I get that. But he also has your ten thousand dollars, right? So maybe you should play nice for awhile and just feed his ego the way he needs it fed until you can get your money back? You'll get some company, but also you'll have to be careful not to fall under his spell again. I don't know if that's the best way or not, tbh, but ten thousand is a lot of money to let disappear.
The only way you're getting him back is by playing his game. Even if temporarily. So make him feel like you're truly actually thought about it and you are actually very grateful for his "help". He will never understand or care that it's emotional abuse, if he's a narc. So you have to view him like a wild animal that you have to navigate around.
But you'll also need to have your exit strategy planned in advance. If he is a narc, they're very sneaky and addictive, and you sound very emotional. And they love emotional reactions. So you're going to have to do your best to not react and stay calm, okay? Even if he presses all of your buttons.
So play nice, feed his ego, get him back, then do your best job possible to expand out and get some other friends or acquaintances in preparation for the real split, which will be on your terms.
those are the thoughts I have about it. Grain of salt recommended. Especially if:
1: You can afford to lose the money, okay, no biggie.
2: He does more damage to you than this plan would heal. It's hard to break away from narcs so it might be a blessing he left, if you can afford it financially, and if you can get some help asap, in whatever form that seems possible.