

Sep 9, 2019
could I be sectioned for the fact that it is now open knowledge that Idesire to die?- despite few actual attempts-
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Oct 2, 2019
If they believe you are a danger to yourself or others then yes, you can be detained.


Sep 9, 2019
If they believe you are a danger to yourself or others then yes, you can be detained.
Oh god that would put me a deeper type of hell than waking up every day is ( I know people will call that fact in itself a mental illness- but it is not as simple as that- life has done this to me- people have done this to me) & the people that want me to go there seem far more mental ill than I - just in a different way. I.e narcissistic , semi- sadistic , cold and unfeeling in the extreme . Very strange lives -cut off from other people - as they complain about most other people- except themselves . But apparently they are "normal " whereas I am not - purely because of my deep sadness .
If they believe you are a danger to yourself or others then yes, you can be detained.
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Science Is Scary

Science Is Scary

Evidence is the path to the truth. Maybe.
Oct 17, 2019
If you feel comfortable revealing this information, which country are you in? I think the laws vary between countries.


Sep 9, 2019
If you feel comfortable revealing this information, which country are you in? I think the laws vary between countries.
UK- I've been in for one night only before - and it was the worst night of my entire life- that very fact has left me with such an awful memory - that I felt so much the worst after that experience
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Jun 3, 2019
UK- I've been in for one night only before - and it was the worst night of my entire life- that very fact has left me with such an awful memory - that I felt so much the worst after that experience

The bar is set pretty high in the UK to be formally sectioned,normally it's people who are severely psychotic and are a risk to themselves and others . It needs two doctors to agree to it as well as a specialist social worker, and beds are scarce.It costs quite a bit of money and after they feel you are well enough to be discharged from hospital you are legally entitled to support in the community which has to be funded by the local council.

The police can also section people ,the bar is set a bit lower here and the section doesn't last as long. The police detain you so you can be formally assessed by medical professionals.

There are two types of section medical professionals use, section 2 which is 72 hours and a section 3 which is where they can detain you for 3 months. But again it's rare.

A trick that was played on me though, as they got me to agree to an 'informal admission' to a MH unit ,promising me that if I wanted to leave I could, but while in hospital I tried to leave,and they said you can't until you see the duty doctor first, I was told by the doctor I couldn't leave and he would section me if he had to.

My advice if in the meeting they try the above trick, and start talking up the idea of an informal admission, refuse politely and calmly but express interest in working with the 'home treatment team'. That tactic got me out of it before. Once they think you are engaging with them they will in the end lose interest and leave you alone.
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Sep 9, 2019
The bar is set pretty high in the UK to be formally sectioned,normally it's people who are severely psychotic and are a risk to themselves and others . It needs two doctors to agree to it as well as a specialist social worker, and beds are scarce.It costs quite a bit of money and after they feel you are well enough to be discharged from hospital you are legally entitled to support in the community which has to be funded by the local council.

The police can also section people ,the bar is set a bit lower here and the section doesn't last as long. The police detain you so you can be formally assessed by medical professionals.

There are two types of section medical professionals use, section 2 which is 72 hours and a section 3 which is where they can detain you for 3 months. But again it's rare.

A trick that was played on me though, as they got me to agree to an 'informal admission' to a MH unit ,promising me that if I wanted to leave I could, but while in hospital I tried to leave,and they said you can't until you see the duty doctor first, I was told by the doctor I couldn't leave and he would section me if he had to.

My advice if in the meeting they try the above trick, and start talking up the idea of an informal admission, refuse politely and calmly but express interest in working with the 'home treatment team'. That tactic got me out of it before. Once they think you are engaging with them they will in the end lose interest and leave you alone.
I've previously already expressed how much I feel the home treatment don't help!! They know I don't think they can help me - not sure they will believe me if I try and play along now. Thku for ur response anyways
Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
The bar is set pretty high in the UK to be formally sectioned,normally it's people who are severely psychotic and are a risk to themselves and others . It needs two doctors to agree to it as well as a specialist social worker, and beds are scarce.It costs quite a bit of money and after they feel you are well enough to be discharged from hospital you are legally entitled to support in the community which has to be funded by the local council.

The police can also section people ,the bar is set a bit lower here and the section doesn't last as long. The police detain you so you can be formally assessed by medical professionals.

There are two types of section medical professionals use, section 2 which is 72 hours and a section 3 which is where they can detain you for 3 months. But again it's rare.

A trick that was played on me though, as they got me to agree to an 'informal admission' to a MH unit ,promising me that if I wanted to leave I could, but while in hospital I tried to leave,and they said you can't until you see the duty doctor first, I was told by the doctor I couldn't leave and he would section me if he had to.

My advice if in the meeting they try the above trick, and start talking up the idea of an informal admission, refuse politely and calmly but express interest in working with the 'home treatment team'. That tactic got me out of it before. Once they think you are engaging with them they will in the end lose interest and leave you alone.
Very good advice here.
I have been detained under an emergency section and really wanted to avoid a section 2 or 3 so agreed to stay as a voluntary patient but when i asked to be discharged,i was told that i would also be sectioned against my will as i was still considered a danger to myself.
When the mental health team know that you have SN,they know you are serious and have gone to the effort to carefully research and have a plan.
Many people feel suicidal everyday but its those that have a plan and means they cant ignore.
I had SN and once they found out,i just got a friend (a nurse) to dispose of it,then ordered more.Try to stay calm and collected.They can only respond in accordence to what u say and the behaviour you show.I know its so hard to pretend all the time but if you want to stay out of hospital,its what u need to do..x
Good luck.
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Sep 9, 2019
Very good advice here.
I have been detained under an emergency section and really wanted to avoid a section 2 or 3 so agreed to stay as a voluntary patient but when i asked to be discharged,i was told that i would also be sectioned against my will as i was still considered a danger to myself.
When the mental health team know that you have SN,they know you are serious and have gone to the effort to carefully research and have a plan.
Many people feel suicidal everyday but its those that have a plan and means they cant ignore.
I had SN and once they found out,i just got a friend (a nurse) to dispose of it,then ordered more.Try to stay calm and collected.They can only respond in accordence to what u say and the behaviour you show.I know its so hard to pretend all the time but if you want to stay out of hospital,its what u need to do..x
Good luck.
thanku.will try & stay calm. was doing ok till my SN got taken away-as i felt so reassured at that point prior-and now feel like im really starting to lose the plot as my way out (that I felt comfortable with) has gone.
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Lara Francis

Lara Francis

Jun 30, 2018
thanku.will try & stay calm. was doing ok till my SN got taken away-as i felt so reassured at that point prior-and now feel like im really starting to lose the plot as my way out (that I felt comfortable with) has gone.
I really do understand what you mean.
I was deverstated when mine was taken and i was unable to order again as regulations have changed.
Its so reasuring to know we have our exit method when the time is right.
I wish u well x

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