
Mar 3, 2021
How viable is it? I live in Ontario and have scouted out some potential areas that look easy to access via google maps. I'd just jump in front of the train when it came and hope it kills me. ChatGPT says survival is extremely unlikely and death would probably come fast, but I dont know how reliable it is. I rarely see this method discussed and want to know the ins and outs before I try it. I wanted to use Sodium Nitrite, but getting the anti-emetic seems to difficult for me. I also considered the night night method with a ratchet strap, but I saw a video of someone doing it and it didn't look peaceful at all so it scared me off. I actually have a ratchet strap, but no cushions and am afraid to try it.

Jumping in front of a train seems pretty simple. I'd either jump in front of a GO train or a local subway. Are there any resources (preferably in depth) that I could review to help make up my mind? I'm very scared and I just want a way out I can rely on.

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Aspiring Corpse
Aug 26, 2024
To be almost 100% successful you'll have to be decapitated. Depending on the speed of the train, simply jumping in front might not be enough (may just get flung by train) If you want to be successful, lay your head/neck on the tracks, And don't face away because your back skull is harder than your forehead.

Either way, Getting other people involved in your CTB plan is not a good idea. Plus if something in this process goes wrong, you will end up a vegetable and a lot more miserable than you are right now.
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Mar 3, 2021
To be almost 100% successful you'll have to be decapitated. Depending on the speed of the train, simply jumping in front might not be enough (may just get flung by train) If you want to be successful, lay your head/neck on the tracks, And don't face away because your back skull is harder than your forehead.

Either way, Getting other people involved in your CTB plan is not a good idea. Plus if something in this process goes wrong, you will end up a vegetable and a lot more miserable than you are right now.
I see. I guess I'd have to know if i'd get electrocuted doing that. Being disabled further is my biggest fear about ctb. I'd still like to know if there are any articles or infodumps for railway suicide like there are for other methods such as SN. It just seems every method I find is either unreliable, too difficult to pull off, or frightening for me.
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Jul 6, 2023
It's very viable but too much risk to the safety of others mentally and physically. In a previous career I witnessed a BNSF train in a massive rail terminal derail what I saw happening right in front of me didn't seem physically possible because it all started right as the train was going like 3mph. After a few days we found out a rail worker left a plastic water bottle leaning against the track and all evidence video, telemetry, and eye-witness pointed to just that. It's a little butterfly-effect-ish. I wouldn't be surprised if the damage exceeded 15 million dollars. The train was operating under remote control probably, if anyone was in it they might have gotten some bumps and bruises.


Mar 3, 2021
It's very viable but too much risk to the safety of others mentally and physically. In a previous career I witnessed a BNSF train in a massive rail terminal derail what I saw happening right in front of me didn't seem physically possible because it all started right as the train was going like 3mph. After a few days we found out a rail worker left a plastic water bottle leaning against the track and all evidence video, telemetry, and eye-witness pointed to just that. It's a little butterfly-effect-ish. I wouldn't be surprised if the damage exceeded 15 million dollars. The train was operating under remote control probably, if anyone was in it they might have gotten some bumps and bruises.
I've seen people get hit by trains before in videos and it just seemed that the train kept on going without any trouble. That made sense to me since people are so small and light compared to a train. I didnt know a human body on the track could derail a train or hurt people inside physically. Of course I'd prefer not to hurt other people in any way when I ctb but I'm sure people here can understand how desperate a person can get for a way out.
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Jul 6, 2023
I've seen people get hit by trains before in videos and it just seemed that the train kept on going without any trouble. That made sense to me since people are so small and light compared to a train. I didnt know a human body on the track could derail a train or hurt people inside physically. Of course I'd prefer not to hurt other people in any way when I ctb but I'm sure people here can understand how desperate a person can get for a way out.
What I meant was think about the person operating the train seeing someone end up in front of them, they're going to have to live with that forever. Of course there are trains without people directly operating them. As far as physical harm, physics can be weird. Coins and pebbles have taken out trains weighing millions of pounds when placed in the wrong spot.
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Mar 3, 2021
What I meant was think about the person operating the train seeing someone end up in front of them, they're going to have to live with that forever. Of course there are trains without people directly operating them. As far as physical harm, physics can be weird. Coins and pebbles have taken out trains weighing millions of pounds when placed in the wrong spot.
I wonder how much someone would see from inside the drivers seat, since they'd probably be high above me when the train hits. They could close their eyes and look away, too. It's hard to think of it from a normal non suicide perspective. If I were the driver I'd just think it was tragic that it came to that for the person you jumped in front. I'd think that at least they are never going to suffer again and are free from whatever was hurting them now. I wouldnt blame myself for someone jumping in front. I don't think i'd be traumatized.


Jul 6, 2023
I wonder how much someone would see from inside the drivers seat, since they'd probably be high above me when the train hits. They could close their eyes and look away, too. It's hard to think of it from a normal non suicide perspective. If I were the driver I'd just think it was tragic that it came to that for the person you jumped in front. I'd think that at least they are never going to suffer again and are free from whatever was hurting them now. I wouldnt blame myself for someone jumping in front. I don't think i'd be traumatized.
I think it's mostly that they knew they hit you, not so much about how gruesome what they saw was. They'll know they couldn't have done anything about it but a lot of people will run the scenario through their heads on repeat thinking what if I did this and what if I did that no matter how irrational it is.
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Lost in a delusion
Sep 5, 2022
So ideally you will jump when the train is going inbetween stations, not when the train is about to dock.
I suggest looking at the train and how fast it goes a few times before you attempt so you have a general idea of the speed.
You also have to take into account the train doesn't have to be going at full speed to kill you, and regardless of the train, it cannot just snap to a halt when the driver slams on the brakes. So you probably have a longer window of time to jump than you think, you should try to avoid jumping too late because I believe that's when the train doesn't kill you.


Sep 5, 2024
How viable is it? I live in Ontario and have scouted out some potential areas that look easy to access via google maps. I'd just jump in front of the train when it came and hope it kills me. ChatGPT says survival is extremely unlikely and death would probably come fast, but I dont know how reliable it is. I rarely see this method discussed and want to know the ins and outs before I try it. I wanted to use Sodium Nitrite, but getting the anti-emetic seems to difficult for me. I also considered the night night method with a ratchet strap, but I saw a video of someone doing it and it didn't look peaceful at all so it scared me off. I actually have a ratchet strap, but no cushions and am afraid to try it.

Jumping in front of a train seems pretty simple. I'd either jump in front of a GO train or a local subway. Are there any resources (preferably in depth) that I could review to help make up my mind? I'm very scared and I just want a way out I can rely on.

Any method has its advantages and disadvantages. and they are all about tradeoffs. Train in particularly is problematic because although being kind of fool proof, SI is very strong and train drivers that witness suicides may suffer from post trauma so it may cause damage to other people.


Hi! :>
May 3, 2024
Any method has its advantages and disadvantages. and they are all about tradeoffs. Train in particularly is problematic because although being kind of fool proof, SI is very strong and train drivers that witness suicides may suffer from post trauma so it may cause damage to other people.
Yeah I agree with you. The SI for jumping off is very strong and extremely difficult to overcome. Even now, I still find it hard to overcome SI (my plan is to jump off from a building as that is the only method available to me right now). Hope that there are other methods available to you.


Sep 5, 2024
Yeah I agree with you. The SI for jumping off is very strong and extremely difficult to overcome. Even now, I still find it hard to overcome SI (my plan is to jump off from a building as that is the only method available to me right now). Hope that there are other methods available to you.
I'm also thinking of jumping from 9th floor but afraid of failing landing on my feet and getting injured badly but not die. So I came up with an idea of tying a small umbrella to my foot. The air will force it up and make me fall head first. Just afraid it will traumatize residents of the building. I thought of CO in a car by burning charcoal but chances off failure are to high. I live close to the sea and drowning is accessible but its probably the most agonizing way to CTB.


Sep 9, 2024
Please do not use this method.
Jumping in front of trains is so detrimental to the driver, the train crew and the passengers.
I can promise you they will see you, and they physically can't stop the train so all they are left with is watching a face coming towards them and knowing what is coming.
I speak from experience of how much a fatality impacts the person driving the train.
Yes it is pretty much a successful way, but don't force a stranger to be a part of your plan.
It is cruel and will ruin their lives. It's something they will never get over. Please please rethink this….
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Sep 15, 2024
Please do not use this method.
Jumping in front of trains is so detrimental to the driver, the train crew and the passengers.
I can promise you they will see you, and they physically can't stop the train so all they are left with is watching a face coming towards them and knowing what is coming.
I speak from experience of how much a fatality impacts the person driving the train.
Yes it is pretty much a successful way, but don't force a stranger to be a part of your plan.
It is cruel and will ruin their lives. It's something they will never get over. Please please rethink this….
Now a days there are lots of non driven automatic trains. I'm sure this person already feels lots of guilt for lots of reasons. It's not fair to add more to them when they're already on pain.


Sep 9, 2024
Now a days there are lots of non driven automatic trains. I'm sure this person already feels lots of guilt for lots of reasons. It's not fair to add more to them when they're already on pain.

I appreciate they feel a lot of guilt, but even 'driverless' trains have someone sitting in that cab. It's not fair to force someone to be part of your plans.
It's not about making someone feel guilty when they are struggling, it's about being accountable for how you handle the situation. We all carry our own guilt when we feel like this, but if reminding people that by using this method you are impacting other people too and it means those people think about it, then I will keep saying it.
I'm a firm believer that if you make the decision to leave the world, you do so in a way that is least impactful to others around you.
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Jul 6, 2023
I appreciate they feel a lot of guilt, but even 'driverless' trains have someone sitting in that cab. It's not fair to force someone to be part of your plans.
It's not about making someone feel guilty when they are struggling, it's about being accountable for how you handle the situation. We all carry our own guilt when we feel like this, but if reminding people that by using this method you are impacting other people too and it means those people think about it, then I will keep saying it.
I'm a firm believer that if you make the decision to leave the world, you do so in a way that is least impactful to others around you.
Totally agree, but sometimes no one is in a cab, they might be monitoring remotely. Someone is always responsible and has a level of control pertaining to the safety of the vehicle and lives onboard and around the vehicle in some way.
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Sep 15, 2024
I appreciate they feel a lot of guilt, but even 'driverless' trains have someone sitting in that cab. It's not fair to force someone to be part of your plans.
It's not about making someone feel guilty when they are struggling, it's about being accountable for how you handle the situation. We all carry our own guilt when we feel like this, but if reminding people that by using this method you are impacting other people too and it means those people think about it, then I will keep saying it.
I'm a firm believer that if you make the decision to leave the world, you do so in a way that is least impactful to others around you.
Some people are in so much pain they convince themselves everyone is better off w/o them and the ends justify the means. Others don't have the resources or means to ctb privately. I'm a firm believer that when someone is in intense pain you try to help mitigate it not add to it.


Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
I wonder how much someone would see from inside the drivers seat, since they'd probably be high above me when the train hits. They could close their eyes and look away, too. It's hard to think of it from a normal non suicide perspective. If I were the driver I'd just think it was tragic that it came to that for the person you jumped in front. I'd think that at least they are never going to suffer again and are free from whatever was hurting them now. I wouldnt blame myself for someone jumping in front. I don't think i'd be traumatized.
Train conductors have had to step down from lifelong careers due to the trauma of being a part of a train suicide. Others continue but have PTSD. It sticks with them. I remember seeing a video talking about it a very long time ago and I remember one of the drivers saying something along the lines of "if you see someone step onto the tracks, you close your eyes and plug your ears and wait until the train stops because there is nothing else you can do". I can confidently say as someone who has been suicidal for over a decade that if I were a train conductor and was the one driving a train that someone used to CTB I would be traumatized for life. I do not wish to be the reason someone dies, suicide or not. Accident or not. My fault or not. So while you may say you wouldn't be traumatized, that does not make it not traumatic for most people.
Some people are in so much pain they convince themselves everyone is better off w/o them and the ends justify the means. Others don't have the resources or means to ctb privately. I'm a firm believer that when someone is in intense pain you try to help mitigate it not add to it.
And I'm a firm believer that ending your own pain should not involve an unwilling participant. Someone who did not consent to assist you in dying should not be put in a situation where they unwillingly kill someone.
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We fly and fly but never reach our destination.
Oct 7, 2020
There is three ways a train can kill you:

1. I suppose if the train hits you at a high velocity it is equal to you jumping off a tall building. The impact can immediately be lethal. Difficult to say what speed is enough though. If the conductor sees you they will instinctively pull the brakes which will further slow down the train. This will also leave a greater mess as your body will break open, limbs will break and the train may run you over and cut you in half.

2. I've seen videos of people laying down on the tracks infront of a train so that their torso is being cut in half. You will most likely survive that for a while until you bleed to death or die from shock.

3. As @vanillamilkshakes already mentioned you can also lay down on the track with your neck so the train decapitates you. your body will mostly stay intact and the death is quick. I am somewhat considering this way.

Coins and pebbles have taken out trains weighing millions of pounds when placed in the wrong spot.
This seems like an extreme exaggeration to me. Trains hit cows and nothing happens to them. In my country some asshat tried to derail a train by putting concrete plates on the rails and the train just cut through them. If it was this easy to derail a train it would happen all the time. I am convinced that a suicidal person won't derail a train.

I was thinking about using a tarpaulin to cover my body. I'd ruffle it and make it look like the wind blew it there. Additionally I'd do it at night when it's dark so the train conductor might not even realise he just ran over a person. Tarpaulins are used to cover wooden piles for example, so it isn't too suspicious. Perhaps this could prevent or at least soften the trauma for the conductor.
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Jul 6, 2023
There is three ways a train can kill you:

1. I suppose if the train hits you at a high velocity it is equal to you jumping off a tall building. The impact can immediately be lethal. Difficult to say what speed is enough though. If the conductor sees you they will instinctively pull the brakes which will further slow down the train. This will also leave a greater mess as your body will break open, limbs will break and the train may run you over and cut you in half.

2. I've seen videos of people laying down on the tracks infront of a train so that their torso is being cut in half. You will most likely survive that for a while until you bleed to death or die from shock.

3. As @vanillamilkshakes already mentioned you can also lay down on the track with your neck so the train decapitates you. your body will mostly stay intact and the death is quick. I am somewhat considering this way.

This seems like an extreme exaggeration to me. Trains hit cows and nothing happens to them. In my country some asshat tried to derail a train by putting concrete plates on the rails and the train just cut through them. If it was this easy to derail a train it would happen all the time. I am convinced that a suicidal person won't derail a train.

I was thinking about using a tarpaulin to cover my body. I'd ruffle it and make it look like the wind blew it there. Additionally I'd do it at night when it's dark so the train conductor might not even realise he just ran over a person. Tarpaulins are used to cover wooden piles for example, so it isn't too suspicious. Perhaps this could prevent or at least soften the trauma for the conductor.
To 1. It's not equal if the person was at the terminal velocity of flailing human, about 145mph, some trains do that or more on some stretches but it's uncommon in the grand scheme of rail operation, especially here in the states.

To the extreme exaggeration comment, and that other large objects are seemingly ineffectual against a train, both things can be true. It wasn't hyperbole. Physics is more complex than most people give it credit for.

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