where your thought is, there your heart will be al
- Mar 11, 2025
- 46
I have collected a very small amount of dry extracts from a large text. All this does not fully represent the huge layer of the problem, but slightly lifts the curtain of secrecy
There are cases when a person simply enjoys his depressed state. "The stereotypical idea that a person does not like bad moods is extremely erroneous. Having plunged into a state of depression, a person gets some strange pleasure from his melancholy. Often he even feels his superiority over cheerful and happy people." However, this superiority is of a very dubious quality: "One young woman compared the onset of a depressive state with immersion in a black bottomless pit. You look down into the black abyss: it is scary, your head is spinning, but at the same time you cannot tear your eyes away and some irresistible force pulls you there, down: "Go there - there is peace" ... Secondly, as already indicated, it is from their midst that the greatest number of suicides come. "People with a delicate mental structure, great ambition and subtlety, grieve and suffer from melancholy, or even commit suicide. They themselves are sensitive, and the devil makes them even more sensitive... For the devil indulges their inclinations." The "difficulty" of these people is that, being in the affect of despair (this is expressed by a peculiar facial expression, a mournful mask-like face, sighs, etc.) and even expressing thoughts of suicide, they show active resistance to any attempts of those around them to help them get out of the situation, come to terms with reality, grow spiritually... If a person sees in all surrounding circumstances only the reason for his suffering and is unable to accept everything that happens to him as from the hands of the Creator, he will become despondent at every failure. St. Anthony the Great reasons thus: "What someone finds himself in against his will and unwillingly, for him there is a prison and execution. So, be content with what you have, otherwise, enduring (this state of yours) without gratitude (with discontent, reluctantly), you will be a tyrant to yourself, without realizing it"
This patristic position explains in the best possible way the difference between loneliness, which is a problem for all mankind, and the "disease of loneliness", which actually means the collapse of ideal ideas about life, the rupture of illusory connections that once seemed significant. Family crisis, inadequate (empty) friendship, a feeling of longing for something bright, a feeling that no one needs you, unrealized creative abilities ... The soul is restless and falls into despair.
Every person has positive qualities. Someone is not a money-lover "from birth", someone is gentle and compliant. Each personality type corresponds to certain traits that can be successfully used in good deeds. St. Seraphim of Sarov in his famous talk about the purpose of Christian life compared life to a marketplace where you need to use the most popular goods. It would be strange, having a shop full of cloth, to wave your hand at it and try to "make a business" on bootlegs, which at the moment are both difficult to obtain and hard to sell. Each person should know what good deed he is most inclined to. At the same time, do not forget that goods that are in abundance and given away for free (innate properties) are very cheap. And what is in short supply will cost a high price. A person who has never counted money can easily give to a beggar or lend to a distant acquaintance. But if he trembles over every ruble, is stingy and does not lend to anyone, then any, even a small sacrifice, given from the heart, will be highly valued. Thus, using the innate inclination to good deeds, you should know your strengths and weaknesses and work on them.
"....people with a depressive disposition possess such qualities necessary for a Christian as concentration, a tendency to introspection and contemplation. They are characterized by a deep experience of their guilt. In general, these are people with deep feelings, a rich spiritual world, inclined to sublime reflections. In any matter, they strive to comprehend its depth. Because of this, they so quickly fall into despondency, they lack hope, the courage to rejoice.... "
"...if vain hysteroids and proud schizoids need to resort more often to such an effective spiritual weapon as self-reproach, depressive personalities who already possess it (however, in a distorted form), should more often resort to the thought of greatness, of God's mercy, in order to cultivate hope in themselves.... "
There are cases when a person simply enjoys his depressed state. "The stereotypical idea that a person does not like bad moods is extremely erroneous. Having plunged into a state of depression, a person gets some strange pleasure from his melancholy. Often he even feels his superiority over cheerful and happy people." However, this superiority is of a very dubious quality: "One young woman compared the onset of a depressive state with immersion in a black bottomless pit. You look down into the black abyss: it is scary, your head is spinning, but at the same time you cannot tear your eyes away and some irresistible force pulls you there, down: "Go there - there is peace" ... Secondly, as already indicated, it is from their midst that the greatest number of suicides come. "People with a delicate mental structure, great ambition and subtlety, grieve and suffer from melancholy, or even commit suicide. They themselves are sensitive, and the devil makes them even more sensitive... For the devil indulges their inclinations." The "difficulty" of these people is that, being in the affect of despair (this is expressed by a peculiar facial expression, a mournful mask-like face, sighs, etc.) and even expressing thoughts of suicide, they show active resistance to any attempts of those around them to help them get out of the situation, come to terms with reality, grow spiritually... If a person sees in all surrounding circumstances only the reason for his suffering and is unable to accept everything that happens to him as from the hands of the Creator, he will become despondent at every failure. St. Anthony the Great reasons thus: "What someone finds himself in against his will and unwillingly, for him there is a prison and execution. So, be content with what you have, otherwise, enduring (this state of yours) without gratitude (with discontent, reluctantly), you will be a tyrant to yourself, without realizing it"
This patristic position explains in the best possible way the difference between loneliness, which is a problem for all mankind, and the "disease of loneliness", which actually means the collapse of ideal ideas about life, the rupture of illusory connections that once seemed significant. Family crisis, inadequate (empty) friendship, a feeling of longing for something bright, a feeling that no one needs you, unrealized creative abilities ... The soul is restless and falls into despair.
Every person has positive qualities. Someone is not a money-lover "from birth", someone is gentle and compliant. Each personality type corresponds to certain traits that can be successfully used in good deeds. St. Seraphim of Sarov in his famous talk about the purpose of Christian life compared life to a marketplace where you need to use the most popular goods. It would be strange, having a shop full of cloth, to wave your hand at it and try to "make a business" on bootlegs, which at the moment are both difficult to obtain and hard to sell. Each person should know what good deed he is most inclined to. At the same time, do not forget that goods that are in abundance and given away for free (innate properties) are very cheap. And what is in short supply will cost a high price. A person who has never counted money can easily give to a beggar or lend to a distant acquaintance. But if he trembles over every ruble, is stingy and does not lend to anyone, then any, even a small sacrifice, given from the heart, will be highly valued. Thus, using the innate inclination to good deeds, you should know your strengths and weaknesses and work on them.
"....people with a depressive disposition possess such qualities necessary for a Christian as concentration, a tendency to introspection and contemplation. They are characterized by a deep experience of their guilt. In general, these are people with deep feelings, a rich spiritual world, inclined to sublime reflections. In any matter, they strive to comprehend its depth. Because of this, they so quickly fall into despondency, they lack hope, the courage to rejoice.... "
"...if vain hysteroids and proud schizoids need to resort more often to such an effective spiritual weapon as self-reproach, depressive personalities who already possess it (however, in a distorted form), should more often resort to the thought of greatness, of God's mercy, in order to cultivate hope in themselves.... "