
Nov 11, 2020
So I don't follow politics much besides the memes I see and the occasional stuff I hear on local news.

I am curious as to why people hate Trump so much?

I am curious as to why people hate Biden so much?

As far as I remember there wasn't any big division or like super hate stuff towards either side previously? Maybe I could be wrong. But I don't understand why so many people are concerned about politics all of a sudden and is acting like it will be end of the world if the opposite one they want wins.

Maybe I am just super naive and uneducated. As I don't follow this stuff much. But I have been seeing lots of stuff like hate this president or that president lately on Reddit memes.

hopefully my question makes sense.
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
People hate Trump because the media told them to. They want to fit in with their equally gullible peers, so they dive right in.

People hate Biden because he creeps on the girls of fellow politicians. Easily verifiable. Also because he's been in politics for decades and has done nothing that deserves praise. And his speech skills are dwindling. Trump's speech skills are as well.
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
I am like you; the last time I watched the news was the election, and before that, a looong time.

As for politics, I don't like Biden because I'm an anti-feminist.

The way women are proudly displaying their fat and ugly bodies is disgusting. I don't go walking around like I look like Rob Gronkowski, because I know Rob works hard to maintain that type of body.

I also have been to jail and known people in there that believe there is no way to turn their life around, who believe the system is rigged and believe handouts and a changing of society is necessary. Sure not everyone can be born millionaires with an heir to their father's business, but that doesn't mean you can't advance in society from the lows you are in. I thought this life was completely against me, but then I finally got promoted. I still have never had a girlfriend at 24, but I have realized hard work can pay off from starting at Little Caesar's fresh out of jail. (I don't still work at Little Caesar's but have since moved to hospitality industry)
Fat shaming, a spin off from traditional shaming, actually works. It's just unpleasant like practicing self-control, so people nowadays who think life should be rainbows and ice cream got it "canceled."
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May 8, 2020
The division started with George W. Bush's presidency, then worsened with Obama's. Now it's off the charts, as each side tries to out-extreme the other.

I used to identify as a liberal, until they lost their collective goddamn minds. But I don't identify with conservatives, either. They have always been my enemy. Now it seems the liberals want some sort of communism in America, so they're my enemies, too, now.

I'm just hoping this turns into a civil war real soon so I can go out fighting instead of with my own rifle in my mouth.
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Dec 29, 2020
The division started with George W. Bush's presidency, then worsened with Obama's. Now it's off the charts, as each side tries to out-extreme the other.

I used to identify as a liberal, until they lost their collective goddamn minds. But I don't identify with conservatives, either. They have always been my enemy. Now it seems the liberals want some sort of communism in America, so they're my enemies, too, now.

I'm just hoping this turns into a civil war real soon so I can go out fighting instead of with my own rifle in my mouth.
Yes!!! I believe we haven't been this divided since The Civil War. Parties were warned against by Washington, and it is because it just fans the divisive flame. I am not a fan of Biden, but I have friends that are Biden supporters because they are still proud Americans (barely, lol)
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Be Free
Jan 2, 2021
biden likes to suck on china's dick and trump is a racist brat. but my opinion is i think people are hating on trump because people told them to lmao. either way they are both shit
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Useless since day 1
Jan 3, 2020
What happen today speaks volume about Trump's presidency. He's been inciting violence since he lost the election and some of his supporters acted on his command today. I don't hate trump (I actually find him entertaining watching him from another country) but he's clearly not fit to be the commander in chief. Even his own allies turned their backs on him. What's scary is that he really really believes he won the election. By no means do I think Biden is the right president by any stretch of the imagination. I think it came down to who was the least incompetent candidate.
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Marlsss <3

Marlsss <3

Jan 4, 2021
Damn, def feel out of place, bc I'm one of the ppl that hates both, but def hates Biden less. I think ppl hate Trump bc a lot of his rhetoric and actions are bigoted and overall just not for the good of the majority of the ppl in this country. I disagree with him on nearly every issue, so yeah. That being said, I feel like some of the anti-Trump memes and "comedy" bits about Trump are so cringe that it drives ppl away from the Dems but yeah. I'd much rather have Bernie than Biden but whatevs. At least Biden won :) Tldr; Trump has some veeeeery polarizing takes (that's a generous way of looking at them), and Biden is a milquetoast centrist.
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Too Long in the Wasteland
Nov 10, 2020
The USA has lousy leadership and has since at least LBJ, too many problems we didn't want to deal with so we just kept borrowing from the future and kicking the problems down the road. Well with 2020 we pretty much got to the end of the road and shit has hit the fan. People are seeing their futures fade away, they're mad, and they want someone to blame (other than themselves). So the media is happy to give them a target for their anger because conflict sells ads/views and the politicians are happy to go along because "divide and conquer" is a thing.

So Trump is over, and probably the only thing Biden will do is make sure there's a President Harris before he sinks fully into dementia. So yeah, hope you're ready for Civil War 2.0, and if you're not in the USA, well enjoy the show.
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Nothing lasts
Oct 31, 2020
Politics are boring, humans disagreeing with each other blegh
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I genuinely think I'm somewhere in the middle, but maybe I'm just contrarian. I dislike Biden more but I only prefer Trump because I empathize with how he gets no sympathy from the people around me. Maybe it's very selfish of me to believe this way but I just can't hate him considering everyone else I know does. Maybe if I made conservative friends I'd come to hate him more but right now I don't think they'd want to be friends with me since there are some things I'm pretty liberal on...
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
What's irritating is that liberals are hypocrites. New Zealand, for example, is banning foreigners for the time being, and they're praised. Trump did this in January of last year and was called a racist. Pelosi said instead we should go to our nearby Chinatown and eat and congregate with our fellow Asian Americans. We can't even call this thing the Chinese Flu because of how sensitive people are. The damn thing originated in China.
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Jul 7, 2019
Long post, but fuck it, I still think that trump has no business being a politician and that he's mostly incompetent.

However, my opinion on him has changed radically over the years, and I say this as someone from latin america, where people are expected to hate him by default, and yet, there are a shit ton of people who love and support him here, and for good reasons.

I remember in 2015, I was fairly liberal back then, and my brain went -he said bad thing about latino, therefore he a big bady dum dum raisist (insert here galaxy brain.png)

But then, the left collectively became insane in ways that I never thought possible, you murican guys pushing aggressively for very controversial and divisive causes and the people in my country defending literal inhuman terrorists that were once communists and now sell drugs and want political power. Big corpo and media sponsored in both countries.

What really disillusioned me from the left and made me rethink my opinion on trump came in 2017, The venezuela refugee crisis, something that many people agree is even larger in numbers than the syria crisis, with estimates going from 6 to 9 million people abandoning their country because of fucking socialism. and most of them ended up here in my shithole country of colombia, unlike europe, we have no way to help these people. I'm seriously baffled that not many people are talking about this.

And this made me feel sympathetic for trump's message, seeing how many poor people lost their jobs and how the country got burdened with millions of immigrants who send all their money back is just depressing in ways that only you guys can understand, so it flipped inside me, maybe this guy has a point and maybe socialism is never the answer.

So, why do people hate trump? because they don't know how bad the other side actually is and they swallowed the media and education system propaganda.
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Too Long in the Wasteland
Nov 10, 2020
The venezuela refugee crisis, something that many people agree is even larger in numbers than the syria crisis, with estimates going from 6 to 9 million people abandoning their country because of fucking socialism. and most of them ended up here in my shithole country of colombia, unlike europe, we have no way to help these people. I'm seriously baffled that not many people are talking about this.
Very few people in the US are even aware of this because our media doesn't care to cover stuff south of us, and especially anything that would make socialism look bad. Hell, we even share a border with Mexico and most people here have no clue about how horrible the situation is there with the cartels. If they did they wouldn't listen to idiot politicians talking about "defund the police".
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Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
IMO politicians live in an ivory tower and rarely get the true problems we are facing in society. Plus it is old school mentality.

Oh, they may talk the talk, but they do not seem to walk the walk.

Eg., If they can find 2 trillion plus dollars for covid - why could they not have found a fraction of this amount of money to rectify so many problems in this country, such as poverty, overhaul of a clearly inefficient mental health system, homelessness, etc.

There were many problems I saw with Trump. Some say he did fulfill his promises; however, he was a political nightmare with his verbal dancing around let alone his lies. But, what I really want to know? How much of my tax dollars went to his spray on tan and comb over?
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May 8, 2020
Very few people in the US are even aware of this because our media doesn't care to cover stuff south of us, and especially anything that would make socialism look bad. Hell, we even share a border with Mexico and most people here have no clue about how horrible the situation is there with the cartels. If they did they wouldn't listen to idiot politicians talking about "defund the police".
Yah, I rolled my eyes at Trump's wall until I started watching videos of the absolutely satanic shit those cartels are doing down there. Now I want a wall, and a moat, and gun towers, and barbed wire, and mine fields, and another wall behind that wall. Eternity in hell would be a Disney vacation next to the shit going on down there.
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Jul 7, 2019
Very few people in the US are even aware of this because our media doesn't care to cover stuff south of us, and especially anything that would make socialism look bad. Hell, we even share a border with Mexico and most people here have no clue about how horrible the situation is there with the cartels. If they did they wouldn't listen to idiot politicians talking about "defund the police".
Exactly, if a candidate or political figure is sponsored by the media, then you know that this is not a person to be trusted.

unlike mexican immigrants who vote overwhelmingly blue, venezuelans are really capitalistic because they know first hand what happens when socialism wins, and they support trump because he is the only political figure in the world who was condemning the horrors of venezuela, now they have no one.

And talking about the media, did you know that here in colombia we had literally the same riots over police brutality sparked by an EARILY similar video? I'm not kidding, just a few months after george floyd and the same level of violence pushed as protests by the media, it was truly terrifying to see such collusion.
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Too Long in the Wasteland
Nov 10, 2020
Eternity in hell would be a Disney vacation next to the shit going on down there
No lie, I stumbled on some of those Narco videos on reddit, they make those assholes in ISIS look like pussies. Absolutely medieval shit, made me want to throw up.
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
Yah, I rolled my eyes at Trump's wall until I started watching videos of the absolutely satanic shit those cartels are doing down there. Now I want a wall, and a moat, and gun towers, and barbed wire, and mine fields, and another wall behind that wall. Eternity in hell would be a Disney vacation next to the shit going on down there.
Trump was right. They're not sending their best.
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May 13, 2020
some of y'all ITT actually should take your own advice after expressing these opinions. god damn. last i checked racism was... a bad thing...
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My time is coming.
May 17, 2019
The way to defeat the narcos is not a wall. They'll always find a way past it. The way to defeat them is by ending the failed war on drugs.
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
some of y'all ITT actually should take your own advice after expressing these opinions. god damn. last i checked racism was... a bad thing...
The race card has been overplayed. Try a new tactic for fuck sake.
The way to defeat the narcos is not a wall. They'll always find a way past it. The way to defeat them is by ending the failed war on drugs.
Legalizing or decriminalizing all drugs is incredibly stupid. China improved by getting rid of opium dens and criminalizing it. Singapore is tough on drugs and is a stronger society as a result.
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Jul 15, 2020
Basically both of them suck
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Nov 11, 2020
So what I've learned is they both suck and that one of them is going to be my president. Nice (note sarcasm)
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Nervous wreck
Oct 27, 2020
I wish cowards would just admit they're racist instead of using their stupid dog whistles.
I, like every other person on this planet, have an in-group preference. White liberals are the only group that have an out-group preference. Mexicans have La Raza, and Blacks have Black power. Yet no one cares unless it's a white person saying something similar. Take your hypocrisy and shove it.
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Dec 29, 2020
I genuinely think I'm somewhere in the middle, but maybe I'm just contrarian. I dislike Biden more but I only prefer Trump because I empathize with how he gets no sympathy from the people around me. Maybe it's very selfish of me to believe this way but I just can't hate him considering everyone else I know does. Maybe if I made conservative friends I'd come to hate him more but right now I don't think they'd want to be friends with me since there are some things I'm pretty liberal on...
I don't think it's right to believe you can't be friends with conservatives if you are friends with liberals. I get along very well with a coworker who is liberal, though I can also relate to conservatives more.
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Jul 7, 2019
I hate cowardly racists and bigots. You're just too much of a coward to admit you are one.
can you please stop derailing this thread with racist accusations?

solve your issues through pm's if you really can't shut it, please, this thread is going to get deleted at this rate.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I don't think it's right to believe you can't be friends with conservatives if you are friends with liberals. I get along very well with a coworker who is liberal, though I can also relate to conservatives more.
Liberals are at least tolerant of lazy people like me and also my interests (cartoons and certain video games) which are inherently unappealing to conservative minds. It's also hard to find conservatives especially in their 20s who aren't also extremely religious and while I'm okay with religion, I get uncomfortable around it lol.
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Dec 29, 2020
Liberals are at least tolerant of lazy people like me and also my interests (cartoons and certain video games) which are inherently unappealing to conservative minds. It's also hard to find conservatives especially in their 20s who aren't also extremely religious and while I'm okay with religion, I get uncomfortable around it lol.
I think conservatives get lumped together. There are fiscal conservatives who don't care about what you do, which are mainly libertarian, and a lump term: conservatives (which includes most, religious included), though the political spectrum allows people to say they are gay conservative because in the end, people can say what they want.
There isn't quite a box for all conservatives; just like all the left isn't paganistic communists, the right isn't full of Bible thumping helots (Meet John Doe) is a great movie.
IMO politicians live in an ivory tower and rarely get the true problems we are facing in society. Plus it is old school mentality.

Oh, they may talk the talk, but they do not seem to walk the walk.

Eg., If they can find 2 trillion plus dollars for covid - why could they not have found a fraction of this amount of money to rectify so many problems in this country, such as poverty, overhaul of a clearly inefficient mental health system, homelessness, etc.

There were many problems I saw with Trump. Some say he did fulfill his promises; however, he was a political nightmare with his verbal dancing around let alone his lies. But, what I really want to know? How much of my tax dollars went to his spray on tan and comb over?
Homelessness? I live in a town of about 100,000 people, and I had a job interview for a AGM position in a big city nearby, and they said they can't get enough people to apply and the managers are working like crazy just to hold it down. Just on my way home, I notice that these places are hiring: Chili's, Applebee's, Taco Cabana, Pizza Hut, burger place, Mexican place, 3 hotels. Those are just the places you apply with zero experience.
The problem isn't homelessness, it's a laziness of our society. It's easier to be on welfare or food stamps than it is to get a job.
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