
Sep 1, 2018
I'm not talking about family, friends, or any therapists/mental counselors that are doing their job since I have respect for their views as long as they don't get me sent to a psych ward.

I'm talking about the fucking random people on Reddit/Quora or any other site who think they know everything to the point they will bombard your PMs or your post with a bunch of crappy cliches. If anything, they just make me more suicidal rather than actually helping.

These cliches/advice piss me off everytime ( I know some more but I'll add them to this thread when they come to my mind) :

"Call 1-800-273-8255"
You think I haven't heard that several times already? And what's the point if it's going to send me to a call center that won't bother listening to your problems and sends you to a psych ward instead.

"Suicide isn't the answer. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
You don't know how long I have been suffering and neither do you know if it's temporary or not."

"Suicide will send you to hell."
What if I don't believe in hell? And what if my sufferings were as miserable as it would be in hell.

"Suicide is selfish, you will cause emotional pain towards others."

Oh, so you mean that I have to suffer more by living another chunk of my life just for the emotional satisfaction of my loved ones.

"It gets better."
You can't guarantee that, you don't know if it gets better or not. What if I had a really bad illness, would you say the same thing.

"People have it worse than you and they don't want to die."
Oh so just because they have worser problems than me doesn't give me the right to have suicidal thoughts? What if their problems turned out to be more tolerable than mine instead.

"Suicide is a cowardly thing to do."
Your telling me that the trauma and the pain someone would feel before and during a suicide is cowardly? I would say this cliche is straight up bullying for anyone that's having mental problems and I would definitely would block them instantly.

"Life is a beautiful gift."
Life isn't beautiful for everyone. Some people have it really bad.

"But you are still alive which means your strong."
I hate this cliche because this one just straight up encourages me to just CTB already.

"But you won't get to enjoy playing Fortnite or do any particular hobby again."
So I have to endure a ton of pain just to play a fucking game of fortnite.

"You might as well do drugs or rob the bank if you want to die."
So your basically telling that I have no morals just because I feel suicidal.

"You are too young. You have so much to live for and offer."
You don't know that. You don't know what might happen to me in the future..

Then there comes the ones that think it's their fucking job to spam with the most random cliches on any site that disagree with their views or get them banned. This is exactly how r/SS got removed.

Ok I agree that a good chunk of suicides are preventable through therapy and such as I myself haven't actually done therapy or taken any treatment for mental illnesss. But your not going to fucking help with more of those dumb cliches. If anything, I would say pro lifers are making people more suicidal rather than helping since they litterally shut down any discussion with some random cliche.

The only pro lifers (besides the ones in real life) that would earn my respect are the ones that would understand my problems and discuss them. The ones that are willing to chat with me for months without shutting down my thoughts rather than just send a couple of PMs in a day.

And this big one:
Ones that won't get me sent to a psych ward just for anything basically. Seriously, you think you might be helping me by locking me up in a psych ward but all your doing is giving me more time to feel suicidal and find myself with a huge hospital bill that I would have to fucking pay all because of you.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
"It gets better."

I like to respond with, "You mean it has an outside chance of maybe thinking about considering the minor change from abjectly dismal to sometimes mediocre, and on average only a slightly better piece of shit, which will require inordinate amounts of effort and return nearly nothing. Yeah, what an attractive proposition."

"Life is a beautiful gift."

@millefeui has a pretty good line on that in her signature, and it needs to be put on a t-shirt. When I use that IRL, it usually leaves people dumbfounded.
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blood orange

blood orange

Sep 14, 2018
"Suicide is a cowardly thing to do."

Uhm, no. I don't know why anyone would think this unless they thought we could flip a switch on our back and fall dead. Making a choice to end your life is the hardest decision you could talk yourself into, on top of acting on it. Like jumping off a high place, knowing you will splatter is cowardly? Drowning or hanging? What kind of coward would ever want that?
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Apr 8, 2018
I'm not talking about family, friends, or any therapists/mental counselors that are doing their job since I have respect for their views as long as they don't get me sent to a psych ward.

I'm talking about the fucking random people on Reddit/Quora or any other site who think they know everything to the point they will bombard your PMs or your post with a bunch of crappy cliches. If anything, they just make me more suicidal rather than actually helping.

These cliches/advice piss me off everytime ( I know some more but I'll add them to this thread when they come to my mind) :

"Call 1-800-273-8255"
You think I haven't heard that several times already? And what's the point if it's going to send me to a call center that won't bother listening to your problems and sends you to a psych ward instead.

"Suicide isn't the answer. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
You don't know how long I have been suffering and neither do you know if it's temporary or not."

"Suicide will send you to hell."
What if I don't believe in hell? And what if my sufferings were as miserable as it would be in hell.

"Suicide is selfish, you will cause emotional pain towards others."

Oh, so you mean that I have to suffer more by living another chunk of my life just for the emotional satisfaction of my loved ones.

"It gets better."
You can't guarantee that, you don't know if it gets better or not. What if I had a really bad illness, would you say the same thing.

"People have it worse than you and they don't want to die."
Oh so just because they have worser problems than me doesn't give me the right to have suicidal thoughts? What if their problems turned out to be more tolerable than mine instead.

"Suicide is a cowardly thing to do."
Your telling me that the trauma and the pain someone would feel before and during a suicide is cowardly? I would say this cliche is straight up bullying for anyone that's having mental problems and I would definitely would block them instantly.

"Life is a beautiful gift."
Life isn't beautiful for everyone. Some people have it really bad.

"But you are still alive which means your strong."
I hate this cliche because this one just straight up encourages me to just CTB already.

"But you won't get to enjoy playing Fortnite or do any particular hobby again."
So I have to endure a ton of pain just to play a fucking game of fortnite.

"You might as well do drugs or rob the bank if you want to die."
So your basically telling that I have no morals just because I feel suicidal.

"You are too young. You have so much to live for and offer."
You don't know that. You don't know what might happen to me in the future..

Then there comes the ones that think it's their fucking job to spam with the most random cliches on any site that disagree with their views or get them banned. This is exactly how r/SS got removed.

Ok I agree that a good chunk of suicides are preventable through therapy and such as I myself haven't actually done therapy or taken any treatment for mental illnesss. But your not going to fucking help with more of those dumb cliches. If anything, I would say pro lifers are making people more suicidal rather than helping since they litterally shut down any discussion with some random cliche.

The only pro lifers (besides the ones in real life) that would earn my respect are the ones that would understand my problems and discuss them. The ones that are willing to chat with me for months without shutting down my thoughts rather than just send a couple of PMs in a day.

And this big one:
Ones that won't get me sent to a psych ward just for anything basically. Seriously, you think you might be helping me by locking me up in a psych ward but all your doing is giving me more time to feel suicidal and find myself with a huge hospital bill that I would have to fucking pay all because of you.

Stupid platitudes are stupid. We don't know if any life is worth it and we don't know if human life has any more value than a turnup or hamster.
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Aug 14, 2018
*Insert puke emote here*
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I wanna fade away like I never was
Sep 15, 2018
I'm not talking about family, friends, or any therapists/mental counselors that are doing their job since I have respect for their views as long as they don't get me sent to a psych ward.

I'm talking about the fucking random people on Reddit/Quora or any other site who think they know everything to the point they will bombard your PMs or your post with a bunch of crappy cliches. If anything, they just make me more suicidal rather than actually helping.

These cliches/advice piss me off everytime ( I know some more but I'll add them to this thread when they come to my mind) :

"Call 1-800-273-8255"
You think I haven't heard that several times already? And what's the point if it's going to send me to a call center that won't bother listening to your problems and sends you to a psych ward instead.

"Suicide isn't the answer. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
You don't know how long I have been suffering and neither do you know if it's temporary or not."

"Suicide will send you to hell."
What if I don't believe in hell? And what if my sufferings were as miserable as it would be in hell.

"Suicide is selfish, you will cause emotional pain towards others."

Oh, so you mean that I have to suffer more by living another chunk of my life just for the emotional satisfaction of my loved ones.

"It gets better."
You can't guarantee that, you don't know if it gets better or not. What if I had a really bad illness, would you say the same thing.

"People have it worse than you and they don't want to die."
Oh so just because they have worser problems than me doesn't give me the right to have suicidal thoughts? What if their problems turned out to be more tolerable than mine instead.

"Suicide is a cowardly thing to do."
Your telling me that the trauma and the pain someone would feel before and during a suicide is cowardly? I would say this cliche is straight up bullying for anyone that's having mental problems and I would definitely would block them instantly.

"Life is a beautiful gift."
Life isn't beautiful for everyone. Some people have it really bad.

"But you are still alive which means your strong."
I hate this cliche because this one just straight up encourages me to just CTB already.

"But you won't get to enjoy playing Fortnite or do any particular hobby again."
So I have to endure a ton of pain just to play a fucking game of fortnite.

"You might as well do drugs or rob the bank if you want to die."
So your basically telling that I have no morals just because I feel suicidal.

"You are too young. You have so much to live for and offer."
You don't know that. You don't know what might happen to me in the future..

Then there comes the ones that think it's their fucking job to spam with the most random cliches on any site that disagree with their views or get them banned. This is exactly how r/SS got removed.

Ok I agree that a good chunk of suicides are preventable through therapy and such as I myself haven't actually done therapy or taken any treatment for mental illnesss. But your not going to fucking help with more of those dumb cliches. If anything, I would say pro lifers are making people more suicidal rather than helping since they litterally shut down any discussion with some random cliche.

The only pro lifers (besides the ones in real life) that would earn my respect are the ones that would understand my problems and discuss them. The ones that are willing to chat with me for months without shutting down my thoughts rather than just send a couple of PMs in a day.

And this big one:
Ones that won't get me sent to a psych ward just for anything basically. Seriously, you think you might be helping me by locking me up in a psych ward but all your doing is giving me more time to feel suicidal and find myself with a huge hospital bill that I would have to fucking pay all because of you.
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Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
Aug 27, 2018
"Suicide is the ultimate 'FUCK YOU' to the rest of the world" seriously I have heard that so many times. I don't remember where the original quote comes from but it pisses me off to no end.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
There's this essay by Umberto Eco called Ur-Fascism, written in 1995, where he discusses the philosophical underpinnings of the fascist state. He notes that most fascist propaganda paints the fascists as strong rulers, and that they will only get stronger. They promise to rid society of all the evils it has, and exaggerate their power. But to sanction the removal of liberties, they paint an enemy that they need to eradicate. This enemy is supposed to be all-powerful and all-controlling, so that they merit the extremes that the fascist regime is about to implement. But they cannot be too powerful, because that undermines the idea of the extremely powerful fascists - so they are also easily beatable, and are all weak-bellied, spineless and duplicitous pond-scum. The enemy, thus, is too strong and too weak at the same time.

I'm guessing you guys can see the parallel now, but I'll state it for my own catharsis - suicidal people are supposed to be strong, good, thoughtful and amazing people who are also too stupid to see the obvious truth that they should be happy to be alive and should continue to live, and this process is supposed to be easy for the outsiders (after all, each one of those quotes is capable of stopping a suicide, they're that powerful). How no one notices this cognitive dissonance is beyond me.
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Aug 23, 2018
I agree with you OP, those stupid quotes make me wanna die even more
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⋔⊬ ☌⍜⎅, ⟟⏁´⌇ ⎎⎍⌰⌰ ⍜⎎ ⌿⍜⌰⟟☊⟒
Aug 17, 2018
I have problems.
Ohhh there is this public forum...
I will post my life story
Random People I don't know try to help me...?
but i dont like them. They are stupid.
Fuck Them All!

Nice attitude u have there. Lol.


Aug 8, 2018
Ya I can't stand all those cliches like fife does not always get better. My father lost his wife a long time ago and has been suicidal most of his life. He has stayed alive for me and throughout all the years I have witnessed his life get worse he has tried so much to get help and hasn't gotten better and things just add up more and more. I have told my father he doesn't need to stay alive for me that he deserves peace and I've accepted that in the next couple years or sooner he will kill himself. It would be selfish of me to expect him to live when I'm 28. All I ask of him is to at least give me a nice goodbye before he goes and I wouldn't try to stop him.
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Jun 26, 2018
Maybe I'm paranoid but I think that some prolifers might be trying to purposely spread misinformation about suicide methods, something along the lines of "I've tried method X but it was very painful, don't do this" or "I tried X but it didn't work".

I mean just look how much misinformation there is about hanging, people claim that you will slowly asphyxiate for minutes while being fully aware of what's happening. They say it's painful and terrifying and will only be quick if you break your neck and so on...
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Sep 1, 2018
Maybe I'm paranoid but I think that some prolifers might be trying to purposely spread misinformation about suicide methods, something along the lines of "I've tried method X but it was very painful, don't do this" or "I tried X but it didn't work".

I mean just look how much misinformation there is about hanging, people claim that you will slowly asphyxiate for minutes while being fully aware of what's happening. They say it's painful and terrifying and will only be quick if you break your neck and so on...

The problem with pro lifers doing that is when a determined suicidal person is looking at one of those misinformed posts. They are either gonna take a method that is more painful or take the risk of a method that isn't going to be successful. See, these pro lifers cause more problems rather than do good. Even the suicidewatch reddit somewhat does their best to remove these cliches. Some pro lifers just do these stuff to feel like a hero.
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Everyday I wake up I wanna die again.
Sep 11, 2018
I'm not talking about family, friends, or any therapists/mental counselors that are doing their job since I have respect for their views as long as they don't get me sent to a psych ward.

I'm talking about the fucking random people on Reddit/Quora or any other site who think they know everything to the point they will bombard your PMs or your post with a bunch of crappy cliches. If anything, they just make me more suicidal rather than actually helping.

These cliches/advice piss me off everytime ( I know some more but I'll add them to this thread when they come to my mind) :

"Call 1-800-273-8255"
You think I haven't heard that several times already? And what's the point if it's going to send me to a call center that won't bother listening to your problems and sends you to a psych ward instead.

"Suicide isn't the answer. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
You don't know how long I have been suffering and neither do you know if it's temporary or not."

"Suicide will send you to hell."
What if I don't believe in hell? And what if my sufferings were as miserable as it would be in hell.

"Suicide is selfish, you will cause emotional pain towards others."

Oh, so you mean that I have to suffer more by living another chunk of my life just for the emotional satisfaction of my loved ones.

"It gets better."
You can't guarantee that, you don't know if it gets better or not. What if I had a really bad illness, would you say the same thing.

"People have it worse than you and they don't want to die."
Oh so just because they have worser problems than me doesn't give me the right to have suicidal thoughts? What if their problems turned out to be more tolerable than mine instead.

"Suicide is a cowardly thing to do."
Your telling me that the trauma and the pain someone would feel before and during a suicide is cowardly? I would say this cliche is straight up bullying for anyone that's having mental problems and I would definitely would block them instantly.

"Life is a beautiful gift."
Life isn't beautiful for everyone. Some people have it really bad.

"But you are still alive which means your strong."
I hate this cliche because this one just straight up encourages me to just CTB already.

"But you won't get to enjoy playing Fortnite or do any particular hobby again."
So I have to endure a ton of pain just to play a fucking game of fortnite.

"You might as well do drugs or rob the bank if you want to die."
So your basically telling that I have no morals just because I feel suicidal.

"You are too young. You have so much to live for and offer."
You don't know that. You don't know what might happen to me in the future..

Then there comes the ones that think it's their fucking job to spam with the most random cliches on any site that disagree with their views or get them banned. This is exactly how r/SS got removed.

Ok I agree that a good chunk of suicides are preventable through therapy and such as I myself haven't actually done therapy or taken any treatment for mental illnesss. But your not going to fucking help with more of those dumb cliches. If anything, I would say pro lifers are making people more suicidal rather than helping since they litterally shut down any discussion with some random cliche.

The only pro lifers (besides the ones in real life) that would earn my respect are the ones that would understand my problems and discuss them. The ones that are willing to chat with me for months without shutting down my thoughts rather than just send a couple of PMs in a day.

And this big one:
Ones that won't get me sent to a psych ward just for anything basically. Seriously, you think you might be helping me by locking me up in a psych ward but all your doing is giving me more time to feel suicidal and find myself with a huge hospital bill that I would have to fucking pay all because of you.

I feel like I've been waiting for this for so long. Well said.
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Sep 16, 2018
Nothing makes me feel more alone than some neurotypical person preaching to me about the sanctity of life and how I have the power to change my life. But the loneliest feeling of all is being committed to psych after attempting suicide and being treated the way the nurses treat you. Sometimes I feel the world wants you to stay alive so others can leech off your misery.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Yeah I hate the prolifers, and the ones that deserve the most condemnation are of course, the ones who try to impose their will on you, especially by getting the authorities involved, mental health professionals involved, and locking the person up against their will. Also, by locking people up against their will is no different than a cop detaining a suspect against their will and then holding them for many days in detention. The only difference is that a suspect (even the most heinous of crimes) are treated better than involuntary patients as they at least get some due process and some civil rights, meanwhile involuntary patients have little or no civil rights and almost no due process (especially the 72 hours holds - may vary between states but I don't want to go off on too much of a tangent here.) Involuntary commitment and locking people up in the psych ward is one of the most inhumane, cruel, and unjust punishments given to suspected suicidal people even when suicidal people have committed no crimes, broke no laws, and hurt no-one (unless their suicide attempt/method puts another person/citizen in harm's way).

Hell, even the UN has an article (years ago) denouncing the use of involuntary commitment as cruel.
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Sep 16, 2018
Nothing makes me feel more alone than some neurotypical person preaching to me about the sanctity of life and how I have the power to change my life. But the loneliest feeling of all is being committed to psych after attempting suicide and being treated the way the nurses treat you. Sometimes I feel the world wants you to stay alive so others can leech off your misery.

Reminds me of this quote in the Atlanta TV series "I just keep losing. I mean, some people just supposed to lose just for balance on Earth."
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Sep 1, 2018
Yeah I hate the prolifers, and the ones that deserve the most condemnation are of course, the ones who try to impose their will on you, especially by getting the authorities involved, mental health professionals involved, and locking the person up against their will. Also, by locking people up against their will is no different than a cop detaining a suspect against their will and then holding them for many days in detention. The only difference is that a suspect (even the most heinous of crimes) are treated better than involuntary patients as they at least get some due process and some civil rights, meanwhile involuntary patients have little or no civil rights and almost no due process (especially the 72 hours holds - may vary between states but I don't want to go off on too much of a tangent here.) Involuntary commitment and locking people up in the psych ward is one of the most inhumane, cruel, and unjust punishments given to suspected suicidal people even when suicidal people have committed no crimes, broke no laws, and hurt no-one (unless their suicide attempt/method puts another person/citizen in harm's way).

Hell, even the UN has an article (years ago) denouncing the use of involuntary commitment as cruel.

Here in America, you also have to pay a hefty bill for being placed there against your own will.

I lose all respect and will refuse to talk or see anyone that would be responsible for getting me sent to a psych ward.

Psych wards are very ineffective and there are better ways to go around it if you truly wanted a suicidal person to live.

Psych wards is just a way to punish suicidal people while also taking away some of their money.
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Mar 23, 2018
I'm not talking about family, friends, or any therapists/mental counselors that are doing their job since I have respect for their views as long as they don't get me sent to a psych ward.

I'm talking about the fucking random people on Reddit/Quora or any other site who think they know everything to the point they will bombard your PMs or your post with a bunch of crappy cliches. If anything, they just make me more suicidal rather than actually helping.

These cliches/advice piss me off everytime ( I know some more but I'll add them to this thread when they come to my mind) :

"Call 1-800-273-8255"
You think I haven't heard that several times already? And what's the point if it's going to send me to a call center that won't bother listening to your problems and sends you to a psych ward instead.

"Suicide isn't the answer. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
You don't know how long I have been suffering and neither do you know if it's temporary or not."

"Suicide will send you to hell."
What if I don't believe in hell? And what if my sufferings were as miserable as it would be in hell.

"Suicide is selfish, you will cause emotional pain towards others."

Oh, so you mean that I have to suffer more by living another chunk of my life just for the emotional satisfaction of my loved ones.

"It gets better."
You can't guarantee that, you don't know if it gets better or not. What if I had a really bad illness, would you say the same thing.

"People have it worse than you and they don't want to die."
Oh so just because they have worser problems than me doesn't give me the right to have suicidal thoughts? What if their problems turned out to be more tolerable than mine instead.

"Suicide is a cowardly thing to do."
Your telling me that the trauma and the pain someone would feel before and during a suicide is cowardly? I would say this cliche is straight up bullying for anyone that's having mental problems and I would definitely would block them instantly.

"Life is a beautiful gift."
Life isn't beautiful for everyone. Some people have it really bad.

"But you are still alive which means your strong."
I hate this cliche because this one just straight up encourages me to just CTB already.

"But you won't get to enjoy playing Fortnite or do any particular hobby again."
So I have to endure a ton of pain just to play a fucking game of fortnite.

"You might as well do drugs or rob the bank if you want to die."
So your basically telling that I have no morals just because I feel suicidal.

"You are too young. You have so much to live for and offer."
You don't know that. You don't know what might happen to me in the future..

Then there comes the ones that think it's their fucking job to spam with the most random cliches on any site that disagree with their views or get them banned. This is exactly how r/SS got removed.

Ok I agree that a good chunk of suicides are preventable through therapy and such as I myself haven't actually done therapy or taken any treatment for mental illnesss. But your not going to fucking help with more of those dumb cliches. If anything, I would say pro lifers are making people more suicidal rather than helping since they litterally shut down any discussion with some random cliche.

The only pro lifers (besides the ones in real life) that would earn my respect are the ones that would understand my problems and discuss them. The ones that are willing to chat with me for months without shutting down my thoughts rather than just send a couple of PMs in a day.

And this big one:
Ones that won't get me sent to a psych ward just for anything basically. Seriously, you think you might be helping me by locking me up in a psych ward but all your doing is giving me more time to feel suicidal and find myself with a huge hospital bill that I would have to fucking pay all because of you.


I apologize to the member who I said I wouldn't swear while I'm replying to them personally. ;)
Hopefully they won't see this. ;)
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Mar 23, 2018
Just a regular reply … I haven't had anyone pm me to try to save me. On here or the old S.S. forum.
I did have one at least reply to a post on the old forum … I wasn't nasty but I did say Bye Felicia to them. ;)
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Jul 28, 2018
I'm not talking about family, friends, or any therapists/mental counselors that are doing their job since I have respect for their views as long as they don't get me sent to a psych ward.

I'm talking about the fucking random people on Reddit/Quora or any other site who think they know everything to the point they will bombard your PMs or your post with a bunch of crappy cliches. If anything, they just make me more suicidal rather than actually helping.

These cliches/advice piss me off everytime ( I know some more but I'll add them to this thread when they come to my mind) :

"Call 1-800-273-8255"
You think I haven't heard that several times already? And what's the point if it's going to send me to a call center that won't bother listening to your problems and sends you to a psych ward instead.

"Suicide isn't the answer. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
You don't know how long I have been suffering and neither do you know if it's temporary or not."

"Suicide will send you to hell."
What if I don't believe in hell? And what if my sufferings were as miserable as it would be in hell.

"Suicide is selfish, you will cause emotional pain towards others."

Oh, so you mean that I have to suffer more by living another chunk of my life just for the emotional satisfaction of my loved ones.

"It gets better."
You can't guarantee that, you don't know if it gets better or not. What if I had a really bad illness, would you say the same thing.

"People have it worse than you and they don't want to die."
Oh so just because they have worser problems than me doesn't give me the right to have suicidal thoughts? What if their problems turned out to be more tolerable than mine instead.

"Suicide is a cowardly thing to do."
Your telling me that the trauma and the pain someone would feel before and during a suicide is cowardly? I would say this cliche is straight up bullying for anyone that's having mental problems and I would definitely would block them instantly.

"Life is a beautiful gift."
Life isn't beautiful for everyone. Some people have it really bad.

"But you are still alive which means your strong."
I hate this cliche because this one just straight up encourages me to just CTB already.

"But you won't get to enjoy playing Fortnite or do any particular hobby again."
So I have to endure a ton of pain just to play a fucking game of fortnite.

"You might as well do drugs or rob the bank if you want to die."
So your basically telling that I have no morals just because I feel suicidal.

"You are too young. You have so much to live for and offer."
You don't know that. You don't know what might happen to me in the future..

Then there comes the ones that think it's their fucking job to spam with the most random cliches on any site that disagree with their views or get them banned. This is exactly how r/SS got removed.

Ok I agree that a good chunk of suicides are preventable through therapy and such as I myself haven't actually done therapy or taken any treatment for mental illnesss. But your not going to fucking help with more of those dumb cliches. If anything, I would say pro lifers are making people more suicidal rather than helping since they litterally shut down any discussion with some random cliche.

The only pro lifers (besides the ones in real life) that would earn my respect are the ones that would understand my problems and discuss them. The ones that are willing to chat with me for months without shutting down my thoughts rather than just send a couple of PMs in a day.

And this big one:
Ones that won't get me sent to a psych ward just for anything basically. Seriously, you think you might be helping me by locking me up in a psych ward but all your doing is giving me more time to feel suicidal and find myself with a huge hospital bill that I would have to fucking pay all because of you.
Amen. For some people, death seems to be the only option. Humans have a paradoxical view on life. We prevent people from committing suicide, yet at the same time we exploit other people, even ourselves. The freedom of choice should be universal. Why is it legal to bring in a life, yet illegal to take your own life? I think the main reason is that we don't have any substantial knowledge about life and death. In the future I predict that suicide clinics will become a thing, just like abortion clinics.
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Sep 16, 2018
Amen. For some people, death seems to be the only option. Humans have a paradoxical view on life. We prevent people from committing suicide, yet at the same time we exploit other people, even ourselves. The freedom of choice should be universal. Why is it legal to bring in a life, yet illegal to take your own life? I think the main reason is that we don't have any substantial knowledge about life and death. In the future I predict that suicide clinics will become a thing, just like abortion clinics.

Like in "Children of Men" except it was a handy mail order kit.
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Sep 10, 2018
I don't understand why most people want to stay alive till and through old age. What is so worthwhile about life? Some people do have it good (not just circumstances, but a positive and resilient brain/mindset), but that doesn't seem like the majority of people. So I wonder at the 'pro-life' position almost everyone in society seems to take.

And you're right, most of these responses are cliche, and people have no idea whether it's true (eg 'it will get better'). If you're not someone who experiences ongoing suffering, it may just be too hard (or impossible) to put yourself in the suffering person's shoes. A person may be literally unable to empathize.
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Sack of Meat
Sep 3, 2018
And you're right, most of these responses are cliche, and people have no idea whether it's true (eg 'it will get better'). If you're not someone who experiences ongoing suffering, it may just be too hard (or impossible) to put yourself in the suffering person's shoes. A person may be literally unable to empathize.

Maybe it goes both ways, and we are doomed to be the ones who can't find happiness, living among those who can.
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Sep 10, 2018
Maybe it goes both ways, and we are doomed to be the ones who can't find happiness, living among those who can.
Maybe. I was happy until last year, so I guess I can relate. But I was only aware of youth then (20s). Now that I'm aware of aging and illness, it's becoming very hard to empathize with the desire to live out this life. All I see is diminishing returns. So perhaps you're right.
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Mar 23, 2018
Amen. For some people, death seems to be the only option. Humans have a paradoxical view on life. We prevent people from committing suicide, yet at the same time we exploit other people, even ourselves. The freedom of choice should be universal. Why is it legal to bring in a life, yet illegal to take your own life? I think the main reason is that we don't have any substantial knowledge about life and death. In the future I predict that suicide clinics will become a thing, just like abortion clinics.

Not soon enough for me. :(
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Mar 23, 2018
I don't understand why most people want to stay alive till and through old age. What is so worthwhile about life? Some people do have it good (not just circumstances, but a positive and resilient brain/mindset), but that doesn't seem like the majority of people. So I wonder at the 'pro-life' position almost everyone in society seems to take.

And you're right, most of these responses are cliche, and people have no idea whether it's true (eg 'it will get better'). If you're not someone who experiences ongoing suffering, it may just be too hard (or impossible) to put yourself in the suffering person's shoes. A person may be literally unable to empathize.

I think if you have a pro-choice opinion to death you aren't really allowed to talk about it openly or are afraid to. :(


Sep 1, 2018
I think if you have a pro-choice opinion to death you aren't really allowed to talk about it openly or are afraid to. :(

The problem is, having a pro-choice opinion can be construed as encouraging/assisting suicide. Anything that just gives suicide as an option seems to be viewed as encouragement. Of course, people like Nitschke are somehow able to give that pro choice opinion without getting in trouble. It is hypocritical though since abortion activists are able to voice their opinion without any problems yet abortion can be construed as murder to an extent (don't mean to offend any pro choice activists in abortion, I support abortion myself).
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