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Aug 15, 2020
so, i know that statistically, prescription pill ODs are often not reliable for CTB and OTC pills are even less reliable. it's also a pretty shitty way to go bc of all the nausea + other awful side effects depending on the medication.
my question is, if tons of prescription pills were combined, taken at the same exact time (or timed so that all the pills would 'kick in' at the same time) - would that increase likelihood of fatality? especially if these pills should NOT be combined with one another. would drinking tons of alcohol make it more likely, too? especially with pills that are hard to OD and die on (benzos, ssris, etc)
my experience is that i had gotten horrifically sick one time, so i just took a concoction of a few too many pain killers, antihistamines, and cough medicine along with a 0.5 mg clonezapm since i needed it to sleep and i started getting horribly nauseous and very faint. ended up just passing out from the exhaustion. i'm quite small in both height + weight so i'd guess that alllll those pills going into my system at once made me sick, even though they were at safe dosages and none of them on their own could've caused death unless taken in an absolutely insane amount. if i had taken a giant amount of each pill for the purpose of CTB, i have to wonder if it would have killed me or at least winded me up in the hospital?
i don't really desire to OD if i choose to CTB at some point in my life because it's truly an awful way to go and too likely to fail. but i'm really curious from people who know more about this stuff than me, if combining tons of pills would be more effective, or if it would just increase suffering and not increase fatality?


lelouch. any pronouns. pfp is by pixiv id 3217872.
Aug 10, 2020
i'm not planning to od, so i can't really answer any of your questions, and i don't know if you've checked this out already, but here's a megathread on overdosing.


Jul 19, 2020
Alcohol would no doubt hasten the onset of serotonin syndrome, but it's also likely to make you throw up more easily. The symptoms of this would be awful and it would take a rather long time for your vital organs to fail and cause you to die. This leaves a LOT of time to be found and saved, and there would be lasting damage, or at least a long recovery. I used to think about this method a lot, but reading about it has convinced me that it is simply not worth it. It is typically taken as an ineffective method, more suited to drawing attention to your suicidal ideation and taken as a cry for help.
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Aug 15, 2020
i'm not planning to od, so i can't really answer any of your questions, and i don't know if you've checked this out already, but here's a megathread on overdosing.
thank you so much! i'm new around here so i'm still learning + finding things
Alcohol would no doubt hasten the onset of serotonin syndrome, but it's also likely to make you throw up more easily. The symptoms of this would be awful and it would take a rather long time for your vital organs to fail and cause you to die. This leaves a LOT of time to be found and saved, and there would be lasting damage, or at least a long recovery. I used to think about this method a lot, but reading about it has convinced me that it is simply not worth it. It is typically taken as an ineffective method, more suited to drawing attention to your suicidal ideation and taken as a cry for help.
i figured alcohol could just bring on the puking and make it futile if the pills come up before they truly have a fatal effect- which is generally why ODing fails anyways.. (aside from getting caught due to how long it can take) either not high enough a dosage or just puking the pills up before they can kill. but then there are those medications they tell you to never ever drink alcohol on- so i was curious about that.
it's definitely a miserable way to go, and a very long, torturous sort of death, which is why i don't think i'll ever choose to go by an OD, but i always have that morbid curiosity in my head. i suppose it could work out for someone who lives entirely alone and nobody will come check on them- but that doesn't erase how awful the side effects would be. it's definitely a method that's not really worth it when fixated on successfuly CTBing but i've heard often that OD, along with slitting one's wrists, are usually just used as a gesture. i have to agree it's absolutely not worth it.. don't think i could even do that as a gesture because of the discomfort.

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