100% honest with you, I do not know.
HOWEVER, you WILL have liver damage.
I am 68 years old, and I mention this only because I have seen a person in my life die from liver failure and it was HORRIBLE. The person was on a waiting list for a transplant and did not make it. His skin and eyes turned a dull yellow, as his body was poisoning itself. The pain and everything that the poor soul went through before he gasped his final breath was HELL ON EARTH, and I would NEVER EVER wish that on anyone.
With you being much younger than me, my 100% guess is that down the road, not right now, some day because of all the paracetamol that you ingested, your liver will start to slowly quit working and then the hell starts.
I can still close my eyes, he drank himself to death, he was an alcoholic and watching him in the hospital bed having his own body poison itself because his liver stopped working was too much for me to take.
If nothing else go to ER and be 100% honest with medical and tell them how much you took and let them decide the appropriate way to help you.
I consider you family on here and I NEVER EVER want someone to pass on in such a horrible painful and very slowly way.