

Jul 24, 2020
One thing that's always bothered me about our society is that we require people to own a license (essentially to have some minimum level of responsibility, capability, and knowledge) to drive a car or motorcycle, fly a plane, own a gun, hunt, and practice law or medicine. Why? Because these are all things that, if done incorrectly, could hurt yourself and others. However, we don't require any kind of license for having kids, which has much more potential for hurt and pain than any of the activities I mentioned before. Bringing life into the world is a far greater responsibility than driving a car or owning a gun. When you have kids, you have their entire lives in your hands. The amount of pain or pleasure they experience in their life and their future is strongly dependent on who you are and how you bring them up.

We don't allow someone who drives while intoxicated to own a driver's license, yet a rapist or murderer could legally have kids without issue. We don't allow a pilot who isn't qualified enough to fly a plane, yet we allow horrible parents to bring children into the world who will inevitably live a life full of pain and sorrow because of the actions of their parents. We don't allow someone with a criminal record to own a gun, yet we allow individuals who are at a high risk of producing kids with disabilities (ex: women who smoke/drink while pregnant, couples who are too old to have kids, etc.) to marry and have kids.

Our society is truly disgusting.

My parents were far too old to have kids, but were still allowed to have their second child (me). As a very likely result of their old age, I suffer from a mental disorder that cannot be cured.
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Feb 8, 2019
It's the eternal cycle of -pointless- shit. Create new life, be a good slave and die in silence.

"Disgusting" is exactly the right word to describe that :-)
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
How would one go about enforcing this license though? Do we then have to incarcerate or fine every future accidental parent? This just sounds like another way to put underprivileged people further in debt or straight to prison just because they weren't educated enough about or otherwise can't afford any birth control. Plus, the process of obtaining a license could easily be abused by insurance companies and the lack of a license could be used to charge more or deny coverage altogether, at least in the US. Registering for one would likely involve having to divulge some deeply personal genetic history that people would normally keep private.

Maybe in a perfect world this type of system could work but for now we're just going to have to leave it up to other humans' better judgment. Although in this developed world as society gets more advanced they do produce less children anyway but this should probably be left to their own choice like with anything else.
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Aug 6, 2020
Yes well you shouldn't have to have a license to have children.

Procreation isn't the kind of thing that should be controlled by, or require the approval of, the government.

A driving license is a requirement in order to ensure that your standard of training is such that you are able to control a vehicle safely.

License to hunt.
Quite honestly I don't know what the exact law around hunting is so can't comment.

All of this being said, there are obviously 'licenses' that serve no purpose whatsoever other than to act as a stealth tax.
The TV license in the UK is a perfect example of this.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I do think there has to be more accountability and readiness as well as aptitude for people to be parents. Not everyone is fit to be a parent, let alone a great parent, imho. As far as enforcement, I think it may be difficult to do so because when people go around to have sexual intercourse (without protection), there is always a chance of an unplanned pregnancy.

The TV license in the UK is a perfect example of this.
Oh wow, I never knew about that, that is indeed a sneaky tax. I don't know what started it and why they still do that in the UK? I'm from the US and afaik, there is no license to own a TV.
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Jul 25, 2020
One thing that's always bothered me about our society is that we require people to own a license (essentially to have some minimum level of responsibility, capability, and knowledge) to drive a car or motorcycle, fly a plane, own a gun, hunt, and practice law or medicine. Why? Because these are all things that, if done incorrectly, could hurt yourself and others. However, we don't require any kind of license for having kids, which has much more potential for hurt and pain than any of the activities I mentioned before. Bringing life into the world is a far greater responsibility than driving a car or owning a gun. When you have kids, you have their entire lives in your hands. The amount of pain or pleasure they experience in their life and their future is strongly dependent on who you are and how you bring them up.

We don't allow someone who drives while intoxicated to own a driver's license, yet a rapist or murderer could legally have kids without issue. We don't allow a pilot who isn't qualified enough to fly a plane, yet we allow horrible parents to bring children into the world who will inevitably live a life full of pain and sorrow because of the actions of their parents. We don't allow someone with a criminal record to own a gun, yet we allow individuals who are at a high risk of producing kids with disabilities (ex: women who smoke/drink while pregnant, couples who are too old to have kids, etc.) to marry and have kids.

Our society is truly disgusting.

My parents were far too old to have kids, but were still allowed to have their second child (me). As a very likely result of their old age, I suffer from a mental disorder that cannot be cured.
I'm sorry for what your going through. My issue with people having kids who shouldnt is the number of children abused because their not wanted. It sickens me everytime I read in the papers that another child has dies as a result of abuse. In our country Social Sercices take children off parents who have a history of repeatedly doing this. So their children can be removed straight after the mum gives birth. However recently theres been an outcry about this because some people think it's unfair and traumatic for the mum. They also call it a racist act, however I dont want to get into that side of things. My opinion is that I dont care how traumatic it is for the mum, who is an adult , able to make informed decisions and able to defend themselves. Their child on the other hand is not and that is why we need services that will act for and stand up for the child. I'm sick of hearing stories about children being put in clothes driers or hung up on clothes lines or beaten to death. I would love to see parents have to sit a licence of sorts to have children. Like OP says, you need a licence to own a dog.
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Bury me, bury me...
Aug 1, 2020
No license necessary to use the internet, either. Which is just as bad. Go check reddit :pfff:
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Jul 25, 2020
Apologies OP if I went slightly off track. Do you mind me asking what kind of mental health condition you have? I ask because I havent heard of mental health conditions specifically caused by aging parents? Of course this is a very private issue so I absolutely understand you not divulging this info.
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Deleted member 19654

Deleted member 19654

Working towards recovery.
Jul 9, 2020
There are definitely people out there who aren't fit to be parents. They're bringing children into the world but don't even bother to look after them or care for them like a parent should.

Maybe going off topic but I'm also pro-choice when it comes to abortions. Children are often born into unhealthy environments and suffer as a result. Isn't it less cruel to have an abortion while the foetus is still just a cluster of cells than to let it develop and be born into a terrible life? It also leaves parents in difficult situations too which could have been avoided.
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Jul 26, 2020
I can empathize with the OP and for me the "have a license" isn't literal. It's that people can give so little thought to bringing a child into the world, they spend more time on picking out a phone. I delve into a lot of crime history and so many times you can see the train flying off the track pretty easily for someone.
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I just can’t get these damn wrists to bleed
Jul 22, 2020
I don't think we could ever come up with a reliable and valid method to test people's parenting skills. The testing would have to be perfect, so that the results would be 100% accurate. Does not sound plausible.
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Carbon Monoxide
Mar 7, 2019
reproduction is very hard to control; the most that can be done is to check for said license upon delivery, but by then the deed is already done and we end up with overflowing orphanages
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Jul 24, 2020
I can empathize with the OP and for me the "have a license" isn't literal. It's that people can give so little thought to bringing a child into the world, they spend more time on picking out a phone. I delve into a lot of crime history and so many times you can see the train flying off the track pretty easily for someone.
This is exactly what I mean. Not that people literally need a license, but need way more thought put into it...
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May 15, 2019
I think there should certainly be clear government guidelines to encourage people not to to have too many kids as the world is over populated. Its almost a taboo subject that nobody wants to address. Its simple have less children and you can look after them better causing a happier world.
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Jan 20, 2020
So what do you do if people are determined to not be worthy of having children? Do you sterilize them? Because that would open the doors for a whole mess of new social issues, racial issues, Financial judgment, health judgments, and just a full on Gattaca way of life.


Jul 26, 2020
So what do you do if people are determined to not be worthy of having children?

There's nothing that can be done, not in a world that would have any human and individual rights. It definitely wouldn't be a world I'd want to be in, even with how screwed up ours is. It's one of those things where I feel it's better to err on the side of having a problem instead of implementing a solution that would by it's nature be oppressive and begging to be abused. Its' just sad to see how some kids turn out when the biggest factor was crappy "parents".
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Apr 22, 2019
I have ALWAYS BEEN WANDERING EXACTLY THIS!!!!! This is so insane to me that people can just have children and nobody checks if those people aren't drug addicts, aren't abusive, are financially stable to raise a child, don't have any conditions that will likely give a child some sort of problem at birth. This is so crazy to me. We also require people to get permit and to get qualified to own a pet(like a dog) in some places while also making it mandatory to have the dog vaccinated and look after it properly, while they can just have kids whenever they feel like it and bring them into this world in whatever situation they want, people can get pregnant while high on drugs, use drugs all through pregnancy and then give birth in some alley on cardboard boxes and it's all perfectly fine and legal. I'm revolted with this world.
So what do you do if people are determined to not be worthy of having children? Do you sterilize them? Because that would open the doors for a whole mess of new social issues, racial issues, Financial judgment, health judgments, and just a full on Gattaca way of life.
Not sterilize, sterilize only with a permisión of a person. But if the person not fit to have a child, then make abortion mandatory if pregnancy is of the kind that is likely to cause some problems for a child after birth. But if the pregnancy is safe and healthy but they are still not fit to raise a child give them a choice, abortion or giving the baby up for adoption. I know this may sound cruel, but we are talking about a new human being's life, it's far more cruel to screw the child up.
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Jul 24, 2020
So what do you do if people are determined to not be worthy of having children? Do you sterilize them? Because that would open the doors for a whole mess of new social issues, racial issues, Financial judgment, health judgments, and just a full on Gattaca way of life.
You don't "determine" people not to be worthy of having children, and obviously you don't sterilize them. Our society needs to encourage people to put MUCH more thought into having kids or having sex without proper protection. Government shouldn't be in charge of how people reproduce; it's just that our society is far too indifferent about the whole thought process behind choosing to have kids.
I have ALWAYS BEEN WANDERING EXACTLY THIS!!!!! This is so insane to me that people can just have children and nobody checks if those people aren't drug addicts, aren't abusive, are financially stable to raise a child, don't have any conditions that will likely give a child some sort of problem at birth. This is so crazy to me. We also require people to get permit and to get qualified to own a pet(like a dog) in some places while also making it mandatory to have the dog vaccinated and look after it properly, while they can just have kids whenever they feel like it and bring them into this world in whatever situation they want, people can get pregnant while high on drugs, use drugs all through pregnancy and then give birth in some alley on cardboard boxes and it's all perfectly fine and legal. I'm revolted with this world.

Not sterilize, sterilize only with a permisión of a person. But if the person not fit to have a child, then make abortion mandatory if pregnancy is of the kind that is likely to cause some problems for a child after birth. But if the pregnancy is safe and healthy but they are still not fit to raise a child give them a choice, abortion or giving the baby up for adoption. I know this may sound cruel, but we are talking about a new human being's life, it's far more cruel to screw the child up.
I agree with everything except this part:

" if the person not fit to have a child, then make abortion mandatory if pregnancy is of the kind that is likely to cause some problems for a child after birth. But if the pregnancy is safe and healthy but they are still not fit to raise a child give them a choice, abortion or giving the baby up for adoption."

The baby shouldn't have to be aborted, but at least adoption should be mandatory for parents obviously unfit to have a child. The baby shouldn't have to experience the consequences of his/her parent's wrong actions for dangerous pregnancies; the parents should. They should serve at least some amount of meaningful jail time for intentionally choosing to bring a disabled person into the world through a dangerous pregnancy.
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Jan 20, 2020
.Not sterilize, sterilize only with a permisión of a person. But if the person not fit to have a child, then make abortion mandatory if pregnancy is of the kind that is likely to cause some problems for a child after birth. But if the pregnancy is safe and healthy but they are still not fit to raise a child give them a choice, abortion or giving the baby up for adoption. I know this may sound cruel, but we are talking about a new human being's life, it's far more cruel to screw the child up.

Forced abortions is horrific. Let's say a woman is determined to be too depressed to be a mother, and her husband gets a bit too drunk one night and ends up impregnating her without her consent. Now she is a victim of spousal rape and she must endure an abortion which i terrifying for most woman and what if she sees that as murder? She may have done then best she could as a mother, but her severe depression meant she was a far from perfect parent. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be a woman that wanted a baby but the government says she can't, and It was then forced on her, and finally it was taken from her by force?

its pretty safe to say mandatory abortion would skyrocket suicide rates in females.
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May 28, 2019
Majority of parents are not qualified for being parents . This is why any generation gets worse than the previous one . People don't have any love to share with their children .
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Aug 20, 2020
I have never thought of this, but you are right. It's one of those things that would be extremely hard to put into place because of modern society, but something along the lines of a license sounds like a good idea. I mean, there are so many people who abuse their licenses or just does an act without having one, but I'm sure lots of parents would not have minded a few basic lessons on raising a child.
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Feb 2, 2019
And they make it illegal to have an abortion in some places. the nerve...
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Aug 21, 2020
Great thread. I'm myself an anti-breeeder and efilist. On this planet life = pain and suffering.
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Jun 5, 2020
I'm an anti breeder too. I agree with zorya.This planet is pain and hell.
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Aug 19, 2019
Even ugly ones like my parents should not be allowed to spawn. Taking away the child is not a solution, any accidental spawn needs to terminated Spartan-style.

Which reminds me, I had a very ugly friend who spawned. That baby was one of the ugliest and most disturbing things I ever saw. Like a masculine looking granny but small-sized, but obese already in diapers. Lord.
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Boarding the bus to Everlasting Dreamland ♡
Oct 19, 2020
Most people are too greedy/cold & dumb to even weigh the consequences of bringing life into this world, myself included. I wised up after it was too late. Most societies pound on the "necessity" of procreation like mine (America... who'dda thought?!)
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