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Feb 12, 2022
Are there any other threads and websites where you can speak candidly and openly like on here that doesn't censor or ban you??


Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
This forum is one of a kind :happy:

However, you can't always speak openly and candidly here without censorship. And the standards for what will be censored and what gets allowed can be quite irregular and fickle.

I once replied to someone's thread about them claiming to be jealous of the terminally ill... Among other things which I found offensive, this person implied that people with serious diseases are lucky and said they wished they had terminal cancer. I've seen loved ones die slowly and horribly from cancer and it's nothing to be envious of imo.

Anyway, sarcastically I said that maybe the stars will align and the universe will give them the terminal cancer diagnosis they so desperately desire. Basically, all I did was tell this person that maybe they will get what they're wishing for- my comment was deleted and I was warned not to say such things in the future.

Meanwhile I've seen members on here speaking warmly about terrorism, driving into oncoming traffic and killing innocent people, and others who have said in plain english to another member 'F*** you' with absolutely no scrutiny.

So yeah, you can't say anything here, even though sometimes people seem to be doing that.
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Mar 28, 2021
Meanwhile I've seen members on here speaking warmly about terrorism, driving into oncoming traffic and killing innocent people, and others who have said in plain english to another member 'F*** you' with absolutely no scrutiny.

I have not seen these. I recall a post about driving into traffic. This was deleted and dealt with by a moderator the same day it was posted, just to be clear. It is incorrect and misleading to claim that someone said that with absolutely no scrutiny.

If you see more comments of this nature or comments that encourage terrorism, harm to others, blatant insults etc please report them so that they can be handled by mods.
We scrutinise such remarks and take appropriate actions when we are aware of these things happening, but none of us can be here 24/7 and it is possible I missed some of these. If that's the case, I'm prepared to rectify that. Thank you.

To answer your original question @Rezzienator, I have used many different communities before I found SS and have never found anywhere else that welcomes open, candid discussion on suicide like this place does. This is the very first community I have found where I feel like I am listened to, respected and understood. However, I am interested to hear if other members have found similar spaces too.
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Carrot juice pimp.
Dec 14, 2021
I'm glad to hear the 'ctb by driving into oncoming traffic' thread was deleted. A lot of members were disapproving and commenting on it, so I didn't feel the need to report it. The general community's stance on this was pretty unanimous so having all their feedback visible was good, after a while I just got sick of seeing it so I haven't been checking back.

The passive terrorism comments, I guess I could report, but I wouldn't feel the inclination to do something like that before seeing how quickly my comment was busted down in the 'people with terminal disease, people in ICU, and dying cancer patients are lucky' thread. It's not in my nature to go around reporting everybody who I don't like or whose comments I don't agree with, though it seems someone did that to me and is likely the reason why my comment was deleted so quickly.

Sure it was sarcastic (as I'm not the sort of person who would agree with being jealous of rotting away with something like cancer or a motor neurone disease) but I wasn't encouraging harm, I wasn't being insulting, and telling the OP not to feel upset and that maybe they might receive what they are wishing for is nowhere near as questionable as what the OP was saying, imo. So I might think about reporting some things now just because I feel that's a bit ridiculous.

The only time I ever reported someone was when a new user was being callous towards Wrennie- it took quite a while before that comment was removed and the user eventually banned after making multiple nasty remarks, mostly towards females and users that he perceived to be female. I'm glad that it was dealt with appropriately but ngl it would have been good to see it happen as fast as my comment was deleted.

And the main ' **** you ' comment I referred to has in fact not been scrutinized. But I like the user who said it and understand his feelings, as it was made in response to another users terrorism-esque comments, so I won't be reporting him. My thoughts aren't really about the examples of other comments, as much as how much scrutiny mine received when it did not violate the rules of the forum. Therefore clearly not all discussion is candidly and openly allowed here, by any means.

I'm not having a go at the mods or the site. We can talk about things here that are not able to be talked about elsewhere. There are indeed boundaries with what is allowed to be said and what is not, I'm simply pointing this out. I appreciate this place and the work of all the mods, I know the mods have a lot of responsibility and can't be everywhere at the same time, and I'm not blaming you or any other mods for anything.
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