ill listen without judgement for as long as you'd like, and remember your story if you choose to go. it could be to aid recovery, vent, or to soothe the spirit before its over. whatever suits your purposes. i like hearing peoples life stories, how they got here, things like that. not in a weird sadistic/voyeuristic way, i mean. dont wanna come off that way. im just fascinated by people. any platform works for me, although discord is probably easiest (usertag is superultragoodguy). voice call, text, any medium is fine. keep on trudging guys
You would make a very good therapist. The intrinsic interest in human experiences, and authentic vulnerability, alongside non-judgmental compassionate listening are such noble qualities.
From someone who has dedicated much of my life to this cause, you have my respect.
"I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion. Where it isn't, that's where my work lies" - Ram Dass
This post sparked an idea: it would be great to have a sort of SaSu "hotline" or a sort of peer-based connection team. There are already pro-life suicide hotlines. But there exists little options for those on the page of pro-choice orientation. Access to person-centered, choice-based & harm reductive deliberation & companionship with a non-coercive and non-judgmental person could be tremendously helpful.
The nature of your language reflects this person-centered style of communication perfectly: "it could be to aid recovery, vent, or to soothe the spirit before its over. whatever suits your purposes"
I might make another thread suggesting this and asking if anyone wants to get involved. I could put together some easy training resources on person-centered & harm-reductive communication and get a team together who would be willing to provide this.
Encrypted & anonymous communications would obviously be a must.
What are your thoughts?