- Aug 18, 2020
- 5,682
So I met this woman from a dating app. She is a teacher. The first month we spent together was amazing. Arguably one of the best times in my life. After one month we met, got sort of intimate and she changed afterwards fundamentally. She got more and more abusive. Ignored my messages, insulted me in form of jokes, sort of gaslighted me one time. I am pretty sure she has borderline but does not know it. Therapists considered that for her.
I have once texted with a borderline woman with extremely abusive behavior. And I knew I don't want that. I clinged to that contact like my life depended on it. The damage this caused was severe.
I did not see a long future for us anyway. She wants kids so much and is 27. Moreover, most of her relationships did not last long.
I considered to text her that me and my therapist are pretty sure she has BPD. Tbh I think she needs to work on herself to fulfil her dream to adopt children. Tbh first I thought she would be a pretty good mom until her I met her abusive parts.
One month was amazing. Afterwards the game changed. I played it for 1,5 months longer. And it only got worse. Tbh I don't think she wants the contact anymore. And I wonder how often she has lied to me. There were some obvious lies. But maybe not everything was a life. By the way I have a female friend who has borderline and we get along well. But she is in therapy and self-aware that she has borderline. And we are not that close.
The rejection of the chemistry master student hit me way harder. I almost killed myself in the aftermath. My therapist was confused why I am not not acute suicidal now. Tbh I thought I fucked it up with the chemistry master student by being clingy. And I can see I made mistakes. Furthermore, prior to that an autistic woman rejected me. In the case of the BPD teacher I don't really see myself responsible for why it failed. I have some theories why she rejected me and her reasoning would be bogus. I asked her the theories and she denied everything.
I think one big reason why I am not that acute suicidal. It was a huge positive surprise that I met her. I thought dating apps were useless. I barerly had suicidal thoughts the first month. I did not think this would be possible.
I achieved some life goals even without paying a woman xD (yes I considered that seriously. I mean before I ctb). We held hands, kissed, hugged, saw us naked, did some/ a lot of sexual stuff, I touched her private parts and vice versa. However, we had no sex sadly.
The last time I texted her was the 20th March. I did not double text her as usual. I probably don't mean much to her anyway otherwise she would text me back. I hope I stay strong.
Two days ago I had a new match. She is 5 years younger than me though. Today we texted a couple of times. I think I am a texting addict. With the BPD woman I texted insanely much. I should have noticed the warning signs earlier. I said in a thread our lives merged. And this is exactly what happens with BPD people. I thought in love it might happen too. But I was blind. I think I did not want to realize it.
The new match did not reply anymore since some hours. Maybe the contact is already dead. I hope not. She is Syrian refugee but lives in Germany for many years. I absolutely don't mind that. However, maybe my dad who is pretty much of a racist.
In two weeks college starts. I don't want to endure that hell again. And I will be paranoid as fuck and ruin every chance to get a gf.
My plan was to get a stable relationship which might give me the power to make it through college. But this always was a pipe dream. I knew I never will be able to work, And if a woman finds that out she will leave me as soon as possible. However, the borderline woman was ambivalent on that.
Two semesters I have not had any courses. Tbh college almost drove me to commit suicide in October 2024. And I think if I continue it might achieve that. I get some money by an insurance and combined with welfare it might be enough to survive for me. It is the best chance I have. College was torture.
It will be awkward in my self-help group. At the start of the last semester this contributed to my suicidality. But fuck it what they or the society thinks about me.
I don't read that many threads about suicide anymore. I want to get rid of my suicide obsession as good as possible. Maybe I am only running away from my problems and one day I will have to kill myself. For example when my parents die. I think this could drive me to ctb pretty quickly. But for now I am able to run away.
I am also pretty happy I did not get herpes from the teacher lady. We kissed intensely. But I was so scared because she had herpes. Or even getting herpes on my genitalia. I think this could have made me pretty suicidal. And make me regret all of that. But gladly I did not get it. She had an outbreak two weeks before we met.
I have once texted with a borderline woman with extremely abusive behavior. And I knew I don't want that. I clinged to that contact like my life depended on it. The damage this caused was severe.
I did not see a long future for us anyway. She wants kids so much and is 27. Moreover, most of her relationships did not last long.
I considered to text her that me and my therapist are pretty sure she has BPD. Tbh I think she needs to work on herself to fulfil her dream to adopt children. Tbh first I thought she would be a pretty good mom until her I met her abusive parts.
One month was amazing. Afterwards the game changed. I played it for 1,5 months longer. And it only got worse. Tbh I don't think she wants the contact anymore. And I wonder how often she has lied to me. There were some obvious lies. But maybe not everything was a life. By the way I have a female friend who has borderline and we get along well. But she is in therapy and self-aware that she has borderline. And we are not that close.
The rejection of the chemistry master student hit me way harder. I almost killed myself in the aftermath. My therapist was confused why I am not not acute suicidal now. Tbh I thought I fucked it up with the chemistry master student by being clingy. And I can see I made mistakes. Furthermore, prior to that an autistic woman rejected me. In the case of the BPD teacher I don't really see myself responsible for why it failed. I have some theories why she rejected me and her reasoning would be bogus. I asked her the theories and she denied everything.
I think one big reason why I am not that acute suicidal. It was a huge positive surprise that I met her. I thought dating apps were useless. I barerly had suicidal thoughts the first month. I did not think this would be possible.
I achieved some life goals even without paying a woman xD (yes I considered that seriously. I mean before I ctb). We held hands, kissed, hugged, saw us naked, did some/ a lot of sexual stuff, I touched her private parts and vice versa. However, we had no sex sadly.
The last time I texted her was the 20th March. I did not double text her as usual. I probably don't mean much to her anyway otherwise she would text me back. I hope I stay strong.
Two days ago I had a new match. She is 5 years younger than me though. Today we texted a couple of times. I think I am a texting addict. With the BPD woman I texted insanely much. I should have noticed the warning signs earlier. I said in a thread our lives merged. And this is exactly what happens with BPD people. I thought in love it might happen too. But I was blind. I think I did not want to realize it.
The new match did not reply anymore since some hours. Maybe the contact is already dead. I hope not. She is Syrian refugee but lives in Germany for many years. I absolutely don't mind that. However, maybe my dad who is pretty much of a racist.
In two weeks college starts. I don't want to endure that hell again. And I will be paranoid as fuck and ruin every chance to get a gf.
My plan was to get a stable relationship which might give me the power to make it through college. But this always was a pipe dream. I knew I never will be able to work, And if a woman finds that out she will leave me as soon as possible. However, the borderline woman was ambivalent on that.
Two semesters I have not had any courses. Tbh college almost drove me to commit suicide in October 2024. And I think if I continue it might achieve that. I get some money by an insurance and combined with welfare it might be enough to survive for me. It is the best chance I have. College was torture.
It will be awkward in my self-help group. At the start of the last semester this contributed to my suicidality. But fuck it what they or the society thinks about me.
I don't read that many threads about suicide anymore. I want to get rid of my suicide obsession as good as possible. Maybe I am only running away from my problems and one day I will have to kill myself. For example when my parents die. I think this could drive me to ctb pretty quickly. But for now I am able to run away.
I am also pretty happy I did not get herpes from the teacher lady. We kissed intensely. But I was so scared because she had herpes. Or even getting herpes on my genitalia. I think this could have made me pretty suicidal. And make me regret all of that. But gladly I did not get it. She had an outbreak two weeks before we met.
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