
Aug 18, 2020
I had this idea for a thread because my former religion teacher asked us that question.
1 is you are certain he does exist and truely believe in him. And 10 is you deeply believe he does not exist.
5 would be agnosticism.

I am not sure I would give it an 8. When I had major depression I was a 10 because life was so horrible so he cannot exist. So kind of the theodicy question. How can an allmighty good God let all the suffering happen.

I still strongly doubt that such a God exist. Though I cannot fully exclude the possibility that a higher being exists. I am not sure whether to define that as God. For me "God" had to be the creator of the universe. I find it interesting that some physicists turn religious. Or at least consider a higher being as possible. I am not smart enough to understand all of their reasoning and it is a long time I read it. But I think part of their reasoning was the start of the universe was incredibly unlikely. So many accidents with extremely low likelihood must have happened. So if such unbelievable things happened we cannot rule out the existence of a God. The being who started the process.

I just was curious how likely the start for the big bang is. I found a German source from 2004.

They say the likelihood for a new Bing bang was the following. "Die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen neuen Urknall beträgt 1 zu 10 hoch 10 hoch 56, also 1 geteilt durch eine Zahl mit 100 Milliarden Billiarden Billiarden Billiarden Nullen"
Translated with google translator.
"The probability of a new Big Bang is 1 in 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 56, i.e. 1 divided by a number with 100 billion quadrillion quadrillion quadrillion zeros."

First of all I cannot assure this is true. Moreover I do not even understand this number in the German original text. Not sure if there are any further translation mistakes. The number though seems to be ridiculously low.

Now when I researched this number this turns me more into the direction of agnosticism. However when I see how much cruel suffering in this world exists this almighty God might not be one of the good guys...
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
10 that the christian one/Islamic/ Jewish or whatever, doesn't exist. Apply this to every other
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Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
Honestly, I'm at a 4 here. I was at a 1 when I was a kid, but after becoming an adult and realizing I didn't have a good reason to believe, my non-belief went up to an 8 or 9. Now I only believe in the possibility of a god-like entity being responsible for the existence of the universe. It's probably so different from the human-like gods of our religions that we can't understand it, but it's also possible that one of those religions got it right.

At the moment I'm a Deist, but my belief in a possible intelligent designer doesn't mean that I'm religious about it. If my suspicions are right, then it probably doesn't care about us at all. It's just there doing its own thing.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
10 that nothing like a deity exists. Imo, reality, everything about humanity, from the way we look to the way we progressed, everything is utterly bonkers, but unlike the physicists that turn to god, just because the probability is extremely low, doesn't make me think that a higher power had a hand in any of it. There is just no explanation for it.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
10 definitely. I just believe that life exists as a consequence of evolution and anything in relation to religion is just a fictional concept invented by humans who are unable to come to terms with the true meaningless nature of this existence.
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Dec 15, 2022
10, no question
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Feb 18, 2022
Generally speaking: I'd put myself at about a 5.
Abrahamic: Close to a 10.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
There are many religions with different Gods, some of these are more reasonable in their description than others.
The Catholic or Christian religion, which is what I know best because at home they are Catholic (I am not, I have no religion) does not exist for me, I am absolutely certain of that. But I only have it because the world I understand and live in doesn't fit the Christian/Catholic view of how things are.

I may change my mind in the future, I'm like that, but right now my certainty is a score of 10.
I wish there was an omnipotent creature that watches over it all.


Hi han moltes religions amb diferents Déus, algunes d'aquestes són més raonables en la seva descripció que d'altres.
El de la Religió católica o Cristiana, que és el que cónec millor perquè a casa són católics (jo no ho sóc, no tinc religió) per mi no existeix, en tinc la certesa absoluta. Però la tinc només perquè el món que comprenc i visc no encaixa amb la visió de cristianisme/catolicisme de com són les coses.

És possible que en el futur canvii de parer, sóc així, però ara mateix la meva certesa te una puntuació de 10.
Tant de bó existís una criatura omnipotent que vetlla per tot plegat.
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Nov 24, 2022
Depends on what you mean by God. The made-up one, from the bible or quran or whatever? 10

But we may all be living in a computer simulation, or humanity was genetically modified by a race of ancient aliens, who the fuck knows. It's nuts but possible, no?
In that case 9, Just because I think it would be fun to discover that 900000 b.c the Greys from Mars abducted a monkey, did some experiments, made it self-aware then threw it back on Earth. All hail our alien overlords. I'm a true believer lol
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May 14, 2021
10, i 100% believe that no 'religious' god exists, it honestly scares me how many people seem to think otherwise, how many people can devote their lives to their religion but cant seem to question the logic of it
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Oct 19, 2021
I'm about a 2, many neare death experiences are pretty convincing to me. Any way you look at things there are unanswered questions- a big question- if god exists, where did god come from? But there are quest8ons for every point of view.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
10 for the typical view(s), 1 for mine where god technically exists technically doesnt

Countdown Kirk

Nov 30, 2022
I used to be very spiritual. Then I realized it was my EUPD. A result of mental illness. I'd like to believe it for sure but I'm a 5. Show me one miracle....


Oct 19, 2021
Show me one miracle....
A God would not need to intervene in this world in order to exist in an afterlife. I do think our soul can live on if our body dies, though I know others disagree. I can see th arguments for no next life, and I used to believe them. It's really near death experiences in which people could see things below them that they couldn't have known any other way that have been most convincing.

Countdown Kirk

Nov 30, 2022
Could be the result of released brain transmitters..... DMT etc....

But I'm hopeful. The thought of bring received into the lords arms without feeling fear for the first time will be a comfort!.


Oct 19, 2021
Could be the result of released brain transmitters..... DMT etc....
But this doesn't explain being able to float outside your body and observe a variety of factual things that can be verified later.


Oct 9, 2022
I'm going with 10 since it's the 'opposite' of 1 in this scenario.

If someone says God exist, I choose not to believe them.

The only reason people believe and/or question the existence of God is because someone introduced the idea.

They could just as easily declare that the OG god died and now his niece through marriage is in charge.

Does that mean we have to believe them since we can't prove otherwise?

Someone saying that something exists is not enough for me to entertain the idea.
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Countdown Kirk

Nov 30, 2022
DMT does that though. And we have it in our brains. Brain has O2 for 4-6 mins before brain death. So you can be technically dead ie: Cessation of cardiopulmonary output but still have brain activity..... hence chemicals doing their thing. Then once revived you have a consciousness of that perceived brain activity. Just an opinion. Like I say. I like to think my gramps and grandma are there to receive me.
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
I'm about a 2, many neare death experiences are pretty convincing to me. Any way you look at things there are unanswered questions- a big question- if god exists, where did god come from? But there are quest8ons for every point of view.
Yeah i am whit you in the general sense, but can't really know what it is.

Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I'd say 8 for me. I grew up with ideas of God, heaven, spirituality and even hell 😬. It's kind of difficult to push those ideas out all together. Still- I think it's far more likely that religion is manmade.
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Jul 30, 2020
I score about 9.99999. (Being a good scientist, I always leave open the possibility that new evidence might cause me to re-evaluate my views, which is why I don't (quite) score 10.) I can see no evidence whatever that any kind of god exists, so why should I suppose that any kind of god exists?
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Mar 31, 2023
10 - there is no god
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Apr 11, 2023
For me it's 2.
I feel so guilty that I should say 1, but it's 2.


Stuck in a roundabout with no exits!
Apr 5, 2023
5 for me, was raised catholic, then got old enough & went "wait a minute...". If there is a god, bet they are pissed "religion" is one of the oldest & biggest ponzi schemes on the planet!
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Mar 30, 2023
It depends how do you define god if you mean god of the Bible and Quran then 9 if you mean Spinozian deist god then 1


Apr 16, 2023
I am 1, I am cerain beyong a reasonable doubt that God (not Jesus) exists, I know i will sound like a crazy person but I have witnessed things that are impossible and that I can't prove to anyone
Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
10. God as a deity does not exist.

Answer this:
If God wants and is able to end evil, then why does evil exist? Is he able, but doesn't want to? Then He is not benevolent. Does he want to, but is unable? Then He is not almighty.
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Apr 16, 2023
10, obviously there might be something mysterious that caused all this bullshit to exist to begin with, but I doubt that any of the endless ideas people make up are even close to being the truth... The idea of god was made up to cope with existential dread and control people with fixed order but the essence of it is complete nonsense
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