For me, there is nothing positive, especially when over the years you realize that it is based on fear and anxiety. When these two get out of control is when the OCD turns into a real hell.
In 2004 I discovered that if I was relaxed enough I could enjoy the power of my mind to an extent that no OCD had and for ever could offer me.
I hate OCD, especially after knowing how to limit it and what I can do without it. But I have never been able to do it again, because I have more anxiety than ever and I am afraid of anything, the natural enemies of total freedom of thought.
Per mi no te rés positiu, sobretot quan amb els anys te n'adones que es basa en la por i en l'ansietat. Quan aquestes dues es descontrolen es quan el TOC es transforma en un veritable infern.
El 2004 vaig descobrir que si estava prou relaxat podía gaudir de la poténcia de la meva ment fins a un punt que cap TOC hagut i per haver podría oferir-me mai.
Detesto el TOC, sobretot després d'haver sabut com em pot arribar a limitar i que sóc capaç de fer sense ell. Però ja no ho he tornat a aconseguir, doncs tinc l'ansietat més disparada que mai i em fa por qualsevol cosa, els enemics naturals de la llibertat total de pensament.