

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
That NHS text service is never going to stop blowing my phone up, are they? It is absurd and ridiculous that they keep harassing people who have genuine reasons not to take the vaccine, rather than donating their excess stock to elderly people in 3rd world countries who have far more risk than I do from covid.

I tried searching up a way to stop these messages from being sent to my phone and found 0 relevant information about it on both Google and duckduckgo. Every single web page that popped up in my search was nothing but encouragement to book an appointment for the jab, absolutely no information for those who are opting out.

I feel like the typically rational and level headed people in my life have all lost their common sense about this. Before all this happened, other people were genuinely understanding of the fact that I have CFS and other chronic conditions that are not well understood by current science.

My partner and others were well aware that after developing CFS, I had an adverse reaction to the HPV jab that left me very ill for several weeks. This would make sense, as current studies are showing that there can be a significant degree of immunomdulatory dysfunction in CFS and post viral syndromes.

Everyone respected my decision to not receive anymore HPV or flu vaccines after that. No one insulted me or told me I was selfish, crazy, or the problem with society. After all, I have never went around screeching at people that they must take a flu jab, despite my CFS manifesting after viral infection.

Now, it is a total 180. Everyone treats me like a leper and a bill Gates microchip fanatic. They assume I must be carrying coronavirus on me at all times despite me rarely stepping foot outside. I have taken tests often to appease the worries of the fully vaccinated person in my home, and they are always negative.

I suspect that I may have been exposed to covid during the couple weeks I was at university and had an asymptomatic infection, because nearly everyone I came into contact with there had unknowingly contracted very mild covid symptoms and tested positive at one point or another.

That would make a lot of sense if they spread it to me and conferred natural immunity, since I have never tested positive despite being exposed to many people in crowded tubes, trains, and airports after those encounters.

Anyways, it was very upsetting to hear that we will have vaccine passports soon. I have always wanted to go to a concert, hell, a nightclub even, because throughout my entire life I have never had the opportunity to go out and enjoy things the way other people do.

One of my friends was going to take me out to a nightclub very briefly so that I could say I tried something new at the very least. Even if I hate it, at least I would get to experience it once and know if it's my scene and if it's within my energy envelope. Now I will be barred from going to any events like this, because negative tests are not accepted upon entry, only apps with proof of vaccination status.

Why the fuck has the government banned negative tests as proof of being covid free? A vaccinated person can still have a palpable viral load according to recent studies. It would make far more logical sense to require a negative test rather than a vaccine passport, because even if the chance of developing an infection is reduced, vaccinated people can still develop covid.

What happened to someone staying home if they are ill to prevent disease spread? Why has that messaging morphed into telling people that "life's pleasures are contingent upon vaccination" (in the words of Boris Johnson). There seem to be no exceptions in this policy, no leeway for those whose conditions were not studied in the clinical trials, no leeway for those who have proof of covid antibodies, no leeway for those who simply say, no, I'm opting out at this time, and I can take a negative test to prove I don't have covid.

It frightens me how much the authoritarian tendencies have sprung up in people I used to respect. Nearly everyday I see comments on social media threatening violence against all people who don't have a covid vaccine. People I considered friends calling for all basic dignity to be removed for those who don't comply, cheering that they should be sent to camps. What the actual fuck?

I've been degraded and name called for saying I won't take it due to my illness. I've been insulted and threatened for saying I won't interfere in the bodily autonomy of others either. People have insinuated I'm an illness faker with Muchassens instead of CFS when I told them it was messed up for them to brag that they want to murder people who don't have the covid jab on a public channel.

What the hell has happened to people's sensibilities? By threatening and coercing people, you are doing the exact opposite of achieving your goal. You are not convincing anyone that you care about their safety or the safety of others when you make senseless violent threats against people.

I thought that one of my bf's family members wanting to call the police on a neighbor a few months ago for having a guest over was extreme. Now, I feel like we've gone one step forward and two steps back, because this has turned into a political issue rather than a scientific one. People dont want to seem like they are on the morally wrong side, so it is hard to have an honest conversation about risk assessment and preventative measures.

I sent a peer viewed, published scientific article- written by researchers at one of the top universities in the world, with data verified by the CDC- to one of those people making senseless threats against me. I wanted to demonstrate to him the sheer improvement in the covid situation using raw data, such as the steep decline in deaths and hospitalizations, the low risk to certain age demographics like children and young adults, mutations becoming more infectious but less lethal, etc.

He literally refused to read the article, stating that the scientists "sounded Conservative." Apparently if someone publishes results you don't like, that makes them a Conservative, got it. We should just never use the scientific method again, or report accurate data, if it goes against our preconceived notions.

It really does feel like some individuals want this to go on and want covid to become worse, because they enjoy the restrictions. This individual seemed almost gleeful reporting daily how many people got infected with covid in their area, cheering when an un vaccinated person got hospitalised or died. I got told my illness doesn't matter because it is not covid. So much for compassion and understanding towards the vunerable, huh?

The way the tides are turning is scaring me. Just recently, a cluster of young healthy acquaintances of mine singled out unvaccinated people and made us take covid tests before even entering their home, regardless of how well you were feeling. None of this was for health reasons or out of any sort of concern, but because they didn't want to "look bad."

Being treated like a typhoid Mary all the time for a disease I don't fucking have sure does ramp up my suicidality tenfold. I may not even be allowed to step foot on my university campus for not having the jab, which would mean I'd be kicked out. Those people are a far greater risk to me than I am to them, mind you.

UK universities have never mandated such a thing before, we had reccomended jabs, which I received as a child already, but never anything of this sort. Now there is messaging everywhere that you are selfish, terrible, and want to collapse the NHS if you don't comply (by that logic let's ban smoking and drinking since they cause strain on the NHS.) The NHS is already not fit for purpose and needs reform, but they won't acknowledge that reality.

Feels like I'm living in a totally different world to these people. I am not an anti-vaxxer or Conservative, nor do I believe in the Bill Gates world domination theories. I literally study a subject allied to medicine, and have to extensively study diseases, so I am not "anti science" either whatever that means. I simply do not wish for someone to make my medical decisions for me, when my immune system and body is already wrecked from CFS.
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Feb 27, 2020
The whole narrative is crazy - by media and people.
You can't question anything because people will immediately label you as antivaxxer.
Society is getting too polarized. You're either on team A or team B - there's no middle ground.
I suffer from some illnesses and had one dose of jab. Now some symptoms of my illnesses are back or worse and I've skipped the 2nd dose. I don't know if I will take the 2nd because I have dilemma and I'm little scared that it will get even worse.
But basically, it's shitty how all this became so political and how people are willing to fight against each other. I'm scared where this is all heading and I'm scared one day some of that stuff will force me to ctb sooner than later.
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Aug 12, 2021
This really broke my heart. I don't know what else to say. I'm so sorry you have to deal with these insane people. I'm not even some crazy conspirist or anti vaxxer, and this makes me realise how crazy we have become as a species. Everything has to be a parallel issue.
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Irrelevant biologist

Jun 3, 2020
That NHS text service is never going to stop blowing my phone up, are they? It is absurd and ridiculous that they keep harassing people who have genuine reasons not to take the vaccine, rather than donating their excess stock to elderly people in 3rd world countries who have far more risk than I do from covid.

I tried searching up a way to stop these messages from being sent to my phone and found 0 relevant information about it on both Google and duckduckgo. Every single web page that popped up in my search was nothing but encouragement to book an appointment for the jab, absolutely no information for those who are opting out.

I feel like the typically rational and level headed people in my life have all lost their common sense about this. Before all this happened, other people were genuinely understanding of the fact that I have CFS and other chronic conditions that are not well understood by current science.

My partner and others were well aware that after developing CFS, I had an adverse reaction to the HPV jab that left me very ill for several weeks. This would make sense, as current studies are showing that there can be a significant degree of immunomdulatory dysfunction in CFS and post viral syndromes.

Everyone respected my decision to not receive anymore HPV or flu vaccines after that. No one insulted me or told me I was selfish, crazy, or the problem with society. After all, I have never went around screeching at people that they must take a flu jab, despite my CFS manifesting after viral infection.

Now, it is a total 180. Everyone treats me like a leper and a bill Gates microchip fanatic. They assume I must be carrying coronavirus on me at all times despite me rarely stepping foot outside. I have taken tests often to appease the worries of the fully vaccinated person in my home, and they are always negative.

I suspect that I may have been exposed to covid during the couple weeks I was at university and had an asymptomatic infection, because nearly everyone I came into contact with there had unknowingly contracted very mild covid symptoms and tested positive at one point or another.

That would make a lot of sense if they spread it to me and conferred natural immunity, since I have never tested positive despite being exposed to many people in crowded tubes, trains, and airports after those encounters.

Anyways, it was very upsetting to hear that we will have vaccine passports soon. I have always wanted to go to a concert, hell, a nightclub even, because throughout my entire life I have never had the opportunity to go out and enjoy things the way other people do.

One of my friends was going to take me out to a nightclub very briefly so that I could say I tried something new at the very least. Even if I hate it, at least I would get to experience it once and know if it's my scene and if it's within my energy envelope. Now I will be barred from going to any events like this, because negative tests are not accepted upon entry, only apps with proof of vaccination status.

Why the fuck has the government banned negative tests as proof of being covid free? A vaccinated person can still have a palpable viral load according to recent studies. It would make far more logical sense to require a negative test rather than a vaccine passport, because even if the chance of developing an infection is reduced, vaccinated people can still develop covid.

What happened to someone staying home if they are ill to prevent disease spread? Why has that messaging morphed into telling people that "life's pleasures are contingent upon vaccination" (in the words of Boris Johnson). There seem to be no exceptions in this policy, no leeway for those whose conditions were not studied in the clinical trials, no leeway for those who have proof of covid antibodies, no leeway for those who simply say, no, I'm opting out at this time, and I can take a negative test to prove I don't have covid.

It frightens me how much the authoritarian tendencies have sprung up in people I used to respect. Nearly everyday I see comments on social media threatening violence against all people who don't have a covid vaccine. People I considered friends calling for all basic dignity to be removed for those who don't comply, cheering that they should be sent to camps. What the actual fuck?

I've been degraded and name called for saying I won't take it due to my illness. I've been insulted and threatened for saying I won't interfere in the bodily autonomy of others either. People have insinuated I'm an illness faker with Muchassens instead of CFS when I told them it was messed up for them to brag that they want to murder people who don't have the covid jab on a public channel.

What the hell has happened to people's sensibilities? By threatening and coercing people, you are doing the exact opposite of achieving your goal. You are not convincing anyone that you care about their safety or the safety of others when you make senseless violent threats against people.

I thought that one of my bf's family members wanting to call the police on a neighbor a few months ago for having a guest over was extreme. Now, I feel like we've gone one step forward and two steps back, because this has turned into a political issue rather than a scientific one. People dont want to seem like they are on the morally wrong side, so it is hard to have an honest conversation about risk assessment and preventative measures.

I sent a peer viewed, published scientific article- written by researchers at one of the top universities in the world, with data verified by the CDC- to one of those people making senseless threats against me. I wanted to demonstrate to him the sheer improvement in the covid situation using raw data, such as the steep decline in deaths and hospitalizations, the low risk to certain age demographics like children and young adults, mutations becoming more infectious but less lethal, etc.

He literally refused to read the article, stating that the scientists "sounded Conservative." Apparently if someone publishes results you don't like, that makes them a Conservative, got it. We should just never use the scientific method again, or report accurate data, if it goes against our preconceived notions.

It really does feel like some individuals want this to go on and want covid to become worse, because they enjoy the restrictions. This individual seemed almost gleeful reporting daily how many people got infected with covid in their area, cheering when an un vaccinated person got hospitalised or died. I got told my illness doesn't matter because it is not covid. So much for compassion and understanding towards the vunerable, huh?

The way the tides are turning is scaring me. Just recently, a cluster of young healthy acquaintances of mine singled out unvaccinated people and made us take covid tests before even entering their home, regardless of how well you were feeling. None of this was for health reasons or out of any sort of concern, but because they didn't want to "look bad."

Being treated like a typhoid Mary all the time for a disease I don't fucking have sure does ramp up my suicidality tenfold. I may not even be allowed to step foot on my university campus for not having the jab, which would mean I'd be kicked out. Those people are a far greater risk to me than I am to them, mind you.

UK universities have never mandated such a thing before, we had reccomended jabs, which I received as a child already, but never anything of this sort. Now there is messaging everywhere that you are selfish, terrible, and want to collapse the NHS if you don't comply (by that logic let's ban smoking and drinking since they cause strain on the NHS.) The NHS is already not fit for purpose and needs reform, but they won't acknowledge that reality.

Feels like I'm living in a totally different world to these people. I am not an anti-vaxxer or Conservative, nor do I believe in the Bill Gates world domination theories. I literally study a subject allied to medicine, and have to extensively study diseases, so I am not "anti science" either whatever that means. I simply do not wish for someone to make my medical decisions for me, when my immune system and body is already wrecked from CFS.
This is 100% how I feel about it all. No wonder everyone is suicidal now. I'm not and won't be vaccinated. Yes the backlash is unnecessary and unfair. Hugs to you.
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Sep 28, 2020
I had 2 doses from Pfeizer, the second one I was in bed for 2 days in bed with a high fever and pain everywhere. Now they are talking about a 3rd dose. If it happens I think I will pass that offer.
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Apr 28, 2020
Kuri, I'm sorry for the way you are being treated.
People are insensitive and their minds are completely manipulate by the media, unfortunately, we will never change that.

I hope they accept a sorology test later, but it seems like an impossible dream.

I had one shot of Pfizer, will take a second one, but a third ... Sigh ...

A storm is coming and I really don't want to be around when it gets here...
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Sep 28, 2020
Kuri, I'm sorry for the way you are being treated.
People are insensitive and their minds are completely manipulate by the media, unfortunately, we will never change that.

I hope they accept a sorology test later, but it seems like an impossible dream.

I had one shot of Pfizer, will take a second one, but a third ... Sigh ...

A storm is coming and I really don't want to be around when it gets here...
The first one was ok for me, but the second one, jeez. I'm like what are they putting in my body. This has been lasting for so long. I dunno if it's real or not anymore.
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Apr 28, 2020
The first one was ok for me, but the second one, jeez. I'm like what are they putting in my body. This has been lasting for so long. I dunno if it's real or not anymore.
I had a bit of a side effect after the first shot. Not much, it's okay.

I don't know about the second, hope it's fine.
But if I have to get vaccinated every month, that will be a problem.

Probably not, but the possibility does not make pretty good of a thought...
Next year, maybe...
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Nov 18, 2019
I'm not getting the vaccine & just went to a super spreader event. Staying away from people for a few days, doing rapid tests, I truly hope I get covid & die. Idc how uncomfortable it is. Getting ridiculed like crazy for it same way people are anti-suicide. Grasping at every line of reasoning to pressure me to get the shot. When I legit consider it my body has some weird subconscious reaction that is allergic to the idea/feeling. I have a health condition that's affected by this with unknown outcomes & been fed pills for a decade along the same line of thought with diminished returns. The pressure makes me want it even less. I'm so sick of hearing it & needed somewhere to vent.
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Jan 17, 2021
People love some politics to be hysterical and confrontative about. Makes them feel like they're fighting the good fight. And you're always served a fine topic to fight over. Market policies, health policies, immigration policies, public subsidy policies, military policies, whatever. After Covid passes there will be something else trendy.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
Dear @KuriGohan&Kamehameha

We both suffer from the same curse, so your post resonated with me. I think it's cruel and it makes me angry that the NHS is harassing you. Their lack of knowledge about ME/CFS is damaging and infuriating.

I understand your reasons perfectly well and I have gone through the same thought process. I get you 100% and I believe you are right to do what is best for your health.

It took me a long time to make a decision about the vaccine, because I have the same health issues you mention. Since becoming severe, I get ill (with colds) every month. ME/CFS in itself causes constant flu-like symptoms, so you can imagine how poorly I have been; it seems I get double the "joy".

In the end I came to the conclusion that if I am this ill from simple colds, covid would probably wreck me. So, I went ahead and booked a vaccine for next week. I hope for the best, because that's all I can do. I hope it won't cause a flare, or worse, a crash. Now I got to find a special service for bedridden patients so I can actually get to the clinic, but that's another story.

What you wrote about collapsing NHS made me smile… a bitter smile. If anything, the NHS ows you and every ME/CFS patient an apology. Our disease burden is ten fold compared to other severe diseases, yet we are met with skepticism and ignorance. Not to mention the lack of funding for research.

What I want to say is that I get where you're coming from and I support you ❤️

(PS: I'll let you know what the Bill Gates implant feels like next week he he he.)
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Dear @KuriGohan&Kamehameha

We both suffer from the same curse, so your post resonated with me. I think it's cruel and it makes me angry that the NHS is harassing you. Their lack of knowledge about ME/CFS is damaging and infuriating.

I understand your reasons perfectly well and I have gone through the same thought process. I get you 100% and I believe you are right to do what is best for your health.

It took me a long time to make a decision about the vaccine, because I have the same health issues you mention. Since becoming severe, I get ill (with colds) every month. ME/CFS in itself causes constant flu-like symptoms, so you can imagine how poorly I have been; it seems I get double the "joy".

In the end I came to the conclusion that if I am this ill from simple colds, covid would probably wreck me. So, I went ahead and booked a vaccine for next week. I hope for the best, because that's all I can do. I hope it won't cause a flare, or worse, a crash. Now I got to find a special service for bedridden patients so I can actually get to the clinic, but that's another story.

What you wrote about collapsing NHS made me smile… a bitter smile. If anything, the NHS ows you and every ME/CFS patient an apology. Our disease burden is ten fold compared to other severe diseases, yet we are met with skepticism and ignorance. Not to mention the lack of funding for research.

What I want to say is that I get where you're coming from and I support you ❤️

(PS: I'll let you know what the Bill Gates implant feels like next week he he he.)
I really hope you don't have a flare. Sending you lots of hugs. I think that most NHS hospitals offer a transit service for those who are disabled and don't have reliable transportation.

So say your family members don't have a car, public transit would require you to walk long distances, etc, I think you would qualify for the scheme. I believe you have to call and ask though as they don't really mention it outright.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
I really hope you don't have a flare. Sending you lots of hugs. I think that most NHS hospitals offer a transit service for those who are disabled and don't have reliable transportation.

So say your family members don't have a car, public transit would require you to walk long distances, etc, I think you would qualify for the scheme. I believe you have to call and ask though as they don't really mention it outright.

I'm pretty sure the trip there will cause a flare, it's inevitable. The question is: Will it also cause a crash and if yes… how severe will it be :-(

How are you feeling these days? Where are you on the mild to severe scale? Do you practise pacing or do you have another way to cope? Do you use a HR monitor?

I'm thinking about getting a HR monitor because I see that keeping the heart rate below the maximum level is important even when you are bedbound. Little things such as too much reading or talking can cause a crash.

Are you on low dose Abilify or LDN? I take neither at the moment.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
I think it's because of the number of people abusing the exemption status.
Also because in this case, it's not just about you getting it, but the number of people you could infect unknowingly during the 4 week incubation period. Or even being one of the four people carrying it who are asymptomatic


想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I think it's because of the number of people abusing the exemption status.
Also because in this case, it's not just about you getting it, but the number of people you could infect unknowingly during the 4 week incubation period. Or even being one of the four people carrying it who are asymptomatic
But if I have no symptoms and test negative, my viral load would be infinitesimally low anyway, since currently testing protocols are very sensitive to any amount of viral RNA present. Wouldn't a person with symptoms and higher viral load (vaccinated or not) pose more of a risk to me and others as opposed to an asymptomatic person? It's all so confusing.

That's what I don't understand about the current social pressures, from a scientific perspective it doesn't make much sense. Symptomatic people should stay at home and practice good hygiene, regardless of how many vaccines they've had. That drastically reduces the risk of coming into contact with a carrier.

With others, you can't really predict what will happen, unfortunately. Unless you're an oracle. We still don't even know how long natural immunity lasts, and the BBC article I was reading about this yesterday got shit on for even discussing the topic, so we may never have the answer.

I wouldn't blame anyone around me if they gave me covid without realizing it, but I think I'd be slightly more peeved if someone came in my room and sneezed all over everything, licking doorknobs, acting intentionally malicious.

I don't know if there are any more recent studies than these, it is very hard to find information when news articles don't source the studies they use or link to other news articles etc. I also find so much conflicting information too when it comes to different journalists and organisations. These are the main articles I've read about asymptomatic spread though, have a look if interested. Seeing this data put me at ease.

There are currently no exemptions anyway, at least not where I live. They may allow exemptions to vegans, but not people with health conditions, unless you've nearly died from a fatal anaphylactic shock. It doesn't seem very fair.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
You are completely right.
Thiis vaccine was only ever intended to be a stop gap anyway,until we had the chance to understand it better.
I'm o0ne of many immunosupppressed but was ok with this one.
You shouldn't ever have to excuse yourself,but there's a lot of very judgemental people out there
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Well my bf and his family are kicking me out of the house because I'm unvaccinated. Fortunately, I have somewhere to go. The NHS said they'd deny one of his family members a lifesaving medical treatment if she tests positive at any point. So I'm banished lol.

Of course I'm the only one being blamed when I still am not testing positive for covid and never have. No one in the house has covid. We take tests everyday. The NHS staff said they should kick me out of the house indefinitely as a precaution. Clown world.
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
Well my bf and his family are kicking me out of the house because I'm unvaccinated. Fortunately, I have somewhere to go. The NHS said they'd deny one of his family members a lifesaving medical treatment if she tests positive at any point. So I'm banished lol.

Of course I'm the only one being blamed when I still am not testing positive for covid and never have. No one in the house has covid. We take tests everyday. The NHS staff said they should kick me out of the house indefinitely as a precaution. Clown world.
There is a world of difference between those who would possibly become seriously ill and die and those who simply misunderstand the process and let fear control them.
for example, I'm petrified of getting shingles as i had VERY bad chicken pox. But the only available vaccine is an attenuated vaccine. So I can't get it. People are just very scared. i hope you can overcome this and will be ok
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Mar 28, 2021
I am so sorry you have been kicked out Kuri. It makes no sense. It sounds like you have taken every reasonable precaution possible, you are testing every day and you have valid reasons to be unvaccinated. The situation is such a farce.

I am disgusted that the NHS threatened to withhold lifesaving treatment from your boyfriend's relative. And recommended removing you! So much for being caring and compassionate towards vulnerable people, while they advise making a chronically ill individual potentially homeless. Disgraceful hypocrisy.

Protecting the high risk, vulnerable demographic is looking increasingly like a slogan in some countries - another soundbite for the politicians to circulate - not a reality. They didn't give a shit about the disabled and sick prior to the pandemic. That hasn't changed suddenly now.

I am glad you have somewhere to stay. Do you have a place to live long-term or is it short-term accommodation? I hope you have somewhere safe and secure. If there is anything you need or any way I can help, I will do so.

I am sorry this happened to you. Sending lots of hugs.
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
Well my bf and his family are kicking me out of the house because I'm unvaccinated. Fortunately, I have somewhere to go. The NHS said they'd deny one of his family members a lifesaving medical treatment if she tests positive at any point. So I'm banished lol.

Of course I'm the only one being blamed when I still am not testing positive for covid and never have. No one in the house has covid. We take tests everyday. The NHS staff said they should kick me out of the house indefinitely as a precaution. Clown world.

What?!? How can the NHS staff even make such a suggestion? To kick someone out of their home?! It's beyond outrageous.

So, what would happen to you, if you had nowhere to go? Go to a homeless shelter? Sleep on the streets?

Anyway, I'm glad you at least have a place to stay. (Hugs) ❤️
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Ancient of Mu-Mu
May 18, 2021
What?!? How can the NHS staff even make such a suggestion? To kick someone out of their home?! It's beyond outrageous.

So, what would happen to you, if you had nowhere to go? Go to a homeless shelter?

Anyway, I'm glad you at least have a place to stay. (Hugs) ❤️
The NHS????? There's barely anything left. And the welfare state won't be far behind. The safeguards here aren't what they once were. ATM, I see baliffs knocking at doors and yell to the people "Don't open the fucking door!"
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Sep 16, 2020
I jumped at it out of pressure that I was risking other people's safety but since the first one I can tell it's something to do with transhumanism because my phone is conne ting to my psyche all the more.
Families are turning on each other.
Some believe the vaccine can do more harm than good and feel they put their relatives at more risk with the having the jab and then sheeple family turn on them because they want their life like a soap opera just as they've been trained too.. It's a giant sick shit show and the suffering feeders are having a feast. We feed them our arse holes on a plate. It gets to a point where you lose empathy because how much worse does it have to get, how many people do you have to see destroyed before you wake up. F* Hope
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Apr 22, 2021
People love some politics to be hysterical and confrontative about. Makes them feel like they're fighting the good fight. And you're always served a fine topic to fight over. Market policies, health policies, immigration policies, public subsidy policies, military policies, whatever. After Covid passes there will be something else trendy.
Yup, that's the way, divide and conquer.
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Apr 28, 2020
Simply an outrage. I can't believe it was recommended to take you out of your house and even more that your boyfriend and his family decided to move forward with decision.
Glad you have a place to stay, you deserve comfortable and suitable accommodation. Hope it's a long term accommodation.

Kuri, please be alright.
I wish you the best of the best.
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