

We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
So I got through yesterday on roughly 2-3 hours of sleep out of 5 days, I don't even know how I'm sitting here typing this... I feel asleep on the grass like I said I was going to do yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, lay down on the grass with my bag under my head and conk the fuck out, seems simple enough I geuss...

What really ruined my day yesterday was my father seeing me lay out on the grass and not even batting an eye at me, ignoring me like I'm invincible or something, I geuss he's still fucking mad at me for buying the gallon of milk he doesn't like with my own money by the way, he drinks the milk with the red cap, I bought milk with the blue cap because it sucks and doesn't make me sick (why the fuck does this even matter?) Anyway, he gave me and my brother attitude for a few days all because we didn't buy the fucking milk he likes or some bullshit like that, we exploded at me and my brother for no reason when my brother simply asked him why he was acting the way he was and that sent him into overdrive, whatever though the past is the past and I'm over it...

All we were trying to do was better ourselves, get back to work and save up some money so we didn't need to sleep on his floor anymore, not be harrassed and not spoken to over a fucking gallon of milk, he also ate 16 slices of bread out of 24 that were in the bag that I bought with food stamps... who the fuck eats 16 slices of bread in a span of 8 hours? I get you're on a lot on a lot of medication but damn could you at least save me some crumbs? That's the other thing, he would always complain that there wasn't any food in the house but he ate like a fucking garbage disposal out of complete bordem, sometimes I dont even think he realised he ate so much and then he turns around and says we ate all of the food, actually i only limited myself to 3 meals a day... breakfast, lunch, and dinner and only ate when he offered it, no snacks in between besides a cup of chocolate milk here and there and I admit i was fucking hungry, starving actually and I had the decency to not even make myself a bowl of cereal which he said I could have because he didn't want it anymore, I held myself back unlike himself who cant control his eating habits...

Gah, it feels like I'm rambling but this is something I needed to get off my chest, I dont think he would let me back into his house after that huge fight we had, but deep down inside do I really want to? It'll be just another ticking time bomb waiting to explode in my face again and I want the apology me and my brother deserve from him, we are already going through enough bullshit as it is right now and we dont need to be treated like he did to us, it's ridiculous and makes everything so much worse...
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Jun 9, 2019
Ugh. Sounds shitty. I can kind of relate with my mom expect she usually gets confused when talking about something and then i'm the one that gets yelled at for not understanding. Growing up stressed all the time is no fun:(

Love and kindness
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
Ugh. Sounds shitty. I can kind of relate with my mom expect she usually gets confused when talking about something and then i'm the one that gets yelled at for not understanding. Growing up stressed all the time is no fun:(

Love and kindness
Really? That sounds like my whole family, have no clue what shitty advice they try to give me that spews out of their mouths, but when all else fails I'm the one who gets bitched at, PUH-LEASE, cut me a fucking break...
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I surrender... I SURRENDER!
Apr 26, 2019
Ugh. Sounds shitty. I can kind of relate with my mom expect she usually gets confused when talking about something and then i'm the one that gets yelled at for not understanding. Growing up stressed all the time is no fun:(

Love and kindness
Growing up stressed dealing with selfish/unhinged parents is not fun. They dig their own graves though, when mine end up in a home with nobody they'll have to deal with 10-20 years of dressed up solitary.
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Apr 22, 2019
That must be fucking horrific! I'm sorry! Having stupid parents that blame their own stupidity on their kids is the worst thing! My family is like that too, they act like they care about you but when it comes down to the real stuff they suddenly forget all that and do whatever the fuck they want without thinking twice about others. And they try to act like victims so much! When really they are the abusers! Are you with your brother? If you are not maybe you should find him, maybe it would be easier to be in this with somebody? And you are right, if you ask him to take you back it will most likely be the same old shit on his part, but that's your decision, maybe at some point it would be better if you could move back in with him, and from other point it would be the same, you have to decide if it's worth it.
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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
That must be fucking horrific! I'm sorry! Having stupid parents that blame their own stupidity on their kids is the worst thing! My family is like that too, they act like they care about you but when it comes down to the real stuff they suddenly forget all that and do whatever the fuck they want without thinking twice about others. And they try to act like victims so much! When really they are the abusers! Are you with your brother? If you are not maybe you should find him, maybe it would be easier to be in this with somebody? And you are right, if you ask him to take you back it will most likely be the same old shit on his part, but that's your decision, maybe at some point it would be better if you could move back in with him, and from other point it would be the same, you have to decide if it's worth it.
Indeed, they act like they give a shit but only like to buy me off with hotel rooms and gift cards, that's not caring... that's just throwing me to the sidelines so they dont need to deal with me, they hate me for whatever reason but won't give it and I want to know
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
@ExitTheDay, I feel for you, going through such crap, and I hope I hope I hope you can get away from these toxic people. But I have to say - sorry! - your story about the bread keeps making me laugh. Who indeed eats 16 slices of bread in the span of 8 hours? That's one sandwich per hour, like on automatic! (I'm very sorry if anyone went hungry - that wouldn't be funny, but your way of telling it is.)

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We fight to live or live to die
May 26, 2019
@ExitTheDay, I feel for you, going through such crap, and I hope I hope I hope you can get away from these toxic people. But I have to say - sorry! - your story about the bread keeps making me laugh. Who indeed eats 16 slices of bread in the span of 8 hours? That's one sandwich per hour, like on automatic! (I'm very sorry if anyone went hungry - that wouldn't be funny, but your way of telling it is.)

I'm glad I could make you laugh, and the only one starving that night was him because I threw out every fucking morsel of food in his fridge that I bought with my food stamp money into the garbage, I know that's petty as fuck but you're not going to treat us like shit for 2 days then start yelling and screaming about something so ridiculous, and knowing how fucking tapped he is he probably ate the food that I made sure was mixed up into the garbage
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
Makes me glad to be almost alone.


One more attempt on life.
Feb 18, 2019
im so sorry,
a friend of mine grew tired of her family abusing her with stupid nonsense like that
she went to Canada baby sitting... met the baby's uncle and never came back... she's there with him...
regarding you... im sorry you have to go through that, completely understand your frustration,.. I was a dumb stupid fuck cause I got 1 A-.... , my dad was crap for many years I lived with him..... after I stop living with him, I really fucked up.
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