

Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
The next time you hear prolifers and anti-choicers talk about how there must be efforts and advocate for more suicide prevention and how they must do more to prevent death, one good argument against that is that the world itself and (just about) everything else is inherently prolife.

What do I mean by this?

Ever since a human being is born into the world and gains consciousness, everything is done to preserve that 'life', the survival instinct at the most basic level (food, shelter, clothing, basic needs, avoiding pain and discomfort, etc.). Just about everything a person does, whether it is by instinct, by choice, or by the influence of society around them, is inherently pro-life. Think about the time when one is born and then a few years later, thrust into an educational institution (pre-school, primary school, and etc), it is inherently pro-life and life itself whether directly or indirectly mentioned is a prevailing theme throughout all facets in life, activities, and more. The media and news, while it shows tragedy and awful events around the world, has a pro-life tone to it, about survivability and what not. Then as a human gets older, they either pursue higher education and/or go into the workforce.

Why do they work?

In order to survive (again, prolife undertones). Pretty much just about every niche and hobby is still inherently prolife and just about no where else except for small circles in philosophical, academic, and very secluded areas on the Internet (or in very private areas) are there really any meaningful pro-choice spaces.

This thread is to emphasize that the world itself is primarily and heavily pro-life and just about everything a person does is to sustain life. Therefore, the next time a pro-lifer wants to talk about increasing their efforts to stop CTB, to push for life and more, remind them that the overwhelming majority of spaces, institutions, and even their own are pro-life. So they really have very little ground to feel 'oppressed'. In fact, it is us (pro-choicers) who are the oppressed ones and have to dig to find places like these (the SS forum), as many major forums and platforms are opposed to the pro-choice stance let alone permit any meaningful and open dialogue regarding topics of assisted suicide, the right to die, and suicide. Pro-life sentiments and undertones are EVERYWHERE and is ALWAYS the DEFAULT stance of just about everything that exists in this world. I could give more examples, but these are the most common ones and almost universal to the vast majority of humans in existence.
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Oct 1, 2022
in billons of years of evolution, life continues to improve: survival of the fittest; including our mentality about pro-life; from the smallest viruses, to ants, and human beings, everything fights to survive

the difference is our intelligence (philosophy). i tolerated my life until now, but now i choose to be against my existence: i want to go back to nothingness and leave all struggles behind, and i want my right to be respected

i'm not imposing my decisions on anyone; i'm not encouraging pro-lifers to commit suicide, in fact i'm not encouraging anyone to end their life: i just want my option, and my decision to be respected. is that too much?

i respect everyone else's rights, why is not everyone respecting my rights?
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
in billons of years of evolution, life continues to improve: survival of the fittest; including our mentality about pro-life; from the smallest viruses, to ants, and human being, everything fights to survive

the difference is our intelligence (philosophy). i tolerated my life until now, but now i choose to be against my existence: i want to go back to nothingness and leave all struggles behind, and i want my right to be respected

i'm not imposing my decisions on anyone; i'm not encouraging pro-lifers to commit suicide, in fact i'm not encouraging anyone to end their life: i just want my option, and my decision to be respected. is that too much?

i respect everyone else's rights, why is not everyone respecting my rights?
I think because pro-lifers are illogical and don't really question the status-quo or think about the beliefs that they are fed. They are like NPCs and sheep. Anything that could make them question their existence and beliefs are quickly shot down, silenced, and censored since they don't want to comfort the true reality of 'life' and it's value. Sadly, this is the mindset of most pro-lifers. Additionally, because they feel like they know what is best, they (wrongfully and unethically) believe that life is a positive so in their eyes, imposing sentience and forcing people to live is considered a benevolent act on their belief. I too, am disgusted at the rhetoric, attitudes, and beliefs that pro-lifers hold.

I mainly made this thread to highlight that existence itself and just about everything we observe in our sentience is inherently pro-life and there is never an shortage of pro-life rhetoric in our life/existence.
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Oct 1, 2022
i understand what you're trying to highlight

Anything that could make them question their existence and beliefs are quickly shot down, silenced, and censored since they don't want to comfort the true reality of 'life' and it's value.

i can also understand some of their beliefs; i don't agree with them, but I RESPECT THEIR VIEWS !!!
why not all normal people will respect mine?!? (sorry 'explode', it just frustrates me)

i try to calm myself down knowing that older views will die out, eventually, and that smarter mentality of newer generations will prevail, and common sense and logic will be finally be accepted, but it takes way too long

i just noticed another thread where a heartbroken mother shared hear pain, in this forum - a forum that supported her daughter at the end of her life (Message from someone left behind); why can't all people be so open-minded like her?
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I do agree with you but I wonder if pro-lifers do feel 'oppressed.' I'd go so far as to say that they actually know they are the 'oppressors' against the pro-choice community BUT they justify this saying- 'we're only doing this for your own good' (because your way of thinking is wrong or mentally 'ill'- we're trying to 'protect' you.)
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Sep 16, 2022
i understand what you're trying to highlight

i can also understand some of their beliefs; i don't agree with them, but I RESPECT THEIR VIEWS !!!
why not all normal people will respect mine?!? (sorry, i didn't mean to lash out, it just frustrates me)

i try to calm myself down knowing that older views will die out, eventually, and that smarter mentality of newer generations will prevail, and common sense and logic will be finally be accepted, but it takes way too long

i just noticed another thread where a heartbroken mother shared hear pain, in this forum - a forum that supported her daughter at the end of her life (Message from someone left behind); why can't all people be so open-minded like her?
That would be so very lovely! Unfortunately, some people need to do things like interfere with suicide, because it makes them feel they have done something noble.
Probably they have low self-esteem, so stopping people from smoking, or suicide or.... makes them feel just so good and worthy!
When the unvarnished truth is that all they achieve is to make innocents suffer.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
i understand what you're trying to highlight

i can also understand some of their beliefs; i don't agree with them, but I RESPECT THEIR VIEWS !!!
why not all normal people will respect mine?!? (sorry 'explode', it just frustrates me)

i try to calm myself down knowing that older views will die out, eventually, and that smarter mentality of newer generations will prevail, and common sense and logic will be finally be accepted, but it takes way too long

i just noticed another thread where a heartbroken mother shared hear pain, in this forum - a forum that supported her daughter at the end of her life (Message from someone left behind); why can't all people be so open-minded like her?
I'm sorry that you feel frustrated over the older views, I do too, and I also share similar sentiments; the mentality of newer generations are not coming fast enough. I won't make any promises but my guess is that it may either come late in our lifetimes (decades from now) or even sometime after our lifespan has passed (usually over half a century, possibly much longer).

I saw the thread and yes, the mother is understanding of her daughter's CTB and how she found peace. I empathize with her loss and acknowledge that her pain is valid. As for why can't more people/all people be open-minded, I don't really know except that most people never really accept death or take it well, let alone deaths that they feel like they have some 'duty' to prevent; so in their minds they feel guilty and always think "I could have changed the outcome" even if that isn't necessarily true.

I do agree with you but I wonder if pro-lifers do feel 'oppressed.' I'd go so far as to say that they actually know they are the 'oppressors' against the pro-choice community BUT they justify this saying- 'we're only doing this for your own good' (because your way of thinking is wrong or mentally 'ill'- we're trying to 'protect' you.)
Perhaps "oppressed" in the sense of losing their power, probably not, but they always feel unsatiated with control and wanting to impose their view (thinking that life = positive, good) and some sense of duty of doing so. It certainly doesn't help that most aspects of society, the media, educational institutions, the workforce, and just about everything else in the world is all pushing for living as the default stance. I don't deny that mental illness isn't a thing, it is a thing for sure, but to pathologize and use psychiatry as a tool of control or dismissing someone's claim (and even as far as exerting their authority over another person) is what is wrong. I think pretty much anything that goes against the status quo is deemed a wrong and in order to justify their authority, they claim that said person/group is mentally ill so it gives them the justification and reason to impose their will and violate the person/group's rights.

That would be so very lovely! Unfortunately, some people need to do things like interfere with suicide, because it makes them feel they have done something noble.
Probably they have low self-esteem, so stopping people from smoking, or suicide or.... makes them feel just so good and worthy!
When the unvarnished truth is that all they achieve is to make innocents suffer.
I think that might be true for quite a lot of them, especially those who just throw a number or spam platitudes, mostly self-serving for them and not necessarily in the best interest of the recipient.
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"Nothing's gonna hurt you, baby."
Jul 9, 2021
Prolifers are that meme where that guy is being stepped on his own shoe that he's holding to his head.


Oct 9, 2022
Totally agree. Is it not enough that most everyone buys into their sales pitch about life? No. They need every single person on the planet to buy into it.

THAT'S what I consider mentally ill.

Not being able to apply critical thinking (not everyone wants your product).

Wanting to apply religious texts to real life situations (illogical and demonstrates the inability to distinguish fact from fiction).

Wanting complete strangers to live their life in accordance with your rules (grandiose delusions)

Unwilling to grant someone the choice of what to do with their own life (spiteful)

I think those are characteristics of an underdeveloped mind.

Scientists always remark how little of our brains we actually use. I think anti-choice folks and the like are using even less.
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Tortured by evil humans
Sep 24, 2020
Yes this is true because after all, all humans are programmed to survive, the desire to live is irrational and comes from the instinct to survive. This is why suicide can be difficult for many people, as even know we wish to leave we can still struggle to go through with suicide because the SI tries to keep us here.

But yes, this world is so focused on prolonging life with any pro choice discussions censored and instead the world is so focused on suicide prevention (basically just prolonging suffering) so that the society doesn't lose all their workers. If people open up about death being the preferable option they are seen as 'irrational' and 'mentally ill', when in reality I believe that wanting to die is the more rational option. To me it makes sense to avoid suffering which is simply inevitable in life.

So many people live under this delusion that life is valuable and life is always worth living no matter what but there really is no good answer as to what makes life valuable. I view life as being the exact opposite, a worthless and pointless concept with far too much unnecessary suffering all determined by luck and chance. I think that people place so much emphasis and value on life, as this existence is all that they know. For many people they fear death, and death represents the unknown and the thought of someone voluntarily choosing death over life scares them, it's a lack of understanding as to what suicidal people go through as well.
But I hate the views held in society that life must always be lived even if it's against the person's wishes. There's no benefit to trying to force someone to endure a life that they never asked for.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
As another bump to my thread, I have just arrived at another potential theory of what allows pro-lifers to form their worldview of the world we are in today. This is mainly how they view the state of 'defeat' in any context. They view defeat as a loss, so to them, if they defeat their opposition (whether it be us, their other opponents, or whatever), they consider it a positive action, meaning they conquered, overcome it. However, on the flip side of things, when defeat is inflicted upon them (meaning they suffered defeat), they see it as a loss. So when pro-lifers see pro-choicers (or even pro-mortalists) choose death, they see death as a sign of defeat, which is something they could not accept. They don't want to see their mission (to prolong life, to preserve life) fail, so they see pro-choicers who succeeded in finding peace as a sign of 'defeat'.

In other contexts, such as media, movies, games, and stories, they see defeat as an inherent negative, such that a hero dies, or a villain succeeds. Throughout history, through lore, stories, folklore, media, film, and even video games (in many genres), they oftenly see death as a negative outcome and it is heavily emphasized through negative outcomes (such as "Game Over" screens, losing a bonus, or some penalty (in an MMO, you either lose experience, wealth, resource loss, other consequence, etc.), and most players seek to avoid that outcome because they want to 'win'. So they associate winning with life and that theme is played over and over again in many aspects of life itself, in many facets and fields. Another thread talked about how the world is really inherently pro-life and very anti-death so that supports my point about how the world is obsessed with keeping and preserving life at (almost) all costs and avoiding death at just about every corner.

So with my theory that I presented, I believe if we can somehow shift the perception that choosing to end suffering is not a sign of defeat, but rather a sign of (immense) courage, sheer determination (to override one's strongest instinct, the survival instinct), and a victory (meaning that one is no longer suffering and in peace). It could be redefined such that the "voluntary choice" of CTB'ing is not seen as an irrational act, but an act of mercy and a victory over the cruel world and sentience (existence) itself.
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