

Oct 23, 2018
I feel like in this country I am living through a quiet indirect genocide. Brought about by punitive policies that I saw drive my clients to suicide and made my inbox look like some Kafka nightmare of bureaucratic cruelty that fit the textbook definition of psychological torture. I am seeing front-line charities that don't tow the party line being strangled of funding and literally being told to shut up or else. The hardship and the horror eats at my thoughts constantly. I can't get it out of my head. Universal credit will likely kill even more people, and I suspect Brexit in whatever absurd form it ends up in will do further damage and cement the demise of the NHS. So we can gain the toxic American insurance model. Pushed by disability denial factories that have already been sued against. But are already essentially buying UK policy with their generous campaign support and lucrative future job offers...

I am sick of policies of chronically under-funding mental health services. Under-funding social care provision to the point people are left stewing in their own shit. Of cutting a host of supportive programs that had demonstrable efficacy in keeping people out of a hospital environment and led to consistently improved quality of life outcomes. I saw those outcomes damn it! How is that not a cost saving if you want to just look at it economically? It is so short-sighted! As short-sighted as switching off street lights to save money, resulting in more car accidents and assaults and rapes on workers coming home from night shifts.

There is only one such decent program left in my area and it is only available once a week and has a waiting list time of about eight fucking months! Not surprising as they let half the staff go so can only handle a reduced number of clients.

It is quite telling when people are setting themselves on fire in jobcentres and council offices out of sheer desperation. Is it reported meaningfully in the mainstream media like a Tibetan monk setting himself ablaze in protest to decry a rotten regime… No of course not. It is also telling the DWP got briefing materials on how to handle the suicidal.

It is rage inducing to see the UN report on extreme poverty and human rights in the UK be whitewashed as too political, and being unpleasant in tone, and simply disagreed with. That is not a goddamn counter-argument to any of the points raised. If this was a child's debate club you would have lost. The fact societal issues are reduced to this level because it runs counter to an entrenched ideology makes me think Spongebob could do a better fucking job at bringing about some intelligence and humanity!

I feel like we are going back to the dickens era straight out of Jack London's People of the Abyss. Dominic Raab is even on record saying he wanted to bring back work houses for the poor.

I am left with so much helplessness and impotent hatred I don't know what to do with it sometimes.

Oh well, I guess I have Borderlands 2 and can shoot bandits in the face with corrosive weapons as a method to stop thinking about my former dead clients and the horrifying future prospect of homelessness while sick. As well as the high chance of reductions in my own care budget. Leaving me to have to deal with my own vomit.

Is it any wonder catching the bus is on my mind?
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Reactions: anelakapu, ctbclaire, Justanotherconsumer and 11 others


Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
I feel like in this country I am living through a quiet indirect genocide. Brought about by punitive policies that I saw drive my clients to suicide and made my inbox look like some Kafka nightmare of bureaucratic cruelty that fit the textbook definition of psychological torture. I am seeing front-line charities that don't tow the party line being strangled of funding and literally being told to shut up or else. The hardship and the horror eats at my thoughts constantly. I can't get it out of my head. Universal credit will likely kill even more people, and I suspect Brexit in whatever absurd form it ends up in will do further damage and cement the demise of the NHS. So we can gain the toxic American insurance model. Pushed by disability denial factories that have already been sued against. But are already essentially buying UK policy with their generous campaign support and lucrative future job offers...

I am sick of policies of chronically under-funding mental health services. Under-funding social care provision to the point people are left stewing in their own shit. Of cutting a host of supportive programs that had demonstrable efficacy in keeping people out of a hospital environment and led to consistently improved quality of life outcomes. I saw those outcomes damn it! How is that not a cost saving if you want to just look at it economically? It is so short-sighted! As short-sighted as switching off street lights to save money, resulting in more car accidents and assaults and rapes on workers coming home from night shifts.

There is only one such decent program left in my area and it is only available once a week and has a waiting list time of about eight fucking months! Not surprising as they let half the staff go so can only handle a reduced number of clients.

It is quite telling when people are setting themselves on fire in jobcentres and council offices out of sheer desperation. Is it reported meaningfully in the mainstream media like a Tibetan monk setting himself ablaze in protest to decry a rotten regime… No of course not. It is also telling the DWP got briefing materials on how to handle the suicidal.

It is rage inducing to see the UN report on extreme poverty and human rights in the UK be whitewashed as too political, and being unpleasant in tone, and simply disagreed with. That is not a goddamn counter-argument to any of the points raised. If this was a child's debate club you would have lost. The fact societal issues are reduced to this level because it runs counter to an entrenched ideology makes me think Spongebob could do a better fucking job at bringing about some intelligence and humanity!

I feel like we are going back to the dickens era straight out of Jack London's People of the Abyss. Dominic Raab is even on record saying he wanted to bring back work houses for the poor.

I am left with so much helplessness and impotent hatred I don't know what to do with it sometimes.

Oh well, I guess I have Borderlands 2 and can shoot bandits in the face with corrosive weapons as a method to stop thinking about my former dead clients and the horrifying future prospect of homelessness while sick. As well as the high chance of reductions in my own care budget. Leaving me to have to deal with my own vomit.

Is it any wonder catching the bus is on my mind?
Extremely well put, and I agree with everything that you say. I enjoy reading your posts as they are so eloquent, only wish I could say it half as well.
I recently experienced the full wrath of the tory Jackboot when I was claiming JSA, adviser told me to apply for ESA owing to my mental health. Was a big fuck up and was told that my claim was cancelled and to apply for universal credit. Couldn't face the first interview, going over the same shit as before, so I didn't attend. Found them dehumanising, patronising and Fucking pointless. I've always raged against the establishment, but this time I concede. They win! I can't work till sixty seven to pay a mortgage and all the other shit.
"Better to die on your feet than live on your knees"
Emiliano Zapata
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Dec 6, 2018
It is terrible here in the US. I became absolutely enraged in the last year over things. First off, let me say that I am a person of means. While going through initial cancer treatments, diagnosis, I moved to the front of line. My local physicians recommended MD Anderson in Houston for some new trials that extend the time I have and minimally, I stress minimally increase my chances of a cure, from 0 to like 8%. Probably be 40k out of pocket plus my insurance. Then I looked at some other patients who need this too. They were not offered this option, trials never brought up. Why? I can feed the economic machine, they can not. They are on Medicaid or Medicare. There are many foundations and hospitals in the US that donate billion to treatment of terminal patients. But only the wealthy here can get the best. What makes my life more valuable than anybody else's? Not a damn thing, but Western Civilization says I'm valuable because I have money. Well, the doctors and drug manufacturers are going to get as little as possible. My family and charities will. I have it spelled out. What a fucking travesty it has become.
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Nov 5, 2018
I feel like in this country I am living through a quiet indirect genocide. Brought about by punitive policies that I saw drive my clients to suicide and made my inbox look like some Kafka nightmare of bureaucratic cruelty that fit the textbook definition of psychological torture. I am seeing front-line charities that don't tow the party line being strangled of funding and literally being told to shut up or else. The hardship and the horror eats at my thoughts constantly. I can't get it out of my head. Universal credit will likely kill even more people, and I suspect Brexit in whatever absurd form it ends up in will do further damage and cement the demise of the NHS. So we can gain the toxic American insurance model. Pushed by disability denial factories that have already been sued against. But are already essentially buying UK policy with their generous campaign support and lucrative future job offers...

I am sick of policies of chronically under-funding mental health services. Under-funding social care provision to the point people are left stewing in their own shit. Of cutting a host of supportive programs that had demonstrable efficacy in keeping people out of a hospital environment and led to consistently improved quality of life outcomes. I saw those outcomes damn it! How is that not a cost saving if you want to just look at it economically? It is so short-sighted! As short-sighted as switching off street lights to save money, resulting in more car accidents and assaults and rapes on workers coming home from night shifts.

There is only one such decent program left in my area and it is only available once a week and has a waiting list time of about eight fucking months! Not surprising as they let half the staff go so can only handle a reduced number of clients.

It is quite telling when people are setting themselves on fire in jobcentres and council offices out of sheer desperation. Is it reported meaningfully in the mainstream media like a Tibetan monk setting himself ablaze in protest to decry a rotten regime… No of course not. It is also telling the DWP got briefing materials on how to handle the suicidal.

It is rage inducing to see the UN report on extreme poverty and human rights in the UK be whitewashed as too political, and being unpleasant in tone, and simply disagreed with. That is not a goddamn counter-argument to any of the points raised. If this was a child's debate club you would have lost. The fact societal issues are reduced to this level because it runs counter to an entrenched ideology makes me think Spongebob could do a better fucking job at bringing about some intelligence and humanity!

I feel like we are going back to the dickens era straight out of Jack London's People of the Abyss. Dominic Raab is even on record saying he wanted to bring back work houses for the poor.

I am left with so much helplessness and impotent hatred I don't know what to do with it sometimes.

Oh well, I guess I have Borderlands 2 and can shoot bandits in the face with corrosive weapons as a method to stop thinking about my former dead clients and the horrifying future prospect of homelessness while sick. As well as the high chance of reductions in my own care budget. Leaving me to have to deal with my own vomit.

Is it any wonder catching the bus is on my mind?
I feel like it's almost wrong how thoroughly I enjoyed your rant.
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Reactions: ctbclaire, Justanotherconsumer, Weeping Garbage Can and 4 others


Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
It's one of the many things that pisses me right off! Profit before people!
We are still lucky to have the NHS here, but as the OP pointed out, it's not going to last.
Things really hot up over here when you get old and sick, be it dementia or any other ailment. The majority of people are unable to care for their sick parents, so the only option is a care home.
The Average cost is about £100 per day though many can be a lot more expensive.
They'll screw you out of your savings, pension and anything else of worth.
I'm sure it's the case in many countries but not all.
I have first hand experience of working in the elderly care sector, and when a private company bought it the shit hit the fan.
Fuck growing old in this country, they can kiss my arse.
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Reactions: ReadyasEver, Justanotherconsumer, Weeping Garbage Can and 1 other person


Dec 6, 2018
Johnny we are not any better off, look at the rise in assisted living and nursing homes. So few people can afford to take in the elderly as before. Ship them into the facility. Now some of them are very nice and provide great care, if the price is right. I look at America greatest strength was the 1940's - 1960's when the vast majority of the country was in the middle class. You could keep your doors unlocked in most neighborhoods, your neighbors looked out for you. I don't know if we as a species will ever find the right mix. Socialism breeds apathy and despondency, free market democracy breeds greed and inequality. They both end up with same result. A growing group of people with absolutely no hope to find a solution. I wish there was an answer to this.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
It is terrible here in the US. I became absolutely enraged in the last year over things. First off, let me say that I am a person of means. While going through initial cancer treatments, diagnosis, I moved to the front of line. My local physicians recommended MD Anderson in Houston for some new trials that extend the time I have and minimally, I stress minimally increase my chances of a cure, from 0 to like 8%. Probably be 40k out of pocket plus my insurance. Then I looked at some other patients who need this too. They were not offered this option, trials never brought up. Why? I can feed the economic machine, they can not. They are on Medicaid or Medicare. There are many foundations and hospitals in the US that donate billion to treatment of terminal patients. But only the wealthy here can get the best. What makes my life more valuable than anybody else's? Not a damn thing, but Western Civilization says I'm valuable because I have money. Well, the doctors and drug manufacturers are going to get as little as possible. My family and charities will. I have it spelled out. What a fucking travesty it has become.

Wow, that's really fucked up. The healthcare industry only provides premium care for people with money, but those without, they're left to die and suffer (or just barely kept alive out of society's virtue signal). I don't currently have insurance and haven't had it since half a year ago or more because I can't afford even the basic insurances. Since my state (NC) didn't expand on medicare and medicaid, there isn't coverage for people who can't afford marketplace insurance and what not. Also, marketplace insurance is total bullshit, the cheapest plan available to me is still over $200 per month, deductible is fucking high (like $8k or something), coverage is shit (only covers like catastrophic illnesses), and it just sucks. Getting a physical is almost $300 including the labwork and what not, but fuck paying over $2.4k a year just to get shitty care. I think I'd rather put $200 or more towards getting my exit tyvm...
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Reactions: Justanotherconsumer, Weeping Garbage Can, RaphtaliaTwoAnimals and 1 other person


Oct 23, 2018
Extremely well put, and I agree with everything that you say. I enjoy reading your posts as they are so eloquent, only wish I could say it half as well.
I recently experienced the full wrath of the tory Jackboot when I was claiming JSA, adviser told me to apply for ESA owing to my mental health. Was a big fuck up and was told that my claim was cancelled and to apply for universal credit. Couldn't face the first interview, going over the same shit as before, so I didn't attend. Found them dehumanising, patronising and Fucking pointless. I've always raged against the establishment, but this time I concede. They win! I can't work till sixty seven to pay a mortgage and all the other shit.
"Better to die on your feet than live on your knees"
Emiliano Zapata

Thanks Johnny. I enjoyed the eloquence of your Glasgow thread as well. You realise though that they are engaging in theft against you and the only weapon they have to do it and get away with it is patronising droogs with a humanity bypass.

I used to have a hell of a time getting people past falsely instilled feelings of shame. It does not help when those same systems reinforce that feeling at every turn along with the propaganda spread of the media machine. It is the biggest con trick. We pay national insurance mandatorily with no option to opt out! This is our fucking money in the first place. It is not welfare or benefits. I hate this perversion of language it is so Orwellian. Seeing elderly living off only bread because they are so shame ridden they did not want to apply for social security was deeply aggravating. I found I had to reframe the narrative to get anywhere. Then they would rightfully feel annoyed and tell me how they worked all their life.

Don't let the droogs win over you Johnny, take everything. You have been paying for their moat cleaning, wine selection and land subsidies, they are even going to likely tax you when you die... so fuck em. Would that money help improve anything? If so you should take it solely on the principle of the thing. Even if it means putting up with patronising bureaucrats. I can point you to some helpful guides on navigating this atrocity to get what is rightfully yours if you like? If you can view it as an absurd game of monopoly, played against a petulant child who cheats if not scrutinised, it loses all its power.

I much prefer the quote. "Don't let the bastards grind you down."

I feel like it's almost wrong how thoroughly I enjoyed your rant.

Nothing wrong about it. I am glad I could deliver some enjoyment. If you are interested in a slightly more unhinged homicidal rant you can find it here amidst this thread.

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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
Thanks Johnny. I enjoyed the eloquence of your Glasgow thread as well. You realise though that they are engaging in theft against you and the only weapon they have to do it and get away with it is patronising droogs with a humanity bypass.

I used to have a hell of a time getting people past falsely instilled feelings of shame. It does not help when those same systems reinforce that feeling at every turn along with the propaganda spread of the media machine. It is the biggest con trick. We pay national insurance mandatorily with no option to opt out! This is our fucking money in the first place. It is not welfare or benefits. I hate this perversion of language it is so Orwellian. Seeing elderly living off only bread because they are so shame ridden they did not want to apply for social security was deeply aggravating. I found I had to reframe the narrative to get anywhere. Then they would rightfully feel annoyed and tell me how they worked all their life.

Don't let the droogs win over you Johnny, take everything. You have been paying for their moat cleaning, wine selection and land subsidies, they are even going to likely tax you when you die... so fuck em. Would that money help improve anything? If so you should take it solely on the principle of the thing. Even if it means putting up with patronising bureaucrats. I can point you to some helpful guides on navigating this atrocity to get what is rightfully yours if you like? If you can view it as an absurd game of monopoly, played against a petulant child who cheats if not scrutinised, it loses all its power.

I much prefer the quote. "Don't let the bastards grind you down."

Nothing wrong about it. I am glad I could deliver some enjoyment. If you are interested in a slightly more unhinged homicidal rant you can find it here amidst this thread.

Thanks for that, I really appreciate your response.
I have always championed the adage "don't let the bastards grind you down"
This was my first encounter with the DWP in almost 30 years or more, except for having to deal with the CSA. I was ignorant to their methods and procedures, I don't know how to shaft the system.

How many times do I have to prove my identity to them? Then there is the texts and emails to remind you of appointments or activity on your account.
Yes I have paid my share of tax/NI and I expected a safety net to catch me if needed, but that net doesn't exist. I concede defeat, the tories were in power when I was in high school and have been for the majority of the time since.
I refuse their commitment policy, I'm not accepting it! I refuse to look for work that would require 35hrs of travel on public transport each week.
I refuse to take part in their grand scheme,
I marched against thatcher and watched the miners, the shipyards, steel workers and many others lose their livelihood.

I can't face having to work till I die, I want to go out on my terms. Democracy is an illusion, we live in a dictatorship! Many have tried and failed to defeat these bastards, and I will not give them what they want. I will give myself what I want!

*I am financially secure for the moment but I intend to check out before the shit hits the fan.

Thank you again for your insightful and intelligent support I really appreciate it brother.

"Every man dies.Not every man really lives." – William Wallace.
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Nov 19, 2018
I feel like in this country I am living through a quiet indirect genocide. Brought about by punitive policies that I saw drive my clients to suicide and made my inbox look like some Kafka nightmare of bureaucratic cruelty that fit the textbook definition of psychological torture. I am seeing front-line charities that don't tow the party line being strangled of funding and literally being told to shut up or else. The hardship and the horror eats at my thoughts constantly. I can't get it out of my head. Universal credit will likely kill even more people, and I suspect Brexit in whatever absurd form it ends up in will do further damage and cement the demise of the NHS. So we can gain the toxic American insurance model. Pushed by disability denial factories that have already been sued against. But are already essentially buying UK policy with their generous campaign support and lucrative future job offers...

I am sick of policies of chronically under-funding mental health services. Under-funding social care provision to the point people are left stewing in their own shit. Of cutting a host of supportive programs that had demonstrable efficacy in keeping people out of a hospital environment and led to consistently improved quality of life outcomes. I saw those outcomes damn it! How is that not a cost saving if you want to just look at it economically? It is so short-sighted! As short-sighted as switching off street lights to save money, resulting in more car accidents and assaults and rapes on workers coming home from night shifts.

There is only one such decent program left in my area and it is only available once a week and has a waiting list time of about eight fucking months! Not surprising as they let half the staff go so can only handle a reduced number of clients.

It is quite telling when people are setting themselves on fire in jobcentres and council offices out of sheer desperation. Is it reported meaningfully in the mainstream media like a Tibetan monk setting himself ablaze in protest to decry a rotten regime… No of course not. It is also telling the DWP got briefing materials on how to handle the suicidal.

It is rage inducing to see the UN report on extreme poverty and human rights in the UK be whitewashed as too political, and being unpleasant in tone, and simply disagreed with. That is not a goddamn counter-argument to any of the points raised. If this was a child's debate club you would have lost. The fact societal issues are reduced to this level because it runs counter to an entrenched ideology makes me think Spongebob could do a better fucking job at bringing about some intelligence and humanity!

I feel like we are going back to the dickens era straight out of Jack London's People of the Abyss. Dominic Raab is even on record saying he wanted to bring back work houses for the poor.

I am left with so much helplessness and impotent hatred I don't know what to do with it sometimes.

Oh well, I guess I have Borderlands 2 and can shoot bandits in the face with corrosive weapons as a method to stop thinking about my former dead clients and the horrifying future prospect of homelessness while sick. As well as the high chance of reductions in my own care budget. Leaving me to have to deal with my own vomit.

Is it any wonder catching the bus is on my mind?

This is amazing, thank you.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, lv-gras and Johnnythefox


Dec 6, 2018
The American way, taxed for being born, taxed while alive, and taxed for dying ( I've pulled sneaky ones legally so DC and stare do not get as much as they thought, they created the loopholes for themselves, I'm using it too ). And for what? A Medicaid system completely in the shitter, states going broke trying to fund it. A slightly better Medicare system, pays better, but staring at financial insolvency in the face. A Social Security system, overstaffed, inefficient, and under funded. A Treasury Dept. basically told what to do by big banks and Wall Street. The one time they intervened, the damn market collapsed. All the regulations have eased and they are back to their old ways. Sure, they still get some guys, but a lot is swept under carpet. I'm it is like this Europe also.
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Que sera sera
Nov 11, 2018
The American way, taxed for being born, taxed while alive, and taxed for dying ( I've pulled sneaky ones legally so DC and stare do not get as much as they thought, they created the loopholes for themselves, I'm using it too ). And for what? A Medicaid system completely in the shitter, states going broke trying to fund it. A slightly better Medicare system, pays better, but staring at financial insolvency in the face. A Social Security system, overstaffed, inefficient, and under funded. A Treasury Dept. basically told what to do by big banks and Wall Street. The one time they intervened, the damn market collapsed. All the regulations have eased and they are back to their old ways. Sure, they still get some guys, but a lot is swept under carpet. I'm it is like this Europe also.
In Iceland they threw the bankers in jail.
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Dec 6, 2018
Good for them, occasionally they do here also. But usually a slick legal team and government connections will get you a fine, time served, suspended sentenced, time suspension from the industry. The Bernie Madoff cases are rare, not the norm.
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Reactions: RaphtaliaTwoAnimals, lv-gras and Johnnythefox

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