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Life is no more beautiful than its cruelest suffer
May 15, 2024
Even if you are rich, loving, clever and wise, this does not mean that the people you have created will not experience cruel suffering. Not at all. Every single birth is a gamble with risk. We risk creating suffering with every birth. And we do this even though there is not even the possibility of dying voluntarily and peacefully.
I find it ironic that people complain about God, even though we are the ones who procreate. We are the ones who keep suffering alive.
Suffering is only destroyed with renunciation. And not with money, knowledge, love or power.
There are no solutions, and there never will be, to unbelievably brutal natural disasters that cause people to suffer long and agonising deaths in the worst possible conditions. Accidents, miscarriages, disabilities ... these things will always remain. And every birth, every life, is exposed to the risk of being confronted with them.
The problem is, people don't give a damn. And it will never change. The fact that there are still serious wars today is unbelievably cruel, but also unbelievably ridiculous and it proves how incredibly stupid humans are.
Humans are simply miserable creatures. Incredibly ingenious and incredibly stupid and disgusting at the same time.
Yes, I know, animals are also incredibly cruel and disgusting.
If only there were only predators that slaughtered each other just to maintain their cruel existence via a food chain. But the reality is unsurpassable in its perversity. Fearful escape animals must be the victims of predators. Fearful escape animals that only eat grass and fruit themselves. This scenario is the symbol of our cruel existence. Humans are no different, they also feed on the poor and fearful. Physically and mentally.
We build our bubble of happiness on foundations of inconceivable cruelty. It's disgusting and stupid how humans don't even recognise death.
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