
Aug 18, 2020
I had this thought when I compared the performance of Selensky with other world leaders. I can't really judge about the IQ of Selensky but his education was probably not as good as from many others. There is a clip where he jokingly plays piano with his penis.

When I think about politicians with high IQ I think of Barack Obama or Angela Merkel. I know socialistic intellectuals who admitted Obama was really smart but his policy was bullshit. Angela Merkel was sometimes described as the world leader with the highest IQ. Despite that she led Germany in a strong dependancy to Russia.

I think there are many very good politicians who don't necessarily need to be the smartest or most educated. I think the problem with Merkel was for example: She used a lot of her energy to get re-elected. Her policies were not bold. She could not deliver what Germany really needed. But her focus was the re-election. Many important reforms were postponed because of that.

The personality can be decisive. I think many leaders would have left Ukraine very early. If that was case the country would have collapsed very early. I respect Selensky for that.

Moreover there are also other factors like charisma and many more.

What are your thoughts on that?


Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
Hell, some of them don't even need a single working brain cell it seems.

They could probably replace many politicians with chat bots and recorded messages.


Nov 4, 2020
I had this thought when I compared the performance of Selensky with other world leaders. I can't really judge about the IQ of Selensky but his education was probably not as good as from many others. There is a clip where he jokingly plays piano with his penis.

When I think about politicians with high IQ I think of Barack Obama or Angela Merkel. I know socialistic intellectuals who admitted Obama was really smart but his policy was bullshit. Angela Merkel was sometimes described as the world leader with the highest IQ. Despite that she led Germany in a strong dependancy to Russia.

I think there are many very good politicians who don't necessarily need to be the smartest or most educated. I think the problem with Merkel was for example: She used a lot of her energy to get re-elected. Her policies were not bold. She could not deliver what Germany really needed. But her focus was the re-election. Many important reforms were postponed because of that.

The personality can be decisive. I think many leaders would have left Ukraine very early. If that was case the country would have collapsed very early. I respect Selensky for that.

Moreover there are also other factors like charisma and many more.

What are your thoughts on that?
Barack was fake-smart. He sounded great, definitely a great speaker, but all empty words.

The problem is, to truly explore some topics, you have to go well outside the intellectual comfort level or commonly held beliefs and values of the majority of your constituents. It's political suicide to seem like an elitist (especially an intellectual elitist). People hate to admit when someone is superior to them - they want politicians to be just the an "average" person.

People also hate when science goes against their beliefs. For example, lets say a study came out that proved diversity is counterproductive. That would mean segregation is actually a good thing for the economy. Even if there were overwhelming evidence that this would be better for people, they would go against it, and anyone who supports it because it makes them feel bad. People hate having to make hard decisions.
Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
Politicians aren't as foolish as most people believe. They know. They just don't give a shit about you. They're beholden not to their constituents, but to whatever ghoul funds their operations. I can respect someone like Jeremy Corbyn, you genuinely get the sense he cares about the common person beyond appearances and his policies reflect that. Not afraid to take the less popular but scrupulous position that will get him smeared when needed, Palestine is a good example.


Nov 4, 2020
Politicians aren't as foolish as most people believe. They know. They just don't give a shit about you. They're beholden not to their constituents, but to whatever ghoul funds their operations. I can respect someone like Jeremy Corbyn, you genuinely get the sense he cares about the common person beyond appearances and his policies reflect that. Not afraid to take the less popular but scrupulous position that will get him smeared when needed, Palestine is a good example.
Let me ask you this, where would you feel more comfortable? Palestine or Israel? I would be fine walking around the streets of Israel, Palestine not so much, especially if they knew my lifestyle.

I'll always support the country that wouldn't kill or imprison me for how I live and what I believe in.

Here's your great Palestine...

Use of women and children by terrorist groups

Bloody child's shoe after Palestinian attack on an Israeli shopping mall
In the 1930s, the emergence of organized youth cadres was rooted in the desire to form a youth paramilitary. It was believed that armed youth might bring an end to British hegemony in the Middle East. Youth were cajoled into violence by Palestinian political figures and newspapers that glorified violence and death. The Palestinian Arab Party sponsored the development of storm troops consisting solely of children and youth. A British report from the period stated that "the growing youth and scout movements must be regarded as the most probable factors for the disturbance of the peace".[90]

As a youngster, Yasir Arafat led neighborhood children in marching and drills, beating those who did not obey. In the 1940s, Arafat's father organized a group of militants in Gaza which included Yasir Arafat and his brothers. The leader, Abu Khalid, a mathematics teacher in Gaza, gave Arafat the name Yasir in honor of the militant Yasir al-Bireh.[91]


Child suicide bombers

Main article: Child suicide bombers in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
According to researcher Vamik Volkan, most suicide bombers in the Middle East are chosen as teenagers, educated, and then sent off to blow themselves up when they are in their late teens or early to mid-twenties.[citation needed]​ There have been instances where Palestinian children were involved in attacks, either as child suicide bombers or bomb transporters. On March 16, 2005, an Israeli border guard found a bomb in the school bag of 12-year-old Abdullah Quran at a military checkpoint near Nablus. His life was saved only because a cell phone rigged to detonate the 13-pound bomb failed to set off the explosive at the checkpoint as it had been designed to do. Eight days later, on 24, March 16-year-old Hussam Abdo was captured wearing an explosive belt, having allegedly been paid by Fatah's Tanzim branch to blow himself up at the same checkpoint. According to the Israel Defense Forces, from September 2000 through 2003, 29 suicide attacks have been carried out by youth under the age of 18, and, more than 40 youths under the age of 18 were involved in attempted suicide bombings that were thwarted.[citation needed]​

Human shields

Main articles: Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel § United Nations, and Human shield § Israeli-Palestinian conflict
According to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,[92] Hamas is launching rockets inside schools in order to use the death toll as a media stunt and deter Israel from attacking Gaza.[93] This tactics is usually referred to as the Human Shield.

Involvement of women

Women in particular have increasingly associated political violence with expanded citizenship rights due to the perceived failure of nonmilitaristic tactics to achieve political goals, primary amongst these, the achievement of Palestinian autonomy.[94]

The profile of the female Palestinian suicide bombers has been the subject of study by Katherine VanderKaay, who presented her profiling of the subjects at the American Psychological Association's annual meeting. While the first suicide bombing undertaken by a Palestinian took place in 1994, the first female suicide bomber from among Palestinian society did not emerge until January 2002. The bomber was Wafa Idris, a 28-year-old paramedic and a supporter of secularist parties.[95][96]

Violence against civilians

By ideology
Terrorist groups​
Response to terrorism​

Qassam rockets fired at Sderot
According to B'Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, 500 Israeli civilians were killed by Palestinians from September 29, 2000, to March 31, 2012, in Israel, and another 254 Israeli civilians were killed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.[97]

B'tselem reported that the main argument used to justify violence against civilians is that "all means are legitimate in fighting for independence against a foreign occupation". B'Tselem criticized this argument, saying it is completely baseless, and contradicts the fundamental principle of international humanitarian law.

"According to this principle, civilians are to be protected from the consequences of warfare, and any attack must discriminate between civilians and military targets. This principle is part of international customary law; as such, it applies to every state, organization, and person, even those who are not party to any relevant convention."[98]
B'Tselem further noted that Palestinian spokespersons distinguish between attacks inside Israel proper and attacks directed at settlers in the Occupied Territories, stating that since the settlements are illegal and many settlers belong to Israel's security forces, settlers are not entitled to the international law protections granted to civilians. Human rights group B'tselem rejected this argument, and stated:

"The illegality of the settlements has no effect at all on the status of their civilian residents. The settlers constitute a distinctly civilian population, which is entitled to all the protections granted civilians by international law. The Israeli security forces' use of land in the settlements or the membership of some settlers in the Israeli security forces does not affect the status of the other residents living among them, and certainly does not make them proper targets of attack. B'Tselem strongly opposes the attempts to justify attacks against Israeli civilians by using distorted interpretations of international law. Furthermore, B'Tselem demands that the Palestinian Authority do everything within its power to prevent future attacks and to prosecute the individuals involved in past attacks."[98]

Rocket attacks within the green line

See also: Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel

Israeli boy crippled by Palestinian rocket fire.
Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip have occurred since 2001. Between 2001 and January 2009, over 8,600 rockets had been launched, leading to 28 deaths and several hundred injuries,[99][100] as well as widespread psychological trauma and disruption of daily life.[101]

The weapons, often generically referred to as Qassams, were initially crude and short-range, mainly affecting the Israeli city of Sderot and other communities bordering the Gaza Strip. However, in 2006 more sophisticated rockets began to be deployed, reaching the larger coastal city of Ashkelon, and by early 2009 major cities Ashdod and Beersheba had been hit by Katyusha and Grad rockets.

Attacks have been carried out by all Palestinian armed groups,[102] and, prior to the 2008–2009 Gaza War, were consistently supported by most Palestinians,[103][104][105][106] although the stated goals have been mixed. The attacks, widely condemned for targeting civilians, have been described as terrorism by United Nations, European Union and Israeli officials, and are defined as war crimes by human rights groups Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

Defenses constructed specifically to deal with the weapons include fortifications for schools and bus stops as well as an alarm system named Red Color. Iron Dome, a system to intercept short-range rockets, was developed by Israel and first deployed in the spring of 2011 to protect Beersheba and Ashkelon, but officials and experts warned that it would not be completely effective. Shortly thereafter, it intercepted a Palestinian Grad rocket for the first time.[107]

The attacks were a stated cause of the Gaza blockade, the Gaza War (Dec 27, 2008 – Jan 21, 2009) and other Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip, including Operation Rainbow (May 2004), Operation Days of Penitence (2004), the 2006 Israel-Gaza conflict, Operation Autumn Clouds (2006), and Operation Hot Winter (2008).

A car hit by a rocket shot by Hamas.
Attacks began in 2001. Since then, nearly 4,800 rockets have hit southern Israel, just over 4,000 of them since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005. The range of the rockets has increased over time. The original Qassam rocket has a range of about 10 km (6.2 mi) but more advanced rockets, including versions of the old Soviet Grad or Katyusha have hit Israeli targets 40 km (25 mi) from Gaza.[99]

Some analysts see the attacks as a shift away from reliance on suicide bombing, which was previously Hamas's main method of attacking Israel, and an adoption of the rocket tactics used by Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.[108]

Denial of service attacks on the emergency services

There have been a number of reports in the Israeli press about denial of service attacks by Palestinians on the Magen David Adom and other emergency call lines.[109][110][111][112][113][114][115] A spokesman said that they had received up to 2400 harassing calls per day to the Beersheba MDA office[111] deputy Mayor of Sderot said that after investigation that Palestinians were blocking the ability[110] of citizens to seek for help after mortar and missile attacks. According to the MDA director in the Negev some callers identified themselves as Palestinians and said that they had been paid to make the calls.[111] The director said the calls were intended to block the MDA's ability to provide emergency services particularly during major events such as mortar[112] attacks.[111] As of 2006[111][113] filtering systems had been developed and deployed to handle with this type of calls, according to MDA 2008 report one filtering system recognized more than 129,000 phone calls as abusive calls.[116]

Threats of using Chemical and Biological weapons

In a testimony given to the congress, it had been reported that Hamas was seeking to acquire chemical and biological weapons during 1990–1993.[117]

In a statement by Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on The Worldwide Threat in 2000: Global Realities of Our National Security, it was stated that Hamas was pursuing a capability to conduct attacks with toxic chemicals.[118]

The plot for Passover massacre included the use of Cyanide. 4 kilos of Cyanide had been bought and prepared for a chemical attack.[119][citation needed]​

In 2003, one report by the CSIS stated The Palestinian terrorist group that allegedly recruited a Canadian to carry out attacks in North America may be developing chemical weapons.[120]

On 26 June 2006, Yedioth Ahronot published a report stating that Fatah's armed wing said it had developed biological, chemical weapons, which would be used if Israel invaded Gaza. 'We say to Olmert, Peretz: Your threats of invasion do not frighten us. We will surprise you with new weapons you have not faced until now,' Al-Aqsa Brigades says.[121][122]

On June 29, 2006, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, claimed to have launched a single rocket with a chemical warhead against the southern part of Israel. An Israeli military spokeswoman said the army had not detected that any such rocket was fired, nor was there any report of such a weapon hitting Israel.[123][124]

Israeli news reports have stated that chemical weapons, and missiles with chemical warheads from Libya have been transferred to Palestinians in Gaza,[citation needed]​ with some allegedly transferred via Sudan, although Sudanese officials have denied the accusations.[125]

Palestinian stone-throwing

Main article: Palestinian stone-throwing
Palestinian stone-throwing is a violent political statement celebrated in the literature of the Palestinian national liberation movement. Stone throwing was the primary tactic of the First Intifada (1997 - 1993.) It encompasses the practice of throwing stones by hand and using powerful slings variously aimed at Israel security personnel, Israeli civilians, and at both civilian and military vehicles. It has resulted in the death of both Israelis and Arabs unknowingly targeted by stone-throwers.
Oblivion Access

Oblivion Access

I don't know anything
Jul 5, 2019
Let me ask you this, where would you feel more comfortable? Palestine or Israel? I would be fine walking around the streets of Israel, Palestine not so much, especially if they knew my lifestyle.

I'll always support the country that wouldn't kill or imprison me for how I live and what I believe in.
Irrelevant. Apartheid and genocide are wrong. That's all I'm concerned with on this issue.


Nov 4, 2020
Irrelevant. Apartheid and genocide are wrong. That's all I'm concerned with on this issue.
Avoiding - typical response...

If Palestinians were so proud of what they are doing, why do they hide among civilians instead of wearing a uniform and flag on their arm?

This made me think of Biggie - Who Shot Ya :))

And even more reason I don't give a shit about Palestine:

Palestine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Palestine

Israel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Israel
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