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Oct 1, 2022
Peaceful Suicide Methods

Nembutal100 %100 %NOT AVAILABLE3 - 5 min0
Carfentanyl100 %100 %street< 10 sec0
Fentanyl100 %100 %street< 30 sec0
Heroine100 %100 %street< 1 min0
Nitrogen100 %100 %legality available10 - 20 sec0 - coma
Helium100 %100 %legality available10 - 20 sec0
Crb Mnxide100 %100 %legality available< 2 min0
SN**70 %70 %legal (?)10 - 30 mindiscomfort
Tourniquet60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Nigh-Night60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Hanging60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Bleeding70 %50 %100 %> 1 hour++some pain
HyperVentilate10 %62 %100 %3 to 5 mindiscomfort
Other Methods

* SI = Survival Instinct / Fear
** SN = Sodium Nitrite (not Nitrate)

speed until unconsciousness
- under 1 minute is very fast
- under 5 minutes is fast
- under 30 minutes is acceptable

- drugs need very high purity; gas purity > 99.99 %, SN purity > 95%
- make sure you're not found
- if found: failure may imply brain and / or organ damage (long time care); brain damage ranges from temporary, to life time incapacity, to vegetative state; organ damage implies tendon / nerve, kidney, liver, heart

other notes:

- peaceful methods require that you are not 'saved'
- suicide requires to be done by yourself, and under no circumstances will you be helped by another person, so you need to be alone until death (whatever period is required)
- some exceptions that i can think of:
  • voluntary euthanasia clinics / hospitals
  • life-long partner (husband, wife) that wants to die at the same time
  • our 'partner' thread is not recommended, and it's extremely dangerous:
  • all partners need to be throughly vetted, and even that may not be enough - you need to have 100% trust; even couples of 30 or 40 years of being together may not have 50% trust in one another
  • even if you can find someone like that, this may happen:

details and notes about each method (by table order)

- short-acting barbiturate; causes death by respiratory arrest
- dying process: sleep -> coma -> death

- the drug induces sleep and unconsciousness within 2 to 5 minutes
- while unaware, the brain stops sendings automatic requests to the nervous system
- there are no suffocation symptoms, and breath stops peacefully

- potential for vomiting (take anti vomiting medication)
- world-wide shortage - not available anywhere
- the shortage is so acute that even medical staff is having difficulty obtaining it
- doctors need it for animal euthanasia
- governments need it for capital punishment, but companies refuse to provide it for inmates
- whatever sources of nembutal are found on line are 100% scams
- veterinarians are legally responsible for the drug, and are dispensing it themselves
- if or when Nembutal becomes available, this is website will verify all sources, and provide confirmation

- heroine is used as recreational drug (no medical benefit, instead morphine is used in hospitals)
- fentanyl is used in hospitals and recreational drugs
- carfentanil is used to anesthetize large animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses

all these drugs are depressants and all cause similar euphoric symptoms
the main difference is in required quantity for fatal overdose:
morphine -> heroine (x3 morphine) -> fentanyl (x50 heroine) -> carfentanil (x100 fentanyl)

- similar to Nembutal, with added benefit of euphoria, but a fatal dose is so fast that a person will not experience any symptoms, passing out within seconds; in fact they are so fast that a single person trying to self euthanize has a high risk of not completing the injection

- most of these drugs have a very high failure rates, mainly caused by purity
- street drugs can go as low as 20% purity; sometimes purity can go to 0%
- carfentanil is very hard to obtain even the streets
- fentanyl cannot be found on the street
- drug dealers use fentanyl only to enhance (and cut) other drugs, like heroine, or m30's
- dealers are not as precise as the pharmaceutical companies, so some m30 capsules have hotspots of fentanyl
- some m30 pills (from the same batch) can have 0 fentanyl, other may have enough fentanyl to kill 2 people
- the drug itself is extremely fatal but purity is extremely risky when obtained from the street (lottery)

- are completely different than drugs - inhaling them are tricking the brain into thinking that the person gets the needed oxygen, when in fact is not getting any oxygen at all
- atmosphere contains 78% nitrogen + 21% oxygen + others
- the brain doesn't panic when oxygen is low, instead it panics when carbon dioxide is too high: the breathing is inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide (CO2, which is very different than simple carbon monoxide - CO)
- breathing 100% pure nitrogen replaces all oxygen in the body with nitrogen; all subsequent breaths contain: inhalation of 100% nitrogen, and all exhalations still continue to contain 100% carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Nitrogen hypoxia to execute a human (yahoo article, nov 2022)

- replacing oxygen with 100% nitrogen cause a very fast death, within 10 to 20 breaths
- the body gets deprived of oxygen and induces a comatose state
- different causes of unconsciousness
  • sleep: mostly unaware of environment, but dreams/nightmares still occur; any sound or touch will wake you
  • coma: completely unaware of environment (lights, sounds, smells, touch, etc) and nothing can wake you
- when nitrogen replaces all oxygen, the brain becomes unconscious first (see nitrogen hypoxia)
- symptoms: before becoming unaware, the brain might become euphoric (experienced by pilots but not at normal atmospheric pressure), and the person might experience a range of sensations like blurred vision, confusion, inability to focus, hallucinations, tingling of skin/face/fingers; many people may not feel anything noticeable, others may feel other symptoms, but all symptoms will be for a very short period of time
- another aspect: oxygen deprivation is similar to hanging, the difference is pain / discomfort / suffocation feeling

- unconsciousness caused by nitrogen is not enough to end your life
- if after 3 or max 4 minutes, the brain will resume normal function (no brain damage at this point)
- more than that, neurons start dying, and brain damage starts
- between 5 and 10 minutes brain death occurs - this is the critical period of extreme danger: if other (well intentioned) people or medical staff are saving you, they will most probably cause an irreversible damage and a life-long of suffering; this is why it's so important to make sure you are alone, and not saved
- after becoming unconscious you will not be able to hold the mask over your nose and mouth, but nitrogen flow will still need to continue, while you are unaware of your environment, and uncontrollable movement of your body
- the nitrogen system / setup will need to continue to work
- this is why we need to have a large enough nitrogen cylinder (minimum of 5 liters)
- nitrogen will be delivered with a flow of about 15 liters per minute (Lpm), so we need a flow regulator
- we also need to have a demand valve for full facia masks - this valve makes sure that all carbon dioxide (CO2) will be eliminated during breathing, and nitrogen will not be used more than the demand
- if CO2 remains in the mask you'll start feeling like you are suffocating, so this is very important

the main setup needs to be properly done

  • carbon monoxide method (CO) - i still need to study this, so i don't know that many details about it, but basically it works on the same mechanism as the inert gases
- carbon monoxide is odorless gas (like inert gases)
- oxygen needs to be replaced by carbon monoxide - CO (not CO2)
- in order to do this we need to have a small room (tent or similar) that will contain CO, and very low oxygen level - under 1%
- a car is not recommended - you could dye burning alive (but a car was used by some people)
- the carbon monoxide needs to be generated by burning coals (cheapest method)
- else buy a CO generator and mask - similar setup as inert gases

- if done correctly, this has the potential to be 100% peaceful

- this method was fairly used in the old days, when cars were eliminating high levels of CO
- today's cars (now to 1970's) have catalytic convertors
- these convertors eliminate most CO (will not be able to redirect exhaust from the exhaust pipe back to to cabin)
- also the exhaust had a bad odor (in purpose)
- you might be able to do this if you are a car mechanic and know what you're doing (i don't)

- potentially quite peaceful if done properly

- not exactly cheap, but not extremely expensive either
- sources still exist, but the seem to be disappearing
- a potential failure may not cause brain damage
- correct procedure: follow stan's guide to SN; in summary:
  • anti vomiting medication
  • anti anxiety medication
  • anesthesia medication
  • SN - 15 to 25 g (don't take too much)
  • if still conscious after first glass, and after a lot of vomiting, drink 1 more glass, depending on the vomiting, drink another glass; at this point you should have a total of 4 glasses, just in case
  • if unconsciousness is quick, at least 15 g should be ingested in the body (and remain in the body)
  • a potential method to bypass the vomiting is discussed here: my-method-of-taking-sn-without-vomiting
- symptoms may vary - a lot
- if not done correctly
- extremely fast heart rate
- feeling of suffocation (rarely)
- could vomit 90% of SN (not enough to die, but bad enough to feel miserable for a few days)
- noise (neighbors that will call police)
- overwhelming panic - call for help

  • hanging, tourniquet, night-night (blood choke, korean method) methods
- need determination, and mental preparation
- they have the potential to be very peaceful, but you need to be prepared for the worst

- extremely cheap and available almost anywhere
- potential peacefulness
  • be alone for a few hours
  • done correctly implies: obstruct you neck arteries - not veins (very important)
- if you obstruct veins you will feel like your head will explode
- if you press on your bronchial area, or esophagus you will experience extreme terror, extreme panic, suffocation
- some people were saved after 20 minutes of hanging

  • bleeding - exsanguination, wrist cutting, blood setting
- cheap and available
- potentially very peaceful after the initial cut
- fade to unconscious - the brain doesn't get oxygen and you faint

- initial pain of cutting (wrist, neck, leg, etc)
- nerve damage - unable to make a fist / limbs
- extreme deep cuts are needed to sever major arteries
- very long duration (days maybe)
- extreme dangers:
- if blood coagulation is too fast you stop bleeding (pain for nothing)
- if you cut your wrist by train (extreme example) your wound will be cauterized and you stop bleeding instantly
- a safer way to bleed to death is to use a pump or vacuum to extract blood through a major artery, that will remain open until death

  • hyperventilating - (shallow water drowning)
- the cause of this is not drowning or suffocation, but hyperventilating - fainting caused by too much oxygen

- potentially peaceful
- don't know how this works, but i used to be a swimmer; i used to be able to swim the distance of an olympic swimming pool, underwater, for the entire pool
- i used to be able to hold my breath for 4 to 5 minutes (a long time ago, but my secret was hyperventilation)

- if you don't become unconscious the drowning process is extremely traumatic and horrific
- the absolute opposite of peacefulness - might as well drown

other notes (for self)

Least painful sudden death is having ventricular fibrillation.
The heart stops beating and there's inadequate blood flow to the brain.
It's very fast. The person is unaware, becomes unconscious, and quickly dies.

Dying of liver failure is generally pain free.
The liver is important in clearing metabolites from the blood stream.
When the liver stops working, certain metabolites build up in the blood and suppress brain function.
Pain perception and judgement are reduced, and the patients are generally unaware.

In early liver failure, there is increased drowsiness and sedation.
As the liver failure progresses, the patient becomes more sleepy and then eventually slips into a coma.

Some patients have itching of the skin due to elevated bilirubin, which gives the skin and the whites of the eyes a yellow hue. It's generally just annoying and can be treated with sedatives and anti-histamines.

Since the failing liver also cannot metabolize narcotics and sedatives, patients who have pain or agitation for other reasons experience a significant reduction in both. For these unfortunate patients, death is peaceful for both them and their families.

worst death: Pancreatic cancer

From nerve pain to bone damage, and treatment side effects, dying of cancer can be very painful, and pancreatic cancer is arguably the worst when it comes to pain.

Pancreatic cancer can cause a great deal of pain when it presses against the nerves around the area. This causes agonizing abdominal and back pain. Intestinal blockages can also occur, as well as referred soft-tissue pain in other parts of the body.
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Nov 7, 2021
Sodium Nitrite in some cases was painful.
Also it can cause brain damage, stroke is possible.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Thank you for sharing the information, it's good to have all this information about these methods in one post. It's so tragic though how we cannot access N, that will always be the most ideal method to me.
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Dec 3, 2022
Thank you for this, very informative. Did you put this together yourself or was it compiled by someone else?
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Oct 1, 2022
thank you

@FuneralCry - society is tragic and ignorant, it's true. just accepting mortality would solve so many problems, both for pro-lifers and pro-choice people; to me, the first 4 methods are equal in peacefulness

@jessisme - i compiled this info for myself because i'm looking for the most peaceful methods, but since i spent some time gathering details last month, i thought it might be helpful for others as well
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Dec 3, 2022
thank you

@FuneralCry - society is tragic and ignorant, it's true. just accepting mortality would solve so many problems, both for pro-lifers and pro-choice people; to me, the first 4 methods are equal in peacefulness

@jessisme - i compiled this info for myself because i'm looking for the most peaceful methods, but since i spent some time gathering details last month, i thought it might be helpful for others as well
It's very helpful, thanks for sharing.
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One day we shall be free from this mortal coil.
Jul 16, 2019
N is the holy grail and inaccessible which sucks.

Let's go ahead and make dying incredibly challenging for everyone, yay. You never asked to be born so suck it up and start living.

Life is weird...
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❤️Travel by bus
Nov 25, 2022
Somewhere I saw a sign on this forum and another thread, there the numbers were slightly different ...
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Oct 1, 2022
@Wunderkind - you might be referring to this table: Suicide Methods

i changed my focus to peacefulness, and i changed numbers to my perception :)
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Jun 12, 2018
Sodium Nitrite in some cases was painful.
Also it can cause brain damage, stroke is possible.

Most methods on that list can cause brain damage, if your post implies that SN has a higher risk for brain damage than others, that's clearly not true. Like if you hang yourself and someone saves you in time, there is a chance that you'll be a vegetable for the rest of your life. Most methods involving ingestion of a substance will stop oxygen flow to your brain eventually. And if you're found and saved in a critical time span there is a chance you'll live with brain damage. Not all brain damage is permanent and not all brain damage turns you into a vegetable.

In the case of the brain damage that's discussed as a result of SN ingestion in that thread, there is no reason to worry. The thread discusses two cases. In the first case, the heart of the person that was found during their SN attempt already stopped beating when they arrived in the hospital. They were probably already in a coma so they didn't experience any pain. She died. The second case discussed in that thread wasn't lethal and the person was released from the hospital after 7 days without(!) neurologic impairment.

I still haven't seen one single case in which a person turns into a vegetable. It's importat to point out potential permanent consequences of your attempt but we also need to prevent any fear mongering of methods that provide a reliable and rather peaceful departure compared to other methods. It's always important to discuss methods not in a vaccuum but in the context of other methods, only that way we can measure how they work and what risks they unveil for us when we decide to exercise our right to die.
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Oct 19, 2021
One key issue on this list is hanging- not sure where the 60% number came from, it seems like it was just your best guess. A better estimate would probably be 100% for full suspension hanging, if done correctly and not interrupted, and less than 5% or 10% for partial hanging.
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Oct 1, 2022
@RainAndSadness - thanks, and i agree with everything you said

@freelifexit - thanks, but i've seen your posts before; many are not very helpful, with a similar message: 'Sodium Nitrite in some cases was painful. Also it can cause brain damage, stroke is possible.' you tend to focus on Sodium Nitrite, and find all the negatives in order to scare people.' i'm looking for a balanced input: pro's AND con's, pluses AND minuses; hopefully both helpful in some way. do you have anything positive ta say about SN?

@Someone123 - thanks, and you're right, i'm just estimating (need to do research on those methods). i've noticed that they can be quite peaceful, if done correctly - operative words; but they are tricky; i'm trying to determine repeatable steps, that can be done by anyone, at any time; so i'll need to update them as i go

too late to update main table, but all lower methods (after SN) are changed to 'peacefulness and reliability 50 %'
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I will find you in the afterlife my Nanes. -boov 😢
Nov 17, 2022
Id do fent instead of SN if it didnt scare me so much. Also i wouldn't be able to do it any other way other than orally. Idk why SN doesnt scare me as much
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Oct 1, 2022
@deathissosad - yes, the top four methods seem to be absolutely peaceful, the main problem is with availability; to me, SN looks to be similar to a very bad flu, but maybe i'm wrong…
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I will find you in the afterlife my Nanes. -boov 😢
Nov 17, 2022
I hope so! I have both sourced but just have more fear with fent even though general consensus is its the most peaceful. I worry about a few things including having an addiction if it doesn't work out, brain damage and possibly throwing it all up. Feel like SN may be a little less peaceful but more safe way to go. Only one way to find out though i suppose
@deathissosad - yes, the top four methods seem to be absolutely peaceful, the main problem is with availability; to me, SN looks to be similar to a very bad flu, but maybe i'm wrong…
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Oct 1, 2022
if i had fentanyl and SN, i'd go with fentanyl without any doubt, but first i'd find out everything and anything about it (a lot more research)


Nov 7, 2021
Answering to @RainAndSadness and @ksp.

The post says that SN is always peaceful and that it can not cause brain damage. This is not true, which is why I wrote my comment. The information must be complete, as it pretends to be in provided table.

In the second link I provided to the post about brain damage there is also a quote from a medical article stating that SN can cause coronary ischemia and stroke, in the end of the post. Also in comments provided additional article (full) about survived brain damage.

Regarding the positive about SN, the first link to the post that I provided also contains a link to a document with failed attempts, most of which were peaceful or just discomforting, this is written at the very beginning of the post. So not only negative information provided, but I don't see any problem in providing negative information about SN, because usually there is already a lot of positive info about in any thread where it is discussed.

For some reason, discussing the shortcomings of SN is sometimes called fear-mongering and only positive information is welcomed. While negative should be welcomed also. Because humans are not animals in the slaughterhouse, people deserve to be aware of the risks and possible pain they may face when choosing a method.

While creating a false positive image about a method or withholding information about risks in order to make people's choices easier is ethically wrong and inhumane.

Most likely I will not respond to new comments, because I see no point in further discussion.
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I will find you in the afterlife my Nanes. -boov 😢
Nov 17, 2022
if i had fentanyl and SN, i'd go with fentanyl without any doubt, but first i'd find out everything and anything about it (a lot more research)
You think it would work orally taking like 20-40 pills orally? Ill probably dm you today or tomorrow if thats cool about this


Oct 19, 2021
For some reason, discussing the shortcomings of SN is sometimes called fear-mongering and only positive information is welcomed. While negative should be welcomed also. Because humans are not animals in the slaughterhouse, people deserve to be aware of the risks and possible pain they may face when choosing a method.
I agree completely- certain people have done this a lot but seem to have let up. People need to know the plusses and minuses of each method as clearly as they can.
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Apr 5, 2022
Thx for the graph on Nitrogen, 100% Peaceful, 100% Reliability
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Oct 19, 2021
Also, in relatino to helium, most helium people can get has 20% Oxygen in it, so it won't do anything. Industrial Helium that is 100% helium exists, but it is not easy to get for most people, companies that know how it can be used may be unlikely to sell it to an individual instead of a company.
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
How is tourniquet as reliable as hanging?


Dec 3, 2022
Peaceful Suicide Methods

Nembutal100 %100 %NOT AVAILABLE3 - 5 min0
Carfentanyl100 %100 %street< 10 sec0
Fentanyl100 %100 %street< 30 sec0
Heroine100 %100 %street< 1 min0
Nitrogen100 %100 %legality available10 - 20 sec0 - coma
Helium100 %100 %legality available10 - 20 sec0
Crb Mnxide100 %100 %legality available< 2 min0
SN**70 %70 %legal (?)10 - 30 mindiscomfort
Tourniquet60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Nigh-Night60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Hanging60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Bleeding70 %50 %100 %> 1 hour++some pain
HyperVentilate10 %62 %100 %3 to 5 mindiscomfort
Other Methods

* SI = Survival Instinct / Fear
** SN = Sodium Nitrite (not Nitrate)

speed until unconsciousness
- under 1 minute is very fast
- under 5 minutes is fast
- under 30 minutes is acceptable

- drugs need very high purity; gas purity > 99.99 %, SN purity > 95%
- make sure you're not found
- if found: failure may imply brain and / or organ damage (long time care); brain damage ranges from temporary, to life time incapacity, to vegetative state; organ damage implies tendon / nerve, kidney, liver, heart

other notes:

- peaceful methods require that you are not 'saved'
- suicide requires to be done by yourself, and under no circumstances will you be helped by another person, so you need to be alone until death (whatever period is required)
- some exceptions that i can think of:
  • voluntary euthanasia clinics / hospitals
  • life-long partner (husband, wife) that wants to die at the same time
  • our 'partner' thread is not recommended, and it's extremely dangerous:
  • all partners need to be throughly vetted, and even that may not be enough - you need to have 100% trust; even couples of 30 or 40 years of being together may not have 50% trust in one another
  • even if you can find someone like that, this may happen:

details and notes about each method (by table order)

- short-acting barbiturate; causes death by respiratory arrest
- dying process: sleep -> coma -> death

- the drug induces sleep and unconsciousness within 2 to 5 minutes
- while unaware, the brain stops sendings automatic requests to the nervous system
- there are no suffocation symptoms, and breath stops peacefully

- potential for vomiting (take anti vomiting medication)
- world-wide shortage - not available anywhere
- the shortage is so acute that even medical staff is having difficulty obtaining it
- doctors need it for animal euthanasia
- governments need it for capital punishment, but companies refuse to provide it for inmates
- whatever sources of nembutal are found on line are 100% scams
- veterinarians are legally responsible for the drug, and are dispensing it themselves
- if or when Nembutal becomes available, this is website will verify all sources, and provide confirmation

- heroine is used as recreational drug (no medical benefit, instead morphine is used in hospitals)
- fentanyl is used in hospitals and recreational drugs
- carfentanil is used to anesthetize large animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses

all these drugs are depressants and all cause similar euphoric symptoms
the main difference is in required quantity for fatal overdose:
morphine -> heroine (x3 morphine) -> fentanyl (x50 heroine) -> carfentanil (x100 fentanyl)

- similar to Nembutal, with added benefit of euphoria, but a fatal dose is so fast that a person will not experience any symptoms, passing out within seconds; in fact they are so fast that a single person trying to self euthanize has a high risk of not completing the injection

- most of these drugs have a very high failure rates, mainly caused by purity
- street drugs can go as low as 20% purity; sometimes purity can go to 0%
- carfentanil is very hard to obtain even the streets
- fentanyl cannot be found on the street
- drug dealers use fentanyl only to enhance (and cut) other drugs, like heroine, or m30's
- dealers are not as precise as the pharmaceutical companies, so some m30 capsules have hotspots of fentanyl
- some m30 pills (from the same batch) can have 0 fentanyl, other may have enough fentanyl to kill 2 people
- the drug itself is extremely fatal but purity is extremely risky when obtained from the street (lottery)

- are completely different than drugs - inhaling them are tricking the brain into thinking that the person gets the needed oxygen, when in fact is not getting any oxygen at all
- atmosphere contains 78% nitrogen + 21% oxygen + others
- the brain doesn't panic when oxygen is low, instead it panics when carbon dioxide is too high: the breathing is inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide (CO2, which is very different than simple carbon monoxide - CO)
- breathing 100% pure nitrogen replaces all oxygen in the body with nitrogen; all subsequent breaths contain: inhalation of 100% nitrogen, and all exhalations still continue to contain 100% carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Nitrogen hypoxia to execute a human (yahoo article, nov 2022)

- replacing oxygen with 100% nitrogen cause a very fast death, within 10 to 20 breaths
- the body gets deprived of oxygen and induces a comatose state
- different causes of unconsciousness
  • sleep: mostly unaware of environment, but dreams/nightmares still occur; any sound or touch will wake you
  • coma: completely unaware of environment (lights, sounds, smells, touch, etc) and nothing can wake you
- when nitrogen replaces all oxygen, the brain becomes unconscious first (see nitrogen hypoxia)
- symptoms: before becoming unaware, the brain might become euphoric (experienced by pilots but not at normal atmospheric pressure), and the person might experience a range of sensations like blurred vision, confusion, inability to focus, hallucinations, tingling of skin/face/fingers; many people may not feel anything noticeable, others may feel other symptoms, but all symptoms will be for a very short period of time
- another aspect: oxygen deprivation is similar to hanging, the difference is pain / discomfort / suffocation feeling

- unconsciousness caused by nitrogen is not enough to end your life
- if after 3 or max 4 minutes, the brain will resume normal function (no brain damage at this point)
- more than that, neurons start dying, and brain damage starts
- between 5 and 10 minutes brain death occurs - this is the critical period of extreme danger: if other (well intentioned) people or medical staff are saving you, they will most probably cause an irreversible damage and a life-long of suffering; this is why it's so important to make sure you are alone, and not saved
- after becoming unconscious you will not be able to hold the mask over your nose and mouth, but nitrogen flow will still need to continue, while you are unaware of your environment, and uncontrollable movement of your body
- the nitrogen system / setup will need to continue to work
- this is why we need to have a large enough nitrogen cylinder (minimum of 5 liters)
- nitrogen will be delivered with a flow of about 15 liters per minute (Lpm), so we need a flow regulator
- we also need to have a demand valve for full facia masks - this valve makes sure that all carbon dioxide (CO2) will be eliminated during breathing, and nitrogen will not be used more than the demand
- if CO2 remains in the mask you'll start feeling like you are suffocating, so this is very important

the main setup needs to be properly done

  • carbon monoxide method (CO) - i still need to study this, so i don't know that many details about it, but basically it works on the same mechanism as the inert gases
- carbon monoxide is odorless gas (like inert gases)
- oxygen needs to be replaced by carbon monoxide - CO (not CO2)
- in order to do this we need to have a small room (tent or similar) that will contain CO, and very low oxygen level - under 1%
- a car is not recommended - you could dye burning alive (but a car was used by some people)
- the carbon monoxide needs to be generated by burning coals (cheapest method)
- else buy a CO generator and mask - similar setup as inert gases

- if done correctly, this has the potential to be 100% peaceful

- this method was fairly used in the old days, when cars were eliminating high levels of CO
- today's cars (now to 1970's) have catalytic convertors
- these convertors eliminate most CO (will not be able to redirect exhaust from the exhaust pipe back to to cabin)
- also the exhaust had a bad odor (in purpose)
- you might be able to do this if you are a car mechanic and know what you're doing (i don't)

- potentially quite peaceful if done properly

- not exactly cheap, but not extremely expensive either
- sources still exist, but the seem to be disappearing
- a potential failure may not cause brain damage
- correct procedure: follow stan's guide to SN; in summary:
  • anti vomiting medication
  • anti anxiety medication
  • anesthesia medication
  • SN - 15 to 25 g (don't take too much)
  • if still conscious after first glass, and after a lot of vomiting, drink 1 more glass, depending on the vomiting, drink another glass; at this point you should have a total of 4 glasses, just in case
  • if unconsciousness is quick, at least 15 g should be ingested in the body (and remain in the body)
  • a potential method to bypass the vomiting is discussed here: my-method-of-taking-sn-without-vomiting
- symptoms may vary - a lot
- if not done correctly
- extremely fast heart rate
- feeling of suffocation (rarely)
- could vomit 90% of SN (not enough to die, but bad enough to feel miserable for a few days)
- noise (neighbors that will call police)
- overwhelming panic - call for help

  • hanging, tourniquet, night-night (blood choke, korean method) methods
- need determination, and mental preparation
- they have the potential to be very peaceful, but you need to be prepared for the worst

- extremely cheap and available almost anywhere
- potential peacefulness
  • be alone for a few hours
  • done correctly implies: obstruct you neck arteries - not veins (very important)
- if you obstruct veins you will feel like your head will explode
- if you press on your bronchial area, or esophagus you will experience extreme terror, extreme panic, suffocation
- some people were saved after 20 minutes of hanging

  • bleeding - exsanguination, wrist cutting, blood setting
- cheap and available
- potentially very peaceful after the initial cut
- fade to unconscious - the brain doesn't get oxygen and you faint

- initial pain of cutting (wrist, neck, leg, etc)
- nerve damage - unable to make a fist / limbs
- extreme deep cuts are needed to sever major arteries
- very long duration (days maybe)
- extreme dangers:
- if blood coagulation is too fast you stop bleeding (pain for nothing)
- if you cut your wrist by train (extreme example) your wound will be cauterized and you stop bleeding instantly
- a safer way to bleed to death is to use a pump or vacuum to extract blood through a major artery, that will remain open until death

  • hyperventilating - (shallow water drowning)
- the cause of this is not drowning or suffocation, but hyperventilating - fainting caused by too much oxygen

- potentially peaceful
- don't know how this works, but i used to be a swimmer; i used to be able to swim the distance of an olympic swimming pool, underwater, for the entire pool
- i used to be able to hold my breath for 4 to 5 minutes (a long time ago, but my secret was hyperventilation)

- if you don't become unconscious the drowning process is extremely traumatic and horrific
- the absolute opposite of peacefulness - might as well drown

other notes (for self)

Least painful sudden death is having ventricular fibrillation.
The heart stops beating and there's inadequate blood flow to the brain.
It's very fast. The person is unaware, becomes unconscious, and quickly dies.

Dying of liver failure is generally pain free.
The liver is important in clearing metabolites from the blood stream.
When the liver stops working, certain metabolites build up in the blood and suppress brain function.
Pain perception and judgement are reduced, and the patients are generally unaware.

In early liver failure, there is increased drowsiness and sedation.
As the liver failure progresses, the patient becomes more sleepy and then eventually slips into a coma.

Some patients have itching of the skin due to elevated bilirubin, which gives the skin and the whites of the eyes a yellow hue. It's generally just annoying and can be treated with sedatives and anti-histamines.

Since the failing liver also cannot metabolize narcotics and sedatives, patients who have pain or agitation for other reasons experience a significant reduction in both. For these unfortunate patients, death is peaceful for both them and their families.

worst death: Pancreatic cancer

From nerve pain to bone damage, and treatment side effects, dying of cancer can be very painful, and pancreatic cancer is arguably the worst when it comes to pain.

Pancreatic cancer can cause a great deal of pain when it presses against the nerves around the area. This causes agonizing abdominal and back pain. Intestinal blockages can also occur, as well as referred soft-tissue pain in other parts of the body.

Just out of curiosity where did you get the 70% stat for SN regarding peacefulness and reliability. Did they say why?


Aug 31, 2021
For all these questions about this person's numbers and where they got them. They are just estimating. There is nothing scientific about this table. It's just something they typed up based on their perception of each method.
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Oct 19, 2021
How is tourniquet as reliable as hanging?
Clearly it's not, based on quite a few posts of failing with this method. I know OP means well, but a lot of this table is just guessing, it's really not authoritative at all- the table has so many mistakes in it that it just isn;t acccurate at all. For example, for bleeding it shows 50% reliability, when the u.s. statistics show it has less than 2% reliability, according to a harvard study of suicide methods. OP tried but there are so many numbers on this chart that are known to be way off that this thread should possibly be deleted due to so many wildly inaccurate numbers, and it is presented as being authoritative.
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Nov 20, 2022
Peaceful Suicide Methods

Nembutal100 %100 %NOT AVAILABLE3 - 5 min0
Carfentanyl100 %100 %street< 10 sec0
Fentanyl100 %100 %street< 30 sec0
Heroine100 %100 %street< 1 min0
Nitrogen100 %100 %legality available10 - 20 sec0 - coma
Helium100 %100 %legality available10 - 20 sec0
Crb Mnxide100 %100 %legality available< 2 min0
SN**70 %70 %legal (?)10 - 30 mindiscomfort
Tourniquet60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Nigh-Night60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Hanging60 %50 %100 %1 to 5 minsome pain
Bleeding70 %50 %100 %> 1 hour++some pain
HyperVentilate10 %62 %100 %3 to 5 mindiscomfort
Other Methods

* SI = Survival Instinct / Fear
** SN = Sodium Nitrite (not Nitrate)

speed until unconsciousness
- under 1 minute is very fast
- under 5 minutes is fast
- under 30 minutes is acceptable

- drugs need very high purity; gas purity > 99.99 %, SN purity > 95%
- make sure you're not found
- if found: failure may imply brain and / or organ damage (long time care); brain damage ranges from temporary, to life time incapacity, to vegetative state; organ damage implies tendon / nerve, kidney, liver, heart

other notes:

- peaceful methods require that you are not 'saved'
- suicide requires to be done by yourself, and under no circumstances will you be helped by another person, so you need to be alone until death (whatever period is required)
- some exceptions that i can think of:
  • voluntary euthanasia clinics / hospitals
  • life-long partner (husband, wife) that wants to die at the same time
  • our 'partner' thread is not recommended, and it's extremely dangerous:
  • all partners need to be throughly vetted, and even that may not be enough - you need to have 100% trust; even couples of 30 or 40 years of being together may not have 50% trust in one another
  • even if you can find someone like that, this may happen:

details and notes about each method (by table order)

- short-acting barbiturate; causes death by respiratory arrest
- dying process: sleep -> coma -> death

- the drug induces sleep and unconsciousness within 2 to 5 minutes
- while unaware, the brain stops sendings automatic requests to the nervous system
- there are no suffocation symptoms, and breath stops peacefully

- potential for vomiting (take anti vomiting medication)
- world-wide shortage - not available anywhere
- the shortage is so acute that even medical staff is having difficulty obtaining it
- doctors need it for animal euthanasia
- governments need it for capital punishment, but companies refuse to provide it for inmates
- whatever sources of nembutal are found on line are 100% scams
- veterinarians are legally responsible for the drug, and are dispensing it themselves
- if or when Nembutal becomes available, this is website will verify all sources, and provide confirmation

- heroine is used as recreational drug (no medical benefit, instead morphine is used in hospitals)
- fentanyl is used in hospitals and recreational drugs
- carfentanil is used to anesthetize large animals such as elephants and rhinoceroses

all these drugs are depressants and all cause similar euphoric symptoms
the main difference is in required quantity for fatal overdose:
morphine -> heroine (x3 morphine) -> fentanyl (x50 heroine) -> carfentanil (x100 fentanyl)

- similar to Nembutal, with added benefit of euphoria, but a fatal dose is so fast that a person will not experience any symptoms, passing out within seconds; in fact they are so fast that a single person trying to self euthanize has a high risk of not completing the injection

- most of these drugs have a very high failure rates, mainly caused by purity
- street drugs can go as low as 20% purity; sometimes purity can go to 0%
- carfentanil is very hard to obtain even the streets
- fentanyl cannot be found on the street
- drug dealers use fentanyl only to enhance (and cut) other drugs, like heroine, or m30's
- dealers are not as precise as the pharmaceutical companies, so some m30 capsules have hotspots of fentanyl
- some m30 pills (from the same batch) can have 0 fentanyl, other may have enough fentanyl to kill 2 people
- the drug itself is extremely fatal but purity is extremely risky when obtained from the street (lottery)

- are completely different than drugs - inhaling them are tricking the brain into thinking that the person gets the needed oxygen, when in fact is not getting any oxygen at all
- atmosphere contains 78% nitrogen + 21% oxygen + others
- the brain doesn't panic when oxygen is low, instead it panics when carbon dioxide is too high: the breathing is inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide (CO2, which is very different than simple carbon monoxide - CO)
- breathing 100% pure nitrogen replaces all oxygen in the body with nitrogen; all subsequent breaths contain: inhalation of 100% nitrogen, and all exhalations still continue to contain 100% carbon dioxide (CO2)
- Nitrogen hypoxia to execute a human (yahoo article, nov 2022)

- replacing oxygen with 100% nitrogen cause a very fast death, within 10 to 20 breaths
- the body gets deprived of oxygen and induces a comatose state
- different causes of unconsciousness
  • sleep: mostly unaware of environment, but dreams/nightmares still occur; any sound or touch will wake you
  • coma: completely unaware of environment (lights, sounds, smells, touch, etc) and nothing can wake you
- when nitrogen replaces all oxygen, the brain becomes unconscious first (see nitrogen hypoxia)
- symptoms: before becoming unaware, the brain might become euphoric (experienced by pilots but not at normal atmospheric pressure), and the person might experience a range of sensations like blurred vision, confusion, inability to focus, hallucinations, tingling of skin/face/fingers; many people may not feel anything noticeable, others may feel other symptoms, but all symptoms will be for a very short period of time
- another aspect: oxygen deprivation is similar to hanging, the difference is pain / discomfort / suffocation feeling

- unconsciousness caused by nitrogen is not enough to end your life
- if after 3 or max 4 minutes, the brain will resume normal function (no brain damage at this point)
- more than that, neurons start dying, and brain damage starts
- between 5 and 10 minutes brain death occurs - this is the critical period of extreme danger: if other (well intentioned) people or medical staff are saving you, they will most probably cause an irreversible damage and a life-long of suffering; this is why it's so important to make sure you are alone, and not saved
- after becoming unconscious you will not be able to hold the mask over your nose and mouth, but nitrogen flow will still need to continue, while you are unaware of your environment, and uncontrollable movement of your body
- the nitrogen system / setup will need to continue to work
- this is why we need to have a large enough nitrogen cylinder (minimum of 5 liters)
- nitrogen will be delivered with a flow of about 15 liters per minute (Lpm), so we need a flow regulator
- we also need to have a demand valve for full facia masks - this valve makes sure that all carbon dioxide (CO2) will be eliminated during breathing, and nitrogen will not be used more than the demand
- if CO2 remains in the mask you'll start feeling like you are suffocating, so this is very important

the main setup needs to be properly done

  • carbon monoxide method (CO) - i still need to study this, so i don't know that many details about it, but basically it works on the same mechanism as the inert gases
- carbon monoxide is odorless gas (like inert gases)
- oxygen needs to be replaced by carbon monoxide - CO (not CO2)
- in order to do this we need to have a small room (tent or similar) that will contain CO, and very low oxygen level - under 1%
- a car is not recommended - you could dye burning alive (but a car was used by some people)
- the carbon monoxide needs to be generated by burning coals (cheapest method)
- else buy a CO generator and mask - similar setup as inert gases

- if done correctly, this has the potential to be 100% peaceful

- this method was fairly used in the old days, when cars were eliminating high levels of CO
- today's cars (now to 1970's) have catalytic convertors
- these convertors eliminate most CO (will not be able to redirect exhaust from the exhaust pipe back to to cabin)
- also the exhaust had a bad odor (in purpose)
- you might be able to do this if you are a car mechanic and know what you're doing (i don't)

- potentially quite peaceful if done properly

- not exactly cheap, but not extremely expensive either
- sources still exist, but the seem to be disappearing
- a potential failure may not cause brain damage
- correct procedure: follow stan's guide to SN; in summary:
  • anti vomiting medication
  • anti anxiety medication
  • anesthesia medication
  • SN - 15 to 25 g (don't take too much)
  • if still conscious after first glass, and after a lot of vomiting, drink 1 more glass, depending on the vomiting, drink another glass; at this point you should have a total of 4 glasses, just in case
  • if unconsciousness is quick, at least 15 g should be ingested in the body (and remain in the body)
  • a potential method to bypass the vomiting is discussed here: my-method-of-taking-sn-without-vomiting
- symptoms may vary - a lot
- if not done correctly
- extremely fast heart rate
- feeling of suffocation (rarely)
- could vomit 90% of SN (not enough to die, but bad enough to feel miserable for a few days)
- noise (neighbors that will call police)
- overwhelming panic - call for help

  • hanging, tourniquet, night-night (blood choke, korean method) methods
- need determination, and mental preparation
- they have the potential to be very peaceful, but you need to be prepared for the worst

- extremely cheap and available almost anywhere
- potential peacefulness
  • be alone for a few hours
  • done correctly implies: obstruct you neck arteries - not veins (very important)
- if you obstruct veins you will feel like your head will explode
- if you press on your bronchial area, or esophagus you will experience extreme terror, extreme panic, suffocation
- some people were saved after 20 minutes of hanging

  • bleeding - exsanguination, wrist cutting, blood setting
- cheap and available
- potentially very peaceful after the initial cut
- fade to unconscious - the brain doesn't get oxygen and you faint

- initial pain of cutting (wrist, neck, leg, etc)
- nerve damage - unable to make a fist / limbs
- extreme deep cuts are needed to sever major arteries
- very long duration (days maybe)
- extreme dangers:
- if blood coagulation is too fast you stop bleeding (pain for nothing)
- if you cut your wrist by train (extreme example) your wound will be cauterized and you stop bleeding instantly
- a safer way to bleed to death is to use a pump or vacuum to extract blood through a major artery, that will remain open until death

  • hyperventilating - (shallow water drowning)
- the cause of this is not drowning or suffocation, but hyperventilating - fainting caused by too much oxygen

- potentially peaceful
- don't know how this works, but i used to be a swimmer; i used to be able to swim the distance of an olympic swimming pool, underwater, for the entire pool
- i used to be able to hold my breath for 4 to 5 minutes (a long time ago, but my secret was hyperventilation)

- if you don't become unconscious the drowning process is extremely traumatic and horrific
- the absolute opposite of peacefulness - might as well drown

other notes (for self)

Least painful sudden death is having ventricular fibrillation.
The heart stops beating and there's inadequate blood flow to the brain.
It's very fast. The person is unaware, becomes unconscious, and quickly dies.

Dying of liver failure is generally pain free.
The liver is important in clearing metabolites from the blood stream.
When the liver stops working, certain metabolites build up in the blood and suppress brain function.
Pain perception and judgement are reduced, and the patients are generally unaware.

In early liver failure, there is increased drowsiness and sedation.
As the liver failure progresses, the patient becomes more sleepy and then eventually slips into a coma.

Some patients have itching of the skin due to elevated bilirubin, which gives the skin and the whites of the eyes a yellow hue. It's generally just annoying and can be treated with sedatives and anti-histamines.

Since the failing liver also cannot metabolize narcotics and sedatives, patients who have pain or agitation for other reasons experience a significant reduction in both. For these unfortunate patients, death is peaceful for both them and their families.

worst death: Pancreatic cancer

From nerve pain to bone damage, and treatment side effects, dying of cancer can be very painful, and pancreatic cancer is arguably the worst when it comes to pain.

Pancreatic cancer can cause a great deal of pain when it presses against the nerves around the area. This causes agonizing abdominal and back pain. Intestinal blockages can also occur, as well as referred soft-tissue pain in other parts of the body.
Hi, thanks for the info. Do you think fentanyl patches could work? I've been doing research and found you can smoke them.


Oct 19, 2021
For all these questions about this person's numbers and where they got them. They are just estimating. There is nothing scientific about this table. It's just something they typed up based on their perception of each method.
These estimates are in many cases wildly off- for example bleeding listed at 50% reliiability but actually less than 2%. I knhow they put a lot of work into this, but so much of it is just false information that I hope people don't rely on it.
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Some day my prince (of death) will come
Nov 17, 2022
I'm looking at hypothermia as a possible means to go. I don't know how effective/painless it is but I've heard you go into a coma like sleep and die that way with no pain.


Oct 19, 2021
I'm looking at hypothermia as a possible means to go. I don't know how effective/painless it is but I've heard you go into a coma like sleep and die that way with no pain.
If someone finds you partway through or if it doesn't work all the way you can end of with frostbite damage which can mean having your fingers and toes and nose removed, among other things. Cold is extremely painful when your body temperature drops. From the point of view of pain and downside risk this is not a good method in my opinion.
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Dec 3, 2022
I'm looking at hypothermia as a possible means to go. I don't know how effective/painless it is but I've heard you go into a coma like sleep and die that way with no pain.

I tried this method and was found and brought to the ER with an internal body temperature of 85 degrees which was close to being life threatening. Because I had soaked myself in a river then spent time walking barefoot outside in below 10 degree temperatures my left leg froze and they thought they would have to remove it from the knee down. I ended up regaining circulation in my left foot and leg and the amputation was not necessary but that would have sucked had that happened.
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  • Aww..
Reactions: Sid19, my-end, Per Ardua Ad Astra and 2 others

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