.

It always ends the same way, the new incumbent is going to change everything and make things so much better, but the wars always seem to somehow roll on and the average person becomes poorer as more freedoms get taken away while the media trumpets this as fantastic progress.
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Mar 24, 2021
Biden vs Trump 2.0 = If this doesn't make you want to ctb, nothing will.

70% don't want Biden to run!
And over 50% don't want either one of them to run again!

Seriously, where are the new/younger politicians?

This shit might seriously push me over the edge. I need to start finding some SN and get my kit together. I am not reliving this crap again!
I know right. It is exhausting having to endure this every 4 years and it gets worse every 4 years. Both political party are playing the other side yet no one is catching on to their games. They're falling for it. I'm tired. I can't deal with any of them. And I cannot deal with this country getting worse. The way it is right now is pushing me over the edge. I can't imagine it with desantis or even trump or Biden for another 4 years but all politicians are liars, scammers, greedy and selfish.
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Nov 9, 2019
I think abortion will kill DiSantis' 2024 chances. To win the primaries he has to be against it, to win the general election he has to be at least tolerant of elective first trimester abortions, something the vast majority of Americans support, of all parties and all religious persuasions. He seems to be being held to a different standard than Trump is/was for some reason, at least on that issue.
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Apr 1, 2023
People don't seem to understand - we've already lost. Dangerous conspiracy theorists like Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn have had a taste of power. It's only a matter of time until they enact their Machtergreifung and seize total control of the government. Since the 1950s it's always been the same rhetoric and goals. They believe in some (((shadowy Deep State cabal))) is trying to destabilize America by orchestrating the creation of minority advocacy problems. It's an evolution of National Socialism that eschews the genetic component. Philosophers like Julius Evola spread the idea that the "Jewish spirit" could occupy anyone, even the "perfect Aryans" the Nazis idolized. They call it "wokeism," "Critical Race Theory" or "Cultural Marxism." I do not believe it's a coincidence that American conservatives preach a dogma with antisemitic roots.
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Aug 18, 2020
I feel schadenfreude for my two favorite libertarians. Ron DeSaster and Elon Musk. I hate both of them. I am not sure who I dislike more DeSantis or Trump but maybe DeSantis I am not sure. I am glad that Musk wasted so much money when buying Twitter. He humiliated himself. Though I would prefer when he sold Twitter again. I like the idea of the platform and it is pretty sad what it becomes more and more.
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Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
I think abortion will kill DiSantis' 2024 chances. To win the primaries he has to be against it, to win the general election he has to be at least tolerant of elective first trimester abortions, something the vast majority of Americans support, of all parties and all religious persuasions. He seems to be being held to a different standard than Trump is/was for some reason, at least on that issue.
I hope so! Living in Florida disgusts me more every day. People who don't see he is a power hungry dictator and not that smart, baffle me. I can't even look at him anymore without seeing Hitler and all the arrogance and anger in his eyes. Please please don't let him come near the white house. Florida sucked anyways but the rest of the country still has hope.
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I’m Cold
Sep 9, 2023
Ron DeSantis' views about gay people are so radical that even other Republican senators are turned off by it. I don't believe it.


Aug 18, 2020
Yeah I was probably very wrong on that. It will likely be a re-match Trump vs Biden
I always had to chuckle when I saw the title of this thread.
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Sep 19, 2023
the way "founding fathers" spent more time in "scottish rite lodges" and less in goverment (except to sign some books and acts) is not much different the way society's fabric turned out to be , just overcomplicated more and more. next step is put an AI on the loop even after there's nothing more left. on 2nd thought this idea already exists ai is just a new thing to it
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they say it’s darkest of all before the dawn
Sep 13, 2023
Yeah I was probably very wrong on that. It will likely be a re-match Trump vs Biden
I always had to chuckle when I saw the title of this thread.
Do you think Trump or Biden will win?


Aug 18, 2020
DeSantis drops out and supports Trump.
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