

Jul 23, 2022
Developing a chronic ailment will make anyone not so keen on medical professionals.
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Don’t try to offer me help, I’ve tried everything
Mar 10, 2020
Developing a chronic ailment will make anyone not so keen on medical professionals.
I even work in the medical field yet have many bad stories when I've been on the patient side.
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finger on the eject button
Oct 4, 2022
I'll just say one thing that's been driving me crazy lately. Recently I had to send in some of my psychiatric records to get a particular tax credit for disabled people. Stupidly I couldn't resist reading them, even though I knew it would trigger me. Turns out my bitch of an ex-psychiatrist misrepresented what I said about medical gaslighting to make me look delusional and petulant--like I had no idea what gaslighting even was but was happy to complain about it. She had asked me to tell her about a medical appointment she knew I'd had related to one of many issues I had developed as a result of her prescriptions. I told her that the specialist promised a treatment outcome that she could not factually guarantee. Given the details, which I won't disclose, I had good reason to believe that a specialist would witness patient outcomes and have to know better. So I called this gaslighting and was very angry and upset. I figured she might have been lying to try and placate me. In my medial records, this psychiatrist made it out as if I was complaining that being offered any treatment at all was "gaslighting" because I was in denial that treatment was even possible. I went out of my way to ensure that I was extremely clear in my point when I was talking to her at the time, too, because I had been so misrepresented and misinterpeted by doctors over and over again. I have to suspect malice. This is what I get for opening up to these fucking people. (My records also include some "she doesn't open up enough" comments, and I was threatened with termination if I didn't open up more. Should have let her fire me; I'd be way better off.) Gaslighting about medical gaslighting in a patient's medical record is evil as hell; that is so dangerous. I'm so embarrassed that I had to send that lie to the government.
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Jan 1, 2024
Well a drunk one caused my stroke then other doctors talked me into electro shock therapy and ruined my memory. So I hate them
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Apr 18, 2023
Victim of crimes by doctors while in medical school, we'll say mistreated and heavily isolated by future doctors while in medical school not that they aren't completely unrelated. I had developed relationships with many doctors before medical school but none gave a shit but to be fair why would they.

After I was depressed and suicidal because of the above. I have sought out help. And frankly doctors have been completely apathetic. Haven't don't anything constructive to help. It's felt a lot like because I'm broke I have no value to anyone including doctors. Still community and all that. Thought it was tight knit apparently not.

Hate probably isn't the right word. I see my career stolen and see them being lazy as shit. Failing to treat people. If you aren't going to do anything to help me. At least do your fucking job well. Because not only would I have done the job well but you are doing a job that was taken from me. At least have the awareness to realize that opportunity was taken from me. Treat patients better in front of me with some pride. I just saw object laziness and apathy. Far, far from the best they are capable of. That pisses me off.

It's the trust fund baby who spends his life on drugs be a non contributing zero to society despite every opportunity. Where you are going if I had the opportunity (not taken from me) I'd be doing so much more. They are taking it for granted. it's insulting and infuriates me. If you are going to be lazy as fuck in front of me knowing what I've been through what are you like with like just accountants without a strong medical base.
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Apr 16, 2024
I've pretty much accepted that no one really gives a fuck about my transition. I feel like it doesn't matter if I'm dissatisfied with my current state. It's either I'm gaslighted into thinking I already have everything I want and that body dysmorphia is the problem causing me to be unable to realize any changes, that I was born a male and I should accept that I can't be fully female, or that I'm not even trans in the first place. It seems like no one knows what the fuck they're talking about. I just want to be a normal female, but it seems like this will never happen.
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Sep 6, 2024
They didn't catch my psychosis or depression early enough to help before both diseases ruined my life. They just seem so reactionary instead of proactive imo. In mental health they are ok with you faking it and will consider you healthy if you can. They simply were not present in my life when I needed them the most.
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Freedom seeker
Nov 8, 2023
I don't like being used as a pawn to milk every cent they can from my insurance company.
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witnessing the battle between my body and my soul
Apr 20, 2024
I've been sexually abused by a father figure for years. It also happened that this person was a child psychologist and there was a lot of shit going on in the background. I wouldn't say I hate doctors but I'm unable to trust them when it comes to anything MH related.
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~ ♪
Aug 28, 2024
I don't hate doctors, I think it's a very commendable field that takes a lot of discipline.
What I do hate is the abuse, malpractice and greed in the industry which can often ruin lives.
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Aug 24, 2024
I hate, hate, hate the entire medical establishment in the USA. I know there are some good doctors out there, but they are the exception and virtually impossible to find. Unless I break a bone and it is sticking out, I'm not going anywhere near them because the chances of me finding a decent one is not good. I haven't been near one for over 20 years and I think that was one time. Previous, I stopped going when I was 13-14 because the bastard was molesting me.

I hate the arrogance, self righteousness, and the belief that they have more control over your body than you do. I have found them to be controlling, condescending, and generally have treated me with disdain. I've had one be so patronizing I damn near punched him. The see you for 10 minutes, don't listen, and have a hard time pretending to give a damn. They can't or won't think outside the box, for example, refusing to admit that there are many natural anti viral herbs. But, part of that is the AMA, who won't let a doctor suggest anything other than the going narrative. Doctors are in bed with big pharma, which is another bone of contention, because pharma does NOTHING to cure anyone. For example, a person can never be "cured" of cancer - they can only go into remission as far as the medical establishment see it, and are demonized if the person wants to do something other than the unholy trinity of burn, cut an poison for cancer. The goal of pharma and doctors is to "manage symptoms", all while making life long customers. Pharma puts out deadly drugs that are exceptionally destructive (read up on Ozempic) and then give you more drugs to fix the side effects of those drugs. Doctors have zero knowledge of nutrition and why food is such a critical thing to keep you healthy. The number of "vaccines" given to children is horrific now, so much higher than when I was young, and most - if not all - are absolutely unneeded. No one knows how to be sick and stay home for a few days to recover any more. Doctors have stupid, useless, expensive tests that only find problems to give you more drugs. It is not profitable, therefore not allowed, to cure or heal (anything other than cuts or broken bones) or maintain good health, so it does not happen. These idiots are always looking to slice someone open - instead of trying to heal the gallbladder, for example, cut it out! Their idea is you don't need it, which is bullshit if you want to properly digest fats. Screw the entire medical system IMO. They are good at putting people back together after accidents, but that is it.

I (mostly) won't get on a soapbox about the virus panic of the last 4 years, but that bullshit was the nail in the coffin for me. The insanity, lying, controlling, manipulating, gaslighting, and incompetence during that whole time (never mind the murdering people on vents and on rendesivir, including a coworker) means I will never, ever trust anyone in US medicine ever again and that includes doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, the AMA, CDC, NIH, "health officials", "experts", the media, or anyone else who parroted the narrative and/or participated in what will someday be seen as the greatest scam of the early 21st century. Just my opinion and am not looking to start a debate here, just stating why what little trust I MAY have once had is gone, buried and can't be resurrected.

Don't get me started on psychiatrists, either. (Absolutely no offense to anyone seeing one and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind.) Just lock someone up, drug the fuck out of them (for life), and do NOTHING to look at diet, exercise, or anything else a person might try to feel better and improve their lives. The arrogance in that field is even worse than with doctors.
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