Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
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Thoughtful poster
Jan 17, 2019
I'm sorry that you've fallen into the hole of watching alt-right reactionary content on YouTube. Mark Dice, this content producer you've linked, Alex Jones, etc. are all cut from the same cloth and subsist on the "owning the libs" grift. Content like the aforementioned occupies a very right wing and utterly dark place in American culture, and people eat it up like pigs eating slop.

In previous threads you've linked this same guy again, and while you're a skeptical person, you're not skeptical about your belief system that got you to this point. You started with a conclusion, and you cherry pick evidence to support that pre-drawn conclusion that is in fact, contrary your beliefs.

Watching a 50 minute video is way too long, especially when it is concerning reactionary conspiracy theorists. I did watch a recent video from him that Bill Gates is trying to control the world. All I got is that he is totally against vaccinations and the comment section is full of helicopter moms.


Respectfully, I'm glad that someone is producing content that is keeping you going. I'm saddened that you've sunk your head into really wrong information. The only way to get out of this hole is focusing your eyeballs on objective information.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
You're entitled to your opinion, thanks for sharing :hihi::kiss::blarg::ahhha::heart:
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
Recently found this guy, his stuff helps me keep going.

When carefully crafted identities like this guy talk at people who have actually put the work into understanding the world they come across like Gob from arrested development.
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
I'm sorry that you've fallen into the hole of watching alt-right reactionary content on YouTube. Mark Dice, this content producer you've linked, Alex Jones, etc. are all cut from the same cloth and subsist on the "owning the libs" grift. Content like the aforementioned occupies a very right wing and utterly dark place in American culture, and people eat it up like pigs eating slop.

In previous threads you've linked this same guy again, and while you're a skeptical person, you're not skeptical about your belief system that got you to this point. You started with a conclusion, and you cherry pick evidence to support that pre-drawn conclusion that is in fact, contrary your beliefs.

Watching a 50 minute video is way too long, especially when it is concerning reactionary conspiracy theorists. I did watch a recent video from him that Bill Gates is trying to control the world. All I got is that he is totally against vaccinations and the comment section is full of helicopter moms.

View attachment 31081

Respectfully, I'm glad that someone is producing content that is keeping you going. I'm saddened that you've sunk your head into really wrong information. The only way to get out of this hole is focusing your eyeballs on objective information.

You say that people should focus on "objective information" but depending on the subject you're interested in it's difficult to determine what is "objective" and what is not. If we're talking about the natural sciences, or mathematics, or some other very detail oriented technical subject it's easier to determine what sources of information are trustworthy and which are not even though the subjects themselves are difficult to grasp for laymen based on the nature of technical subjects not being easy to comprehend.

However when it comes to say politics, I can't think of a single source that is "objective." I'm not saying all sources on politics are equal in their accuracy/loyalty to facts, but what I am saying is that I don't think a single news source on politics is objective to even the extent many of us would want them to be. I think the closest you can get to on that are fact checking websites, but even they sometimes produce misleading information/articles. For example a few months ago when Sanders was accusing Biden of wanting to cut Social Security in the past. A fact checking website cherry picked one example from a Sanders attack ad, debunked it and showed that in that one instance Biden wasn't pushing for cuts in Social Security but was mocking a Republican for wanting to do so. Mainstream media and "objective/non partisan" news sources then cited this fact checking article as "proof" that Biden has never wanted to cut social security which is incorrect. Biden has wanted to cut social security, many times in fact, but I find it convenient out of all the cases Biden has pushed for cuts, mainstream media and the fact checker cherry picked the one example Sanders was wrong on about Biden as opposed to the many other cases (many cases even on video can be found on YouTube of Biden pushing for cuts in SS) Sanders was right on.

I think people at an intuitive level realize this, yet many people do want an objective news source when in my opinion there isn't one. I think this has fed into people becoming jaded and disillusioned not only with politics but with many major institutions in society as a whole. Mainstream media talks about a "post truth world" since the rise of Trump and the increase in alternative news sources online.

However in my opinion politics has always been a post truth world, at least in my life time of almost 30 years. I don't think mainstream media is loyal to the truth, they push a certain narrative, a certain world view, and are loyal to the facts to the extent that the facts support their views. In the instances where the facts don't support what they'd like the public to believe (such as the example I gave of Biden pushing to cut Social Security many times, or the notion that Republicans are small government fiscal conservatives which is another falsehood that has been pushed my entire lifetime) they throw facts under the bus.

I don't think the rise of the internet has lead to a "post truth world" rather what I think the internet and alternate news sources have done is make it obvious to more and more people that we do live in a post truth world and perhaps we always will in the realm of politics. In the past people could more readily agree on a set of "facts" not necessarily because people cared more about truth back then or that those "facts" were accurate, but because there were fewer sources of news to watch. These days there are so many sources of news no one can agree on virtually anything anymore which is interesting social phenomena in and of itself.

Im not defending obvious nonsense as being equivalent in truth to sources that get it right often but sometimes get it wrong (I'll trust CNN or WaPost over say Dailywire or Breitbart) but even "trustworthy" news sources get it wrong or produce misleading articles often enough that I don't really trust anyone which is something I wish weren't the case.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
However when it comes to say politics, I can't think of a single source that is "objective."

There are as many sources covering politics as other sciences. It isn't the news, that would be part of the political apparatus. It isn't the activity of politics it is the study of it. History and social sciences as examples can paint a pretty clear picture as to what's going on politically, era to era. When you follow various claims within these fields the ones that are shit simply don't hold up for very long, before collapsing into a caterwauling ahistorical mess. This is true within the formal study of politics and the like, nevermind the cartoon world that then exists on places like youtube.
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I am a sunrise
Jan 5, 2019
It's also what happens when you have a fully funded school system teaching the narrative of the dominant order.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
This is what happens when the american public school system is defunded. You have people shelling out conspiracy theories left and right.

I don't see how one logically leads to the other. Can you elaborate?

Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Oh good there's one person who liked the video lol! Whew! Someone besides me sees that the consequences of locking people up in their homes for months without income might cause more death than covid ever could. There just might be more going on here than a flu bug. I haven't trusted the government since I was a child on welfare and in gov school. I could not understand why I was being forced to go sit all day in a prison like setting to be bored to death not learning any life skills or real world knowledge.

I was forced to sit in that terrible environment for years and years, then they kick u out and you have no idea how to be an adult or what u should be doing. Some people manage to just go with it and luck out and pick some direction that works for them but many of us are falling into debt for stupid worthless degrees or marrying and having kids with people u shouldn't. Which generally leaves u in poverty and dependency on the state.

Having kids u can't afford is not the best idea unless u want to be stressed to the max and not have much time or money to actually raise them which then leads them to be raised by gov schools, tv, and other kids. I knew something was not right about state controlled welfare because we were still so poor, they don't give u enough so that you aren't embarrassingly poor, just enough so u can barely survive but never thrive.

Now I understand charity should not be making people rich but different people need different amounts and types of help and also for different lengths of time. So when u allow government to do charity most people never escape poverty because it's not real charity, it's just handouts and a bribe so u will vote for more handouts because now u are dependent but they don't want u to be self sufficient. You're much harder to control if u are not dependent on the handouts, the masters hiding behind gov don't like everyone to have full control over our outcomes in life.
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Dec 7, 2018
Oh good there's one person who liked the video lol! Whew! Someone besides me sees that the consequences of locking people up in their homes for months without income might cause more death than covid ever could. There just might be more going on here than a flu bug. I haven't trusted the government since I was a child on welfare and in gov school. I could not understand why I was being forced to go sit all day in a prison like setting to be bored to death not learning any life skills or real world knowledge.

I was forced to sit in that terrible environment for years and years, then they kick u out and you have no idea how to be an adult or what u should be doing. Some people manage to just go with it and luck out and pick some direction that works for them but many of us are falling into debt for stupid worthless degrees or marrying and having kids with people u shouldn't. Which generally leaves u in poverty and dependency on the state.

Having kids u can't afford is not the best idea unless u want to be stressed to the max and not have much time or money to actually raise them which then leads them to be raised by gov schools, tv, and other kids. I knew something was not right about state controlled welfare because we were still so poor, they don't give u enough so that you aren't embarrassingly poor, just enough so u can barely survive but never thrive.

Now I understand charity should not be making people rich but different people need different amounts and types of help and also for different lengths of time. So when u allow government to do charity most people never escape poverty because it's not real charity, it's just handouts and a bribe so u will vote for more handouts because now u are dependent but they don't want u to be self sufficient. You're much harder to control if u are not dependent on the handouts, the masters hiding behind gov don't like everyone to have full control over our outcomes in life.

I thought similary. Why am I sitting in this school learning things I'll never use, maybe some math, but that's it. High school should be teaching kids life skills, not useless facts. I used to think people like Alex Jones made good points, but a lot of what he has predicted hasn't come true. The best is to be objective and always question both sides of the political spectrum.
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Feb 2, 2020
I feel like school should have been a lot of martial arts. It should also be all ages teaching each other. It seems like you learn the most from teaching and not being told how to think

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