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where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
I have collected a very small amount of dry extracts from a large text. All this does not fully represent the huge layer of the problem, but slightly lifts the curtain of secrecy
There are cases when a person simply enjoys his depressed state. "The stereotypical idea that a person does not like bad moods is extremely erroneous. Having plunged into a state of depression, a person gets some strange pleasure from his melancholy. Often he even feels his superiority over cheerful and happy people." However, this superiority is of a very dubious quality: "One young woman compared the onset of a depressive state with immersion in a black bottomless pit. You look down into the black abyss: it is scary, your head is spinning, but at the same time you cannot tear your eyes away and some irresistible force pulls you there, down: "Go there - there is peace" ... Secondly, as already indicated, it is from their midst that the greatest number of suicides come. "People with a delicate mental structure, great ambition and subtlety, grieve and suffer from melancholy, or even commit suicide. They themselves are sensitive, and the devil makes them even more sensitive... For the devil indulges their inclinations." The "difficulty" of these people is that, being in the affect of despair (this is expressed by a peculiar facial expression, a mournful mask-like face, sighs, etc.) and even expressing thoughts of suicide, they show active resistance to any attempts of those around them to help them get out of the situation, come to terms with reality, grow spiritually... If a person sees in all surrounding circumstances only the reason for his suffering and is unable to accept everything that happens to him as from the hands of the Creator, he will become despondent at every failure. St. Anthony the Great reasons thus: "What someone finds himself in against his will and unwillingly, for him there is a prison and execution. So, be content with what you have, otherwise, enduring (this state of yours) without gratitude (with discontent, reluctantly), you will be a tyrant to yourself, without realizing it"
This patristic position explains in the best possible way the difference between loneliness, which is a problem for all mankind, and the "disease of loneliness", which actually means the collapse of ideal ideas about life, the rupture of illusory connections that once seemed significant. Family crisis, inadequate (empty) friendship, a feeling of longing for something bright, a feeling that no one needs you, unrealized creative abilities ... The soul is restless and falls into despair.
Every person has positive qualities. Someone is not a money-lover "from birth", someone is gentle and compliant. Each personality type corresponds to certain traits that can be successfully used in good deeds. St. Seraphim of Sarov in his famous talk about the purpose of Christian life compared life to a marketplace where you need to use the most popular goods. It would be strange, having a shop full of cloth, to wave your hand at it and try to "make a business" on bootlegs, which at the moment are both difficult to obtain and hard to sell. Each person should know what good deed he is most inclined to. At the same time, do not forget that goods that are in abundance and given away for free (innate properties) are very cheap. And what is in short supply will cost a high price. A person who has never counted money can easily give to a beggar or lend to a distant acquaintance. But if he trembles over every ruble, is stingy and does not lend to anyone, then any, even a small sacrifice, given from the heart, will be highly valued. Thus, using the innate inclination to good deeds, you should know your strengths and weaknesses and work on them.
"....people with a depressive disposition possess such qualities necessary for a Christian as concentration, a tendency to introspection and contemplation. They are characterized by a deep experience of their guilt. In general, these are people with deep feelings, a rich spiritual world, inclined to sublime reflections. In any matter, they strive to comprehend its depth. Because of this, they so quickly fall into despondency, they lack hope, the courage to rejoice.... "
"...if vain hysteroids and proud schizoids need to resort more often to such an effective spiritual weapon as self-reproach, depressive personalities who already possess it (however, in a distorted form), should more often resort to the thought of greatness, of God's mercy, in order to cultivate hope in themselves.... "
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Mar 22, 2025
Interesting, I think up to a couple months ago I would romanticize the depression too, made me unique and superior. Knowing that there is no superiority to it at all, it is literally you being an inferior human to other capable ones is soul crushing .
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where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
Interesting, I think up to a couple months ago I would romanticize the depression too, made me unique and superior. Knowing that there is no superiority to it at all, it is literally you being an inferior human to other capable ones is soul crushing .
Depression is not the same as depression) As I wrote, this is only a very small excerpt from the text and each case is unique in its own way.. But nevertheless, what is described in this post reflects reality, since there were those with whom I met, who subconsciously (they themselves are unlikely to know about it or admit it) "voluntarily fell into depression". Yes, it killed them themselves, but they also received some satisfaction from this feeling (is it worth listing the possible factors?) Like masochists, only spiritual. Still, without a psychologist and psychotherapist, you will not get out of this hole, just do not count on him as a magic wand. I sincerely wish you to cope with depression. Just do not ignore it, do not drive it deep inside yourself. I see, judging by the message, that you can be helped, the exit is near.


Mar 22, 2025
Depression is not the same as depression) As I wrote, this is only a very small excerpt from the text and each case is unique in its own way.. But nevertheless, what is described in this post reflects reality, since there were those with whom I met, who subconsciously (they themselves are unlikely to know about it or admit it) "voluntarily fell into depression". Yes, it killed them themselves, but they also received some satisfaction from this feeling (is it worth listing the possible factors?) Like masochists, only spiritual. Still, without a psychologist and psychotherapist, you will not get out of this hole, just do not count on him as a magic wand. I sincerely wish you to cope with depression. Just do not ignore it, do not drive it deep inside yourself. I see, judging by the message, that you can be helped, the exit is near.
Exit as in CTB or exit as in therapy? Because I have been in therapy for 12 years and it has never been as bad as now. My therapist now is the best that I have had so far, somehow that makes it worse, ironically. How are you holding up?


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
Exit as in CTB or exit as in therapy? Because I have been in therapy for 12 years and it has never been as bad as now. My therapist now is the best that I have had so far, somehow that makes it worse, ironically. How are you holding up?
Get out from under STB. As far as I know, therapy never takes even 5-6 years (under normal conditions, when a person and a therapist act - both, not just one), not to mention such a long period of 12 years. In my personal opinion, something is wrong here (I am not saying that the problem is in the therapist), how do you fight depression yourself, what do you do to feel better? (both physically, mentally and spiritually?) If we lead a destructive lifestyle, secretly or openly poisoning our lives (accordingly, if secretly, then we need to look for the sources of these "chemicals"), then no pills and therapy will fix anything. What helps me? Well, first of all, I am a religious person, and although I tried to commit suicide, and suicidal thoughts remained (in fairness, it is my fault), placing my burden on God makes me feel better; secondly, and no less importantly, a reassessment of values and worldview on reality. This is still happening, it is a difficult, long and painful process, because I have to kill myself in a metaphorical sense (what I believed in, what I lived by before, etc. - there was the old me, good for nothing), but this opens up for me the opportunity to live as an adult, with open eyes and full responsibility for my life, fully accepting reality with all its shortcomings and pluses.


Mar 22, 2025
Get out from under STB. As far as I know, therapy never takes even 5-6 years (under normal conditions, when a person and a therapist act - both, not just one), not to mention such a long period of 12 years. In my personal opinion, something is wrong here (I am not saying that the problem is in the therapist), how do you fight depression yourself, what do you do to feel better? (both physically, mentally and spiritually?) If we lead a destructive lifestyle, secretly or openly poisoning our lives (accordingly, if secretly, then we need to look for the sources of these "chemicals"), then no pills and therapy will fix anything. What helps me? Well, first of all, I am a religious person, and although I tried to commit suicide, and suicidal thoughts remained (in fairness, it is my fault), placing my burden on God makes me feel better; secondly, and no less importantly, a reassessment of values and worldview on reality. This is still happening, it is a difficult, long and painful process, because I have to kill myself in a metaphorical sense (what I believed in, what I lived by before, etc. - there was the old me, good for nothing), but this opens up for me the opportunity to live as an adult, with open eyes and full responsibility for my life, fully accepting reality with all its shortcomings and pluses.
Those were like 5 different therapists to be fair because i have moved a bunch. My mothers depression has been deemed untreatable and due to her raising me, I am arguably worse than she ever was. I don't even have as bad depression as many I believe. It's just when I try to do literally anything I get these intrusive thoughts and fear and panic that make me have to distract myself and recently I have no one to turn to. If that was gone, which i can't see a way for it, i would be happy I think. I am still struggling actively. Like a fish in a net.
I have been thinking about god a lot recently and strange coincidences have happened. I just don't want to accept them as real just yet because that would mean that he is watching me and since suicide is a sin, I would have a real reason to stay but suffer. I have prayed for another sign to make sure. But praying for help has never made anything better unfortunately. I do not understand why i would have to be in this situation. I can barely even do anything without shaking.

edit: what i have been doing to hold out hope is the bare minimum which i still am astonished I managed to do with no one but my therapists giving a damn about me. I passed my recent uni class with an A. I kept trying. I got into sports for a while before my bdd made it bad again. I have done sleep studies. I have changed medicatons. I have been friendlier and helpful to people. I have been making music. I have been praying.


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
Those were like 5 different therapists to be fair because i have moved a bunch. My mothers depression has been deemed untreatable and due to her raising me, I am arguably worse than she ever was. I don't even have as bad depression as many I believe. It's just when I try to do literally anything I get these intrusive thoughts and fear and panic that make me have to distract myself and recently I have no one to turn to. If that was gone, which i can't see a way for it, i would be happy I think. I am still struggling actively. Like a fish in a net.
I have been thinking about god a lot recently and strange coincidences have happened. I just don't want to accept them as real just yet because that would mean that he is watching me and since suicide is a sin, I would have a real reason to stay but suffer. I have prayed for another sign to make sure. But praying for help has never made anything better unfortunately. I do not understand why i would have to be in this situation. I can barely even do anything without shaking.
Depression, unfortunately, can be transmitted through genes, not only in the educational process. Probably, it was transmitted to you as well. Can you describe your condition in more detail? What worries you, what thoughts and fears haunt you? What are you afraid of: condemnation from others, the fall of your own ideals in the process of contact with reality, your own worthlessness (any other answer)? God not only watches, but also actively acts in our lives, trying to help us get out of spiritual darkness. However, He often acts in a completely unobvious way, we look in one direction, as it seems to us, from where God should act, but He comes from a completely unexpected place, and therefore it often happens that we ourselves, passing off wishful thinking as reality, communicate as if with ourselves, and therefore it seems to us that our prayers are not heard, and we are abandoned by the Creator Himself.
edit: what i have been doing to hold out hope is the bare minimum which i still am astonished I managed to do with no one but my therapists giving a damn about me. I passed my recent uni class with an A. I kept trying. I got into sports for a while before my bdd made it bad again. I have done sleep studies. I have changed medicatons. I have been friendlier and helpful to people. I have been making music. I have been praying.
It's great that you're fighting. I'm really glad that you're keeping hope. However (don't count me among those who underestimate your actions), what you did, it all affects the external environment more than the internal one. Of course, this is also a necessary part, but without spiritual work (and even prayer can be made an external attribute), nothing will work either. Because depression is purely a sphere of the soul, not of external circumstances (tested in practice by people with whom I communicated)
Last edited:


Mar 22, 2025
I have body dysmorphia, I look like a ghost. I look like I have not slept in days it must be scary. I think it is a biological, bone, soft tissue thing that is not fixable but yea, its an endless cycle. I suffer cause I look dead and I look dead cause I suffer. Just went to the mirror and scared myself. Dealing with people, even if they are nice has this effect on me, that they are as disgusted by me which i am by myself and it is a cycle that gets worse the older I get due to aging. I feel like frankensteins monster. I am scared of being abused and I look like I should be. I have explanations for why I do look this way like being obese during childhood and breathing wrong so there was no upwards pressure on the upper jaw which makes the cheekbones recessed. It might be allergies from my room not being clean but I cant get up and clean it right now as I am so anxious. it is a hell my friend. I have nowhere to turn to. I am scared of people commenting on it and confirming that it is not just in my head but actually real but on the otherside i long for human connection.


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
I have body dysmorphia, I look like a ghost. I look like I have not slept in days it must be scary. I think it is a biological, bone, soft tissue thing that is not fixable but yea, its an endless cycle. I suffer cause I look dead and I look dead cause I suffer. Just went to the mirror and scared myself. Dealing with people, even if they are nice has this effect on me, that they are as disgusted by me which i am by myself and it is a cycle that gets worse the older I get due to aging. I feel like frankensteins monster. I am scared of being abused and I look like I should be. I have explanations for why I do look this way like being obese during childhood and breathing wrong so there was no upwards pressure on the upper jaw which makes the cheekbones recessed. It might be allergies from my room not being clean but I cant get up and clean it right now as I am so anxious. it is a hell my friend. I have nowhere to turn to. I am scared of people commenting on it and confirming that it is not just in my head but actually real but on the otherside i long for human connection.
I understand you. Have you talked to your therapist about this? (yes/no). What does he/she tell you about your condition? It just seems to me that your psychological illness is caused primarily by low self-esteem (however, of course, I cannot establish more precise reasons), you are too fixated primarily on your appearance and how others will perceive it, and because of this, as you say, a vicious circle arises (anxiety prevents you from doing anything, but in order not to have it, you need to do something). Increasing your self-esteem and accepting yourself as you are (first of all) will help you relieve the anxiety you experience, and will also help you gradually begin to act in relation to your body (what you can change and what you can't - there is nothing to be sad about), gradually integrating into society. What do you think about this? Unfortunately, I am not a psychologist and cannot provide professional help, but I will continue the dialogue with you in order to listen to you and support you)


Mar 22, 2025
I understand you. Have you talked to your therapist about this? (yes/no). What does he/she tell you about your condition? It just seems to me that your psychological illness is caused primarily by low self-esteem (however, of course, I cannot establish more precise reasons), you are too fixated primarily on your appearance and how others will perceive it, and because of this, as you say, a vicious circle arises (anxiety prevents you from doing anything, but in order not to have it, you need to do something). Increasing your self-esteem and accepting yourself as you are (first of all) will help you relieve the anxiety you experience, and will also help you gradually begin to act in relation to your body (what you can change and what you can't - there is nothing to be sad about), gradually integrating into society. What do you think about this? Unfortunately, I am not a psychologist and cannot provide professional help, but I will continue the dialogue with you in order to listen to you and support you)
Thank you for being so kind, friend. Yes they do tell me to get over it and accept it. My mom who abused me a lot sometimes writes me texts about how much she feels for me. Last time I saw her, first thing she said was "you look like shit, like you havent slept in days" but when I tell them I think I look wrong they say I am crazy. i don't want people to have that reaction to me. I don't want to make them concerned or weirded out first thing. I think it is biological. I have tried going to ENTS for this but there is so much other stuff and it is hard to have someone listen here in rural germany. It feels like a joke. When I bring it up they say its my dysmorphia but then time passes and i get shamed for the very thing. I have been faking confidence for the last 10 years as well as possible. But like, I am losing weight and it makes me scared about my eyes looking hollow. I gain weight and I feel fat. I am trapped and no one really cares. Like I said, I am not as depressed, I have been looking for solutions to this for 15 years and there aren't any and right now, if i say therapy is bs and im just gonna get stuff fixed, it is too late. Rn I am eating to gain weight again, drinking water, applying creme and eating vitamin C for this torments me still, even if i plan on taking my life. Which just shows how much id rather do anything else than take my life but it seems inescapable. I am too sensitive to get over not being loved. Maybe I am too vain too. I feel like I am the only one being not crazy lol.

Can I ask how you are doing?


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
Thank you for being so kind, friend. Yes they do tell me to get over it and accept it. My mom who abused me a lot sometimes writes me texts about how much she feels for me. Last time I saw her, first thing she said was "you look like shit, like you havent slept in days" but when I tell them I think I look wrong they say I am crazy. i don't want people to have that reaction to me. I don't want to make them concerned or weirded out first thing. I think it is biological. I have tried going to ENTS for this but there is so much other stuff and it is hard to have someone listen here in rural germany. It feels like a joke. When I bring it up they say its my dysmorphia but then time passes and i get shamed for the very thing. I have been faking confidence for the last 10 years as well as possible. But like, I am losing weight and it makes me scared about my eyes looking hollow. I gain weight and I feel fat. I am trapped and no one really cares. Like I said, I am not as depressed, I have been looking for solutions to this for 15 years and there aren't any and right now, if i say therapy is bs and im just gonna get stuff fixed, it is too late. Rn I am eating to gain weight again, drinking water, applying creme and eating vitamin C for this torments me still, even if i plan on taking my life. Which just shows how much id rather do anything else than take my life but it seems inescapable. I am too sensitive to get over not being loved. Maybe I am too vain too. I feel like I am the only one being not crazy lol.

Can I ask how you are doing?
You definitely don't need to put up with it and accept it πŸ˜… Because this way you'll only make it worse, creating a time bomb. You need to work through it, learn to accept yourself through a good psychiatrist, who should select medication and practical (cognitive-behavioral or other, depending on your characteristics) therapy for you. As I read, you live in rural Germany? Try changing your psychotherapist to a more experienced one, I think you have an online database of psychiatrists, right? Choose the most suitable (according to your requests) and the best (based on the rating), go to him. Feeling the need for love is normal, and worrying about it too (however, you take it too closely), believe me, as soon as you figure yourself out (you will not feel confident, but become a confident person), you can create strong connections, love and be loved. But for now, the first line is overcoming fears. You can read literature on increasing self-esteem and self-acceptance, but it will be better if you seek professional help. People rarely accept those who are different. It's not about you (that you are not accepted)

I'm doing fine) My problems, worries, my struggle - the usual life of an ordinary person in this world)

I am writing with the help of a translator, so some phrases may be read inappropriately or incorrectly


Mar 22, 2025
You definitely don't need to put up with it and accept it πŸ˜… Because this way you'll only make it worse, creating a time bomb. You need to work through it, learn to accept yourself through a good psychiatrist, who should select medication and practical (cognitive-behavioral or other, depending on your characteristics) therapy for you. As I read, you live in rural Germany? Try changing your psychotherapist to a more experienced one, I think you have an online database of psychiatrists, right? Choose the most suitable (according to your requests) and the best (based on the rating), go to him. Feeling the need for love is normal, and worrying about it too (however, you take it too closely), believe me, as soon as you figure yourself out (you will not feel confident, but become a confident person), you can create strong connections, love and be loved. But for now, the first line is overcoming fears. You can read literature on increasing self-esteem and self-acceptance, but it will be better if you seek professional help. People rarely accept those who are different. It's not about you (that you are not accepted)

I'm doing fine) My problems, worries, my struggle - the usual life of an ordinary person in this world)

I am writing with the help of a translator, so some phrases may be read inappropriately or incorrectly
Unfortunately we are super behind on this stuff. Talking to a psychiatrist takes like 5 months in advance. I have one i could go to, would cost 100 euros but I guess, maybe I will again. If situation is urgent they will send u to closed psych ward which is overrun but actual knife people and such, been there once, dont wanna go again.


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
Unfortunately we are super behind on this stuff. Talking to a psychiatrist takes like 5 months in advance. I have one i could go to, would cost 100 euros but I guess, maybe I will again. If situation is urgent they will send u to closed psych ward which is overrun but actual knife people and such, been there once, dont wanna go again.
It's weird that a psychiatrist can send you to treatment. In our country you can only be sent to treatment because 1) You are a danger to yourself and others; isn't that the same for you? I don't know which psychiatrist you should go to because you know better here. But you can join some group/forum on a similar issue where people like you are trying to deal with it, and those who have already done it help those who are still in the process.
What did they do to you there?


Mar 22, 2025
It's weird that a psychiatrist can send you to treatment. In our country you can only be sent to treatment because 1) You are a danger to yourself and others; isn't that the same for you? I don't know which psychiatrist you should go to because you know better here. But you can join some group/forum on a similar issue where people like you are trying to deal with it, and those who have already done it help those who are still in the process.
What did they do to you there?
I mean, I am a danger to myself. But I still don't wanna go. It was not directly that bad, I got into a fistfight there and they had to call wardens. And a lot of people would flash their knives, people would scream how the meat was human meat, people would piss themselves and such. Not a nice place and not one I wanna go to.

What country are you from if you don't mind?


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
I mean, I am a danger to myself. But I still don't wanna go. It was not directly that bad, I got into a fistfight there and they had to call wardens. And a lot of people would flash their knives, people would scream how the meat was human meat, people would piss themselves and such. Not a nice place and not one I wanna go to.

What country are you from if you don't mind?
If this place is dangerous for you, you need to find an alternative. But you need to know the peculiarities of your country...I am from Russia


Mar 22, 2025
Oh, from russia. I actually went to a weird private school in germany where we had to learn russian which is very rare for germany. But moija russki jasika otschen plocho :(. How is life in russia these days?


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
Oh, from russia. I actually went to a weird private school in germany where we had to learn russian which is very rare for germany. But moija russki jasika otschen plocho :(. How is life in russia these days?
Do you even go to bed?) It's okay, I don't know German at all)
Well, life in Russia is probably clearly better than in Ukraine. Although our economy is currently undergoing huge changes.
Oh, from russia. I actually went to a weird private school in germany where we had to learn russian which is very rare for germany. But moija russki jasika otschen plocho :(. How is life in russia these days?
Are you studying or working now?


Mar 22, 2025
its not that late over here, I try not to go to bed because waking up again is always the worst feeling :(
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where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025


I will face my fate.
Jun 16, 2024
Do you know if there is an English version?


where your thought is, there your heart will be al
Mar 11, 2025
Do you know if there is an English version?
I didn't find it in English
Do you know if there is an English version?
The word outline in modern Russian, in the Russian language of the XIX and XX centuries has three main meanings: 1) Outline, contour; 2) Description, presentation, study of a review nature, giving a general idea of the essence of some topic, question; 3) A small literary work containing a brief expressive description of something. As you can see, the word essay carries a form of familiarization, a general idea of something (in artistic expression). Therefore, if you read, do not give your high expectations to this book, since it is not a deep and professional reading (this does not mean that it is incorrect, just brief), it will not answer all your questions.
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