

One must imagine Sisyphus dead.
Sep 3, 2024
I have recently finished sourcing everything I need for SN. I had planned to CTB earlier but ended up having to delay things. I think I'll take this chance to share my SN plan and maybe clear out some doubts, so here it is:

Time (before SN drink)​
8-10 hours​
Start fasting​
1 hour​
Pain killers: 1500mg paracetamol + 400mg ibuprofen​
40 mins​
Antiemetics: 30mg metoclopramide + 8mg ondansetron​
35 mins​
β-blocker: 400mg propranolol​
30 mins​
Antacid: 200mg cimetidine​
15 mins​
Sedative: 7mg clonazepam​
0 mins​
25g SN​

I have some questions (mostly about benzos and antacids):

  • Are my benzo dosage and timing ok? Clonazepam has a slow onset time (30-60mins), but I'm taking a large amount. I don't want to risk blacking out and failing. I only ever took 0.5mg as a test. I felt sleepy at around 25 mins, and very sleepy at 80 mins. Unfortunately I don't have access to a large quantity so I can't do much more testing.

  • Is clonazepam good for SN? I saw numerous threads mentioning it but it's surely not the most common benzo. Alprazolam and diazepam seem to be more popular. I have only been able to obtain clonazepam. Are other benzos preferable for some reason?

  • Are antacids necessary? It seems there is a lot of controversy around this. They were once recommended by PPH but were removed from their protocol. Some sources claim it has little effect and others say it will make you conscious for longer (1, 2). That's why I chose a small dose (only 200mg, as opposed to the 800mg recommended by PPH). Since I'm taking benzos to (hopefully) get sedated, are antacids really going to have any negative effect on how long I stay conscious? Does a low dosage like 200mg of cimetidine even make any difference on comfort or SN absorption?

  • Most sources recommend fasting and not drinking anything but water during the protocol execution. SN supposedly tastes fine (just a bit salty), but I'm not sure I will like it and I want the last taste that I will ever feel to be something good. Some sources recommend mouthwash or gum. I plan to chew on some gummies and (probably) spit them after taking the SN drink. Is this going to have any negative side effect? Am I more likely to vomit because of this?

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks for your time!
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Aug 23, 2024
I have recently finished sourcing everything I need for SN. I had planned to CTB earlier but ended up having to delay things. I think I'll take this chance to share my SN plan and maybe clear out some doubts, so here it is:

Time (before SN drink)​
8-10 hours​
Start fasting​
1 hour​
Pain killers: 1500mg paracetamol + 400mg ibuprofen​
40 mins​
Antiemetics: 30mg metoclopramide + 8mg ondansetron​
35 mins​
β-blocker: 400mg propranolol​
30 mins​
Antacid: 200mg cimetidine​
15 mins​
Sedative: 7mg clonazepam​
0 mins​
25g SN​

I have some questions (mostly about benzos and antacids):

  • Are my benzo dosage and timing ok? Clonazepam has a slow onset time (30-60mins), but I'm taking a large amount. I don't want to risk blacking out and failing. I only ever took 0.5mg as a test. I felt sleepy at around 25 mins, and very sleepy at 80 mins. Unfortunately I don't have access to a large quantity so I can't do much more testing.

  • Is clonazepam good for SN? I saw numerous threads mentioning it but it's surely not the most common benzo. Alprazolam and diazepam seem to be more popular. I have only been able to obtain clonazepam. Are other benzos preferable for some reason?

  • Are antacids necessary? It seems there is a lot of controversy around this. They were once recommended by PPH but were removed from their protocol. Some sources claim it has little effect and others say it will make you conscious for longer (1, 2). That's why I chose a small dose (only 200mg, as opposed to the 800mg recommended by PPH). Since I'm taking benzos to (hopefully) get sedated, are antacids really going to have any negative effect on how long I stay conscious? Does a low dosage like 200mg of cimetidine even make any difference on comfort or SN absorption?

  • Most sources recommend fasting and not drinking anything but water during the protocol execution. SN supposedly tastes fine (just a bit salty), but I'm not sure I will like it and I want the last taste that I will ever feel to be something good. Some sources recommend mouthwash or gum. I plan to chew on some gummies and (probably) spit them after taking the SN drink. Is this going to have any negative side effect? Am I more likely to vomit because of this?

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks for your time!
Its just my personal opinion after reading around SaSu:
1. 7mg clonazepam is equivalent to 1/3 dosage of oxazepam which is recommended by PPH. And 15 mins is quite a long timing as you fasted and you crushed the clonazepam. There could be risk of you falling asleep before taking SN. Another risk is vomiting in sleep. If i were you i might take less than 7mg, just to have the benefit of benzo to calm you down and reduce anxiety rather than knocking you out and fail.
2. Every benzo has different onset. You might need to research about this. And also everyone has different tolerance to benzo.
3. Based on latest PPH, antacids is no longer needed. But if you had gastric problem, you can take simple OTC antacid rather than cimetidine. Because the OTC antacid will have less benign effect but also help reducing stomach pain due to gastric issue.
4. Gum is best idea. As many people will induce dry retching when taste something bad. But i will take gum after the SN just to kill the bad taste.

Good luck and i hope you will find your peace soon!
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One must imagine Sisyphus dead.
Sep 3, 2024
Thanks for you reply!

7mg clonazepam is equivalent to 1/3 dosage of oxazepam which is recommended by PPH. And 15 mins is quite a long timing as you fasted and you crushed the clonazepam. There could be risk of you falling asleep before taking SN. Another risk is vomiting in sleep. If i were you i might take less than 7mg, just to have the benefit of benzo to calm you down and reduce anxiety rather than knocking you out and fail.

I was a bit skeptical about my benzo setup. I haven't found much discussion on clonazepam dosage. PPH recommends 600mg of oxazepam or 500mg of diazepam. According to, that's either 15mg or 25mg of clonazepam, but other conversion tools disagree. PPH doesn't mention a specific dose for clonazepam, and it seems there's some inaccuracy when converting. Since my tolerance is quite low (I never used benzos except for testing), I thought 7mg would be enough.

I like your suggestion of a smaller dose just to reduce anxiety. Seems like the safer option. I'm thinking about taking a small dose (0.5 - 1mg) 10 minutes before SN (to reduce anxiety), and a larger dose (5 - 7mg) just after SN (as the PPH recommends, to speed up loss of consciousness). Since clonazepam has a slow onset, I think this setup still guarantees I will have time for a second glass if vomiting occurs.

Based on latest PPH, antacids is no longer needed. But if you had gastric problem, you can take simple OTC antacid rather than cimetidine. Because the OTC antacid will have less benign effect but also help reducing stomach pain due to gastric issue.

Yeah, perhaps is better to leave cimetidine off. I only thought of including an antacid to reduce stomach discomfort. On a separate note, it's funny you mention an OTC antacid as an alternative. Where I live (Brazil), basically every drug I listed except for benzos (meto, propranolol, cimetidine) are OTC. I got mine from a food/market delivery app (similar to DoorDash or Uber Eats), without any prescriptions.

I just realized PPH recommends propranolol at the same time as SN, not the antiemetics. I guess I'll change that too.
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Aug 23, 2024
Thanks for you reply!

I was a bit skeptical about my benzo setup. I haven't found much discussion on clonazepam dosage. PPH recommends 600mg of oxazepam or 500mg of diazepam. According to, that's either 15mg or 25mg of clonazepam, but other conversion tools disagree. PPH doesn't mention a specific dose for clonazepam, and it seems there's some inaccuracy when converting. Since my tolerance is quite low (I never used benzos except for testing), I thought 7mg would be enough.

I like your suggestion of a smaller dose just to reduce anxiety. Seems like the safer option. I'm thinking about taking a small dose (0.5 - 1mg) 10 minutes before SN (to reduce anxiety), and a larger dose (5 - 7mg) just after SN (as the PPH recommends, to speed up loss of consciousness). Since clonazepam has a slow onset, I think this setup still guarantees I will have time for a second glass if vomiting occurs.

Yeah, perhaps is better to leave cimetidine off. I only thought of including an antacid to reduce stomach discomfort. On a separate note, it's funny you mention an OTC antacid as an alternative. Where I live (Brazil), basically every drug I listed except for benzos (meto, propranolol, cimetidine) are OTC. I got mine from a food/market delivery app (similar to DoorDash or Uber Eats), without any prescriptions.

I just realized PPH recommends propranolol at the same time as SN, not the antiemetics. I guess I'll change that too.
And remember, the essential components for SN method are only SN and antiemetic (following with fasting). Don't let others or complicate others that bring you the risk of failing. It's not worth.

The main purpose is to let the pure SN with lethal dose stay in your body and absorbed. And expect some discomfort until you become unconscious.

Best of luck, my friend 🙏🏻
Thanks for you reply!

I was a bit skeptical about my benzo setup. I haven't found much discussion on clonazepam dosage. PPH recommends 600mg of oxazepam or 500mg of diazepam. According to, that's either 15mg or 25mg of clonazepam, but other conversion tools disagree. PPH doesn't mention a specific dose for clonazepam, and it seems there's some inaccuracy when converting. Since my tolerance is quite low (I never used benzos except for testing), I thought 7mg would be enough.

I like your suggestion of a smaller dose just to reduce anxiety. Seems like the safer option. I'm thinking about taking a small dose (0.5 - 1mg) 10 minutes before SN (to reduce anxiety), and a larger dose (5 - 7mg) just after SN (as the PPH recommends, to speed up loss of consciousness). Since clonazepam has a slow onset, I think this setup still guarantees I will have time for a second glass if vomiting occurs.

Yeah, perhaps is better to leave cimetidine off. I only thought of including an antacid to reduce stomach discomfort. On a separate note, it's funny you mention an OTC antacid as an alternative. Where I live (Brazil), basically every drug I listed except for benzos (meto, propranolol, cimetidine) are OTC. I got mine from a food/market delivery app (similar to DoorDash or Uber Eats), without any prescriptions.

I just realized PPH recommends propranolol at the same time as SN, not the antiemetics. I guess I'll change that too.

And i will attach this calculator for benzo conversion as well for your additional reference.
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From milkyway
May 7, 2024
PPH has stopped recommending antacids, as you know. Cimetidine works differently as opposed to an antacid. Below is a small explanation. Antacids works on acid present in the stomach, acid reducers stop stomach from producing the acid. And i don't recommend dosing it down, it will not give you the desired effect. You can use PPI like Omeprazole if you don't want cimetidine.

The H2-receptor antagonist cimetidine competitively blocks histamine from stimulating the H2-receptors located on the gastric parietal cells (these cells are responsible for hydrochloric acid secretion and secretion of the intrinsic factor).

For the last question. I plan to use mouthwash just before taking SN, so i won't taste it fully I hope, and then mentos after drinking it.
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Aug 22, 2024
I dont have any prescription antiemetics.

Only OTC Dimenhydrynate and clonazepam (benzos have a small anti vomit effect too).
Would that be enough?

If not, what to tell the doctor to get the presctiption- for motion sickness they give otc Dimenhydrynate here (mentioned). And what is The Best antiemetic for sn?


I just hope my death makes more sense than my life
May 18, 2024
I have recently finished sourcing everything I need for SN. I had planned to CTB earlier but ended up having to delay things. I think I'll take this chance to share my SN plan and maybe clear out some doubts, so here it is:

Time (before SN drink)​
8-10 hours​
Start fasting​
1 hour​
Pain killers: 1500mg paracetamol + 400mg ibuprofen​
40 mins​
Antiemetics: 30mg metoclopramide + 8mg ondansetron​
35 mins​
β-blocker: 400mg propranolol​
30 mins​
Antacid: 200mg cimetidine​
15 mins​
Sedative: 7mg clonazepam​
0 mins​
25g SN​

I have some questions (mostly about benzos and antacids):

  • Are my benzo dosage and timing ok? Clonazepam has a slow onset time (30-60mins), but I'm taking a large amount. I don't want to risk blacking out and failing. I only ever took 0.5mg as a test. I felt sleepy at around 25 mins, and very sleepy at 80 mins. Unfortunately I don't have access to a large quantity so I can't do much more testing.

  • Is clonazepam good for SN? I saw numerous threads mentioning it but it's surely not the most common benzo. Alprazolam and diazepam seem to be more popular. I have only been able to obtain clonazepam. Are other benzos preferable for some reason?

  • Are antacids necessary? It seems there is a lot of controversy around this. They were once recommended by PPH but were removed from their protocol. Some sources claim it has little effect and others say it will make you conscious for longer (1, 2). That's why I chose a small dose (only 200mg, as opposed to the 800mg recommended by PPH). Since I'm taking benzos to (hopefully) get sedated, are antacids really going to have any negative effect on how long I stay conscious? Does a low dosage like 200mg of cimetidine even make any difference on comfort or SN absorption?

  • Most sources recommend fasting and not drinking anything but water during the protocol execution. SN supposedly tastes fine (just a bit salty), but I'm not sure I will like it and I want the last taste that I will ever feel to be something good. Some sources recommend mouthwash or gum. I plan to chew on some gummies and (probably) spit them after taking the SN drink. Is this going to have any negative side effect? Am I more likely to vomit because of this?

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks for your time!
Take the K-pins far earlier. Clonazepam needs more time to kick in than the other common benzos (except Oxa, it's as slow acting as Clona maybe)...
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One must imagine Sisyphus dead.
Sep 3, 2024
I dont have any prescription antiemetics.

Only OTC Dimenhydrynate and clonazepam (benzos have a small anti vomit effect too).
Would that be enough?

If not, what to tell the doctor to get the presctiption- for motion sickness they give otc Dimenhydrynate here (mentioned). And what is The Best antiemetic for sn?
I don't know a lot about antiemetics, but I think for SN you want a dopamine antagonist antiemetic (I'm not an expert in this things, hope someone can explain this better). I don't know wahat to say to get a prescription for it (where I live it's OTC) but I think there are some guides on the forum. As for the "best" AE for SN, PPH suggests metoclopramide as the preferred option:


Take the K-pins far earlier. Clonazepam needs more time to kick in than the other common benzos (except Oxa, it's as slow acting as Clona maybe)...
Thanks for your input. Clonazepam is indeed more slow to act then most benzos, but since I'll be doing it on an empty stomach, and given my testing and the fact that I have almost no resistance, I decided for a small dose earlier to help with anxiety and the larger dose just before the SN drink to speed loss of consciousness. Perhaps the larger dose won't do much because it won't have time to kick in, but I can't risk failing.
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