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Sep 9, 2021
Hey everyone. I wish you all the utmost peace possible.
This post is quite long, however it is comprehensive, and with any luck it will be the last significant bit of writing I ever do. To those that read it in its entirety, a sincere Thank You for your patience and perseverance.

So after some years now the nerve pain with which I suffer has deteriorated to the point where I'm rapidly losing my mind. I'm also losing the ability to use my right arm.
I'm at a Nadir where I don't feel happiness anymore. There isn't a single moment now, and it's been years.
I've hit a point of total panic where I know I've got to go very soon. I'm thinking tomorrow night, after I have an important conversation which I have arranged with someone.

I wanted to hold on until I obtained a better method, but the deterioration of my condition has affected my sleep and mental state so badly that I'm being hurried along.
Suicide by Train was never an ideal choice for me, however I'm resigned to the fact that I'm going to have to go this way. I'm simply shutting down.
I feel quite guilty for using this method in lieu of hanging, as I suffer from PTSD and realise that I'm more than likely going to inflict PTSD on the driver. I'm just not strong enough to wait for a hanging death, it takes too long. I need it to be over quickly, I've suffered so much already.
I can't help but feel that the government are at least partly to blame though; it isn't my fault that laws prevent me from obtaining a firearm due to my mental health history. If I could get my hands on one, I'd use that in a secluded area instead and call the police beforehand so that my death doesn't traumatise anyone else.
All I'm asking for is the possibility of a quick death- I've suffered so much physical and psychological pain on this earth.

All the same, I hope that I can somehow atone for this- I hope and pray that I am forgiven. I've never harmed anyone in my life (other than slights such as maybe insulting someone), so the idea that my final act might really hurt someone is rather regretful.
Please pray for this person, I hope that they recover as rapidly and as fully as possible. I'm going to write a note for them apologising, stating how much I appreciate their inadvertent assistance, and tape it to my torso before I go. Hopefully that helps a little.
I'm going to choose a freight train late at night rather than a passenger train in an attempt to minimise the damage. Where I'm doing it doesn't have high foot traffic so I doubt anyone other than the train driver/paramedics/police will find my body.

Part of me is still in denial- it all feels like a dream that I'm going to wake up from. That my life is going to go back to being bearable, with enough good things to enjoy to keep me functioning. That there'll be enough happiness to sustain me.
I've worked really hard to educate myself, and be of use to others.
I thought that if I just tried hard enough I'd overcome these issues and turn my life around. I had dreams to open a Retreat for addiction and mental health issues. One that utilised music, fun activities, and taught fundamental values of self-love and respect.
But now I understand why so many people die this way. Some mistakes just can't be taken back.

I can't break the promise that I made to myself of growing up and having a good life after watching my ill mother struggle throughout my childhood and receiving no support, financial or otherwise, from my rich, narcissistic Father. Of having a little freedom when all I've had was struggle and strife.
I can't break the promise I made regarding having a decent life after being physically assaulted for no reason at 15, living in chronic pain through what should have been the best years of my life, and having no support to get through it. I even gave up the marijuana addiction I developed to cope with the event and the pain, yet I still don't feel any joy or success.
I can't break the promise I made to enjoy my musical career, for which I showed considerable talent, then having it all taken away from me at the age of 21 for an easily preventable condition caused by poverty and lack of life experience.
All I could count on was Myself, and now that my health has deteriorated I don't even have that anymore. There's no hope of recovery.

I'd like to thank anyone who takes the time to read this and respond; you're all facing so many struggles amongst yourselves that the notion of you taking time out to write to me really means a lot, even though we've never met.
If I could help you in your respective situations I would. If I could be there for you as you shuffle off this mortal coil I would. Nobody should have to die alone and in despair. I'm so sorry that I can't do that for you. I wish you self-compassion and warmth in your final days.
Sorry I've taken the liberty of such a long post, but thanks for reading.

Does anyone have anything comforting or helpful to say at this time? Any wisdom such as a quote or piece of philosophy?
I could use something warm to hold in my mind; I keep imagining the train rolling over me, the sound of the whistle and the moment I am crushed and sent spiraling into oblivion to face the Unknown.
I want to go as peacefully as I can, and I don't have many drugs that will make this any easier.
Am also praying for the strength to keep my head down on the rail before the train comes- I really don't want to end up mangled. This needs to work as there's no way I can have an epiphany and survive, these problems will never go away.

I know it's a little pathetic but please pray for me. I've been on this earth 30 years and this existence is all I've ever known.
I keep revisiting old memories. I keep thinking of experiences I will never have again, as well as others I will never have at all.
All the music I've heard, all the food I've tasted, all that I've seen and thought. All the animals petted, laughs shared and tears shed.
All the sunsets, smiles and hugs. All the drives, both fast and slow.
The warmth of summer, chill of winter. The divine colour of autumn, and the fresh spring rains.
I never got to travel, although I really wanted to. I never left my birthplace of New Zealand, although at least I enjoyed the privilege of being the citizen of such a beautiful, serene country.
Please pray for my safe passage into Peace, and for the fires of regret, anger and anguish to be extinguished before my departure.
Please pray for those whom I love-
- That they may forgive my departure, and inability to say goodbye.
- That they may move on from my death as soon as possible to live happy and fulfilled lives.
- That they will find foregiveness in their hearts for my need for peace.

The way in which I'm hoping to die is by laying my neck across the track with my legs facing away from it. I figure that decapitation will be a swift death and that some of my organs may be salvageable so that others may benefit.
Am I missing anything? If there's another way that is more effective involving a Train, please share.
Am also planning to take some sleeping pills to help calm me down before the attempt. If there's any medication you recommend then I'm all ears. I'm planning on taking around 300mg of quetiapine, as I have a bunch of this here.
I have never taken this amount in one go (I usually only use 50-100mg for sleep), so am unsure as to whether it is a good amount. I'm worried that if I take any more I might pass out or fail to position myself correctly on the tracks due to intoxication.
The train doesn't take any significant bends around which I might position myself beforehand, so I'm going to have to hide in a bush my the side of the tracks then lay down as the train approaches to avoid them spotting me and possibly stopping/slowing enough for me to jump out the way in time.
Any thoughts?

Although many of you are very, very sad, in the event that you survive, that you succeed in turning things around, or that you know of anyone in need of advice or help:

• Look after your health, first and foremost. Seek assistance where needed in order to achieve this.

• Do not make attempts with ineffective means; you may survive to live in a worse Hell. Fight through your depression as best you can in order to obtain the means for a particularly Rainy Day. This may bring you a little peace of mind too- the knowledge that you have a better Exit at your disposal should you need it.

• Hold love in your heart, and foregive others and yourself. If I had foregiven and asked for help sooner, I may have overcome my challenges before my health deteriorated too far to recover.

• Please take care of each other, so that you all may thrive. If you are fortunate enough to have excess funds, please put them to good use; part of the reason I ended up here rather than living a full, happy, helpful life is that there was no family support or oversight in my young teenage years when I was injured. If I'd had an angel to look up to, someone more experienced to show me the way through, maybe I could still be here to do the same for others.
A lack of guidance and support led to mismanagement of rehabilitation, chronic pain and subsequent coping mechanisms. Please don't let that happen to those around you, especially when they're facing permanent consequences and have never navigated the situation before.
Further, I didn't go to the dentist for a few years, which led to severe tooth decay due to my genetics. I underestimated the extent of the damage possible for a non-smoker within just a few short years from age 18 - 21.
This then led to the extraction of a molar tooth (bad advice, a root canal would have been better) which ruined my bite and caused chronic pain in my neck and jaw, which destroyed my career and led to nerve pain.
Please examine the standards of care of those around you- many are not taught self care by their parents and a little advice/help goes a long way in these cases.
Not going to the dentist was normalised in my circles, at that young an age it simply wasn't something I thought about. I took for granted that teeth lasted longer than a few years without realising that adequate maintenance is key, particularly for certain individuals.

• Reach out and support those who are going through a hard time, particularly young people with little or no parental support. Offer your moral and financial support, and guidance, if needed. Set a healthy example for them, so that they may aspire to achieve their potential, and avoid pitfalls. I hope that all of this comes back around to you and the ones you love when you or they need it.
Support the less fortunate so that they too may live the longest, happiest lives possible.
For these things you will be blessed I am sure.

I wish you all well on your journey, be it toward the End or new Beginnings.

In love and compassion,

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Happy Unbirthday
Oct 12, 2021
Bless you.

I wish I could help you.

I am sorry I cannot find more words than this. Bedridden and empty.

Thank you for putting all these things down in words.

Wishing you all the best.
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bpd is ruining my life
Aug 8, 2021
thank you for your advice, I'm sorry that you had to suffer this much, you seem like a very very friendly and warm hearted person. the only thing i could share is that i strongly believe that once you made it, there will be nothing but pure bliss, no more pain but just the spiritual afterlife and probably everything you want to have will be yours, doesn't matter if you're religious or not.
i wish you all the best and a peaceful journey:heart:
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Life is just so horrible, of course you do not deserve the suffering that this life has given you. It can be awful being trapped in this human body as there is no limit as to how bad health problems can get. We all deserve a peaceful exit as none of us asked to be here in the first place, none of us should have to resort to painful methods. I'm sorry you have been through all this. I wish you the best with your plans, I hope you find peace and freedom from pain.
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Jan 30, 2021
This touched me deeply. You seem like such a kind, warm-hearted person despite (or because of?) everything you've been through. I'm so, so sorry that you were forced to this point. Unfortunately, I don't have any advice to offer you, but I wish you strength and I hope you will be able to find the freedom you've been looking for. I'll be thinking of you.
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Sep 9, 2021
Bless you.

I wish I could help you.

I am sorry I cannot find more words than this. Bedridden and empty.

Thank you for putting all these things down in words.

Wishing you all the best.
I understand; words don't come easily in this place.

Thanks for your kind message :)


Oct 21, 2018
Your story broke my heart. I'm so sorry that you've suffered so badly and that you have not gotten the support that you need. It's a tragedy that you have been cornered like this and are forced to resort to such a method because this society doesn't even have the decency to allow you the option to access a more peaceful method. Life is a brutal thing and this world is a brutal place.

In keeping with your wishes, I will pray for you, and I hope with all of my heart that you are finally able to find the peace that you've always deserved. You seem like a truly beautiful person with such a warm, kind and thoughtful soul, and I promise that I will never forget you and your story.
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Sep 9, 2021
Life is just so horrible, of course you do not deserve the suffering that this life has given you. It can be awful being trapped in this human body as there is no limit as to how bad health problems can get. We all deserve a peaceful exit as none of us asked to be here in the first place, none of us should have to resort to painful methods. I'm sorry you have been through all this. I wish you the best with your plans, I hope you find peace and freedom from pain.
Thank you. Ditto on your pain and despair.
One of the few upsides to all the misery I've endured is that I've had the opportunity to be a part of this group and meet some wonderful individuals, even if it was brief.
For a group of people who seem to cop so much flak from those around them for their behaviour, you seem to show more heart and soul than most.
I'd love to meet some of you before I go. I imagine you'll have incredible depth to you.

I wish I had the money to send us all to a beautiful location with effective, humane method of death- maybe a huge explosion, or multiple timed overdoses set to be administered during sleep, on a tropical island somewhere!
We could have a lovely send off: fine food and drink; talk about our lives- sharing fears and secrets, the love we gave and received, philosophy, wishes for humanity; get high as all hell (if desired) then die in each other's arms in unity and love.

The lack of a suicide option deprives poor, depressed people seeking nothing but Peace the same opportunity those with other terminal illnesses enjoy: the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue and spend time with those who mean the world to you.
It deprives them of a peaceful ending, of the dignity and respect they, as sacred human beings, so deserve.
It is abhorrent and a true endictment of the legal system. Governments shouldn't possess the godly prerogative of deciding whether or not a given individual has the "right" to die.
The desperate shouldn't have to resort to lonely deaths in quiet rooms, endure the additional grief of ridicule, or the indignant horror of incarceration in a mental ward.
Poverty is a key aspect too; celebrities simply arrange "accidental" overdoses within the comfort of their own homes whence their lives become a Nightmare. Not to mention all those living in unnecessary squalor and hunger.

If I weren't so incapacitated, I'd consider dedicating myself to aiding suicides. After all if I get caught, I'll just off myself to escape Prison.
I could be the Angel of Death, with the guts to guide people home rather than turn my back on them like this sick society in which we live.

Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a wonderful, compassionate man who spent years of his Life in prison for helping others end their suffering. He recognised that as a Doctor his duty was to alleviate suffering, rather than merely extending life at all costs.
He disregarded the cruelty of the law, instead doing what he knew in his heart to be just and true. A hero, a legend.
I watched a documentary on him recently which inspired me. I'm sure wherever he is he's resting easy as he deserves.
Your story broke my heart. I'm so sorry that you've suffered so badly and that you have not gotten the support that you need. It's a tragedy that you have been cornered like this and are forced to resort to such a method because this society doesn't even have the decency to allow you the option to access a more peaceful method. Life is a brutal thing and this world is a brutal place.

In keeping with your wishes, I will pray for you, and I hope with all of my heart that you are finally able to find the peace that you've always deserved. You seem like a truly beautiful person with such a warm, kind and thoughtful soul, and I promise that I will never forget you and your story.
Thank you. I can't help but agree. I remember thinking "I'm so worthless in this society that I don't even get to DIE nicely!"
I certainly regret that things ended out this way; I wanted to be a therapist, to donate time and effort to the less fortunate. I guess it just wasn't meant to be...
I'd love to know your story too before I do go. Do you have any info on what transpired to get you here elsewhere? If not please feel free to share here.

Nobody, no matter what they've done, should have to die alone and in pain, if they desire Peace.
We embrace love for others when we afford them a coupe de grace after a life of suffering. We have the tools to do this. We should feel an obigation as humans to ease the pain of our brothers and sisters.
Imagine how much safer and happier society would be if desperate people had more options than either prison or despair. If there were a side door for an unbearable life.
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Nov 18, 2021

Your words hit me hard. I'm sorry for having that kind of life. I vibe with your personality, your views, your wisdom and compassion for others. I wish I have you as a friend. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being compassionate in this absurd world. You are a gem, I appreciate you bearing the pain all these years. I feel every words you've said, and I wish I was there with you to give you a hug on whatever you have decided, that's the least I could do. Halfway with your message I was praying for you and us here in this community to have the right to choose with whatever we want with our lives. Your dreams were amazing, I wished I was your friend, I'll be glad to support you on your dream retreat.

new friend
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Sep 9, 2021

Your words hit me hard. I'm sorry for having that kind of life. I vibe with your personality, your views, your wisdom and compassion for others. I wish I have you as a friend. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for being compassionate in this absurd world. You are a gem, I appreciate you bearing the pain all these years. I feel every words you've said, and I wish I was there with you to give you a hug on whatever you have decided, that's the least I could do. Halfway with your message I was praying for you and us here in this community to have the right to choose with whatever we want with our lives. Your dreams were amazing, I wished I was your friend, I'll be glad to support you on your dream retreat.

new friend
I wish I could turn things around and meet you one day. I'm sure we'd have enjoyed great conversations.
In fact, I wish I'd joined this group a long time ago.
Your message from afar still brings me peace and appreciation that there are lovely people like yourself out there.
For that I am extremely grateful, friend.
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Nov 18, 2021
I wish I could turn things around and meet you one day. I'm sure we'd have enjoyed great conversations.
In fact, I wish I'd joined this group a long time ago.
Your message from afar still brings me peace and appreciation that there are lovely people like yourself out there.
For that I am extremely grateful, friend.
Me too. Your idea of meeting with people here and having a good time together and ending our lives together holding each other is the most exciting thing. I wish it will happen, may not with our generation but in the near future. I also wished I met all of you here sooner. I found the most compassionate people here.

Know that I will keep you in my heart my friend.
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Reactions: GoodMourning and LoveTakesManyForms

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