
Aug 18, 2020
Yeah it is time for this thread. FIrst of all: I am pro-vaxx. I am vaccinated. I absolutely don't regret it. I would advice other people to get vaccinated if someone asked me. Moreover you should be careful with sources on the internet about vaccines there is a lot of misinformation.

Okay but now after I said all of that here comes the story. I read my favorite news magazine it has a huge reputation in my country. It was very pro-vaxx in most of the reportings. Though like 2-3 days ago there was an article about the Post-vac-syndrome. I am not an expert. But I try to summarize what I have read. Some covid-vaccinated patients seem to develop symptoms of long-covid. I already read about cases I think even in the forum. I did not really believe it and thought it was probably a hoax. (Sorry for that.)

I am kind of surprised. I fully trusted the past reportings. I have read a lot of articles and I have never read about the post-vac-syndorme. I have listened to many experts who said the vaccines are extremely good tested and there are barely any severe side effects. But suddenly this!!!? I lost kind of trust in the media and experts after this. Maybe I was too naive. I think I am often a little bit too naive and trust the media too much.

Thre article wrote: Many doctors don't want to talk about this issue (the syndrome). It is a too heated topic. They fear to fuel the anti-vaxxers and contradict the campaign of my government to vaccinate more people. The article really wrote that. (It is German and behind a paywall otherwise I would have linked him.)
I was kind of shocked. I mean science should not be corrupted by any political or societal views. This is what science is about. Finding the truth and not serving a political narrative. Yeah with that you lost at least some of my trust.

To wrap it up. If there will be future vaccines I will get them. I barely had side effects. I think the likelihood is lower for damage than in other cases. I mean I am vaccinated 3 times why should the fourth one damage me? Though I am not an expert. My humble opinion is: If we make a calculation what is more dangerous being unvaccinated or getting vaccinated the former one is more dangerous. Many people who were not vaccinated got huge longterm damage because of it. In my opinion it is less dangerous to get the vaccine than to get covid without being vaccinated. I could imagine some statistics could prove that. Though I am not an expert I am a random on the internet who barely knows anything. Don't trust many randoms on the internet about the vaccines. This is at least my stance.

Yeah it is a heated topic. I am quite disappointed that they were this intransparent. This report is partly a victory for the anti-vaxx people. This is why transparency in science and media is so important.
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
This is why transparency in science and media is so important.
There is no transparency in media and science apart for how transparently they work together to manage and deceive the public, and how transparently they depend on the financing and infrastructure of the same people that became significantly wealthier during 'the pandemic'.
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Dec 6, 2021
This is nothing new, lives are regularly wrecked by psychiatric meds as well, probably from other kinds of meds too. The % is low enough that it's completely ignored. But there's always that amount of unlucky people who get the severe side effects that are listed in every med out there.
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novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
This is nothing new, lives are regularly wrecked by psychiatric meds as well, probably from other kinds of meds too. The % is low enough that it's completely ignored. But there's always that amount of unlucky people who get the severe side effects that are listed in every med out there.
This renegade psychiatrist is a hero to people whose lives have been wrecked by psychiatric and other drugs. https://davidhealy.org/
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May 25, 2022
Yeah it is time for this thread. FIrst of all: I am pro-vaxx. I am vaccinated. I absolutely don't regret it. I would advice other people to get vaccinated if someone asked me. Moreover you should be careful with sources on the internet about vaccines there is a lot of misinformation.

Okay but now after I said all of that here comes the story. I read my favorite news magazine it has a huge reputation in my country. It was very pro-vaxx in most of the reportings. Though like 2-3 days ago there was an article about the Post-vac-syndrome. I am not an expert. But I try to summarize what I have read. Some covid-vaccinated patients seem to develop symptoms of long-covid. I already read about cases I think even in the forum. I did not really believe it and thought it was probably a hoax. (Sorry for that.)

I am kind of surprised. I fully trusted the past reportings. I have read a lot of articles and I have never read about the post-vac-syndorme. I have listened to many experts who said the vaccines are extremely good tested and there are barely any severe side effects. But suddenly this!!!? I lost kind of trust in the media and experts after this. Maybe I was too naive. I think I am often a little bit too naive and trust the media too much.

Thre article wrote: Many doctors don't want to talk about this issue (the syndrome). It is a too heated topic. They fear to fuel the anti-vaxxers and contradict the campaign of my government to vaccinate more people. The article really wrote that. (It is German and behind a paywall otherwise I would have linked him.)
I was kind of shocked. I mean science should not be corrupted by any political or societal views. This is what science is about. Finding the truth and not serving a political narrative. Yeah with that you lost at least some of my trust.

To wrap it up. If there will be future vaccines I will get them. I barely had side effects. I think the likelihood is lower for damage than in other cases. I mean I am vaccinated 3 times why should the fourth one damage me? Though I am not an expert. My humble opinion is: If we make a calculation what is more dangerous being unvaccinated or getting vaccinated the former one is more dangerous. Many people who were not vaccinated got huge longterm damage because of it. In my opinion it is less dangerous to get the vaccine than to get covid without being vaccinated. I could imagine some statistics could prove that. Though I am not an expert I am a random on the internet who barely knows anything. Don't trust many randoms on the internet about the vaccines. This is at least my stance.

Yeah it is a heated topic. I am quite disappointed that they were this intransparent. This report is partly a victory for the anti-vaxx people. This is why transparency in science and media is so important.
Seriously? What did you expect? It is not possible at this point now to even begin to understand what the long term effects of these, only now being tested on humans vaccines.
Long term effects are tracked over the course of 20 years. YOU< and everyone else who has been vaccinated, are the guinea pigs that are being tracked. Sorry, did you not understand that when they jabbed you, or when they threatened your job if you refused? They are supposed to make that clear, but they really do gloss over that point, hehehe, don't they.

So, if they JUST started giving the vaccines out about a year ago or so, then the very first long term covid symptoms or other nasty side effects, are going to take a few days, to weeks, to months to even start showing up, then those side effects need to actually get reported, accurately, then all that data from all those incidents needs to be compiled from numerous sources into reports, then the reports need to get approved, then they get published, all that takes weeks to months, sometimes years. To be getting reports already on the nasty side effects of vaccine is a harbinger of not so good things to come, that means reporting on these bad side effects started happening IMMEDIATELY upon the vaccinations being introduced into the human body. So, now you are finally finding out that there ARE side effects and possible even long term bad ones.

You just keep on being pro vax, take away everyones free will and rights to bodily autonomy, mandate all the kiddies get their shots, 20 years from now when everyone is sterile, or growing extra limbs, or loosing the ones they have, or everyone is so tired and lacking energy from long term covid symptoms due to the vaccine, then we can take all the information and write a report and decide if we should continue to mandate the vaccine any longer, or start talks about taking it off the market, that will take years.
Happy guinea pigging.
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Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
tin foil film GIF
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Aug 18, 2020
Seriously? What did you expect? It is not possible at this point now to even begin to understand what the long term effects of these, only now being tested on humans vaccines.
Long term effects are tracked over the course of 20 years. YOU< and everyone else who has been vaccinated, are the guinea pigs that are being tracked. Sorry, did you not understand that when they jabbed you, or when they threatened your job if you refused? They are supposed to make that clear, but they really do gloss over that point, hehehe, don't they.

So, if they JUST started giving the vaccines out about a year ago or so, then the very first long term covid symptoms or other nasty side effects, are going to take a few days, to weeks, to months to even start showing up, then those side effects need to actually get reported, accurately, then all that data from all those incidents needs to be compiled from numerous sources into reports, then the reports need to get approved, then they get published, all that takes weeks to months, sometimes years. To be getting reports already on the nasty side effects of vaccine is a harbinger of not so good things to come, that means reporting on these bad side effects started happening IMMEDIATELY upon the vaccinations being introduced into the human body. So, now you are finally finding out that there ARE side effects and possible even long term bad ones.

You just keep on being pro vax, take away everyones free will and rights to bodily autonomy, mandate all the kiddies get their shots, 20 years from now when everyone is sterile, or growing extra limbs, or loosing the ones they have, or everyone is so tired and lacking energy from long term covid symptoms due to the vaccine, then we can take all the information and write a report and decide if we should continue to mandate the vaccine any longer, or start talks about taking it off the market, that will take years.
Happy guinea pigging.
To be honest I cannot take this guniea pig comparison seriously. I had zero longterm side effects from the vaccine. After my few shots I felt one day and mediocre despite that I had no negative effects of it.

I rather don't like this guinea pig comparison. But if I had to use it I would rather say the unvaccinated are the guinea pigs. Due to the fact they refuse scientifically proven methods to protect themselves from a dangerous disease. I trust in experts and competent scientists.
In contrast to them the scientists who are anti-vaxx usually study completely different fields and seem to be kind of needy for attention. They talk about things they barely know anything about.
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May 25, 2022
To be honest I cannot take this guniea pig comparison seriously. I had zero longterm side effects from the vaccine. After my few shots I felt one day and mediocre despite that I had no negative effects of it.

I rather don't like this guinea pig comparison. But if I had to use it I would rather say the unvaccinated are the guinea pigs. Due to the fact they refuse scientifically proven methods to protect themselves from a dangerous disease. I trust in experts and competent scientists.
In contrast to them the scientists who are anti-vaxx usually study completely different fields and seem to be kind of needy for attention. They talk about things they barely know anything about.
Well, if we are going to talk scientific methods, which I already have, that exactly IS guinea pigism.
Science, actually works that way.

No, a brand new vaccine, just created, is NOT scientifically proven. Period. It cannot be, it is BRAND NEW.

Yes, it is created on the backbone of other successful treatments, but it is NOT the same, it is it's own entity and SCIENTIFICALLY must be treated and tested as such and SCIENTIFICALLY, testing is done, short term, and then long term.
How do you think these things are tested? In petri dish?
Is every single human beings DNA in a petri dish to be tested on before they put it in our bodies?
NO, not possible.
Short term and Long term testing is and has been done SCIENTIFICALLY by introducing the product into live recipients, be it monkeys, rats, pigs, other animals and yes, HUMANS.......

If you want to insist that by using petri dishes we can assure everything is safe for all humans, THAT is UNSCIENTIFIC.

So, let's talk some more science, I got a couple science degrees here, I can dust off, let's chat.
Please, tell me more about the scientific methods that do not use these testing/reporting on live recipients, which is the ENTIRE reason the vaccine side effect hotlines are there, but please explain to me how these methods of not testing on live subjects work and can be done in weeks to months to assure long term safety to all, because, if you read the insert on the vaccine package, oh, the one they do not let you have, but you can pull it up online, so go search that thing for the vaccine you took, read the entire thing, take your time, look up every word you have trouble with. Then come back and tell me those taking the brand new vaccines are not guinea pigs and not being used as such.

I can guess this shot is okay, I can run all these tests in petri dishes and test tubes, I can run spectromographs, chormatagraphs, chemical analysis, I can even run gene testings to see how thigns interact, but I cannot determine how this shot is going to react to each and every single living being that it is injected into and the ONLY way to gather that information is to...dun dun dun.....actually have a group of live recipients large enough that I can track results for an extended period of time.

Do you want a guess? Or do you want an answer? Most people will tell you they want an answer, not a guess. I do, I want an answer not a guess.
Well, the ONLY way to get an answer is to...dun dun dun....do live recipient testing on the long and short term.
Short term testing, we gave 1000 people the shot and they did not die within two weeks, cut and dry, but pretty much the gist. Maybe we do this three or four times, sometimes we only do it once. Maybe we do it while also tracking any side effects, maybe we only track deaths or reactions that involved hospitalization.
Now it is approved to go onto long term testing.
Long term testing of 1000 test subjects would be ineffective at best. How many different ages, sexes and races can you get in 1000 test subjects, how many will live for another 20 years to complete the testing range and gives us the most accurate data?
Long term testing requires hundreds of thousands of test subjects for a good mixture of race, sex and age.
Why? Are we all one race, sex or age? That is why.
Why 20 years? How long after asbestos exposure before mesothelioma is diagnosed, other exposures and other diseases that we are already aware of? That is why.

So, does that sound like anything going on now?

I will sit back and watch the data come in, collect the data, write the reports and in 20 years or so I will decide if I will allow myself to be vaccinated, and if I die of covid before then, then the vaxxers can dance on my grave, unless they are too tired from their side effects.
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Aug 18, 2020
Well, if we are going to talk scientific methods, which I already have, that exactly IS guinea pigism.
Science, actually works that way.

No, a brand new vaccine, just created, is NOT scientifically proven. Period. It cannot be, it is BRAND NEW.

Yes, it is created on the backbone of other successful treatments, but it is NOT the same, it is it's own entity and SCIENTIFICALLY must be treated and tested as such and SCIENTIFICALLY, testing is done, short term, and then long term.
How do you think these things are tested? In petri dish?
Is every single human beings DNA in a petri dish to be tested on before they put it in our bodies?
NO, not possible.
Short term and Long term testing is and has been done SCIENTIFICALLY by introducing the product into live recipients, be it monkeys, rats, pigs, other animals and yes, HUMANS.......

If you want to insist that by using petri dishes we can assure everything is safe for all humans, THAT is UNSCIENTIFIC.

So, let's talk some more science, I got a couple science degrees here, I can dust off, let's chat.
Please, tell me more about the scientific methods that do not use these testing/reporting on live recipients, which is the ENTIRE reason the vaccine side effect hotlines are there, but please explain to me how these methods of not testing on live subjects work and can be done in weeks to months to assure long term safety to all, because, if you read the insert on the vaccine package, oh, the one they do not let you have, but you can pull it up online, so go search that thing for the vaccine you took, read the entire thing, take your time, look up every word you have trouble with. Then come back and tell me those taking the brand new vaccines are not guinea pigs and not being used as such.

I can guess this shot is okay, I can run all these tests in petri dishes and test tubes, I can run spectromographs, chormatagraphs, chemical analysis, I can even run gene testings to see how thigns interact, but I cannot determine how this shot is going to react to each and every single living being that it is injected into and the ONLY way to gather that information is to...dun dun dun.....actually have a group of live recipients large enough that I can track results for an extended period of time.

Do you want a guess? Or do you want an answer? Most people will tell you they want an answer, not a guess. I do, I want an answer not a guess.
Well, the ONLY way to get an answer is to...dun dun dun....do live recipient testing on the long and short term.
Short term testing, we gave 1000 people the shot and they did not die within two weeks, cut and dry, but pretty much the gist. Maybe we do this three or four times, sometimes we only do it once. Maybe we do it while also tracking any side effects, maybe we only track deaths or reactions that involved hospitalization.
Now it is approved to go onto long term testing.
Long term testing of 1000 test subjects would be ineffective at best. How many different ages, sexes and races can you get in 1000 test subjects, how many will live for another 20 years to complete the testing range and gives us the most accurate data?
Long term testing requires hundreds of thousands of test subjects for a good mixture of race, sex and age.
Why? Are we all one race, sex or age? That is why.
Why 20 years? How long after asbestos exposure before mesothelioma is diagnosed, other exposures and other diseases that we are already aware of? That is why.

So, does that sound like anything going on now?

I will sit back and watch the data come in, collect the data, write the reports and in 20 years or so I will decide if I will allow myself to be vaccinated, and if I die of covid before then, then the vaxxers can dance on my grave, unless they are too tired from their side effects.
To be honest I am very convinced that it is the right decision to get the shots. I think the benefits outweigh the risks by far. However I don't see a point in debating anti-vaxx people. I think even if we debated several hours we still would not find any compromise.

I save my energy for more productive things. Such debates always feel like wasting time and terms like "guinea pigs" show me that the conversation is quite emotional and kind of toxic.

I try to avoid such arguments. Especially in this forum. I visit this forum to calm down. Arguments or heated debates are the last thing I want.

We can agree to disagree.
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May 25, 2022
To be honest I am very convinced that it is the right decision to get the shots. I think the benefits outweigh the risks by far. However I don't see a point in debating anti-vaxx people. I think even if we debated several hours we still would not find any compromise.

I save my energy for more productive things. Such debates always feel like wasting time and terms like "guinea pigs" show me that the conversation is quite emotional and kind of toxic.

I try to avoid such arguments. Especially in this forum. I visit this forum to calm down. Arguments or heated debates are the last thing I want.
Absolutely, for the many, the benefits outweigh the risks, by far, you are correct, from what we can track and see, as the data has been reported, thus far.

I am not debating. I am simply stating facts, facts that are researchable, even from a hands on library, though that is rather daunting. I am not saying one should or should not, I am saying, not all of us have systems that can handle allopathic medications, you know, the things doctors prescribe. There are those of us who end up in the ER from one pill that a doctor as prescribed.

I find it absurd that everyone is willing to jump on the medication wagon, be it vax or pain meds, or even antibiotics like Penicillin and make those of us, that cannot take any of these things due to ending up in the ER, feel less than, stupid and claim us to be unscientific, not knowing what we are talking about, accusing us of being antivax and then not even having enough scientific knowledge themselves to even understand the process by which medications/vaccines are created, tested and approved and just how incredibly, horrendously fast the process for these particular vaccines to be approved was scooted along.

Seriously. How is this debating? I am not trying to be convinced, I am not trying to convince, I don't care if every other person on the planet decides to vaccinate, go ahead, I do not care. Your bodies, your choices. Just do NOT try to make me, and when I tell you why, do not insist that I go through more and more testing to prove something that I should not even have to prove to you, because, it is MY body and MY decision.

Go ahead, vaxx it up baby, I do not care. Mostly because you are correct in some way, small pox was eradicated because of vaccines, or so they say, there is also something just as scientific, scientifically proven over and over again by the way, called natural herd immunity, does not make money for anyone though.
However, do NOT expect me to sit by silently while ignorance about 'gee, now this is happening, duh, but I am still pro vaxx, had all my shots, would get them again in a minute, and just cannot understand how this is coming about', is posted in a public forum, where opinions on controversial subjects is respected, my entire response is and will continue to be, what do you expect?

These are the facts and this, what is happening now, what is being reported about happening is to be expected and the reason why, is because, all those vaccinated, are in the long term study, the data is coming in and reports are being released.

Fact, not fiction, whether you want to accept or remain ignorant about it.

This is NOT a debate, you can like it or not, accept it or not, turn a blind eye and pretend there is not guinea pigging going on, but, it is a factual truth that is researchable and provable by anyone who is willing to take the time to think about things that have to do with their own body.

Thanx by the way to all of you that ARE in the long term study. It is directly because those of you that have been vaccinated and are being tracked throughout the next 20 years, whether you realize it or not, why do you think the mandates, the record keeping, needing a physical or digital vaxx record that is connected to your identity, think people, but these long term studies help create pathways for medicine to treat everyone and not just a portion of the population.
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Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
To be honest I cannot take this guniea pig comparison seriously. I had zero longterm side effects from the vaccine. After my few shots I felt one day and mediocre despite that I had no negative effects of it.

I rather don't like this guinea pig comparison. But if I had to use it I would rather say the unvaccinated are the guinea pigs. Due to the fact they refuse scientifically proven methods to protect themselves from a dangerous disease. I trust in experts and competent scientists.
In contrast to them the scientists who are anti-vaxx usually study completely different fields and seem to be kind of needy for attention. They talk about things they barely know anything about.
You're a gullible person. SAD!
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Sep 21, 2020
The covidist mass psychosis runs deep. When the slogan becomes "trust the science" it's probably because the evidence and arguments aren't meeting a standard most people think of when they think of a scientific standard. At least this covid thing has allowed me to finally lose trust in scientific "consensus" and any other decision making from a now discredited scientific establishment. Covidism was (I really hope it's in the past...) coercive policies based on "science" that came from adjudicative process that was already politicized and turned into shady risk-benefit jargon while everyone gave up their privacy.

Forcing people to take an experimental medicine (now called a vaccine) is also contrary to basic international principles and it was shocking how easy it was to get a bunch of manipulable ass-wipes selected as "young global leaders" because they're just stupid enough to get high on delusions of grandeur, to collude against their own populations. It was also disappointing and scary to watch all the eager white-coat medical kapos get their cocks up as "heros" in the "war" (on a flu) but I always knew most of them were made of shit.

It'll take some time but eventually people will realize what a giant and dangerous racket this all was...and the money is the least egregious part of it. All that sketchy bs...removing hydroxycholoquine from the shelves in France right before the pandemic...and the ivermectine..my god. I'm glad I have a way out...
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Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
I tried to catch covid at the beginning of the pandemic. I wanted to die and I walked around costco and the super market wearing my mask incorrectly getting close to people. I tried and tried. I didn't get sick. I got tested 5 times during the pandemic and I was negative each time.
I got the mRNA shots (incorrectly called a vaccine) hoping something will happen. Yes my job was threatened if I didn't get it but I am willingly going along as a guinea pig if it means a quicker death.
It looks like a new strand is on the horizon. Mask up, peasants. I will be doing what I can to catch covid and (die?)
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On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
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Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
But if people in this forum presumably want to die, why be against anti vaxxers?
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Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I tried to catch covid at the beginning of the pandemic. I wanted to die and I walked around costco and the super market wearing my mask incorrectly getting close to people. I tried and tried. I didn't get sick. I got tested 5 times during the pandemic and I was negative each time.
I got the mRNA shots (incorrectly called a vaccine) hoping something will happen. Yes my job was threatened if I didn't get it but I am willingly going along as a guinea pig if it means a quicker death.
It looks like a new strand is on the horizon. Mask up, peasants. I will be doing what I can to catch covid and (die?)
You fell for a scam, sadly. There was never much of a deadly pandemic, only the repeated mantra that it existed. What a huge disappointment. Humanity would have benefited from mass death, but it was just a drill.
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Everything's gonna be OK
Aug 28, 2020
You fell for a scam, sadly. There was never much of a deadly pandemic, only the repeated mantra that it existed. What a huge disappointment. Humanity would have benefited from mass death, but it was just a drill.
Yes. I am aware of that now. Sigh.
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Oct 19, 2021
You fell for a scam, sadly. There was never much of a deadly pandemic, only the repeated mantra that it existed. What a huge disappointment. Humanity would have benefited from mass death, but it was just a drill.
I'm not sure how you would come to that conclusion- I know people who have died from this, they had all the symptoms, and others I know also know people who died from these same symptoms. There are now a million people dead from this in the u.s., and so many cases are well documented.
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Apr 15, 2022
I took the first 2-vaccine regimen and I'm not taking anymore. That 2nd shot put me down something fierce. I was sick for 4 days. I couldn't even walk my leg muscles hurt so badly. My urine output completely stopped, although I was drinking tons of water. I had shooting, stinging pains all over my body. I didn't even have a fever until the 3rd night and then woke in drenching sweat. It still took me another 3 or 4 days to even remotely start feeling just OK. I still get stinging pains on occasion, especially in my toes and I'm pretty damn sure that the vaccine is responsible for inflammation all over my body, which I didn't have before I took the vaccine. Nope. No more. No thank you.
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Oct 19, 2021
I took the first 2-vaccine regimen and I'm not taking anymore. That 2nd shot put me down something fierce. I was sick for 4 days. I couldn't even walk my leg muscles hurt so badly. My urine output completely stopped, although I was drinking tons of water. I had shooting, stinging pains all over my body. I didn't even have a fever until the 3rd night and then woke in drenching sweat. It still took me another 3 or 4 days to even remotely start feeling just OK. I still get stinging pains on occasion, especially in my toes and I'm pretty damn sure that the vaccine is responsible for inflammation all over my body, which I didn't have before I took the vaccine. Nope. No more. No thank you.
This is a big problem with the CDC- even though the overall risks are clearly lower for most people if they take the vaccine, the CDC is not accurately reporting adverse side effects when they do happen. They alos aren't reporting to the masses what % of infenctions, deeaths, etc are breakthrough infections (after getting the vaccines/ boosters). This CDC director should report alll data as clearly as possible as soon as possible, and she doesn't.
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
I took the first 2-vaccine regimen and I'm not taking anymore. That 2nd shot put me down something fierce. I was sick for 4 days. I couldn't even walk my leg muscles hurt so badly. My urine output completely stopped, although I was drinking tons of water. I had shooting, stinging pains all over my body. I didn't even have a fever until the 3rd night and then woke in drenching sweat. It still took me another 3 or 4 days to even remotely start feeling just OK. I still get stinging pains on occasion, especially in my toes and I'm pretty damn sure that the vaccine is responsible for inflammation all over my body, which I didn't have before I took the vaccine. Nope. No more. No thank you.

I'm sorry you had to endure all of that, it sounds absolutely horrible. The stinging pains sound like they could be nerve pain, unless they feel like they're in your joints or other parts of your toes/feet, but at least you only get them on occasion. Hopefully the lasting effects you're still experiencing go away.
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May 25, 2022
I'm sorry you had to endure all of that, it sounds absolutely horrible. The stinging pains sound like they could be nerve pain, unless they feel like they're in your joints or other parts of your toes/feet, but at least you only get them on occasion. Hopefully the lasting effects you're still experiencing go away.
It almost sounds like they hit a nerve when they jabbed and deposited the 'vaccine' right at a major neerve junction and it has effected the nerve on a bodywide basis.
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Jul 23, 2021
Hey yeah. I am not anti vax at all either, but the Moderna vaccine fucked me up. I have very manageable PCOS and the vaccine flared it up bad and I was in a lot of pain, this lasted a solid FOUR months. It fucked up my hormones, severely and my blood sugar I think too. After four months it got better. I think covid is serious, I know people with long covid, I know people with long covid who had the vaccine help their symptoms get better, after months of suffering, again I am not anti-vax, but unfortunately in our world that is run by capitalism and imperialism people rarely give a shit about the truth or nuance. I went to multiple doctors about my reaction, I even went to the ER. I will be very clear that NO doctor ever suggested this get reported. None of them were helpful and they all said the vaccines were so new they don't really know what this could be. Other doctors gaslighted me, one just wrote me a prescription for 30 mg of Ativan lmao. Finally later I talked to a nurse and Dr again, they were more helpful and told me that it was within my right to get another vaccine that I wanted, Novavax, and that the MNRA vaccines were shown to influence hormones and also trigger inflammation so it makes sense I had that reaction. I asked about reporting it and they said though that there really was no point because there is so much red tape that any report won't go anywhere unless it's happened to so many people they can't deny it, like with the heart inflammation.
So after this I waited for Novavax which is a covid vaccine that is protein based and it is a far more traditional vaccine. I got two doses of Novavax and I had absolutely no reaction at all. The MNRA tech imo is totally what triggered my reaction and a traditional vaccine caused no issues for me.
I will say that it's complicated. Like the people who were anti-vaccine were all also covid deniers, and they were the loudest on this issue and caused a lot of problems and drowned out a healthy conversation about this stuff. I do Ayahuasca and in a ceremony I was told that yes I had this bad reaction, but because I am so traumatized and my nervous system is so whack covid would have left me with long term issues and my vaccine reaction was not much compared to that. I am lucky I didn't get the long covid issues from the vaccine as well. I know someone who got that and it has been horrifying to watch! Also everyone online I have seen who had bad reactions couldn't get medical help and couldn't get their reactions to be reported or taken seriously, much like me. During this time I very nearly committed suicide also, it was as close as it ever got, I thought I had permanently fucked up my body. My experience left me really fucked up, but also like yeah this is how the medical industry behaves and because they behave like this I really don't think we can blame people for being anti-vaccine. We like to point fingers, but this industry all over the world treats people like shit, and over time this has created a lot of mistrust.
Anyway I'm like a sales person for Novavax now haha, but if you or anyone is interested in getting a covid vaccine that is actually now showing more resilience to Omicron, and will most likely last longer the the MNRA vaccines, and has shown to have far less adverse reactions, Novavax is an option! It breaks my heart we have many who were damaged by the MNRA vaccines when Novavax eventually became available and in my opinion most likely would have never caused these issues.
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Apr 20, 2022
The "vaccine" is the reason I'm here. I'm disabled because of it. Perfectly healthy before that.
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Reactions: Per Ardua Ad Astra, Leiden, Disappointered and 1 other person


Aug 9, 2022
Meu ctb é devido sequelas da vac. Então penso que você deveria ter mais respeito .Era perfeitamente saudável antes disso.
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Sep 21, 2021
But if people in this forum presumably want to die, why be against anti vaxxers?
Conversely, perhaps a new way to CTB will be just getting Covid boosters. Eventually you'll end up with heart inflammation or a blood clot. And they'll cover your death up, so your family members will think it's an accident. Perfect.
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Sep 24, 2022
Shoulder joint pain in on both arm after taking the 2nd booster. No improvement after 3 months
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Sep 21, 2020
Conversely, perhaps a new way to CTB will be just getting Covid boosters. Eventually you'll end up with heart inflammation or a blood clot. And they'll cover your death up, so your family members will think it's an accident. Perfect.
Unfortunately I don't think it would be a very peaceful death.
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Reactions: Per Ardua Ad Astra and GasMonkey