Yo ningaman, good luck with your psychosis! I'd love to be able to give you some helpful advice. The best thing I can think of is to stay away from all substance, that may include prescribed meds too. Not sure what you're on, but I have a friend who is a little younger than me and he's been hospitalized a few times with manic episodes and general psychosis. I don't see him anymore, but his bro tells me that he's improved, he stopped all but one of his prescriptions and stopped smoking weed and drinking, and even cigarettes. Further he doesn't spend time with the friends that led him astray.
Other than that, just try to be mindful, I'm sure it's an uphill battle and not that easy, but just like you think people are conspiring against you etc. , even 'normal' people are constantly thinking along those lines. I have 'normal' friends that are always getting into arguments with strangers especially in retail stores. A lot of people are in their own world and to an extent it is normal. Try to reason with yourself that they might be just as worried that you're conspiring against them, a balance if you will.
Apologies if this wasn't at all helpful.