
Mar 18, 2024
How is it that our world is so polarized?On one side of the world,one woman who was lucky enough to be born in a first world paradise,worries about what dress to wear for a date,or thinking about her next promotion at her high paying job and on the other side of this garbage planet,we have another woman,who was unlucky enough to be born into a third world hellhole and was married off as a child asks herself how she is going to raise her 3+ kids and tolerate her monster of a "husband" for the rest of her life.On one side of the world,a man wonders how to spend his money on a designer suit,while on the other a small kid wonders where his next meal will come from.On side of the world,a kid has a happy home while on the other,a kid watches their "father" beat their "mothers" as part of the norm.In one part of the world,an educated and well-earning woman walks out with divorce,while on the other side,a woman contributing to half of the income is abused and shackled for the rest of her life.

Whatever monster is running this garbage planet is an evil being.Life is just a cruel game of russian roulette..Nothing justifies this horror.
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Jul 29, 2023
And this is why I believe that free will is an illusion perpetuated by those with power to feel like their entitlement to more than they need was earned through hard work instead of privilege. That punishing people for being poor is justified if a poor man steals bread to feed his family or a poor person develops trauma from their environment and socioeconomic factors that cause them to struggle needlessly so a few can have too much while so many have barely enough.

So much of our lives is wholly or mostly out of our control whether it is our genetic makeup and how our environments cause bad genes in us to switch on to inflict us with sickness in our bodies or biological mechanisms fully out of our control like our hearts beating against our free will or our hunger and thirst being a cost of being a living being. Suffering is commoditized and is profitable in this global economy. The poor man uses his children as child labor to pick agricultural products that he then sells to middlemen at very low or modest prices so that middleman can then sell that same product at a profit doing barely any labor but usually gaining more than the poor man and his children to then have the company make upwards of 300% profit on sales.

Ask the man who grew up privileged if by simply being born into said privilege if he believes in hard work and then ask if he earned his father's hard work by simply being his child and he will act confused and maybe even angry because how dare you suggest privilege does more to further the chances of success than hard work! How dare you!

Free will is the story the ones in power tell the weak so they can worry about what flavor of ice cream to eat instead of about how much being poor has negatively affected them before conception, during his time in his mother's womb, and then outside in the earliest stages of development. How much access to proper nutrition alone and clean drinking water affects the chances of proper brain development. How much our genes are affected by our environments!

Any system that favors certain labor over other types of labor is a system meant to enslave many at the hands of the few. It is not an equitable system it is a system that masquerades through the idea of equality but never fulfills even this basic function because it fails to take in account that even basic equality depends on stringent and fundamental protections that many do not have and many will never have.

I wouldn't even call it polarity or a contradiction it is simply human greed compassionately pretending to be selflessly interested when in reality most men do not see past the ends of their noses and wealth and privilege tend to make people more selfish and greedy not altruistic or empathetic.

All this human history available to us provides more than adequate enough information to show what needless suffering does to people and how it traumatizes whole groups, minorities, and generations, and yet we are blind. Mostly not even out of nefarious and wickedness but out of willful ignorance to protect our own egos.

God is dead and he died under the weight of the mighty dollar.
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Mar 29, 2024
What you described are extremes. They could even be pushed further and further. How far, actually? That would depend on so many things. That also leads me to the question if suffering can and/or should be quantified objectively? Similar circumstances may be experienced differently among different persons.
I think it's more like an infinite number of shades. Anyone could happen to be thrown into circumstances going this way or that way, any number of times. Yes, it is not fair, and I can't imagine how it could be.
Also, I think the "monster running this garbage planet", if anything, is nature. And we are messily trying to shape something that we are part of. Doing great, too, are we not? šŸ‘
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