
Jun 4, 2019
Anybody here as a result from the side effects of psychiatric drugs. I refuse to use term medication for these little bastard suicide pills that are often described as meds... "Oh well we'll just change your meds if you're having problems... I think we may need to up the dose of your meds; maybe that med isn't helping, how about trying this one. They're not medication they're fucking poison for the mind.
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Jun 2, 2019
true, they give you a hypothetical diagnosis and meds that they dont know how the work, every side efect from this poison you get they are saying that is in you mind and they just live their lifes and you suffer until the end
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Jun 4, 2019
I apologise to anybody here who finds their meds helpful, trust me - your very lucky and if they help you cope then I'm glad
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Aug 9, 2018
Anybody here as a result from the side effects of psychiatric drugs. I refuse to use term medication for these little bastard suicide pills that are often described as meds... "Oh well we'll just change your meds if you're having problems... I think we may need to up the dose of your meds; maybe that med isn't helping, how about trying this one. They're not medication they're fucking poison for the mind.
They do help me, but the negative side effects are awful. So they help a little, and give me a massive amount of negatives.
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Jun 25, 2018
prozac made me jump years ago. i had problems but not that bad.
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Jun 4, 2019
true, they give you a hypothetical diagnosis and meds that they dont know how the work, every side efect from this poison you get they are saying that is in you mind and they just live their lifes and you suffer until the end
I have this image of my psychiatrist driving around town in their motor, dishing out prescriptions willy nilly and smiling whilst being completely unaware of the damage they're causing to people's minds. Not to mention the money they're on for doing so
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Aug 9, 2018
prozac made me jump years ago. i had problems but not that bad.
Yea, I am afraid of getting back on all my meds just for that reason. They give me energy while my body is adjusting, and my mind is screwed while getting use to the medications also.
I have this image of my psychiatrist driving around town in their motor, dishing out prescriptions willy nilly and smiling whilst being completely unaware of the damage they're causing to people's minds. Not to mention the money they're on for doing so
Lol I wish I had a drive around psychiatrist to fill my 8 prescriptions.


Jun 2, 2019
NoChoice said:
A+ for you... The more diagnosable illnesses, the more medication prescriptions, the more money.

The brain (source of "mental illness") - the most complicated and misunderstood thing in the entire known universe.
Psychiatry - diagnoses chronic mental illnesses often within 15 minutes of first meeting, judging purely off of physical behavior (no brain tests or scans ever) often disregarding the substance of what someone is saying they feel like for their tone, facial expression, body language etc. and then prescribing them "medicines" that are not only poorly pharmacologically (MOA) understood but, the targeted illness has never been proven to even exist in the first place and is based purely on pseudoscience. Such as the theory that excess dopamine causes schizophrenia; not only has that been proven to be more and more false every day, but we don't even know for sure what the function of dopamine is! So not only do they not know what they are treating or how to treat it, but they can't even prove if you have the illness that they don't understand or know how to treat, because it probably doesn't exist in such a concrete, fixable fashion. Hurts to think about doesn't it?

It's not hard to believe this is the same industry responsible for the ice pick lobotomy (shoving ice picks into the eye sockets to damage the frontal lobes with no anesthesia) used for any and every mental illness just less than 70 years ago.
Psychiatric institutions were overcrowded and underfunded. Sternburg writes, "Lobotomy kept costs down; the upkeep of an insane patient cost the state $35,000 a year while a lobotomy cost $250, after which the patient could be discharged."

I just can't help but wonder when, if ever, a human life will be valued more than some arbitrary amount of currency that is backed by nothing more than the corrupt government that benefits from it.
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Jun 4, 2019
prozac made me jump years ago. i had problems but not that bad.
Prozac is a good drug afaict. Practically impossible to get prescribed here nowadays though. They just palm you off with the bad shit now cos the pharmaceutical companies are endorsing them and offering doctors cash incentives to prescribe a certain type of drug.
Yea, I am afraid of getting back on all my meds just for that reason. They give me energy while my body is adjusting, and my mind is screwed while getting use to the medications also.

Lol I wish I had a drive around psychiatrist to fill my 8 prescriptions.

Then I picture them driving around a city/town whilst whole buildings burn and collapse and whilst the whole city falls and they're still completely oblivious, smiling... Just three more prescriptions to drop off and that's paid for the new tyre on my merc... Well the first installment anyway...
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May 28, 2019
I'm jealous of people who find meds that actually work well for them, especially anti-depressants. I'm on olanzapine right now, it helps with psychosis, but I hate the side effect of being tired and dizzy. I haven't been on it long term yet, and I know my dosage will just keep on increasing until I have to switch again. I was put on sooo many anti-depressants as a young teenager, they honestly just fucked me even more. No one really tells you the severity of the side effects, and I was young and not in-tune with my own body so I didn't notice scary behavioral changes until it was too late.

There needs to be a huge reform in psychiatry. Our understanding of mental illness is so vague and just based on subjective experience and behavior. I think neuroscience is the future, I've had really good experience with EEG Neurofeedback therapy, it's non-invasive and very helpful. The downside is, once you stop for a while, the symptoms of your mental illness tend to come back. But it is an amazing management tool.

So many of our "modern" drugs are just lobotomies in a pill. It is amazing that they can help some people, but those people are a tiny, tiny fraction of people who suffer from mental illness. Antidepressants seem to be really good as a temporary cast for acute depression, such as people that are prone to get depressed after a bad event or postpartum depression, but for chronic depression they rarely seem to work at all. "Depression" is such a blanket diagnosis, and doctors need to work to get down to the root cause before shoving dangerous medications at patients.
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Jun 4, 2019
I'm jealous of people who find meds that actually work well for them, especially anti-depressants. I'm on olanzapine right now, it helps with psychosis, but I hate the side effect of being tired and dizzy. I haven't been on it long term yet, and I know my dosage will just keep on increasing until I have to switch again. I was put on sooo many anti-depressants as a young teenager, they honestly just fucked me even more. No one really tells you the severity of the side effects, and I was young and not in-tune with my own body so I didn't notice scary behavioral changes until it was too late.

There needs to be a huge reform in psychiatry. Our understanding of mental illness is so vague and just based on subjective experience and behavior. I think neuroscience is the future, I've had really good experience with EEG Neurofeedback therapy, it's non-invasive and very helpful. The downside is, once you stop for a while, the symptoms of your mental illness tend to come back. But it is an amazing management tool.

So many of our "modern" drugs are just lobotomies in a pill. It is amazing that they can help some people, but those people are a tiny, tiny fraction of people who suffer from mental illness. Antidepressants seem to be really good as a temporary cast for acute depression, such as people that are prone to get depressed after a bad event or postpartum depression, but for chronic depression they rarely seem to work at all. "Depression" is such a blanket diagnosis, and doctors need to work to get down to the root cause before shoving dangerous medications at patients.
Olanzapine is what did me in, be careful


Jun 3, 2019
Olanzapine helped me with psychosis but I gained a lot of weight and I have heard from a doctor it is common side effect of this drug...I am on different antipsychotic now but I am always tired...
As for antidepressants- one tricyclic used to work in a way that I pretty much didnt care any more about antything...The rest didnt have any effect that would matter...
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Mar 7, 2019
If it wasn't for medication I would be dead right now. The thing is that I still want to live. I am not suicidal even though I have N for when I do decide to go. The key to working with medication is trying different ones and see how they effect you until hopefully you find the one or two that do work for your bodies chemistry/genetics. I know some people don't respond to any medication, but it's worth a shot, because once your gone your gone. I mean what if the next medication you tried cured whatever it was that you were suffering from and you actually enjoyed life. That is possible, perhaps not for everyone but worth it regardless.


Jun 4, 2019
^^ manz never took a sufficient amount of olzapine for a prescribed period of time lol


May 24, 2019
Anybody here as a result from the side effects of psychiatric drugs. I refuse to use term medication for these little bastard suicide pills that are often described as meds... "Oh well we'll just change your meds if you're having problems... I think we may need to up the dose of your meds; maybe that med isn't helping, how about trying this one. They're not medication they're fucking poison for the mind.
YES. Benzos are the reason my life fell apart and my depression became so fucking bad. I was prescribed then ten years ago. There is no way for me to get off then. Withdrawal is literally hell and staying on them has ruined my mind. It's left me with no choice.
If it wasn't for medication I would be dead right now. The thing is that I still want to live. I am not suicidal even though I have N for when I do decide to go. The key to working with medication is trying different ones and see how they effect you until hopefully you find the one or two that do work for your bodies chemistry/genetics. I know some people don't respond to any medication, but it's worth a shot, because once your gone your gone. I mean what if the next medication you tried cured whatever it was that you were suffering from and you actually enjoyed life. That is possible, perhaps not for everyone but worth it regardless.
I definitely agree but doctors aren't aware of the dangers of benzos. I'm on a ton of meds. Most have helped a little but one has ruined me. Klonopin.
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Not so wise
Jan 4, 2019
Meds don't help me but I don't suffer any side effects.


Jun 21, 2018
I have bipolar, tried it without meds few times and got to the definite conclusion (and to the closed ward - with some point to it, though obviously there should be better solutions) that if i want to spare myself terrible manic episodes that would leave me terribly ashamed and in debt, i have to take it. i don't feel side effects really, take tegratol and lamictal, i guess i'm 'lucky' on that aspect.

If only bipolar was my cause of pain and distress i could be ok. Sadly, for psychological issues, being a fucked up over sensitive kid drawn to build fucked up reality perspective as a way to deal with my childhood- for that there are no meds.

In America, which i'm not in, it does seem that it's real awful how they just give it without hesitation, and pharma and money is before anything else. It seems a bit more measured and not (yet) completely corrupted here, to me. But sadly everyone seems to follow the broken dream.
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Psych ward
Sep 9, 2018
These drugs fried my head
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Jun 5, 2019
I do find that the meds help me. I went off everything including lithium, 40mg valium and others all at once and had an episode of severe paranoia. Antipsychotic meds have helped to bring me back to reality but they've also made me put on a ton of weight. The weight does make me wish I was dead but even if I was thin I think I still would want to CTB. I have a lot of reasons. Anyway, I faithfully pop my pills everyday out of fear of losing my mind again.
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Jun 1, 2019
It's not just that, not by far, but it is a part of it.

I was misdiagnosed as bipolar and fed a cocktail of Seroquel and other shit so strong that it has me missing years worth of memories. It's all just fog. Spoiler: I'm not bipolar.

As a result of the medications, I now have dopamine supersensitivity. I wasn't paranoid before meds, I wasn't delusional, and I didn't hear things, but here we are now.

A quick "sorry, sorry," from the medical establishment solves nothing.
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