

Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
making this post because of a growing amount of insensitivity I've been noticing here. Particularly on the "Who else will die a virgin" thread and a new one "I'm greatly upset by the amount of young people on this site"

Repeatedly calling another user (GasMonkey) a weirdo or creep and insulting his personality and character? Really?
imo I don't think the thread should have been made cause it's straying dangerously close to incel territory. But the guy was just sharing his thoughts and opinions and hateful women are still bashing him for it. Can't we all just be a little more accepting of one another?

And then in the next thread people are invalidating others thoughts and feelings. Bunch of oldheads thinking their reasons to CTB are so much better than others. A comment that particularly annoyed me was one saying "Oh how I roll my eyes when young people say they want to die cause they're still living with their parents." As if that's not a valid issue and we're being weak thinking it. If it's so easy to live a normal life despite being depressed or suicidal why don't you help us instead of just criticizing us? Give us some money, hire us or whatever.

I think there should be a minimum amount of compassion and understanding someone should have before posting on here. Mainly because of how vulnerable and sensitive the audience is. If you're a dickhead you got no business being here. I'm going to reconsider my involvement on this site if I keep seeing stuff like this, I suggest y'all do the same.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It's true that there is a lot of insensitivity on here, I guess that after all, nowhere is really free from the cruelty of humans, this site isn't exactly supportive, and if you are looking for support specifically then you will likely be made to feel worse at some point. I think that this site is fine if you just want to vent about suicide or are specifically here to research methods and you don't care about what others post on here. I just use this site to pass the time for my own sake and I couldn't care less about people's opinions, they are insignificant to me, and when people act in an insensitive way it just shows how pathetic they really are.

Some cringe pro life drivel on here could never change the fact that life is terrible and filled with endless suffering, and I'm thinking people shouldn't be allowed on here if they are so pro life and go on about how there is so much "hope" for all young people, which is beyond ridiculous but whatever. People like that just make this world a more hellish place with how they want to force others to suffer, it's true that both life itself and humans are certainly the problem.
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Sep 13, 2022
Repeatedly calling another user (GasMonkey) a weirdo or creep and insulting his personality and character
Indeed, I was immensely disgusted by the response he received!

I was just thinking (unrelated to SS) that even in the places/ideas that I support/like, people are so insensitive and ignorant everywhere. So quick to judge and assume. It makes me sad.
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Oct 9, 2022
It's unfortunate that you interpreted my comment as calling people in those circumstances - weak.

I see them as ill-prepared to move forward in this shitty world.

I did NOT say I roll my eyes at them wanting to die. That's a flat out lie.

If life is kicking your ass when you don't have to wory about shelter and finances - imagine how much worse it would be if you did?

I always remark that there are "levels" to anything. Not saying that one level is somehow better than the other. But they increase in difficulty as you progress.

Is that not accurate?

If level 4 is insurmountable, do you think level 8 is going to be easier?

Yeah, I roll my eyes sometimes. The same way a person with no legs might roll their eyes at someone complaining about losing a toe.

But I'm not saying your feelings are invalid like the OP in that thread was was insinuating.

I'm thinking to myself, "Just wait... It gets worse."

People wanting to escape this world - at any age - makes complete sense to me.
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I defended @GasMonkey on there. I think the women attacking him were just bitter because they had to deal with the fact that they would become less desirable as they age.

I'm sure no forum or site/ place is going to be 100% perfect. There will always be toxicity. We are human beings after all. The best we can do is to work on bettering ourselves and to treat each other with respect and compassion.
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Feb 16, 2023
These are things that come with the popularity [or infamy] surrounding SaSu. Its to be expected that volatile people are going to trickle in more frequently, at least for now. That being said, I completely agree that it is unwarranted to voice your critiques of others here for their decision to punch the ticket.

As I mentioned in the latter thread, everyone is entitled to deciding their own destiny and its careless, rude and unhelpful to tell them that they are wrong. However, providing those individuals feedback with a different perspective or giving them literal life advice since the oldheads have much more they've dealt with over their lifetime, they could be much more valuable as a teacher/mentor than a critique.

At the end of the day, humankind will always act the way they act, its at the discretion of the staff here how they will handle it moving forward. Past these few incidents I've seen, it still doesn't compare to the amount of outpouring support from this community and I wouldn't trade that for anything, at least in my particular case its helped me a little.
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Oct 9, 2022
Yeah, IK how you feel. I don't really despise them, I more so despise myself for ending up back here at the family home. They've really done the best they could to provide me a good life and I'm the one fucking it up.

I remember how excited I was at the prospect of leaving my parents and starting my own life when high school was coming to a close. Even though I had no idea what I wanted to do with myself, I knew I wanted out. First thing I tried was the military. My father being a vet got me ready for that the best he could teaching me how to shoot. For a multitude of reasons I quit that and came back home. Held the odd job here and there for a while then I gave university a try. My parents, paid for it fully and even got me an apartment. 👀 Again, quit that and ended up back at the same spot. Common trend that, me giving up despite their "support". I could blame my actions on mental health or whatever but honestly if anything I just got little bitch syndrome. My parents raised a weak boy and not a man capable of navigating his way through the world. 👀

Now, the only thing I've felt most certain of is my desire to CTB. And they're the biggest obstacle in the way of that. I'm completely terrified being in the same bedroom I practically grew up in, and the prospect of me staying there for the rest of my days it seems. I feel like their pet here now. They don't even give a shit that I don't work anymore and spend most of the day sleeping or just being unproductive. As long as im alive they're happy I guess.

If you're like me, maybe it's just best we bide our time and wait for our folks to pass. Cause then it'll really be do or die. We'll be forced to do the things we don't wanna do for our survival. 👀 Or alternatively, we can CTB without anyone holding us back.
I was worried that you misinterpeted my post as invalidating to people under a certain age. It's like being a staunch vegan and someone claiming they saw you eating a chicken wing lol.

But based off this post, I feel better that you really do understand where I'm coming from.


Aug 31, 2021
I defended @GasMonkey I think the women attacking him were just bitter because they had to deal with the fact that they would become less desirable as they age.
I didn't participate in that thread but honestly think this is a terrible take and shows no empathy for the other side. There are a lot of survivors of SA here and women who have suffered being on the other end of leering men and more.

I'm not condoning people for not showing compassion to him, but I could understand why those kinds of comments could be upsetting to people. To boil it down to something judgmental and sexist as being afraid of becoming less desirable with age is frankly being just as demeaning and hypocritical.
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Seeker of Darkness
Sep 29, 2022
Most people take things far too seriously here as well as sometimes being too overly aggressive. Some people just need to chill.

I remember another member who posted in the same topic that I had said a comment that sounded like they were taking a jab at most people on the forum, that may or may not have included me too. I just took it as a funny quip and moved on.
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running on empty
Dec 20, 2018
I didn't participate in that thread but honestly think this is a terrible take and shows no empathy for the other side. There are a lot of survivors of SA here and women who have suffered being on the other end of leering men and more.

I'm not condoning people for not showing compassion to him, but I could understand why those kinds of comments could be upsetting to people. To boil it down to something judgmental and sexist as being afraid of becoming less desirable with age is frankly being just as demeaning and hypocritical.
I have a lot of empathy for those who have undergone SA. But @GasMonkey didn't say anything resembling he wanted to SA/rape anyone. He just said he was attracted to young beautiful women (not minors) and people got upset because he is in his late 30s.
I don't want to get into an argument here, but the name calling and the way people treated him there for that was awful. And just because someone who had undergone SA takes it the wrong way, that doesn't give them the right to be so disrespectful towards him for saying something so harmless.
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Oct 2, 2022
Most of us are miserable and a lot of people here struggle with emotional regulation. Sometimes that can make you quick to react and maybe give a heavy-handed response. I've been guilty of that on bad days. I think overall the site is usually pretty welcoming to different people and different circumstances. Things will always get charged here and there, but there's a brand new set of regulars here every few months so making judgments on the community is hard. I'm pretty sensitive and I hardly run into problems.
GasMonkey said all that needed to be said later in that thread and the initial reaction was proven appropriate. Good for that person for just calling it like it is. Put it into perspective, this man pushing 40 is talking about girls below 18 with a smiley face. Come on.
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Mar 9, 2022
I think the women attacking him were just bitter because they had to deal with the fact that they would become less desirable as they age.
I'm sorry, but this is lowkey kinda gross to me…

You can't generalize a group of people like this, it's just unfair and completely untrue. We have no idea if some of the members in there were ladies and I can't imagine how many older women who are actually on this forum, struggling with self-esteem and worth issues, and seeing a comment like this.

It's just comes off really insensitive, and completely clashes with your ending point about being more kind and respectful to others.

I've had some horrible trauma with men myself, but I would never come on here and treat any male like trash, because I know everyone is different and they're not the people that hurt me.

People are free to think and share however they feel, and if there isn't a possibly to compromise, then just respect each others opinions and leave it be. Throwing shit back and forth at each other is just really pointless, as it just escalates things.
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
V sry human cruel see even topic here say stop fight ppl fight. Tell u thing me all ok but ppl keep ask keep skeptic argue make fun etc injury damage no respect, same outer behave. Understand ppl diff suffer many type no need compare no need argue fight. Life awful cruel injury damage me make mNy otjer suffer, ppl attakc each no attack life. V sry suffer all
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Lost, wanting out.
Feb 7, 2023
Imo, if they aren't actively harming others, then i don't see the point in all the hate. Everyone here is suffering for different reasons. Trying to find out if there suffering is "enough" is beyond stupid. No one here knows another personally. No one should be comparing. It's as simple as that.

Hell, someone might not even remember all the reasons why their suffering. Trauma often causes dissociation, which leads to forgetting what exactly the hell is wrong. There are days like that for me, when i know i'm suffering immensely, but i can't remember exactly why.

tl;dr just be respectful, stop assuming, try and be more curious and caring then anything else. easier said then widely implemented of course
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Detach my soul and separate my cells
Feb 19, 2023
It's unfortunate that you interpreted my comment as calling people in those circumstances - weak.

I see them as ill-prepared to move forward in this shitty world.

I did NOT say I roll my eyes at them wanting to die. That's a flat out lie.

If life is kicking your ass when you don't have to wory about shelter and finances - imagine how much worse it would be if you did?

I always remark that there are "levels" to anything. Not saying that one level is somehow better than the other. But they increase in difficulty as you progress.

Is that not accurate?

If level 4 is insurmountable, do you think level 8 is going to be easier?

Yeah, I roll my eyes sometimes. The same way a person with no legs might roll their eyes at someone complaining about losing a toe.

But I'm not saying your feelings are invalid like the OP in that thread was was insinuating.

I'm thinking to myself, "Just wait... It gets worse."

People wanting to escape this world - at any age - makes complete sense to me.
i dont think this is true. ive heard countless people say adulthood is a BREEZE in comparison to high school and similar activities kids are forced to engage in.
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Dec 22, 2021
I think there should be a minimum amount of compassion and understanding someone should have before posting on here. Mainly because of how vulnerable and sensitive the audience is. If you're a dickhead you got no business being here. I'm going to reconsider my involvement on this site if I keep seeing stuff like this, I suggest y'all do the same.
Totally agree with you.


Oct 9, 2022
i dont think this is true. ive heard countless people say adulthood is a BREEZE in comparison to high school and similar activities kids are forced to engage in.
I've heard people say Chuck Norris is a good actor.
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Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
making this post because of a growing amount of insensitivity I've been noticing here. Particularly on the "Who else will die a virgin" thread and a new one "I'm greatly upset by the amount of young people on this site"

Repeatedly calling another user (GasMonkey) a weirdo or creep and insulting his personality and character? Really?
imo I don't think the thread should have been made cause it's straying dangerously close to incel territory. But the guy was just sharing his thoughts and opinions and hateful women are still bashing him for it. Can't we all just be a little more accepting of one another?

And then in the next thread people are invalidating others thoughts and feelings. Bunch of oldheads thinking their reasons to CTB are so much better than others. A comment that particularly annoyed me was one saying "Oh how I roll my eyes when young people say they want to die cause they're still living with their parents." As if that's not a valid issue and we're being weak thinking it. If it's so easy to live a normal life despite being depressed or suicidal why don't you help us instead of just criticizing us? Give us some money, hire us or whatever.

I think there should be a minimum amount of compassion and understanding someone should have before posting on here. Mainly because of how vulnerable and sensitive the audience is. If you're a dickhead you got no business being here. I'm going to reconsider my involvement on this site if I keep seeing stuff like this, I suggest y'all do the same.
I wouldn't say that people suck, but I agree that there's different people in every community in life and that some might not agree or get along with everyone they meet.
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I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
Repeatedly calling another user (GasMonkey) a weirdo or creep and insulting his personality and character? Really?
imo I don't think the thread should have been made cause it's straying dangerously close to incel territory. But the guy was just sharing his thoughts and opinions and hateful women are still bashing him for it. Can't we all just be a little more accepting of one another?
Darn those hateful women for thinking that an almost 40 year old man wanting to date high school girls is kinda weird.
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pew pew pew
Feb 14, 2023
All the good and caring people end up ctb at some point and therefore there's a bigger proportion of other people here ig
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Parting Sorrow

Parting Sorrow

Feb 18, 2023
People suck and will literally fight over a picture of a stick wherever you are on the internet? Shocking. News at 11.
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Feb 21, 2023
Just because people here are suffering and in great pain doesn't mean we should dull our tongues and compromise on our moral values. A middle-aged man lusting over young, (mentally) underdeveloped women is improper and wrong.

If you have moral values, you are bound to disagree with others, otherwise you believe in nothing at all.
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little bird fly away
Oct 7, 2022
i read through that thread and while ive noticed people being rude on other threads and it upsets me i was also concerned with what they were saying regarding that. it came off as very strange and i may not understand their point of view but multiple people said their reason to ctb was lack of sex which seems inappropriate
All the good and caring people end up ctb at some point and therefore there's a bigger proportion of other people here ig
ayour profile picture and my cover photo are by the same artist (⌒‐⌒)
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Archaon, Herald of the Apocalypse
Dec 24, 2022
Wow. I was not expecting this to get that much traction. I'm sorry for not getting back to ya'll sooner, yesterday was actually a beautiful day and I tried my best to enjoy it. I thank you all for taking the time to read my post and leaving commentary of your own. I think everyone deserves a proper response. I will work on that, though I may need to break it up into multiple posts. I'm not a great writer and lose track of my thoughts easily. Just this first post will probably take me hours.. :( I will start with what is freshest in my mind and go from there.
Just because people here are suffering and in great pain doesn't mean we should dull our tongues and compromise on our moral values. A middle-aged man lusting over young, (mentally) underdeveloped women is improper and wrong.

If you have moral values, you are bound to disagree with others, otherwise you believe in nothing at all.
Darn those hateful women for thinking that an almost 40 year old man wanting to date high school girls is kinda weird.
GasMonkey said all that needed to be said later in that thread and the initial reaction was proven appropriate. Good for that person for just calling it like it is. Put it into perspective, this man pushing 40 is talking about girls below 18 with a smiley face. Come on.
I understand your concerns with what was said and your responses to it. All I'm saying is there's a way to respectfully disagree with someone without the name calling and hurling insults at them. "I didn't like what you had to say because..." is a lot nicer way of going about that and will lead to much more fruitful discussion. Just straight up being mean to someone does not further your point in any way and makes you seem less intelligent than I'm sure you all actually are.

I don't think "lust" is the right word to describe what he's feeling. Admiration? Envy maybe? Lust is defined by a strong sexual desire. If that were the case, he'd be a lot more active in his pursuit of young women instead of just fantasizing about them. There are middle aged men in the porn industry and the film industry that ACTUALLY prey on girls. They are the real monsters that you make this man out to be. I don't see anything wrong with appreciating the beauty of some people, it can be done in a respectful and non-creepy way. People are at the peak of their physical attractiveness when they're young. It's just a fact of life, for men and women too.

GasMonkey never said he likes high school girls, at least not to begin with. He started with "young and beautiful" and people took offense to that and pressed him further on it, seeing how low he's willing to go. The question imposed on him whether he'd fuck a high schooler or someone under 18 was a hypothetical one, and should be taken with a grain of salt. Hypotheticals are made up scenarios. Not gonna happen, never gonna happen. If you posed the question to someone that they would be the lone survivor of a plane crash on a remote island, and asked them if they'd eat the dead to stay alive, and they said yes, you wouldn't immediately assume they're a cannibal in everyday life would you? It is not surprising to me that a virgin would accept sex from someone far younger than them if that were his only option (consent and legality included). I don't think he's gross to saying yes to that dumb question. (I think all hypotheticals are dumb not just that one)

I think he said what he said just out of regret for missing out on the opportunity of being young and to date young. As you get older it's hard not to look back and kick yourself over what you can't have anymore. And maybe seeing younger girls reminds him of that. I think those emotions should be met with compassion and kindness, not hate. saying some of the things I read on there like "It's a good thing you're a virgin and I hope you stay that way" is just plain evil. And I've met a lotta fucked up people in my short time being here.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I have a lot of empathy for those who have undergone SA. But @GasMonkey didn't say anything resembling he wanted to SA/rape anyone. He just said he was attracted to young beautiful women (not minors) and people got upset because he is in his late 30s.
I don't want to get into an argument here, but the name calling and the way people treated him there for that was awful. And just because someone who had undergone SA takes it the wrong way, that doesn't give them the right to be so disrespectful towards him for saying something so harmless.
I have to say that as I age I find younger women less attractive. If you are 40 and don't see a 20 yo as a "kid" something is not right with your wiring. Not that it's impossible to have a relationship if the younger person is unnaturally mature or the older unnaturally immature, I'm just saying that it's just uncommon and for a good reason.

Obviously women have a sexual attractiveness peak from 20 to 30 that corresponds to fertility but still, age gaps should make you feel uncomfortable in my opinion.
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Feb 25, 2023
I saw those threads too. It is really sad that even on this site people come up with the usual fights you see irl and in the media:

Male vs female
young vs old
lonely people vs people in relationships
straight vs gay
ugly vs beautiful
rich vs poor
race baiting

Life is not fair and if you have an account here you should know this by now. And fighting on an anonymous online forum is useless anyway.
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Sep 13, 2022
I'm going to reconsider my involvement on this site if I keep seeing stuff like this, I suggest y'all do the same.
I'm certainly feeling this way right now. Even on this forum, where the lowest of the low come, people are still incredibly ignorant, judgemental and generally awful. Which astonishes me considering the purpose of this place. Quite frankly, it's a disgrace.


I'm late, i'm late. For a very important date.
Feb 12, 2019
did he say dating? I think this was more about s*x
I was originally going to write "an almost 40 year old man wanting to fuck high school girls" but I thought dating sounded less harsh.
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