

Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020

One of the purposes of the Offtopic forum is to let off some steam, so I'm going to do that with this thread.

I recognize some people are going to disagree with my views, and I dread that there will be arguing here. I know some folks agree with masks, social distancing, and other COVID preventative measures. I'm not trying to impose my views on anyone, they are mine, and I want a space to let them out. If anyone disagrees with my views, okey dokey, I'm cool that our views don't align. But I hope that you'll hear my heart here rather than an attack on your views, which this is most definitely NOT. I support you having your own views, I support your right to think what you think and feel what you feel, even if I engage in debate. But I need to support my own thoughts and feelings for a moment and talk about them, and I am in need of support. I suppose it's like train method threads -- folks argue against it (including me), while there are simultaneously always a few who have no personal issues with it and offer the support requested. I hope folks can respect that this thread is about me, not them; it is about my train, not their SN. If you have an alternate point of view, please, would you please start another thread? If you do, and you want me to stay off of it and keep my views out of it, would you please ask me to do so that I can respect your space as I'm asking you to respect mine? I need this space. Please. I am hurting. I need to lose my shit a bit and not have the open wounds poked at while I'm exposing them. I don't want to be reasoned with or soothed. I want and need to vent. I want solidarity and/or compassion, or else I want crickets.


I have always had an issue with masks that cover my nose and mouth. I feel the increased CO (CO2? who gives a fuck) and the restriction of oxygen. It makes the bridge of my nose tickle, and along with the O2 restriction, I experience anxiety. I. hate. anxiety. And I. hate. masks.

I am an expat in Mexico, where social restrictions have been much slower to catch on. I enjoyed it while it lasted. I shop at WalMart because they have the best selection of foods beyond Mexican basics, so I can purchase and cook foods I'm used to. About a month ago, WalMart put tape on the floor at checkouts to create social distancing. I can manage that. I've felt blessed that supplies are in abundance, including toilet paper. It's nothing like in the States and the UK. There are no long lines outside stores, they're actually pretty quiet. Home deliveries have gone up, which means I have to wait days longer for deliveries when I order from home, but again, not a big deal.

Today, however, I was blocked from entering WalMart without a face mask. I was frustrated because I didn't have enough cash to buy one, something I was planning to take care of inside with my shopping (getting cash, that is), and could not buy a mask inside without already fucking wearing one. But there were vendors outside, and the masks cost ten pesos. I was a few pesos short, but the woman was kind enough to sell me one anyway. Within a minute, I was feeling the stress reaction, so I lowered the mask to free my nostrils. No one said anything about it, but I don't know how long before security decides to not let it slide. A lot of things in Mexico slide, but I anticipate this won't be allowed.

Another challenge is that I am haltingly fluent in Spanish. It is now so much more difficult to understand people when their voices are muffled by masks, and I can't watch their mouths.

I'm also just pissed about how, worldwide, people are being controlled and forced to participate if they want to move about freely. I'm not religious and I don't buy into the end times stories of Revelations, but it feels akin to the mark of the beast that if people don't accept it, they will not be able to participate in the world. I hear on this forum and in other places a desire to fight the system, but what can one do when the system has so much power?

Social distancing and wearing masks are but two examples of such restrictions against which the individual must suffer and lose basic liberties in order to maintain a semblance of them. It happened with the US post-9/11, when "security" trumped the Constitution, and twenty years later, the Patriot Act keeps getting renewed. Now, in order to travel between Mexico and the US, I have to submit to biometric screening before boarding a plane or I cannot travel. I state out loud before complying that I don't like it, but my voice does nothing.

I posted in the COVID megathread a story that smartphones are going to be equipped with COVID sensors and Google is a part of it -- we have become reliant on smartphones, and they are being turned against us. Smartphones are already being manufactured so that the batteries cannot be removed, this has been going on for a couple of years, so now folks have lost the liberty of not being tracked when they aren't using the device for tools such as maps or ordering an Uber. We fucking rely on the "gift" of technology, and we are being fucked by it.

The other thing that bugs the utter fuck out of me, and I feel so powerless about it, is that crises are often manufactured in order to incite fear so that people will be grateful, or at least comply (not that they have a choice) when a solution is offered, such as the days following 9/11 when every day had a color-coded level of terrorist threat. Enter airport screening, violating strip searches, being limited to carrying no more than 2 oz of liquids through security and having to make expensive purchases in airport shops AFTER the screening. Enter the Patriot Act and spying on the private communications of everyday Americans. Enter secret FISA courts and putting non-suspicious people on watchlists.

In the case of COVID, one solution will be a vaccine, and people are already anxiously awaiting it with great hope. I have never had a flu shot, I have only had the flu a couple of times in my life, and although medical authorities claim in the doctor's office as well as in the media that one cannot get the flu from the shot, there are abundant stories that people do get very sick from it. What if a COVID vaccine becomes enforced, and even more people die from it? Even worse, what if those who refuse it are excluded from basic social and civil liberties until they comply? What if they can't buy groceries, rent a home, or enter social public spaces?

At what point do I say fuck this and catch the bus out of this hellhole? My worry is that I will wait too long, suffocating behind a goddamned mask and herded into a vaccination facility or a detention facility for non-compliance. Or have my water and electricity cut off, or have social policing mobs outside my door, forcing me to protest by starving or just light the goddamned charcoal or chug the SN.

I'm not a fan of fearmongering, and I don't want to do that to others here. I am genuinely and rationally concerned about all the events of the past twenty years since 9/11 that make the populace like frogs in a pot of water that's turned up degree by degree so that we don't even know we're being boiled to death, and the controls to turn off the burners are not in our reach.

This world fucking sucks. It's no longer a matter of one country sucking in different ways than other countries. It all. fucking. sucks. on a global scale.

Someone posted today on the Suicide Forum about a doctor who ctb'd and was praised for being a hero. As with the majority of suicides, a reason was decided upon for why she did it, in a voice other than her own. Her father decided it was the pressures of her job based on COVID. Great that he was compassionate about her choice, but it was still speculation, better than but truly no different than the speculations of Shawn Shatto's or Callie Lewis's families. And this new story feeds into the media narrative, and the narrative of whoever controls the media, that COVID is a massive world crisis, and security measures that curtail liberties must be put in place for the protection of all. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, if you're willing to give up a little liberty in exchange for security, you're boiling your own water, frog.

Yet what fucking choice do we truly have? And, Jesus, what utter bullshit in these "woke" times that people, at least in the Western world, have to choose liberty or death. As long as the major media outlets are controlled by corporations and oligarchies, all deaths, including suicides, will be manipulated to support a narrative rather than tell the truth.

I am so pissed. And now I have to deal with anxiety. Fuck the goddamned masks, and fuck whoever or whatever is behind this crisis. Fuck there being no God and no karma to make people pay for being controlling, greedy shits, for not shining a light on them and empowering undeserving victims; it hasn't happened in this history of the world, and it's shit to wake up to that knowledge, and to keep waking up to it anew with each new restriction. Fuck the human potential movement and the self-help movement that said we all have a purpose, that we can each make a difference. Fuck it all. Fuck hope and fuck hopelessness. Fuck cruelty for having more practical power than kindness, compassion, and respect for autonomy. Fuck the Age of Enlightenment that inspired the seductive illusion of democracy, yet another opiate for the masses.

Fuck banks. Fuck capitalism. Fuck everything. Just fuck. Fuck the fucking goddamn masks. Fuck taking away my fucking right to unrestricted oxygen because I have lungs and nostrils and a mouth and I HAVE TO BREATHE BECAUSE I AM A HUMAN.

Fuck all of this.

When I get mad enough, when I awaken enough, I hope it's soon enough. It would be best for me to be done. The world will not be a better place without me in it, but the world is a shit place for me to be in. Fucking fuck fuck shit ass fuck hell goddamnit fuck fuck.


I don't know who I'm saying this to, but I have to say it, to grunt it and shriek it, to grab my hair and say from damn near everything in me, like I'm straining from the worst constipation, to whoever or whatever is behind this, and to whoever or whatever doesn't stop it: FUCK YOU. Not that you give a goddamn. It's not like you have to, you pathetic, pussy, pieces of shit hiding behind anything that keeps you from having to fight fist to fist in a fair fight. But that's the way of the world, isn't it? Jesus said heaven belongs to the meek, but I think that was his own opiate. You fucking win. Whoop de doo for you.
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I just love you for this! I can relate so much, you have put this into words far more better than i can do!! :heart:

II still don't want to go, but that's only because i have a little hope to be happy again
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Dogs and angels are not very far apart
Apr 25, 2020
Here in my town, some of the cashiers aren't even bothering to don their masks properly. The day that the mask rule was ruled effective, I walked in to the local general store and the man who rung me up was wearing his around his chin and complaining about how this virus was "annoying". Even after I passed the sign at the front that stated anyone violating the new rule would be kicked out of the store, this man didn't even try to hide the fact that this virus was such a burden to him.
I'm sure the doctors and nurses on the frontline understand the feeling of wanting to vent and "lose a bit of shit". No one is happy with the situation, more concerning however is getting caught up in the intimate details and not being able to see the bigger picture. Who's to say this situation doesn't end just because the virus does? I feel like that's the bigger meaning of this post
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
I have much respect for the care personnel. I was one myself. These people work insanely hard and in most cases are far underpaid.

I think this post, at least for me stands for losing freedom. There seems to be much more going on than only the virus. I also am scared that this will be used to get people more in control. Maybe im to selfish in this, but maybe not.
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Jul 7, 2019
i may not agree with some of what you've said, but i support your views and i'm sorry that you are hurting so much because of this.

We live in complicated times, i never really understood the world and i do so even less now.

many of the things you've said actually resonate with me. even though i'm not having such hard times right now, and i actually like wearing the mask (because it makes me hate my ace a bit less) even if it makes my already bad respiration even more complicated. i totally understand not wanting to wear one, specially when we've lost our freedom to choose whether or not we want to. technologies are creating a terrible world and i DO NOT envy the future generations, freedom is truly a thing of the past and it's dying as we speak. and the scariest part is that we can't fight back no matter what we do, we never could. humans can't fight the monsters that are at the top of the food chains, sociopaths who have no remorse or regrets and are always hungry for more and more power are the monsters that we lost our freedom to.

but for now, lets enjoy what little life we have and end it when we feel like it. i fear that those who are born after us will not even have that choice. the anti-freedom technologies are on the rise and after the next 911 or whatever virus or war comes, some asshole fascist government will completely crush our rights.

sorry... i started rambling myself and made a long comment. it's just so devastating to see the world becoming even shittier by the second and realizing that there's no going back to "better" times, if those even existed at all.

oh and don't worry too much about lowering your mask to be a bit more comfortable, mexico is a latin american country and us latinos don't give much of a fuck about that sort of stuff. people will let it slide unless this turns into a corona-zombies type of situation. the one thing about having such a disorganized and corrupt culture is that there is more freedom even if it's the "wrong" kind of freedom.
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Oct 13, 2019
I love the prologue here. It'd be useful on every post so we know how best to engage.

I'd ordinarily agree with a bunch and disagree with a bunch. But now I say just let it out. You're not angry enough if anything. Stop holding back and tell us what you REALLY think!
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Mar 10, 2020
I don't agree with some of what you say but I feel you when you said you wanted more freedom. I have friends who are doctors so I know that wearing a mask and social distancing helps them out a ton, especially since they're not getting enough sleep as is trying to deal with the number of cases. I wish I could see the one person I care about but I can't due to the lockdown and it's very painful. I can only hope that our freedom doesn't get constrained more once the pandemic is winding down or over. I feel like it'll be difficult for governments to give up control of their citizens, though.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
I agree with damn near everything you've said and I've been saying the same damn thing for years. We've been letting the system fuck us incrementally for so long now that it's too late to change it.

Once elections start the politicians will tout "hope and change" like they always do. The masses will gobble the bullshit up and say the future looks brighter! There's no end to this cycle, we're completely and utterly fucked.
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
I can only hope that our freedom doesn't get constrained more once the pandemic is winding down or over. I feel like it'll be difficult for governments to give up control of their citizens, though.

If there is a game, and I believe that there is, then it's logical that part of the game is to first hyper-restrict freedoms, then follow up by lifting some but not all of the restrictions, or adding new but less constrictive restrictions. Then the populace is compliant out of gratitude that things didn't end up worse than they could have, saying, "Whew! We dodged that bullet!" but blind to the minefields that were planted when they were distracted by the manufactured spectacles that callously use real people and real suffering to reinforce the current narrative.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
If there is a game, and I believe that there is, then it's logical that part of the game is to first hyper-restrict freedoms, then follow up by lifting some but not all of the restrictions, or adding new but less constrictive restrictions. Then the populace is compliant out of gratitude that things didn't end up worse than they could have, saying, "Whew! We dodged that bullet!" but blind to the minefields that were planted when they were distracted by the manufactured spectacles that callously use real people and real suffering to reinforce the current narrative.
What you're referring to is a method of population control. It's called Hegelian Dialectics and they've been using it against us for a very, very long time.

This is one example of it. But they use the same method for many various agendas.
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Nov 4, 2019
If everyone followed the recommendations, i.e. washed their hands, kept a distance, and so on, there would be little to no need for government control and this pandemic would be over in a couple of weeks. At the core, the problem is that a substantial percentage of all people don't have common sense and cause problems for everyone simply by being self-centered and thoughtless.

These days, I get happier and happier that I live where I live. There are a minimum of governmental restrictions and I've only seen 2–3 people wearing masks since all this started. Yet, it's spreading at a normal or possibly slightly slower pace, because most people, including shop owners and similar, take precautions at their own accord. (The morons at my workplace in Hicksville are exceptions, though. I really should shoot them.)
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
Quite honestly, you could've went further. I agree with most of what you said. A virus nearly shut down the planet. People traded freedom for safety. Now look where we're at. People losing their jobs, people being told to close down, being told what they can and can't buy and where they can or can't go.

The cure can't be worse than the virus but we're going to suffer for what happened. People are going to off themselves in record numbers because of the lockdown. The suicide helplines are already jammed up. The people who lost their livelihoods because of this is going to be a ripple effect in the future. The amount of foreclosures and homeless is going to skyrocket. The stimulus check isn't going to everyone because some people might not see it until fall if not longer. This virus isn't gonna go away. So we might be looking at another lockdown after this if the numbers go up again.

And just imagine if we started being grouped by who gets the vaccine. People who don't accept it gets put on house arrest? Gets mobs at their front door? Fema camps? The powers that shouldn't be were waiting for this moment. (But look at Sweden. No lockdown but their infection rate wasn't that high. <- I was wrong)

I know I just went on a rant, but it's refreshing to see someone else show anger and frustration at the current situation and can see where we're headed.
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Dec 28, 2019
0E07AC20 BE1F 4CDE 9657 F4D39DAF1571

@Broken Chimera

According to these numbers, Sweden does have a higher mortality rate compared to its Nordic neighbours who imposed stricter quarantine.

I am not sure how to interpret these numbers. As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out there as to whether quarantining people was necessary or not.

But these numbers seem to support the idea that Sweden has more deaths per 100,000 citizens compared to Denmark, Norway and Finland.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
View attachment 33187

@Broken Chimera

According to these numbers, Sweden does have a higher mortality rate compared to its Nordic neighbours who imposed stricter quarantine.

I am not sure how to interpret these numbers. As far as I'm concerned, the jury is still out there as to whether quarantining people was necessary or not.

But these numbers seem to support the idea that Sweden has more deaths per 100,000 citizens compared to Denmark, Norway and Finland.
I stand corrected. My point was that in the US we went for a lockdown that will indirectly do more damage to us than the virus and that the government will use it for a control grab. It's unclear what is the best method for dealing with it, but just hiding, waiting for a vaccine and destroy what's left of our economy in the process isn't the greatest idea.
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Dec 28, 2019
I stand corrected. My point was that in the US we went for a lockdown that will indirectly do more damage to us than the virus and that the government will use it for a control grab. It's unclear what is the best method for dealing with it, but just hiding, waiting for a vaccine and destroy what's left of our economy in the process isn't the greatest idea.

Yes, I am afraid of that as well. And what I fear even more is that the poorest will get hit the hardest.
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But what do I know
Mar 31, 2020
Can I just give you the biggest of gargantuan hugs right now? Everything you said resonates with every cell in my body. You are completely right, and I so very much appreciate that you can recognize these things, too. If at any point you ever want to rant or rage about it, please feel free to reach out.

I went to the grocery store this past weekend and they also are now forbidding entry around here unless you're wearing a face covering. I was so enraged I refused to go in and give them my business (it was a quick trip for one item). I understand how frustrated and powerless you feel with all this. For my own part, I've decided to purchase a plague doctor mask on amazon and I'm going to be dying one of my shirts to read "Give me Liberty or Give me COVID-19." I will wear this each time I go out.

Also, I'm not sure about Mexico but there are a number of protests breaking out all over the USA, and there were some going on in South America before then (I haven't been following those as closely though). I would encourage you to make your voice heard, if you can. I think it's critical we make our voices heard right now, whether through petition or rallies or letters to the government or however you can.

I posted in the COVID megathread a story that smartphones are going to be equipped with COVID sensors and Google is a part of it
I don't recall if I saw this, but I've been reading it's supposed to be opt in at this time. But nonetheless, I would recommend turning off location permissions on your phone for google and google maps. You can still use google maps, but it won't show you step by step directions in live time--just an overview of the route with directions listed. I know Google has already given the government our location data in the last month, so I'm doubtful the contact tracing program will remain optional, but I think a viable workaround might be to put your phone in airplane mode when you travel. I've taken to doing that or leaving it at home.

And on a more personal note... thank you for sharing this. No one I know personally can relate, so it gives me hope and revitalizes me when I meet others who do.

The jury is indeed still out, and I'm not sure how closely you've been following it so forgive me if I'm just telling you what you already know, but from what I've been reading, there seem to be two things that will determine if Sweden's approach was successful or not. 1, how quickly the vaccine comes out. If it comes out relatively soon, then lives lost could have been saved with stricter social restrictions. 2, if they experience a second wave before the vaccine comes out. If they do not, then they successfully achieved herd immunity and "ripped off the bandaid" so to speak.
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