

This file is corrupt and cannot be opened.
Aug 13, 2019
I'm terrified.
Of what can go wrong, I live in a sober living house and I'm not sure if it'll be suspicious receiving a package considered hazardous.
I'm calmly relieved.
Life for me has been a tragedy. At 26 I've been intermittently suicidal for ~10 years. I deal with memories of being sexually abused as a child, shamefully hiding self-harm scars (both seem even more of a stigma considering I'm male), and constant paranoia, anxiety, depression and shame. Virtually everyone I come into contact with ignores me or dislikes me in some way, whether it's my depressed and unfriendly appearance or when I let down my mask and they get a peek of my false self. I don't mean to seem rude, angry, or depressed all the time. I just have (undiagnosed) severe depression and social anxiety and I don't trust your intentions and I'm pretty sure everyone is out to get me or harm me in some way. I hate everything about my past abuses, the memories never leave me.
I'm ready.
When I graduated rehab in February I felt like I had a second chance. I was going to get psychological help at any means, I was gonna find a career that I could thrive in, finally find that healthy non-codependent relationship. I did half of those things, and didn't even do it right. I'm still working as a dishwasher, and in yet another codependent relationship that's long distance. My "boyfriend" that's been busy with college and doesn't even take the time to text or call me anymore. He says he still cares and loves me but also that he's smothered and he needs time for his school. I don't want to be selfish but I'm literally dying without him. He expects me to just focus on my life without contacting him for days at a time until the semester is over (December). Without focusing on him I realize that I'm completely alone. My life is empty and scary and full of dark. Nobody offering reassurance, nobody offering a listening ear, helping hand, nobody who understands, nobody who cares. And he's one of them.
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Reactions: blueclover_., FuneralCry, WhatDoesTheFoxSay? and 11 others


Jun 28, 2021
Wow. You're going through a lot! So much shit. I'm sorry your bf is not being receptive or nice. Perhaps you should dump him. Being a dishwasher must suck. I failed at my career and did some really shitty jobs including the career. I looked at dishwasher jobs.

You have undiagnosed depression and anxiety? Could meds be something to at least try? Idk. It'd be ideal if you could turn shit around but I really do relate to being stuck. I am. Toxic earned income of my own. Estranged family. Nothing ever to do.

The packages for sn are not labeled least not the ones in the US as far as I know.

If you want to message me you can. I'm down for listening and chatting.
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Reactions: blueclover_. and Neurodoom


This file is corrupt and cannot be opened.
Aug 13, 2019
Wow. You're going through a lot! So much shit. I'm sorry your bf is not being receptive or nice. Perhaps you should dump him. Being a dishwasher must suck. I failed at my career and did some really shitty jobs including the career. I looked at dishwasher jobs.

You have undiagnosed depression and anxiety? Could meds be something to at least try? Idk. It'd be ideal if you could turn shit around but I really do relate to being stuck. I am. Toxic earned income of my own. Estranged family. Nothing ever to do.

The packages for sn are not labeled least not the ones in the US as far as I know.

If you want to message me you can. I'm down for listening and chatting.
I believe I have undiagnosed C-PTSD, depression, anxiety and maybe borderline personality disorder (because of recurrent self-harm and fear of abandonment). I tried getting in touch with one of my city's mental health crisis centers to talk to a psychiatrist to get meds but I was "too late" whatever that meant. I'll try again before I officially decide to ctb. As far as my relationship goes, I had a mental breakdown because I saw him on a dating website even though he was only on there for friends and I didn't trust him but I'm sure he was I just get paranoid and possessive because I'm terrified of abandonment. I made a huge deal of it and I get that I hurt him instead of just communicating and that plays into why he's taking time away from me but it feels like a breakup and it's all triggering me to my breaking point. Also thanks for the info on the SN, I ordered it today and hopefully they'll be no problems. 99% purity food grade I just need antiemetics.
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Reactions: Alwaysbadtime and Journeytoletgo


Global Mod
Sep 18, 2018
sorry to hear about what you've gone through.

you sound exhausted. being anxious, depressed, paranoid and overthinking, it sounds like a ton to deal with and feel. it feels worse when your experiencing all of this alone, and your significant other isn't doing his best to make sure you feel loved and heard. but your right, in the end, we're alone and nobody gives a shit.

none of how you feel and what you think is your fault. honestly, i resonate with a lot of what you said. feeling like everyones out to hurt you, thinking of the worst possible scenarios, overthinking what someone may be doing and if they hate me, assuming the worst at all times, and then proceeding to isolate myself. it's exhausting.

i hope you find a support system that makes you feel less alone and you feel heard and loved. hard to live in this shitty world alone drowning in our negative thoughts.

a lot of people on the site would be willing to listen and bond with you. the site also has a chatroom that you can drop by in and chat when you feel alone and not okay.

hope you find peace. take care.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I'm sorry you are suffering, living really is painful, and it sounds like you have been through a lot. I wish you peace no matter what you decide to do.
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Reactions: LetmeCTB566 and Neurodoom

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