

Seeker of Darkness
Sep 29, 2022
I have coeliac disease and I always wondered whether it was my auto-immune system playing up being the reason why I always kept waking up after every 2 hours at night. So I ordered some Prednisolone 10mg which arrived yesterday (10mg may not be the weakest dose, but I've read some other people taking to upwards of 60mg for worse health conditions). Now admittedly I took one at 12pm despite advice to take it as early in the day as you can because one of its side effects is it can cause insomnia.

I knew the tablet was working because I felt like I had a slight common cold and was coughing more often than usual, but still had the energy to do stuff. At one point I was even tired and took a 30-60 minute nap at one point, which made me thought its insomnia side effect shouldn't have been any issue. I tried being as careful as I could during the day such as wearing a face mask outside and washing my hands as often as possible. Also worth mentioning despite Prednisolone supposed to be having anti-inflammatory effects, my abdomen still felt a little inflammation after having dinner. (I'm still trying to stick to a gluten free diet while trying Prednisolone.)

Come by 11pm I decided to take my usual sleeping tablets to see if in combination would finally help give me a better night's sleep (a 2240mg Chamomile tablet, a 3mg Melatonin tablet and a 385mg Valerian Root Extract tablet called Kalms One-A-Night).

Oh boy I was wrong. I woke up at 12.30am feeling worse than before, slight inflammation and stinging sensation across most of my body, plus a slight headache. I tried to sleep it out but felt too uncomfortable so I took 2mgs of Alprazolam. Thankfully I manage to dose off at I think it was between 1.30-2am and woke up at 7.40am. Other than feeling drowzy, atm my body feels fine, no flemy throat and no inflammation in abdomen.

After waking up I went to check my weight, one of the side effects of taking Pednisolone was gaining weight. I only lost a tiny bit of weight since the day before, between half a pound to a pound, but I am suspect if drinking water that day was more the culprit (plus I also did quite a bit of walking and even jogging at one point during the day). I always seem to lose weight whenever I drink water for most of the day, but sustain/gain weight whenever I drink a fizzy drink that doesn't contain caffeine and possibly alcohol.

Yes the Prednisolone could have been the one to blame for keeping me up that night, but since I was feeling a slight inflammation and stingy feeling across some of my body I do wonder if it's effects have already started to wear off. Prednisolone is said to have a half-life of between 2-4 hours but can take between 16.5-22 hours to leave your system. I know it seems odd, maybe the effects of Prednisolone have already started to wear off? Or maybe I accidentally hampered my autoimmune system too much and the inflammation was a cause of an infection or my body having a harder time fighting off said infection. Or it could just even be the Prednisolone again, because despite it supposed to have anti-inflammation properties, one of its side effects ironically is it can cause inflammation or at least give you a stomach-ache.

Now maybe I'm not giving it a proper chance, but with my experience from yesterday (most meds it's advised to take for 2-3 days to see its benefits), I feel very hesitant to want to give Prednisolone another try and would rather drop it altogether. Especially since I have read some reviews of people's experiences with Prednisolone, while not as scary as the experiences I've read about with metoclopramide, some people complained the Prednisolone either did not help their condition or made it worse.

So now I'm thinking of becoming a Benzo junkie, it seems to be the only thing helping me sleep at night.

Do give you guys an idea of my previous benzo experience, while Alprazolam is admittedly one of the stronger benzos, the most days I have taken it in a row is 2. I try to give myself a couple to a few days break before taking another. Most time I usually only take 1mg, I've only ever taken up to 2mgs at most of Alprazolam 4 times so far (1 being last night). So I like to think I haven't been subject to any withdrawal symptoms whenever I stopped taking benzos. But if I plan on taking them daily, I know that's one of the risks I'll have to take into account. And I'm aware of tolerance build up issues as well which will make them less effective over time.

I ordered some Zopiclone from the dark net a couple of days ago, I'm hoping it'll be a more suitable benzodiazepine-derivative to Alprazolam (while Alprazolam does help me sleep at night, it's not really the most suitable benzo for treating insomnia issues).

I Would love to hear from anyone who are daily benzo users about their experiences with benzo usage, as well as anyone else who happen to be using or have used Prednisolone about their thoughts on my experience.
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Seeker of Darkness
Sep 29, 2022
OMG OMG OMG!!! I made a huge error OMG OMG OMG!!!

So I just received another letter containing containing blisters... mentioning Prednisolone. I was confused at first because I thought 'wait hang on I thought I already got it!?'

So I carefully took out what I thought was the Prednisolone tablets, laid them out and counted them in batches of 20, It total up to 201. (I had 205, accidentally dropped 3 that I chucked out and of course took 1.) That must mean only one thing...

It was the Phenobarbital I was looking for all this time! YES!!!!

Holy shit I'm so freaking thrilled! That would explain why the tablet wasn't working as well as I thought.

...So ironically I guess barbiturates may not be the best option for its original purpose of treating insomnia if it comes with a whole bunch of side effects, but that's not why I ordered them in the first place. ;)
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