That shit completely ruined me, i only took Paroxetin. Complete disabled from that shit med after the withdrawal after only 7 months use of the drugs, that's why i am here. I can't even walk anymore because of central nervous system damage (i am 31) I had 14 months of chemically induced suicidal thoughts from the withdrawal and i can understand people take their lives in that state. impossible to put life into perspective because the drugs destabilize the brain completely.
These chemical induced suicidal thoughts left (don't know how i survived). But i'm still left with rational suicidal thoughts because of 24/7 pain, torture, neuropathy and more physical shit i'm left with. Before that poison i was completely healthy. (Going slow and without a doc is the only answer strange as it sounds)
Don't let that idiot switch you and go up and down in dose, these morons don't know the dangers of these meds. And they don't know how strong they are let alone that they can ruin your whole nervous system for life.
I'm sorry that you're messed up by these ignorants genocide perpetrators too. I hope they suffer like me one day.
If you have side effects they will not believe you or they will say it will take maximum up to 6 week (what a joke)
Just taper slow from these poisons and go another route.
7 meds, disgusting and crminal
Just read one of the only few honest websites out there exposing this dangerous industry
I don't know if its the meds(probs)
1000% certain, the problem is you can't think clear anymore because of these meds so you can't see properly what's the cause.
Just make an account on and let the moderators help you with a taper schedule and guidance (completely free) to quit the meds 1 by 1 and on slow pace. Better than any doctor out there because they have experience. Doctors, they will cold turkey you without giving a shit ruining your life with severe long lasting effects
Normal taper rule is lower the dose 5-10% every 4-6 weeks based on how bad the WD is. Meds 1 by 1 not at the same time. (but there is no 1mg pill - no that's right, you have to ask for the liquid form (nobody knows that it exists) of the drug or buy a mg weighscale because these fucking companies of course don't want us to taper $$$)
Switching meds from one to another fucks up the nervous system (and believe me people only know what a nervous system is when it's damaged, it's torture 24/7). So only way is going slow and steady and ignore the doctors that harm you. Don't understand me wrong, there are doctors that understand this problem (not much- only David Healy imo). But that are definately not the doctors that put you on 7 strong drugs from every category and switching like it's candy.
I'm really questioning myself what's going on in the heads of such doctors. I bet they wouldn't prescribe their kids even 1 drug of that list.
I'm 17 months drug free now, and life's still hanging on a thread, only alive because i don't want to leave my family with the loss and grief. Could have been prevented if my doctor didn't go up and down with my dose and cold turkeyed me afterwards and i stuck with the rule i explained you. But i didn't know before unfortunately.
What was the condition he prescribed this collection for? If it's 'depression/anxiety' it would be complete ridiculous. No wonder you feel bad, numbed and sad.
I'm curious what the name of your doctor is, better shame that kind of idiots. I know there's a website to shame those reckless polypharma malpractice doctors, but forgot the name.
best wishes