

(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
Life expectancy nowadays is unnaturally long. It's like 80 years in the 1st world. Before all the healthcare advancements life expectancy was around 45-55 max. If you were in your 40s you were considered a grandma/grandad.
Okay some would say it's great that we live twice as long but we also live at much more faster pace. Back then life was slow. It was harder in a lot of ways but the pace was slower, so you got to be present. You lived in the moment.
Anyway... that's the end of my deranged ramble.
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Sep 1, 2020
Life is tortuously long. I don't understand people who say life's too short. It's clearly not.
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I live to sleep, sleep is my only peace!
May 9, 2024
Those who are enjoying life and having fun are those who say life is too short! Just about everyone on here says life is too long and ready to go!
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Aug 28, 2023
i wonder if people back then (when the life expectancy was shorter) enjoyed life more than us today.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Life's too long. I just want to die young
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
For me, life is too short.
But my main problem is the aging of our bodies.

I don't like the passing of time and the negative effects that come with it.
Old age and helplessness at this age terrify me.

In my opinion, old age takes away all the flavor of life.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
Life seems short once you're older and look back on it because of the way our bodies and minds age and the way we process memories. I think people also mean that their peak is a relatively short window of time. Like I'm 40 now, but it occurred to me the other day that I may as well be 45 or 55 because nothing meaningful happens after this point. And once you're over the hill, you're over the hill for good.
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
This both posbl see prspctv how ppl prcv time diff dpnd situ
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Yes, the everlasting contrast.
Jul 14, 2023
i always get unreasonably pissed about how much healthcare's improved lolol... because we're not meant to be that old, and we're overpopulated as hell.

it's irrational, but i wish they'd just amp up natural selection a little and take some regulations down. that way, people go when they go, and people aren't stuck in complete bone-creaking limbo.

then again, that's just an extreme opinion of mine bc overpopulation pisses me off for no reason
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Whether life is too short or too long is basically a subjective experience.

In my case life couldn't be long enough before I failed big in life.

I still have hope that my life - long term - won't be as bad as I think.

then again, that's just an extreme opinion of mine bc overpopulation pisses me off for no reason
I agree - overpopulation is a big problem and we caused it due to medical development like we humans created our own artificial habitat that completely disconnects us from nature.
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Love is a toothache in the heart. H.Heine
Dec 12, 2020
"Life is short, but how long it is from birth to death." Jules Renard
"life is short but the days are long" (not sure who)



Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It really is far too long to me as well, I find it terrifying how humans can potentially exist for such a long time, I'd always prefer to not exist than to suffer for decades just to be tormented by old age.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Life truly is too long for me and will always be. I can't relate to those who think that life is short as it isn't for me. For me, everyday passes so slowly and painfully. I just wish to be dead already so that time can no longer affect me as there wouldn't be a me at all. I can't wait for the day where I'm dead
Life's too long. I just want to die young
I thought you said that life is too short? Or at least that time passes by quickly
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Jun 2, 2024
Life expectancy nowadays is unnaturally long. It's like 80 years in the 1st world
Even when an 80 year old geezer dies in his sleep, we still consider it a tragedy. You're practically a monster, if you don't put on a sad face at their funeral.

What matters the most is how much someone got out of life, not the nimber of years they clocked.

I'm she and 29 but ok lol

View attachment 142541
I was too generous even
This doesn't take infant mortality into account.
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Dec 14, 2021
My headline on a dating site says "Life's too long" haha