

Jul 7, 2023
Everytime i'm really into a good video game i'm happy. Then when i finish it/have nothing to do anymore in it, and that i have something to do irl like find a job or something, it feels like hell. It's so fucking shit I feel depressed all of a sudden, where when i was isolated immersed in my video games, I felt so happy.
There are some very good games releasing this year like Dragon's Dogma 2 and FF7 Rebirth primarly that i wish to play, MHWilds next year, i want to play these games comfortably without having to work a soulcrushing job. I fucking hate it i'm depressed whenever i think about having to participate in society. I just want to isolate myself and play these great games comfortably.
That's how i feel.
If I can't do that better an hero.
Unfortunately my parents are poor, my mom is kind enough to let me NEET (i'm grateful for that i love her) but it's not comfortable since i have to live in the living room, i have no money, we're living in a shitty ghetto, the apartment is shit, no independance etc... overall a very miserable situation.
So starting from 0 I have to work a soul crushing job, at least several years to save up enough.
But I just hate being in a social environment the whole day, I feel like i'm not fit for this it's not for me, I don't want it i just want to be isolated. I don't say that like some people say it but still need some social interraction, me personally i'm ok not talking to anyone irl or on social medias for years i don't care. I wonder if i have autism i've never done a diagnosis. I sure do have a lot of the symptoms.
I really wish there was a ctb method, reliable and accessible, able to ctb wherever and whenever.
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I gently open the door
Feb 1, 2024
I feel the exact same way, I wish I could just engross myself into video games forever and not have to be a part of the real world. This post resonates a lot with me, I was in very similar situation recently. My parents let me NEET as well but I had to live in the living room, it was torture having people constantly around me and having to socialize. It's not that I hate my family that's not the case at all, I care about them a ton, it's just I have a very limited threshold for social interaction sometimes, I've gone years with barely speaking to people in the past. Isolation is so nice and getting lost in a different world, I feel u on that <3 the feeling of finishing a game ur really into and feeling dread afterwards sucks ass so much. I really don't want to work a job either, I just want to live comfortably and live life the way I want to. I'm sorry you're going through similar struggles ;w; thank u for posting this it's nice to know that I'm not alone in that. Even though it may seem impossible I hope you're able to work out a way where u can get a apartment without having to work, and enjoy your life in peace 🖤
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
It really does. I don't know why I had to live in this reality/world, which is so boring and depressing. It's basically all about survival. I hate this world, it's an especially cruel and selfish one where money reigns supreme and you have to spend the rest of your adulthood slaving away at a job just to make money to survive. Work is literally modern day slavery, I hate how this world is set up. Society is literally a pyramid scheme that we'll all have to eventually buy into. I don't want to participate in society either, I don't want to become a slave to capitalism and the system. I wish that we could all create our own realities and live in them instead…
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Jul 7, 2023
I feel the exact same way, I wish I could just engross myself into video games forever and not have to be a part of the real world. This post resonates a lot with me, I was in very similar situation recently. My parents let me NEET as well but I had to live in the living room, it was torture having people constantly around me and having to socialize. It's not that I hate my family that's not the case at all, I care about them a ton, it's just I have a very limited threshold for social interaction sometimes, I've gone years with barely speaking to people in the past. Isolation is so nice and getting lost in a different world, I feel u on that <3 the feeling of finishing a game ur really into and feeling dread afterwards sucks ass so much. I really don't want to work a job either, I just want to live comfortably and live life the way I want to. I'm sorry you're going through similar struggles ;w; thank u for posting this it's nice to know that I'm not alone in that. Even though it may seem impossible I hope you're able to work out a way where u can get a apartment without having to work, and enjoy your life in peace 🖤
Thank you very much for your kind words, i wish you the same. It feels nice for me too to know i'm not alone. When i look at hardcore gaming communities online, like speedrunners or minmaxxers etc... I asusme these people are in a similar situation, NEETing, living off of online revenues etc... and i feel less alone.
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If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead
Feb 24, 2024
I relate to this. I hate real life, I wish I could just live in a fantasy world or something. I hate my job so much, I wish I could go back to being a NEET even though that had its struggles too. Sometimes escapism is the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind completely.
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Jul 7, 2023
It really does. I don't know why I had to live in this reality/world, which is so boring and depressing. It's basically all about survival. I hate this world, it's an especially cruel and selfish one where money reigns supreme and you have to spend the rest of your adulthood slaving away at a job just to make money to survive. Work is literally modern day slavery, I hate how this world is set up. Society is literally a pyramid scheme that we'll all have to eventually buy into. I don't want to participate in society either, I don't want to become a slave to capitalism and the system. I wish that we could all create our own realities and live in them instead…
Personally i believe that that's kinda what will happen after death. I made threads about my spiritual beliefs to detail it if that interests you. It makes sense to me.
I relate to this. I hate real life, I wish I could just live in a fantasy world or something. I hate my job so much, I wish I could go back to being a NEET even though that had its struggles too. Sometimes escapism is the only thing that keeps me from losing my mind completely.
Like Tolkien said : "Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!"
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
I can relate to a degree because I love video games. But they are kinda made to be addictive especially for male brains. They often satisfy our primal desires. Like for example to be a capable person doing stuff and overcoming obstacles, being important to the world. But in games you can overcome almost anything if you put enough time and effort unlike rl. Hence why it can be appealing and preferable to reality, especially now when whole world is connected and in competition.

I am not saying it is a negative or positive thing to play video games, just that they are made to get us hooked.

Heck, I spent a lot of my life playing them and enjoying them, alone or with others myself.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
I can relate to a degree because I love video games. But they are kinda made to be addictive especially for male brains. They often satisfy our primal desires. Like for example to be a capable person doing stuff and overcoming obstacles, being important to the world. But in games you can overcome almost anything if you put enough time and effort unlike rl. Hence why it can be appealing and preferable to reality, especially now when whole world is connected and in competition.

I am not saying it is a negative or positive thing to play video games, just that they are made to get us hooked.

Heck, I spent a lot of my life playing them and enjoying them, alone or with others myself.
Life is a video game but you're experiencing it in real time
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-Memento Mori-
Dec 3, 2019
Life is a video game but you're experiencing it in real time
I played a lot of challenging video games and sometimes even made up my own challenges (no damage taken and similar restrictions) but compared to rl you are able to thrive.
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Jul 7, 2023
Sometimes i wonder, what would someone like Tolkien who already found fantasy books amazing for escapism think of video games?
People don't realize how fucking insanely great video games are, especially today with the ultra realistic graphics.
Of course i will prefer that over the shitty real life. People of the present are heavely biased in their view of video games. But if someone from the past could have access to the latest video games, he would play them all day. It's insane what humans were able to create.
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Feb 22, 2024
Ogni volta che mi piace davvero un buon videogioco sono felice. Poi quando lo finisco/non ho più niente da fare, e ho qualcosa da fare, come trovare un lavoro o qualcosa del genere, mi sembra un inferno. È una merda così fottuta che all'improvviso mi sento depresso, mentre quando ero isolato e immerso nei miei videogiochi, mi sentivo così felice.
Ci sono alcuni ottimi giochi in uscita quest'anno, come Dragon's Dogma 2 e FF7 Rebirth, principalmente a cui desidero giocare, MHWilds l'anno prossimo, voglio giocare a questi giochi comodamente senza dover fare un lavoro schiacciante. Lo odio dannatamente, mi deprimo ogni volta che penso di dover partecipare alla società. Voglio solo isolarmi e giocare comodamente a questi fantastici giochi.
Ecco come mi sento.
Se non posso farlo, meglio un eroe.
Purtroppo i miei genitori sono poveri, mia mamma è così gentile da lasciarmi NEET (sono grato per questo, le voglio bene) ma non è comodo dato che devo vivere in soggiorno, non ho soldi, viviamo in un ghetto di merda, l'appartamento è di merda, nessuna indipendenza ecc... nel complesso una situazione davvero miserabile.
Quindi a partire da 0 devo fare un lavoro schiacciante, almeno diversi anni per risparmiare abbastanza.
Ma odio stare in un ambiente sociale tutto il giorno, mi sento come se non fossi adatto a questo, non fa per me, non lo voglio, voglio solo essere isolato. Non lo dico come dicono alcuni, ma ho comunque bisogno di un po' di interazione sociale, a me personalmente va bene non parlare con nessuno irl o sui social media per anni, non mi interessa. Mi chiedo se ho l'autismo non ho mai fatto una diagnosi. Di sicuro ho molti sintomi.
Vorrei davvero che esistesse un metodo ctb, affidabile e accessibile, in grado di eseguire il ctb ovunque e in qualsiasi momento.
I don't know if it is your case, but did you ever think that the only way to keep living like you do is working in the ICT or electronics environment? You will fill proud to contribute to the only thing that made you happy. It worked for me, for a long time, than other IRL issues caught me and depression won on me. Think about it, because if there were not computer scientists and electronics expert or game Developers, you could not stay there playing. Plus playing is a very nice hobby, it is better to play and be respectful to others, other than make real war or worst, don't you think?
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Nov 20, 2023
reality is the worst want to just sleep forever
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