
Mar 21, 2019
So since my first hospitalisation, three years ago, the only respite I've had from so-called aftercare is when I've managed to evade this care in the community person (who I've been forced to liaise with) for a couple of weeks. Even if I manage not to see them, they email me or try to call me. I get it, it's their job... but their job is to basically ask me how I am repeatedly, meet up with me, pressurise me to take medication I don't want and talk to me in a condescending manner if I express why their narrative isn't the whole story of these things that have happened in my life, traumas that they label mental health issues. I absolutely hate meeting them for coffee and it's done nothing to help me. I'm going to try to be discharged but I need to submit some paperwork for something so I need their help getting some medical evidence. It sucks to be in this position because I'm basically viewed as noncompliant which I guess also goes in my medical notes and they use it to say I'm not recovering well, or something.

They always start off with "so... how's your moooooood?"
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