

Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
The pro-lifers who repeat this really are so deluded as wanting to die could never be an "illness". Existence is the problem rather than the very valid wish to be permanently relieved from it, I see it as incredibly delusional to even believe that existence is a desirable state in the first place. To me wanting suicide is all that feels rational especially as there are no disadvantages to not existing yet there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they are trapped in this meaningless and harmful existence.

I'd always see it as better to not exist, and wanting to escape from the burden that is existence is all that makes sense to me, I don't see any value in decaying and deteriorating from age just to be tormented by very old age and die anyway, suicide is rational to escape from all unnecessary suffering. In fact ceasing to exist solves all problems so it's really disgusting and insane when pro-lifers act like one is "ill" for having awareness of how existence truly is undesirable, in fact existence itself is simply an unnecessary harm, it's a horrific tragedy how life exists at all.

Wanting to die is simply being aware, it's not something to "recover" from, all of the so called help that is forced onto suicidal people is simply to delude and brainwash them into becoming a slave to suffering, it's disgusting how many humans want to stop others escaping from suffering and get so obsessed with prolonging it. Suicide should only be accepted, not prevented and the option of a peaceful suicide needs to be very accessible.
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Jan 17, 2024
Not really as they probably don't understand what it is like to feel like this. I'm pro choice.
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