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Jul 13, 2018
Good Afternoon everyone.

Mod Threads here.

I'm not going to make this a sticky, I'm just going to let this hover around as a reminder.

Personal Information: Don't post personal information of neither yourself nor providers.

This rule exists to protect you. Please remember that.

The vast majority of the users on the forum are genuine, kind, and supportive users. But there is always going to be that minority in every community who may appear to be genuine, kind, or supportive, when in reality they are indeed the exact opposite. There is no process to vet if a user is truly genuine, kind, supportive, or a way to determine what their true intentions might be.

As I stated earlier, I am not creating this thread to create paranoia or cast a shadow of a doubt on the community. As a whole, the members of this community are genuine, kind, and supportive. Our first and foremost goal (The staff) is to protect you, however it must be emphasized that there is no process to vet the intentions of a user.

When you reveal your personal details and information to strangers on the Internet, you subject yourself to many risks. Depending on what personal information and how much you reveal, you place yourself at significant risk. That is why we have the personal information rule.

As stated in the the partners thread.

There are many risks involved in meeting a stranger, including but not limited to being lied to, being used for personal gain/morbid pleasure, methods failing for one of you, changes of heart, sexual assault, issues with the authorities, differences between partners and many more.

Be sure you understand the risks.Once you find someone, we recommend you take the time to know your partner, understand each other, define limits / 'what if's, see if the feeling is genuine and reciprocal, and only then proceed.

Pacts and partner seeking is not for everyone. We hope those who dislike / disapprove are mature enough to respect if someone wants to go ahead with this path. If you have questions PM me, don't post here.

Be aware that there is no way to vet the intentions of a user. If you choose to have a partner, take some time to get to know the user. If the conversation becomes uncomfortable, report the conversation and direct message a moderator. I know that many of us are suffering, and we have been suffering a long time, I know how it desperate things can be, and I know how filled with despair many of us are. However, things can always get worse, especially if we reveal our personal information with the wrong person/people.

Please remember why we have this rule, and please remember. There are serious risks involved with looking for a partner. Take those risks into account whenever you are messaging (Or receiving a message from) a user seeking a partner.

If you are ever made uncomfortable in a message, please do not hesitate to report the message and direct message a moderator. We are here to protect you. We care about you.

Again. I am not posting this message to create a a shadow of a doubt on the community. The community is good. The vast majority of you are good. It is always going to be that fringe minority that isn't good. That is what we as a community must watch out for.

If you have any questions, please feel free to DM a moderator.

Thank you.

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Jul 13, 2018
Moving back to the top for today.
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