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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
Disclaimer: I wanted to make a thread that comprised of as much solid information on plant poisons as possible because I often see questions about it pop up from time to time on here and other places of the internet. I'm also completely obsessed with plant poisons, however I am not an expert on anything I just do my best to find accurate and credible information. Also plant poisons are rarely peaceful alone, however combined with strong anti-emetics & sedatives may make some of these more bearable.

Cyanide - Apple seeds, bitter almonds, apricot pits, cherry pits, etc.

These contain amygdalin, which your body will convert it into hydrogen cyanide. The main concern with this is how much is enough, which is a common theme among any poisoning.

Cyanide lethal dose has been estimated to be 50 to 300 mg for an adult, depending on the specific agent, but not well defined. The fatal dose of cyanide salts is estimated at 200 to 300 mg for an adult, and 50 to 100 mg of hydrocyanic acid. The lethal dose of amygdalin that converts in cyanide varies widely by gastrointestinal bacteria.

How it kills you
It prevents your cells from using oxygen and the cells die
  • Weakness and confusion
  • Headache
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Gasping for air and difficulty breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures
  • Cardiac arrest

Taxine Alkaloids - (Taxus cuspidata) Japanese yew, (Taxus baccata) English yew & (Taxus chinensis) Chinese Yew

The entire plant bark, leaves, seeds, roots contain toxic taxine alkaloids in different varying amounts.
The flesh of the fruit is not toxic.

Taxines remain in the plant throughout the year, with the maximal plant taxine concentrations appearing during the winter. Dried yew plant material retains its toxicity for several months.
The amount required to obtain a lethal dose is estimated to be 250 mg taxine alkaloids or approx. 3 mg taxine per kilogram body weight. 50g of needles or about 30 seeds. One factor that may limit the ingestion of the leaves or bark is a volatile oil irritant in the plant. Time from ingesting a lethal dose to death is somewhere between 2 to 5 hours, though digestion of yew needles is very slow absorption is accelerated by low gastric pH.

How it kills you
Cardiogenic shock due to sodium and calcium channel blocks
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Impaired vision
  • Abdominal pain
  • Muscle spasms/Trembling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Arrhythmia
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness
  • Coma

- (Cerbera Odollam) Pong-Pong

This a tree native to India and other parts of southern Asia, it's also referred to as the suicide tree. Similar to foxglove which contains digitoxin and digoxin. They both are cardiac glycosides respectively. The seeds of this dangerous tree are surrounded by a fuzzy husk, which contains a quarter sized kernel. The kernel is what contains Cerberin. Lethal dose of Cerberin is one kernel, however I failed to find out how many mg/kg for a human. Death usually occurs 3 to 6 hours after ingestion.

How it kills you
Blocks calcium ion channels in heart muscles disrupting heartbeat and eventually causing heart attack

  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Burning sensation in mouth
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Arrhythmia
  • Coma
*Also note foxglove's digitoxin gives you yellowed vision, oleander contains oleandrin which all are cardiac glycosides but cerberin is by far the most lethal.

Aconitine - (Aconitum napellus) Monkshood, Wolfsbane & Aconite

The entire plant contains Aconitine, however the most lethal parts of the plant are the roots and tubers. You can even absorb this toxin through the skin by just picking the leaves. Aconitine and other Aconitum alkaloids are both a cardiotoxin and neurotoxin. The estimated lethal dose is 2 mg of Aconitine, or 1 g of the raw plant material. a 2 mg dose is estimated to take 4 hours to kill you.

How it kills you

It binds to receptors that help regulate the muscle cells' sodium-ion channels, key components of the nervous system and cardiac cells (i.e. the heart). This action keeps the channels open, allowing sodium to flow freely into the cell. Unable to repolarize, the cells are stuck in a state of "open", and paralysis sets in.
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Respiratory paralysis
  • Arrhythmia
  • Numbness & Tingling

Coniine -
(Conium maculatum) Hemlock

This plant is pretty well associated with Socrates, and coniine is chemically similar to nicotine and it quite potent. The seeds and roots are the most lethal parts of the the plant, however the leaves still contain the toxin. Lethal doses are about 100 mg to 300 mg or 6 - leaves or less if seeds or roots. Estimates I've found suggest you would die in about 3 hours.

How it kills you
it blocks the nicotinic receptor on the post-synaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction which causes ascending paralysis until it reaches your lungs

  • Headache
  • trembling
  • burning in the digestive tract
  • increased salivation
  • dilated pupils
  • muscle pain
  • muscle weakness or muscle paralysis
  • loss of speech
  • convulsions
  • unconsciousness or coma
Abrin - (Abrus precatorius) Rosary Pea

The distinctive red seeds are extremely toxic, the toxin abrin differs from the rest on the list because it's a protein and there is no antidote for this. Ingesting just a single broken seed is all it takes to kill you, however it's not quick. In fact it may take anywhere between 36 - 72 hours before you die.

How it kills you
It prevents your cells from creating ribosomes and your cells die

  • Nausea/Vomiting (possibly bloody)
  • Diarrhea (possibly bloody)
  • Severe dehydration
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Organ Failure
  • Fever
  • Low blood pressure
Anyhow, this is just the most basic info regarding a small amount of plants that could kill you. Again these methods aren't really ideal, but possibly with the right combination of sedatives/pain management/anti-emetics they may not be horrific.
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Jun 14, 2018
I tried the Cerbera with Valium to knock me out. I puked it out somehow.
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Aug 5, 2018
That sounds awfully painful
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  • Aww..
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Oct 1, 2018
When you're homeless and can't afford to buy a rope. But seriously, this could come in handy.
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May 20, 2018
Thanks for the info. I also made a thread about Ricin some days ago, maybe its helpful for someone.

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“Dying is not a crime.” ― Jack Kevorkian
Oct 4, 2018
Thanks for the info. I also made a thread about Ricin some days ago, maybe its helpful for someone.


Thanks, I was going to mention it too. Learnt about ricin when I studied toxicology, definitely not a good way to go.
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Jul 17, 2018
Disclaimer: I wanted to make a thread that comprised of as much solid information on plant poisons as possible because I often see questions about it pop up from time to time on here and other places of the internet. I'm also completely obsessed with plant poisons, however I am not an expert on anything I just do my best to find accurate and credible information. Also plant poisons are rarely peaceful alone, however combined with strong anti-emetics & sedatives may make some of these more bearable.

Cyanide - Apple seeds, bitter almonds, apricot pits, cherry pits, etc.

These contain amygdalin, which your body will convert it into hydrogen cyanide. The main concern with this is how much is enough, which is a common theme among any poisoning.

Cyanide lethal dose has been estimated to be 50 to 300 mg for an adult, depending on the specific agent, but not well defined. The fatal dose of cyanide salts is estimated at 200 to 300 mg for an adult, and 50 to 100 mg of hydrocyanic acid. The lethal dose of amygdalin that converts in cyanide varies widely by gastrointestinal bacteria.

How it kills you
It prevents your cells from using oxygen and the cells die
  • Weakness and confusion
  • Headache
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Gasping for air and difficulty breathing
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures
  • Cardiac arrest

Taxine Alkaloids - (Taxus cuspidata) Japanese yew, (Taxus baccata) English yew & (Taxus chinensis) Chinese Yew

The entire plant bark, leaves, seeds, roots contain toxic taxine alkaloids in different varying amounts.
The flesh of the fruit is not toxic.

Taxines remain in the plant throughout the year, with the maximal plant taxine concentrations appearing during the winter. Dried yew plant material retains its toxicity for several months.
The amount required to obtain a lethal dose is estimated to be 250 mg taxine alkaloids or approx. 3 mg taxine per kilogram body weight. 50g of needles or about 30 seeds. One factor that may limit the ingestion of the leaves or bark is a volatile oil irritant in the plant. Time from ingesting a lethal dose to death is somewhere between 2 to 5 hours, though digestion of yew needles is very slow absorption is accelerated by low gastric pH.

How it kills you
Cardiogenic shock due to sodium and calcium channel blocks
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Impaired vision
  • Abdominal pain
  • Muscle spasms/Trembling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Arrhythmia
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness
  • Coma

- (Cerbera Odollam) Pong-Pong

This a tree native to India and other parts of southern Asia, it's also referred to as the suicide tree. Similar to foxglove which contains digitoxin and digoxin. They both are cardiac glycosides respectively. The seeds of this dangerous tree are surrounded by a fuzzy husk, which contains a quarter sized kernel. The kernel is what contains Cerberin. Lethal dose of Cerberin is one kernel, however I failed to find out how many mg/kg for a human. Death usually occurs 3 to 6 hours after ingestion.

How it kills you
Blocks calcium ion channels in heart muscles disrupting heartbeat and eventually causing heart attack

  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Burning sensation in mouth
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Arrhythmia
  • Coma
*Also note foxglove's digitoxin gives you yellowed vision, oleander contains oleandrin which all are cardiac glycosides but cerberin is by far the most lethal.

Aconitine - (Aconitum napellus) Monkshood, Wolfsbane & Aconite

The entire plant contains Aconitine, however the most lethal parts of the plant are the roots and tubers. You can even absorb this toxin through the skin by just picking the leaves. Aconitine and other Aconitum alkaloids are both a cardiotoxin and neurotoxin. The estimated lethal dose is 2 mg of Aconitine, or 1 g of the raw plant material. a 2 mg dose is estimated to take 4 hours to kill you.

How it kills you

It binds to receptors that help regulate the muscle cells' sodium-ion channels, key components of the nervous system and cardiac cells (i.e. the heart). This action keeps the channels open, allowing sodium to flow freely into the cell. Unable to repolarize, the cells are stuck in a state of "open", and paralysis sets in.
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Respiratory paralysis
  • Arrhythmia
  • Numbness & Tingling

Coniine -
(Conium maculatum) Hemlock

This plant is pretty well associated with Socrates, and coniine is chemically similar to nicotine and it quite potent. The seeds and roots are the most lethal parts of the the plant, however the leaves still contain the toxin. Lethal doses are about 100 mg to 300 mg or 6 - leaves or less if seeds or roots. Estimates I've found suggest you would die in about 3 hours.

How it kills you
it blocks the nicotinic receptor on the post-synaptic membrane of the neuromuscular junction which causes ascending paralysis until it reaches your lungs

  • Headache
  • trembling
  • burning in the digestive tract
  • increased salivation
  • dilated pupils
  • muscle pain
  • muscle weakness or muscle paralysis
  • loss of speech
  • convulsions
  • unconsciousness or coma
Abrin - (Abrus precatorius) Rosary Pea

The distinctive red seeds are extremely toxic, the toxin abrin differs from the rest on the list because it's a protein and there is no antidote for this. Ingesting just a single broken seed is all it takes to kill you, however it's not quick. In fact it may take anywhere between 36 - 72 hours before you die.

How it kills you
It prevents your cells from creating ribosomes and your cells die

  • Nausea/Vomiting (possibly bloody)
  • Diarrhea (possibly bloody)
  • Severe dehydration
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations
  • Organ Failure
  • Fever
  • Low blood pressure
Anyhow, this is just the most basic info regarding a small amount of plants that could kill you. Again these methods aren't really ideal, but possibly with the right combination of sedatives/pain management/anti-emetics they may not be horrific.

I just got some yew seeds, was just wondering how agonizing the death is. Does it feel like you are suffocating when you get paralyzed? Also how freaky are the convulsions. Overall how bad is the death? I have done a bunch of research but a lot of my information is based on horse and dog deaths
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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
I just got some yew seeds, was just wondering how agonizing the death is. Does it feel like you are suffocating when you get paralyzed? Also how freaky are the convulsions. Overall how bad is the death? I have done a bunch of research but a lot of my information is based on horse and dog deaths

There's going to be some agony involved with ingesting any toxin, most of the agony is going to come from gastrointestinal issues. You may experience weakness, confusion shortness of breath but will probably end up in a coma 2 hours after ingestion. However these are just estimates based on stuff I've read, everyones body reacts differently to things.
Here's a few case studies on humans you might want to look at.
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Jul 17, 2018
There's going to be some agony involved with ingesting any toxin, most of the agony is going to come from gastrointestinal issues. You may experience weakness, confusion shortness of breath but will probably end up in a coma 2 hours after ingestion. However these are just estimates based on stuff I've read, everyones body reacts differently to things.
Here's a few case studies on humans you might want to look at.

I had read those, the second one scared me because he ended up mentally retarded but still alive

Yet none of the research papers describe the agony or pain that people suffer from toxicity. I wish there were more reports out there like the guy who was bitten by a boomslang and described every agonizing second and the onset of all the symptoms up until he died from the venom in his personal journal

My vision of how this might work for me is a bad stomach ache, some weird muscle twitching, slow heart rate, then rapid heart rate, then I lose consciousness and die. Honestly it seems like a pretty good way to go. I'm just worried if I will have enough seeds. I'm also worried if it will truly end up like how I describe. I fear being misinformed
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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
I had read those, the second one scared me because he ended up mentally retarded but still alive

Yet none of the research papers describe the agony or pain that people suffer from toxicity. I wish there were more reports out there like the guy who was bitten by a boomslang and described every agonizing second and the onset of all the symptoms up until he died from the venom in his personal journal

My vision of how this might work for me is a bad stomach ache, some weird muscle twitching, slow heart rate, then rapid heart rate, then I lose consciousness and die. Honestly it seems like a pretty good way to go. I'm just worried if I will have enough seeds. I'm also worried if it will truly end up like how I describe. I fear being misinformed

There's really no way to say for sure without like you said someone documenting it minute for minute. That's why when I poison myself, I'll be combining it with some sort of sedative. Opiates if I can get my hands on them, but I've been looking into incarvillea sinensis & akuamma seeds for pain management if I don't end up getting opiates.
As far as the amount of seeds you have, it might even been a good idea to double up. You can try making a tincture by crushing and soaking the seeds in alcohol.
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Jul 17, 2018
What would be a good amount of seeds to take? Also I don't plan on making a tincture. It is too long and complex and I could get it wrong at any step of the way. I'm just going to crush the seeds and down them
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Oct 9, 2018
Hemlock, and why not water hemlock, seem to work - in the vein of Socrates. When it comes to water hemlock that grows where I live they say its poisonousness was discovered when too many cows died mysteriously after eating it, hence its name cowbane.

One could just chop and crush hemlock leaves and mix them with alcohol and drink the tincture, which, then, should be enough to kill you.

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Apr 10, 2018
Hemlock, and why not water hemlock, seem to work - in the vein of Socrates. When it comes to water hemlock that grows where I live they say its poisonousness was discovered when too many cows died mysteriously after eating it, hence its name cowbane.

One could just chop and crush hemlock leaves and mix them with alcohol and drink the tincture, which, then, should be enough to kill you.


Please do not confuse the different Hemlock-plants. Socrates used poison hemlock, water hemlock is a different plant. Both are extremely deadly though. And very painfull.
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need to exit
May 25, 2018
Please do not confuse the different Hemlock-plants. Socrates used poison hemlock, water hemlock is a different plant. Both are extremely deadly though. And very painfull.

all these plant methods seems to have way too much suffering and all seems painfull to me .
i want quick painless method
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Oct 9, 2018
Please do not confuse the different Hemlock-plants. Socrates used poison hemlock, water hemlock is a different plant. Both are extremely deadly though. And very painfull.

What happens when those two are erroneously mixed up?

all these plant methods seems to have way too much suffering and all seems painfull to me .
i want quick painless method

In that case you might want Papaver somniferum...
Last edited:
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Apr 10, 2018
What happens when those two are erroneously mixed up?

In that case you might want Papaver somniferum...

Both plants are highly toxic and will kill you. Death is guaranteed.

A while ago I did som research on these two plants. The plan was to use them to ctb. I was especially doing research on water hemlock, which according to my research is the most deadly plant. This plant is in fact more poisonous than most snake poisons in the world!

But i discarded my plans when I realized how painfull this death is.

I wrote a piece on this subject on the old Reddit/SanctionedSuicide. I have also been writing a little on this subject on this site. What I wrote on r/SS is gone but I shall find what I wrote on this site on a different thread, and I shall copy and paste it on this thread. Back in 2 mins..
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Apr 10, 2018
OK so here it is...

"A while back I did a lot of research on

-Poison Hemlock (Conium Maculatum)
-Water Hemlock (Cicuta Virosa)

For a while it was my plan to ctb by Water Hemlock but after my research I totally discarded the idea. And so should you my friends!

It is true that these two plants are very poisounous and EXTREMELY DEADLY, especially the Water Hemlock, but the problem is that they will also give you an incredible painfull death. I am really talking real and excruciating pain here! Some of you might remember the piece I wrote about this on the old Reddit SanctionedSuicide?

Since it's a little while ago I did the research, and because I changed my mind about using this plant to ctb, I have forgotten some of the details, but please believe me when I say this is painfull.

Also I would like to add that the story of Socrates' death is most likely incorrect in the way that they left the pain and suffering out of the story. They probably did this out of respect for his person. Some of you will know that the account of Socrates' death is written down and the story mentions no pain and suffering? This has caused a myth that dying from Poison Hemlock (Conium Maculatum) is painless. Even in an episode in the Poirot TV crime series there is an episode which somebody kills a man by Poison Hemlock and that the man is slowly, and with very little pain, can watch his body starts to die from losing his motions in the feets first and the heart last. But this is not true to fact!

Also, uptil about 100 years ago they did very little distinction between Conium Maculatum and Cicuta Virosa, keep that in mind if you're doing research by reading old texts.

One more little interesting fact: Back in the days of Socrates they used to execute people by using Poison Hemlock and Water Hemlock. Water Hemlock was given to the murderers and rapists and other criminals because this death was the most gruesome, and Poison Hemlock was given for political crimes, like the one Socrates was sentenced to death for.

Please believe me when I say this is not the way you want to die!"

Link: https://sanctioned-suicide.net/threads/conium-maculatum.3478/#post-48284
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Oct 9, 2018
Interesting, VanHeineken. Isn't it sadistic that the powers that be ban barbiturates, opiates and guns while leaving us suicidal people with only excruciating methods like the particular plant poisons you mentioned.
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Apr 10, 2018
Interesting, VanHeineken. Isn't it sadistic that the powers that be ban barbiturates, opiates and guns while leaving us suicidal people with only excruciating methods like the particular plant poisons you mentioned.

That is true, my friend. If there was an easy way to ctb I suspect the world population would diminish significantly in a short period of time.
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Insert a name

Sep 13, 2018
Bit of a strange question, but where can you find yew trees? As in I don't want to buy one I just want to find one. What sort of place? Not 100% sure I could identify one either
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Sep 25, 2018
I'm reading now that rhododendrons plants are extremely poisonous, I'm wondering if they need to be flowering .....or leaves can be eaten during the winter ( now)..
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May 20, 2018
I tried the Cerbera with Valium to knock me out. I puked it out somehow.
I'm really sorry. How many seeds did you take? What did it feel like? Was it painful?
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Reactions: Bluedew and RaphtaliaTwoAnimals


Sep 25, 2018
isnt it true that you can die in sleep with some plant as belladonna or stramonium?
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“Dying is not a crime.” ― Jack Kevorkian
Oct 4, 2018
isnt it true that you can die in sleep with some plant as belladonna or stramonium?

I don't think so, as far as I know most plant derived toxins are fairly horrific deaths. Might just be the ones I know about but I don't think any of them are very pleasant.
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Reactions: sif, Bluedew and Aesthler


Jan 7, 2019
Hi, I'm new and have joined solely for the purpose of Fido g out more about monkshood (Aconitum nepellus).

I recently purchased some seeds online and intend to have this ready by July 2019. I have experience in growing plants from seed and I have a hydroponic system should the seedlings need any extra help.

I've given myself six ish months (I have a rough date in mind) to get various things in order (finances, work etc).

I don't want to experience the abdominal pain / nausea so rather than ingesting the roots, my plan is to aid absorption through the skin by making an incision and applying the sap from the picked leaves.

I do not want this to look in any way intentional so I'm going for "unsuspecting/careless gardener".

I am hoping this will work with minimal fuss so if anyone can see any holes in my plan, please let me know. I have never made any previous attempt but want to ensure that I get it right.
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“Dying is not a crime.” ― Jack Kevorkian
Oct 4, 2018
Hi, I'm new and have joined solely for the purpose of Fido g out more about monkshood (Aconitum nepellus).

I recently purchased some seeds online and intend to have this ready by July 2019. I have experience in growing plants from seed and I have a hydroponic system should the seedlings need any extra help.

I've given myself six ish months (I have a rough date in mind) to get various things in order (finances, work etc).

I don't want to experience the abdominal pain / nausea so rather than ingesting the roots, my plan is to aid absorption through the skin by making an incision and applying the sap from the picked leaves.

I do not want this to look in any way intentional so I'm going for "unsuspecting/careless gardener".

I am hoping this will work with minimal fuss so if anyone can see any holes in my plan, please let me know. I have never made any previous attempt but want to ensure that I get it right.

I think it's going to be pretty difficult to get a sufficient dose through that method and I think a forensic toxicologist will also realize that pretty quickly. If it's very important to you to make it seem unintentional you might want to consider how you could possibly get a lethal dose accidentally.

Personally if I was going to make my death seem like an accident I would maybe do something that I know people have died from accidentally, like argon. Or potassium nitrate injection but that might raise more questions because it's basically undetectable (when you die a lot of cells rupture and leak potassium everywhere). I guess if you were overweight it would be ok because it just looks like a heart attack. But what to do with the syringe?

Or just jump into a volcano and completely disappear...


Dec 18, 2018
I had read those, the second one scared me because he ended up mentally retarded but still alive

Yet none of the research papers describe the agony or pain that people suffer from toxicity. I wish there were more reports out there like the guy who was bitten by a boomslang and described every agonizing second and the onset of all the symptoms up until he died from the venom in his personal journal

My vision of how this might work for me is a bad stomach ache, some weird muscle twitching, slow heart rate, then rapid heart rate, then I lose consciousness and die. Honestly it seems like a pretty good way to go. I'm just worried if I will have enough seeds. I'm also worried if it will truly end up like how I describe. I fear being misinformed

I may be able to help describe the downside of this method. With plant toxins, the best described, most widely used method of getting it into your body is ingestion. This is because eating or drinking poisons was widely romanticized in some of the earlier and most famous writings. It's also how people learned about what plants were poisonous. Medicine used to be a process of using plants and the earth to heal us.

Now, ingesting any poisonous substance has its issues. It almost infallibly has a bitter taste and causes horrendous abdominal cramping. These are inherited responses to potentially harmful substances. That is why bitter foods are usually an acquired taste. We have to teach our body to accept them.

Taking antiemetics may not work as easily with this method. The reason being is you are having to consume a larger amount of the substance than N or SN, and the effects on different acid pumps of the stomach aren't widely known with these poisons. That said, I'd still take them, just know the body's response could still be, to throw up. There is no way to avoid the horrible stomach cramping. That can also lead to instant diarrhea as the body naturally goes into get the poison out mode (think food poisoning). The best advice I can give here is maybe fast for 24-48 hours before you plan to ingest the poison.

@Aesthler maybe you can provide some insight on my next suggestion....

Most poisons can enter the body through injection and absorption and still cause death. The dose changes with this method. I did a case study of a post Morten patient in college. They had taken a liquid form of nicotine (maybe from a ecig shop) and added it to their bath water. The hot water accelerated the rate of absorption through the skin. Now, with nicotine, she developed crushing chest pain and shortness of breath before it killed her. She panicked and tried to get help.

You could, in theory, add our chosen poison into hot bath water and soak in the water until you ctb.

You'd have to research to figure out how much to add to the water. The big unknown is what kind of pain and discomfort the poison causes as you are dying. There isn't a lot of research on each plant toxin and absorption through the skin. Definitely worth looking into.
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Death is the only God who comes when you call
Sep 25, 2018
I may be able to help describe the downside of this method. With plant toxins, the best described, most widely used method of getting it into your body is ingestion. This is because eating or drinking poisons was widely romanticized in some of the earlier and most famous writings. It's also how people learned about what plants were poisonous. Medicine used to be a process of using plants and the earth to heal us.

Now, ingesting any poisonous substance has its issues. It almost infallibly has a bitter taste and causes horrendous abdominal cramping. These are inherited responses to potentially harmful substances. That is why bitter foods are usually an acquired taste. We have to teach our body to accept them.

Taking antiemetics may not work as easily with this method. The reason being is you are having to consume a larger amount of the substance than N or SN, and the effects on different acid pumps of the stomach aren't widely known with these poisons. That said, I'd still take them, just know the body's response could still be, to throw up. There is no way to avoid the horrible stomach cramping. That can also lead to instant diarrhea as the body naturally goes into get the poison out mode (think food poisoning). The best advice I can give here is maybe fast for 24-48 hours before you plan to ingest the poison.

@Aesthler maybe you can provide some insight on my next suggestion....

Most poisons can enter the body through injection and absorption and still cause death. The dose changes with this method. I did a case study of a post Morten patient in college. They had taken a liquid form of nicotine (maybe from a ecig shop) and added it to their bath water. The hot water accelerated the rate of absorption through the skin. Now, with nicotine, she developed crushing chest pain and shortness of breath before it killed her. She panicked and tried to get help.

You could, in theory, add our chosen poison into hot bath water and soak in the water until you ctb.

You'd have to research to figure out how much to add to the water. The big unknown is what kind of pain and discomfort the poison causes as you are dying. There isn't a lot of research on each plant toxin and absorption through the skin. Definitely worth looking into.

Ingesting any poison is likely to cause these abdominal suffering and most likely other suffering, I mean how people will react to it varies widely and in no way is this really meant to detail absolute peace, it's just another somewhat easily accessible method that can be used. Of course if you intravenously inject a poison you would need probably less of the dose to kill you as it's being entered directly into your bloodstream and decreases the steps needed to get it where it's needed. As for the bath water I have no idea, but that does sound interesting like you said they would have to do research and focus on the active compounds in the plant that cause it to be deadly in the first place and see if it could work for them.
I will say that in my latest opinion on the matter I'd say that while plants can be easily accessible and cheap, so can SN and plenty of people here have taken that as a route to peace. Just something to think about, it's good to look at all your options if that happens to be a choice you are going to make.
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