

I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
I'm passing this along because like many others here I cannot afford this instance of economic ruination, debt, and/or eviction. There is organizing in many major (and minor) cities in the US, that sees the various efforts by city government with the landlords and business coalitions themselves, to be inadequate at best and likely malicious with horrible consequences for folks in a bad spot (most of us). I'm sure some of you here can already see the proposed problem with what is a business interest, investment plans, and governance coming up with a solution when their policies kept people in crisis to begin with. There are contact and general communication pages up on social media such as twitter and fb as well as blips in the national/local news headlines.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Instead of a rent strike, there should be a boycott on paying taxes. Just....DUH! Who the eff organized it, George W. Bush?

(@one4all, pew pew pew.)

A rent strike hurts the person or organization the rent is paid to, not the government. That's as dumb as asking someone else to ctb for you.
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
Well i'm sold.. if it's on FB it has to be real and a major issue.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Instead of a rent strike, there should be a boycott on paying taxes. Just....DUH! Who the eff organized it, George W. Bush?

(@one4all, pew pew pew.)

A rent strike hurts the person or organization the rent is paid to, not the government. That's as dumb as asking someone else to ctb for you.

The purpose is for people in precarious positions to collectively stop rent and evictions and has nothing to do with a childish conception of 'hurting' which imo as stated in the quote above sounds like someone living in a fog of completely inadequate gestures. It's also telling that some would suggest debt or evictions as an acceptable solution so that landlords can rent as fast as possible because let's care about their months of missed rent and slip of legitimacy, it's not like that schema was messed up to begin with or anything. It would be a collective action based on a general idea that you might not be clever or connected enough to save your own skin but perhaps by talking to your roommates, neighbors, and other apartment complexes, etc you will find a material solution. The interests of city governments and landlords are certainly antithetical to your quality of life as we've seen poor people pay for every crisis from preexisting positions of destitution.

To the other post about facebook being inadequate. It's a point of contact and information and serves that purpose well. What could be done as an alternative that's more direct is talking to other tenants, friends and their neighbors, etc.
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
To the other post about facebook being inadequate. It's a point of contact and information and serves that purpose well. What could be done as an alternative that's more direct is talking to other tenants, friends and their neighbors, etc.

I'm sorry but i never said FB was inadequate. Please do not put words in my mouth.
Maybe that's how "police states" handle issues.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
The purpose is for people in precarious positions to collectively stop rent and evictions and has nothing to do with a childish conception of 'hurting' which imo as stated in the quote above sounds like someone living in a fog of completely inadequate gestures.

Assuming this is an American initiative, evictions have already been stopped, no? Or is that only in certain states?

Not all landlords are organizations, many are individuals. Yes, a collective boycott on paying rent would make a statement, but would also put individual renters at risk. Ceasing to pay taxes to a government that is not representing the people would curtail the government's ability to meet financial obligations, which would cause pain and motivate change. Nothing juvenile about it. Either action is intended to cause discomfort in order to effect change in corrupt systems that harm rather than support the individual. Nothing foggy about that either.

I agree that Facebook is an effective means for grassroots organization and sharing of information. But Facebook is also a source of disinformation and is heavily watched for rebellious or illegal action. If such a movement is quickly and actively growing, then I am suspicious as to why it is being allowed to flourish in Facebook unless it is a manipulation instigated by higher and, shall I say, malevolent sources with ulterior motives. To some the initiative may sound like a good idea; to me it sounds like social psyops.

Please know that the sneering tone of my previous comment was not directed at you but at whoever/whatever is truly behind this initiative. I stand by my assertion that it is ineffective and suspect.


I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Well i'm sold.. if it's on FB it has to be real and a major issue.
I'm sorry but i never said FB was inadequate. Please do not put words in my mouth.
Maybe that's how "police states" handle issues.

You seem to be under the impression that real and major issues cannot be posted to or talked about on fb, that it is inadequate and the things posted there are not to be approached. Like instances during the Arab Spring among other situations.


I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
You seem to be under the impression that real and major issues cannot be posted to or talked about on fb, that it is inadequate and the things posted there are not to be approached. Like instances during the Arab Spring among other situations.

You seem to be under the impression that my comment means what you are trying to make it mean.
If you feel like trying to twist words around to fit your goal. Have fun.
I never said.. i repeat i never said anything about not posting information or talking about it on FB.
Ohhh now we are going to talk about Arab Spring LOL
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Assuming this is an American initiative, evictions have already been stopped, no? Or is that only in certain states?

The rent would still be owed and many don't have the ability to pay that back, especially when unemployment and other services are in flux. Geographically this looks worse. I am not personally invested in this outside of the extent that the immediate measures of a rent strike might make a material impact on my quality of life, and that of my friends and family. It also enriches my life to help others in the same situation as me. I'm not an activist, I think most of it's activity speaks volumes for its relevancy in change (not much). I am not suggesting that this is something people should want to do. I think it's something people may need to.

Specifically wherever there's rent.

Not all landlords are organizations, many are individuals.

I don't know which part of my post this is responding to but it doesn't matter anyways.

Yes, a collective boycott on paying rent would make a statement, but would also put individual renters at risk. Ceasing to pay taxes to a government that is not representing the people would curtail the government's ability to meet financial obligations, which would cause pain and motivate change. Nothing juvenile about it. Either action is intended to cause discomfort in order to effect change in corrupt systems that harm rather than support the individual. Nothing foggy about that either.

It's not a boycott it's a rent strike and it wouldn't make a statement, the rent wouldn't be paid. It's immediate and material. Tenants are already at risk, already in debt, already barely or not able to afford their rent. If anything, the rent strike is relevant in its immediacy. It would only put people at risk in so far as they continued to rationalize their interests as being met by the existing order.

I agree that Facebook is an effective means for grassroots organization and sharing of information. But Facebook is also a source of disinformation and is heavily watched for rebellious or illegal action. If such a movement is quickly and actively growing, then I am suspicious as to why it is being allowed to flourish in Facebook unless it is a manipulation instigated by higher and, shall I say, malevolent sources with ulterior motives. To some the initiative may sound like a good idea; to me it sounds like social psyops.

Sure, I'm not a cretin. I am not making a personal plug for the platforms or the news, The information that I am referencing is posted to those places organized by geographic location. There are no other places to reference it other than direct conversation which I'm suggesting might be the idea of ideas and was the purpose of the thread.

You seem to be under the impression that my comment means what you are trying to make it mean.
If you feel like trying to twist words around to fit your goal. Have fun.
I never said.. i repeat i never said anything about not posting information or talking about it on FB.
Ohhh now we are going to talk about Arab Spring LOL

I am SO sorry. You've had several posts worth of time to tell me what you meant, and why I am wrong in how I have received what you wrote to me. You haven't anywhere and I've moved on.
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I'll put pennies on your eyes and it will go away.
Feb 3, 2020
I am SO sorry. You've had several posts worth of time to tell me what you meant, and why I am wrong in how I have received what you wrote to me. You haven't anywhere and I've moved on.
WOW that hurt. You've had many posts to explaining things. All i see is a circle jerk. Good Day

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